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The Australian Deities and African Deities They are direct ancestors of people today.

taught the first people in making tools and
Objectives weapons and collected foods and introduced
laws and ceremonies. Ancestral beings may not
At the end of the lesson the reader should be appear in human form. It may be plants or
able to: animals.

● discuss the deities in Australia and 3. Totemic Beings

● contrast the beliefs of each tribes They represent the original form of an animal,
● and demonstrate the influence of plant, other object. The concept of totemic
environment to the beliefs of people. beings overlaps with ancestral and creation
Beings because totem beings may create
abundant species.

Australian Deities The Dream time

The religion of Aborigine people in Australia has The Aboriginal people often interpret their
gods and goddesses who created people and dreams as the memories of things that
the environment at the beginning of time. Each happened in the Creation Period. The linkage of
tribe believes in different deities often dreams to creation time led to the term ‘Dream
represented in tangible forms such as Time’.
landscape, plant, or animal form.
Dream time was way back at the very beginning.
Aboriginal people do not believe in Animism, a Land and people were created by ancestors. It is
belief that all natural objects possess a soul. believed that they are animal-spirits. North
They might believe that an object was created people think they are huge snakes. While others
by a deity in the creation period. They believe believed it’s the Wanadjina who created the
that animals and plants are interchangeable world. The Dream Time is the foundation of
with human life through reincarnation of soul. Aboriginal religion and culture originated
Animals and plants were believed to be once 65,000 years ago.
Australian Gods
Stories are passed on orally and through virtual.
Aboriginal deities have many rules and no single 1. Altjira
description and fall in three categories.
One of the ancient beings created the world
Three main categories of deities during Dream Time. He is the father of Aranda,
a central Australian tribe. He’s the one who
1. Creation Beings shape the world but does not want to be
involved in human affairs and he went in the
They are involved in the creation of people, sky. He has an emu feet and a human form. His
landscape, and aspects of the environment. children and wife got canine feet. In Aboriginal
language his name means ‘him who non made’.
2. Ancestral Beings
4. Eingana

2. Julunggul She is an enormous snake and a main creator.

She was pregnant with many animal creatures
She is also known as Rainbow Serpent, one of but unable to give birth because she had no
the creators in Dream time. She came down vagina. Another god saw her condition and
from heaven with water and taught conduct to speared her that made children a way out. After
human race. She can be a destructive force that, all animals and humans are able to give
when angry. birth.

5. Yhi
3. Marmoo
A goddess of light and brought light to the world
as she opened her eyes. Earth was covered with
He is the evil force who desire to wreck havoc in
green things and she made bees and butterflies
the beautiful world. He made insects and
as she wanted to see dancing creatures. She
crashing things but countered by the creation of
gave them wings and limbs as they can’t move.
bird by goddess Nungeena. He tried to
Her last major act was to create a companion to
convinced the birds to just sing instead of
building nest.
8. Baiame

He taught humans how everything works and

believes in controlling things. Baiame has
weather forecasting, hunting and fishing skills.
He invented the stone fish trap.

9. Mamaragan

He speaks with a thunder booming voice. He

rides ion vast black storm cloud in the sky
throwing bolt lightning down to Earth.
6. Wandjina

Ha came down from the Milky Way during

Dreamtime and created the earth and all

10. Adno-Artina

Known as Lizard Spirit God of Uluru or Ayers

7. Lumaluma Rock.

He is the god of gluttony and gatecrashing. African Deities

When it comes to food he took more than his
share. He declared himself sacred so he’s the African mythology stretches across African
only one who can eat. People stop inviting him cultures. Religious beliefs directly affect human
but he turns out anyway. Lumaluma became life. Africans do not have a unified belief about a
partial to eating dead children so people killed supreme god. Diversity made religions classified
him. Rumors say he didn’t die at all but returned into smaller ones.
to sea as a whale.
Yoruba people in West Africa

Yoruba people believe in an omnipotent sky god

looking over all things on Earth. It takes the
form of Olodumare also known as Olorun, a
celestial being that goes through boundaries of
space, time, gender, and dimensions. Yoruba
people do not have any dedicated shrines or humans will do with their weapons. The destiny
places to worship him. It is because of his of weapons is left in the hands of humans.
distance to humans that detached him from
their daily affairs.

One point in time he was close to Earth. But the

daily needs of humans frustrated him and went
away from Earth. Olorun controlled the world
from a cosmic distance. He thought about the
need to create Orishas. Orishas are the
emissaries of his power and will that have
unique functions ensuring order on Earth.

Pantheon of Orsihas
3. Shango (The Bringer of Thunder)
There isn’t an exact number of Orishas but it
might goes up to 1440 Shango directs the directions of thunder and
lightning depending on the happenings in the
1. Eshun (The Divine Trickster) world. His authoritative power symbolizes
masculinity. He has three wives – Oshun, Oya,
Known as Elegba, he is a benevolent version of and Oba.
Loki in African mythology. He is not seen as
spirit who will destroy humanity through tricks.
He has a position as a messenger between
realms of spirits and humankind. Sacrifices of
resources like tobacco are required by him to
ensure constant appeasement and protection of
human beings.

4. Oshun (The Mother of Rivers)

She is attributed to bring the lifeblood of the

Niger River. Oshun is the favorite wife of
Shango. Her blessings ensure water cleanliness
and plenty of fishes that made her associated
with fertility and childbirth.

2. Ogun (Master of Iron)

He is the giver of iron in Orisha Pantheon

dubbed as Warrior God of War. Ogun oversees
metalwork and conflict arising in Yoruba people.
However, he does not interfere with what
5. Obatala (King of Peace) 8. Yemonja (The Whisper of Ocean)

He is the master behind shaping every child She not only controls but also radiates power of
when they are in the womb. Obatala practices a compassion and love. Seas sustains life that
specific approach to humankind by taking deep seals her importance as a motherly figure in the
care of their psychology while having justice. pantheon.

6. Oya (Goddess of Weather)

9. Orunmila (Oracle of Wisdom)
The direct caterer of Shango’s will. Weather is
unpredictable and it associates her as goddess The Orisha of knowledge, omniscience, and
of change. wisdom, and the embodiment of destiny. He
holds power over knowledge including
information, intuition, and instinct..

7. Obaluaye (Master of Healing)

10. Oba (The flow of river)
He is the Orisha of healing and miracles. He can
curse quickly as he can heal. His healing powers The Orisha of water and manifestation linked to
range from skin diseases to epidemics. jealousy. Driven by desire to be Shango’s
favorite wife, she followed the lie advice of
Oshun on what she did to be favorite of Shango.
Oba did it by cutting her ear and putting in
Shango’s food. Shango found the ear and exiled
her. Oba became a river that intersects the Osun
river that symbolizes long rivalry between the 2. Isis
two wives..
The goddess of Moon, protector of women and
children, and healer of the sick. She is the most
important goddess in Ancient Egypt until the
end of civilization.

Egyptian Deities

Over the centuries Egypt worshiped hundreds of 3. Horus

gods and goddesses. These gods are found in
the legends and lots of infrastructures are built Depicted as a falcon headed man and the god of
dedicated to them. the sky and war. He avenge his father against his
uncle Set and became the king of Egypt. Horus
Ancient Egypt Famous Deities lost his eye in the conflict.

1. Osiris

The god of the underworld that symbolizes

death and resurrection. He was responsible for
the cyclical annual flooding in the Nile that is
crucial to the agriculture of Egypt civilization.
His brother Set killed him and he got
resurrected by his wife Isis. They have a son
named Horus and Osiris permanently returned
to the underworld. 4. Set

He murdered his brother out of jealousy. Set is

the god of chaos, violence, deserts, and storms.
7. Ptah

5. Sobek The most important god among the three gods

in the Triad of Memphis. The other two were his
Depicted as a crocodile headed man. Sobek was wife Sekhmet and son Nefertum. Ptah is the god
believed to have created the Nile river from his of craftsmen and builders while he is the god of
sweat when helping Ra create the world. darkness to others.

8. Hathor
6. Ra
Depicted as a cow or a woman with a head of a
The most important god or the Creator god. Ra
cow. She is the goddess of motherhood and
created earth, heaven, and the underworld.
Even the gods and living creatures in it. Ra
sailed across the sky during the day carrying
sun. Then spent the evening traveling the
underworld and bringing the sun up the next
morning. Egypt pharaohs tried to convince
people they were the personification of Ra on

9. Anubis

A god with a head of jackals and often

associated with death and afterlife. He is the
protector of the graves.
Zulu Religion

Zulu has numerous deities associated with

animals and natural phenomena. Unkulunkulu is
their highest god and creator of humanity. He
was created in Umhlanga, a marsh where
humanity comes from.

Gods of Zulu

1. Nomkhubulwane
10. Geb
Her name means ‘she who chooses the state of
The god of earth and father of snakes. He is the an animal’ and is also known as Mbaba Mwana
father of Osiris, Isis, and Set. Geb is depicted Waresa. She is the fertility goddess who rules
with a goose on his head and his laugh would over rainbows, agriculture, rain and beer. She
cause earthquakes across the world. taught people in sowing and reaping as well in
making beer.

2. uNgungi

The deity of blacksmiths.

3. iNyanga

The moon goddess.

4. Ukhulukhulwana

Ancestor who came from stars and found Zulu

11. Nut
people living like animals with no laws. He
taught them to build huts and the laws.
Wife of geb and mother of Osiris, Isis, and Set.
She is the goddess of sky and portrayed as a
woman with an arched body of stars.
Igbo religion

Igbo people are an ethnic group in Nigeria. Also

some are found in Cameroon, Gabon, and
Equatorial Guinea.

1. Chukwu (Chi Ukwu)

The name means ‘the great spirit’. Igbo believes

Chukwu as an all-powerful, all-knowing divinity,
the maker of cosmos. He is not believed to have
human form. Igbo thinks he live in the sky
associated with the sun. The sun is believed to References
be God’s eye on Earth.
Aboriginal Culture (n.d.). Aboriginal Religion.
2. Ala
She is a goddess associated with the moon. Ala
is in charge of conserving the creation and
enforcing the law created by Chukwu. Igbo Godchecker (n.d.). The Australian Aboriginal
people regarded her as the mother of all crops. Pantheon.
3. Agbula mythology/pantheon/

The priestess of Ala. She leads community

Bromley B. (n.d.). On the go tours blog. Egyptian
rituals for Ala and punishes immoral acts such
Mythology: 12 of the Most Important Egyptian God.
as murder, witchcraft, and perjury.
4. Mbari s-of-egyptian-mythology/

The divine guardian of ritual form.

Wikipedia (n.d.). Zulu Traditional
5. Amadioha
He is the god of thunder and lightning or the
owner of the sky. Amadioha is presumed to be a Kabir S.F. (2002). History Cooperative. 12 African
gentle deity but gets violent when provoked. Gods and Goddesses: Orsiha Pantheon.
White ram is the preferred sacrifice to him
because his favorite color is white. ddesses/

6. Agwu

The trickster god of Igbo. He is capable of

causing confusion in the mind of the clearest
reasoner. But he can also clarify if it’s caused by
ignorance or evil deeds of humans.

11. Ekwensu

The evil Igbo spirit. People possessed by him

can do evil acts.

Prepared by
Randolf Surca

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