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Historical Background

P1. The oldest surviving Germanic epic, Beowulf, was written in Old English and is one of the four
remaining Anglo-Saxon manuscripts. Although an anonymous English writer composed Beowulf in
Old English, the story is set in the region of Scandinavia from which Germanic tribes migrated to
England. Beowulf hails from Geatland, located in the southeastern part of present-day Sweden.
Hrothgar, the king of the Danes, resides near what is now Leire, on Zealand, the largest island of
Denmark. The Beowulf epic consists of three major narratives centered around Beowulf, as well as
several smaller stories that reflect the abundant Germanic oral tradition of myths, legends, and

P2. The warriors in Beowulf exhibit characteristics that belong to both the Bronze Age and the Iron
Age. Their mead-halls depict the opulent lifestyle of the Bronze Age Norsemen, while their weaponry,
such as wooden shields, spears with wooden shafts, and swords with bronze hilts, reflects that of
Bronze Age warriors. However, they also possess iron-tipped spears and their finest swords feature
iron or iron-edged blades. Beowulf even acquires an iron shield for his battle against a dragon. The
transition from bronze to iron occurred because iron blades offered greater strength and sharpness.
The Norsemen acquired the knowledge of iron forging around 500 BC. While they were already adept
at working with bronze, it was the Celts who taught them the techniques of iron craftsmanship and
design. Iron was readily available throughout Scandinavia, primarily in the form of "bog-iron" found
within the layers of peat in peat bogs.

P3. The epic poem Beowulf provides insights into the lives of the Anglo-Saxons who resided in
England during the era of the unknown Beowulf poet. Between approximately 450 and 600 AD,
Germanic tribes like the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes invaded England. By the time of the Beowulf poet,
Anglo-Saxon society in England had evolved beyond a primitive and uncultured state. A

P4. Although the Beowulf manuscript dates back to approximately 1000 AD, it remained undiscovered
until the 17th century. B Scholars are uncertain whether Beowulf is the sole surviving epic from a
thriving period of Anglo-Saxon literature that produced other remarkable epics or if it was unique even
during its own time. C Many experts believe that the epic was likely composed between the late 7th
and early 9th centuries. According to this theory, the original manuscript probably became lost during
the Viking invasions of Anglia in the 9th century. These invasions, led by the Danes, resulted in the
destruction of Anglo-Saxon monasteries and their extensive libraries. However, some scholars argue
that the poet's favorable portrayal of the Danes suggests that the composition of the epic occurred
after the Viking invasions, specifically around the beginning of the 11th century when the existing
Beowulf manuscript was written.

P5. The identity of the Beowulf poet remains ambiguous. D He apparently was a Christian who held
a deep appreciation for the pagan heroic tradition of his forefathers. He skillfully merged the values of
the pagan hero with the Christian values of his contemporary society. Considering the use of the
Anglian dialect, it is likely that the poet was either a monk residing in a monastery or a poet
associated with an Anglo-Saxon court situated north of the Thames River.
Appeal and Value
P6. Beowulf captivates contemporary readers for various compelling reasons. Firstly, it stands out as
an exceptional adventure story. The characters of Grendel, Grendel's mother, and the dragon are
vivid and captivating, and each battle is distinct, filled with action, and highly thrilling. Secondly,
Beowulf himself emerges as an immensely appealing hero. He embodies the epitome of a warrior,
possessing extraordinary strength, skill, courage, and unwavering loyalty. Similar to Hercules, he
dedicates his life to creating a safer world and willingly faces death to aid others, facing his own
mortality with heroism and grace. Thirdly, the Beowulf poet delves into the psychological aspects of
human behavior, adding depth to the narrative. For instance, the Danish hero's welcoming speech
reveals his underlying jealousy towards Beowulf, offering insights into his character. The behavior of
Beowulf's own warriors during the battle with the dragon exposes their cowardice, highlighting the
complexities of human nature. Beowulf's own attitudes towards heroism demonstrate his maturity and
wisdom gained through experience, while King Hrothgar's outlook on life reflects the perspective of an
aged nobleman who has lived through numerous experiences.
P7. Lastly, the Beowulf poet exhibits a mature understanding of the fleeting nature of human
existence and accomplishments. Similar to other renowned epics across various cultures, Beowulf
portrays a hero who must forge a purposeful life in a world filled with danger and indifference. The
hero must come to terms with the certainty of death. He chooses to reject despair and embraces a
sense of pride in himself and his achievements, placing value on meaningful human connections and

Instructions: Read the questions carefully. Circle the best answer.

1. According to paragraph 1, which of the following is true about Beowulf?

a. It is the only manuscript from the Anglo-Saxon period.
b. The original story was written in a German dialect.
c. The author did not sign his name to the poem.
d. It is one of several epics from the first century.

2. The word major in the passage is closest in meaning to:

a. basic
b. principal
c. distinct
d. current

3. Why does the author mention “bog-iron” in paragraph 2?

a. To demonstrate the availability of iron in Scandinavia
b. To prove that iron was better than bronze for weapons
c. To argue that the Celts provided the materials to make iron
d. To suggest that 500 B.C was the date that the Iron Age began
4. Which of the sentences below best expresses the information in the highlighted statement in
the passage? The other choices change the meaning or leave out important information.
a. Society in Anglo-Saxon English was both advanced and cultured.
b. The society of the Anglo-Saxons was not primitive or cultured.
c. The Anglo-Saxons had a society that was primitive, not cultured.
d. England during the Anglo-Saxon society was advanced, not cultured.

5. The word unique in the passage is closest in meaning to:

a. old
b. rare
c. perfect
d. weak

6. According to paragraph 4, why do many scholars believe that the original manuscript for
Beowulf was lost?
a. Because it is not like other manuscripts
b. Because many libraries were burned
c. Because the Danes were allies of the Anglo-Saxons
d. Because no copies were found in monasteries

7. In paragraph 4, the author suggest that Beowulf was discovered in which century?
a. first century
b. ninth century
c. eleventh century
d. seventeenth century

8. Why does the author of this passage use the word “apparently” in paragraph 5?
a. He is not certain that the author of Beowulf was a Christian.
b. He is mentioning facts that are obvious to the readers.
c. He is giving an example from a historical reference.
d. He is introducing evidence about the author of Beowulf.

9. Why did the author compare the Beowulf character to Hercules?

a. They are both examples of the ideal hero.
b. Their adventures with a dragon are very similar.
c. The speeches that they make are inspiring.
d. They lived at about the same time.
10. The word exhibits in the passage is closest in meaning to:
a. creates
b. demonstrates
c. assumes
d. terminates

11. The word reject in the passage is closest in meaning to:

a. manage
b. evaluate
c. refuse
d. confront

12. Look at the four squares that show where the following sentence could be inserted in the
Moreover, they disagree as to whether this Beowulf is a copy of an earlier manuscript.
Where could the sentence best be added?

13. Directions: An introduction for a short summary of the passage appears below. Complete the
summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that mention the most important points in
the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that
are not included in the passage or are minor points from the passage.
This question is worth 3 points.

Beowulf is the oldest Anglo-Saxon epic poem that has survived to the present day.

Answer Choices

A. The Northmen were adept in crafting tools and D. The poem chronicles life in Anglo-Saxon
weapons made of bronze, but the Celts were society during the Bronze and Iron Ages when
superior in designing and working in iron. Germanic tribes were invading England.

B. In the Viking invasions of England, the Danish E. Although Beowulf was written by an
armies destroyed monasteries, some of which anonymous poet, probably a Christian, about A.D
contained extensive. 1000, it was not found until the seventeenth

C. King Hrothgar and Beowulf become friends at F. Beowulf is still interesting because it has
the end of their lives, after having spent engaging characters, an adventurous plot, and an
decades opposing each other on the appreciation for human behavior and
battlefield. relationships.
Summarize what you have understood about the passage from your reading test.
This writing is worth 15 points.




















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