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Name: John Lloyd M.

Year and Block: BPED - 2A


1. Attributional Style Questionnaire:

2. What is the role of motivation in goal settings?

Motivation is a central driving force in the goal-setting process. It influences goal

selection, commitment, perseverance, and ultimately, the achievement of desired
outcomes. Motivation enhances an individual's focus, determination, and adaptability,
ensuring that they remain engaged and proactive throughout their journey towards
success. Recognizing the intricate relationship between motivation and goal setting can
empower individuals to cultivate and harness their motivational factors to turn
aspirations into accomplishments.

3. Difference between cognitive psychology and organizational psychology?

The two distinct subfields of psychology known as cognitive and organizational

psychology each concentrate on various facets of human thought and behavior.

Cognitive psychology is concerned with understanding how humans think, perceive,

remember, and learn. It mainly focuses on mental functions like focus, memory,
problem-solving, choice-making, language use, and reasoning.

Organizational psychology is concerned with analyzing how people behave in the

context of companies and the workplace. To enhance organizational effectiveness,
worker happiness, and general wellbeing, it looks at a variety of elements that have an
impact on both people and groups at work.

4. What motivates people to take part in risky sports?

A special combination of thrill, challenge, and personal growth is frequently what

draws people to engage in risky sports. It is difficult to reproduce the adrenaline-fueled
excitement that comes from pushing one's boundaries and overcoming phobias in daily
life. These sports provide a venue to demonstrate one's bravery and tenacity,
encouraging a sense of accomplishment and promoting self-confidence. Furthermore,
these groups foster strong social ties through their camaraderie and shared
experiences. Despite the hazards, enthusiasts are driven by the possibility of self-
discovery, the gratification of mastering a difficult activity, and the opportunity to live a
life different from the norm.
5. Create 3 goals in sports using (SMART Approach)

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