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Original Article

Early Simultaneous Cross Facial Nerve Graft and
Masseteric Nerve Transfer for Facial Paralysis after
Tumor Resection
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Amanda R. Sergesketter, MD*

Ronnie L. Shammas, MD* Background: We describe a new approach for facial reanimation after skull base
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Lisa A. Massa, PT, WCS† tumor resection with known facial nerve sacrifice, involving simultaneous masseter
Brett T. Phillips, MD, MBA* nerve transfer with selective cross facial nerve grafting (CFNG) within days after
Jeffrey R. Marcus, MD* tumor surgery. This preliminary study compared outcomes of this approach versus
a staged procedure involving a masseter nerve “babysitter” performed in a delayed
Methods: Patients undergoing masseter nerve transfer and CFNG for facial
paralysis after skull base tumor resection were consented to participate in video
interviews. Facial Clinimetric Evaluation (FaCE) Scale (0–100) patient-reported
outcome, eFACE, and Facial Grading Scale scores were compared.
Results: Nine patients had unilateral facial paralysis from resection of a schwan-
noma (56%), acoustic neuroma (33%), or vascular malformation (11%). Five
underwent early simultaneous CFNG and masseter nerve transfer (mean 3.6 days
after resection), whereas four underwent two-stage reanimation including a baby-
sitter procedure (mean 218 days after resection). Postoperative FaCE scale and
Facial Grading Scale scores were similar in both groups (P > 0.05). Postoperative
mean eFACE scores were similar for both groups for smile (early: 71.5 versus
delayed: 75.5; P = 0.08), static (76.3 versus 82.1; P = 0.32), and dynamic scores (59.7
versus 64.9; P = 0.19); however, synkinesis scores were inferior in the early group
(76.4 versus 91.1; P = 0.04).
Conclusions: Early simultaneous masseter nerve transfer and CFNG provides
reanimated movement sooner and in fewer stages than a staged approach in a
delayed timeline. The early technique appears to result in similar clinician- and
patient-reported outcomes compared with delayed procedures; however, in
this preliminary study, the early approach was associated with greater synkine-
sis, meriting further investigation. (Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open 2023; 11:e4869;
doi: 10.1097/GOX.0000000000004869; Published online 10 March 2023.)

INTRODUCTION quality of life in patients with congenital or acquired

Facial paralysis is associated with functional, aesthetic, facial palsy.1–5 Five percent of facial paralysis cases stem
and social disability with implications for worsened from intracranial tumor resection, which may require
sacrifice of the facial nerve and thereby necessitate facial
reanimation procedures for restoration of symmetry
From the *Division of Plastic, Oral, and Maxillofacial Surgery, and mimetic function.6 After tumor extirpation, facial
Duke University, Durham, N.C.; and †Duke Department of reanimation has been associated with improvements in
Physical & Occupational Therapy, Durham, N.C. dynamic function, symmetry, psychologic well-being, and
Received for publication November 30, 2022; accepted January 27, social interaction.6,7 However, debate continues regarding
2023. the optimum approach and timing of reanimation in this
Presented at ASRM 2021, Carlsbad, California.
The cross facial nerve graft was first described after
Drs. Phillips and Marcus contributed equally to this work. intracranial tumor resection in 1971.8 More recently,
Copyright © 2023 The Authors. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, combined techniques using cross facial nerve grafts with
Inc. on behalf of The American Society of Plastic Surgeons. This secondary motor sources such as hypoglossal or masseter
is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative nerve “babysitters” have been introduced to overcome
Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives License 4.0
(CCBY-NC-ND), where it is permissible to download and share the
work provided it is properly cited. The work cannot be changed in
Disclosure: The authors have no financial interest in rela-
any way or used commercially without permission from the journal.
tion to the content of this article.
DOI: 10.1097/GOX.0000000000004869 1
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the prolonged denervation time of cross facial nerve

grafting alone. These combinations prevent atrophy Takeaways
of the native facial muscles and improve power via the Question: Can facial reanimation after skull base tumor
secondary motor source.9,10 Compared with hypoglos- resection be performed days within tumor surgery with
sal transfers, masseter nerve transfers have been shown simultaneous masseter nerve transfer with selective cross
to result in less synkinesis,11 and combined cross facial facial nerve grafting (CFNG)?
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nerve grafts and masseter transfers have been shown to Findings: Early simultaneous masseter nerve transfer and
lead to favorable functional outcomes, spontaneity, and CFNG provides reanimated movement sooner and in
symmetry after tumor resection.10 However, previously, fewer stages than a staged approach. The early technique
techniques involving simultaneous masseter nerve trans- appears to result in similar clinician- and patient-reported
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fer and cross facial nerve grafting have been performed outcomes compared to delayed procedures.
in a delayed setting.10,12
Meaning: Early simultaenous approaches to facial reani-
Prolonged denervation time has been associated with
mation after skull base tumor resection may result in simi-
inferior outcomes following facial reanimation.6,13 When
lar outcomes, but larger studies are needed.
performing dual source reanimation in a delayed fash-
ion, the targets of the cross facial grafts may not receive
a motor signal for 6 months or more added to denerva- Facial Grading Scale17 (FGS) scores were collected by
tion time from tumor resection because the coaptations facial paralysis physical therapists during routine post-
on the paralyzed side are done downstream to the masse- operative therapy appointments. Finally, retrospective
ter transfer. In addition, the coaptations on the paralyzed chart review was performed for variables, including age,
side cannot be done with selectivity because the native tumor pathology, laterality, dates of initial resection and
facial muscles cannot be stimulated. To address these reanimation, operative time, and secondary procedures
limitations, the senior author (J.R.M.) instituted an early performed after reanimation.
simultaneous nerve transfer technique for patients with
known facial nerve sacrifice following skull base tumor New “Early Simultaneous” Technique
resection. The approach involves one-stage masseter The senior author developed an “early simultaneous”
nerve transfer and cross facial nerve grafting during the approach to combined cross facial nerve grafting and
same hospital admission as tumor resection. Within this masseter transfer, performed in a single stage 3–5 days
time frame, the native facial muscles are often stimulable following resection. These procedures are performed
for several days after denervation, enabling selectivity at 3–5 days after and not immediately at the time of extirpa-
the time of coaptation. Before the availability of this tech- tion surgery given that the complete facial nerve loss is
nique, patients underwent a two-stage approach using unplanned, and this period allows for patient counseling
the masseter nerve as a babysitter with coaptation of the and consent regarding the procedure as well as coordi-
cross facial nerve grafts on the paralyzed side once the nation for additional lengthy surgery position changes.
babysitter resulted in function and stimulability. The aim Briefly, a sural nerve harvest is performed in prone posi-
of this study was to describe this early technique, and to tion to obtain maximal length sufficient for two cross
compare patient- and clinician-graded outcomes between facial grafts. After position change, exposure of the facial
both approaches. nerve on the paralyzed and nonparalyzed sides are per-
formed via a modified facelift approach. On the nonpara-
lyzed side, the native facial nerve is stimulated to identify
METHODS specific branches to provide (1) smile and (2) eyelid clo-
After institutional review board approval, patients sure. Two cross facial nerve graft strands are coapted end-
with facial paralysis after intracranial tumor resection to-end to the selected donor branches. On the paralyzed
undergoing facial reanimation at Duke University from side, two branches of the facial nerve are also selected as
2017 to 2020 were reviewed. Patients were excluded targets to recapitulate smile and eye closure similarly to
who underwent free muscle transfer and had less than contralateral donor branches. For target nerve selection,
12 months of follow-up. Patients with pre-existing facial Checkpoint (Checkpoint Surgical Inc., Independence,
weakness at the time of tumor resection were not con- OH) (0.5–20 mA), Neurosign 100 (Neurosign, Newport,
sidered candidates for the early approach described. United Kingdom) (0.5–5 mA), and Radionics (type 433-
Eligible patients were contacted by phone and consented A) (Radionics, Inc., Burlington, MA) (0–100 Volts) nerve
to participate. Consented participants were emailed stimulators are used. In most instances, when performed
a link to complete the Facial Clinimetric Evaluation early after tumor resection, the paralyzed facial nerve
(FaCE) scale patient-reported outcome instrument,14 branches remain stimulable. The two cross facial nerve
and recorded video interviews were scheduled with grafts are coapted end-to-end to the identified targets.
patients via WebEx (Cisco Systems, San Jose, CA). The The masseter nerve is identified according to the tech-
eFACE clinician-graded tool was used to score video nique described by the senior author.18 The masseter
interviews and to score existing videos collected pre- and nerve to facial nerve transfer is performed end-to-end by
postoperatively by clinicians.15,16 All videos were scored coapting the distal masseter nerve branch of the trigemi-
by two independent clinicians (A.R.S. and B.T.P.), and nal nerve to the selected site of the proximal facial nerve
weighted averages were used for analyses. Sunnybrook (Fig. 1).

Sergesketter et al • Early Facial Reanimation after Tumor Resection
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Fig. 1. “Early simultaneous” technique. AP view (A) and lateral view (B) of the technique involving coaptation of CFNG on nonparalyzed
(left) and paralyzed (right) sides with concurrent masseteric nerve transfer in a single stage. This approach is typically performed the
week following tumor resection.

“Delayed Babysitter” Technique is performed, where it serves as a “babysitter.” The facial

The initial steps for “delayed babysitter” approaches nerve in these cases is not stimulable, and the color-
are the same, including sural nerve harvest, facial nerve coded ends of the cross facial grafts are left in anatomic
exposure, masseter nerve transfer on the paralyzed side, proximity to presumed targets based on patterns on the
and identification of two donor branches on the non- nonparalyzed side. The second stage is performed once
paralyzed side for smile and eye closure. The two cross clinically significant return of facial movement has been
facial nerve grafts are coapted end-to-end to the selected observed from the masseter nerve transfer. The incision is
donor facial nerve branches and tunneled to the para- reopened, and the prior cross facial nerve grafts are iden-
lyzed side across the anterior maxilla in the preperiosteal tified. The facial nerve is stimulated and dissected distally
plane below the piriform and anterior nasal spine. The to identify ideal targets for smile and eye closure. External
distal ends of the grafts are tagged with color-coded silas- neurolysis is performed to dissect the prior cross facial
tic markers denoting the function of the graft based on grafts from scar tissue, and the two cross facial nerve grafts
its associated donor branch. The masseter nerve transfer are coapted end-to-end to the target branches (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. “Delayed babysitter” technique. AP view (A) and lateral view (B) of technique involving delayed coaptation of CFNG on nonpara-
lyzed side with concurrent masseteric nerve transfer in the first stage, with tunneling of the distal ends of the CFNG to the paralyzed
side. The second stage procedure is shown in the magnified circles in Figure 2A, involving selective coaptation of CFNG distal stump
on the paralyzed side to branches for eye closure and smile.

PRS Global Open • 2023

Table 1. Demographics, Tumor Characteristics, and Secondary Procedures by CFNG Timing

Early Simultaneous Delayed Babysitter
(n = 5) (n = 4) P
Age, mean (SD) 45.4 (17.3) 36.0 (14.9) 0.42
Pathology, n (%) 0.17
 Schwannoma 4 (80.0%) 1 (25.0%)
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 Acoustic neuroma 1 (20.0%) 2 (50.0%)

 Vascular malformation 0 (0%) 1 (25.0%)
Laterality, n (%) 0.29
 Right 2 (40.0%) 3 (75.0%)
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 Left 3 (60.0%) 1 (25.0%)

Time from resection to reanimation, d, mean (SD) 3.6 (2.2) 218.3 (66.0) <0.001
Operative time – index reanimation surgery (min), mean (SD) 474.8 (48.2) 414.5 (7.9) 0.04
Operative time – second stage reanimation surgery (min), mean (SD) — 158.8 (20.0)
Total operative time (min), mean (SD) 474.8 (18.0) 573.3 (26.2) 0.008
Secondary procedures after reanimation
 Functional botox, n (%) 3 (60.0%) 2 (50.0%) 0.76
 Platinum weight placement, n (%) 4 (80.0%) 1 (25.0%) 0.10
 Ectropion repair, n (%) 3 (60.0%) 3 (75.0%) 0.63

Statistical Analysis and Figure  3. Composite scores for Smile, Static, and
Demographic and clinical characteristics were sum- Dynamic subsections improved postoperatively for both
marized with numbers and percentages for categorical cohorts, with Synkinesis scores worsening after reanima-
variables and mean (SD) for continuous variables. Scaled tion. Comparing postoperative scores obtained more than
(0–100) eFACE, FaCE Scale, and Facial Grading System 12 months after reanimation, there was no significant
scores were calculated as appropriate for each respective difference between the cohorts in postoperative mean
instrument14–17 and used for all comparisons. For all scales, eFACE Smile (early versus delayed) (71.5 versus 75.5; P =
calculated scores for each domain range from 0 (severe 0.08), static (76.3 versus 82.1; P = 0.32), or dynamic scores
dysfunction) and 100 (normal function). Differences (59.7 versus 64.9; P = 0.19). Synkinesis scores were worse
between techniques were tested using the chi-square test among those undergoing early simultaneous approaches
for categorical variables, and the analysis of variance or (early, 76.4 versus delayed, 91.1; P = 0.04; Fig. 3).
Kruskal-Wallis test for continuous variables, as appropri- FGS scores obtained from physical therapists at post-
ate. A P value less than 0.05 was considered significant, operative therapy visits were then compared (Table 3 and
with no adjustments made for multiple comparisons. Fig. 4). FGS scores overall improved from the first to the
Data analysis was performed with JMP, version 13 (SAS
Institute Inc., Cary, N.C.) or Graph-Pad Prism, version 8.0
Table 2. eFACE Clinician-graded Scores Obtained Preresec-
(GraphPad Software, Inc., La Jolla, Ca.).
tion, Postresection, and Postreanimation
Early Delayed
Simultaneous Babysitter
RESULTS eFACE Subsection (n = 5) (n = 4) P
Of the 15 eligible patients, nine met study inclusion cri-
Smile score, mean (SD)
teria and consented to participate. Five patients underwent
 Preresection 82.6 (6.7) 61.3 (6.7)
an early simultaneous approach, whereas four underwent  Postresection 51.4 (12.5) 49.3 (2.4)
delayed babysitter approaches. Demographics and clinical  Post-one stage — 68 (1.4)
characteristics are shown in Table  1. Patients underwent  Postoperative 71.5 (2.1) 75.5 (3.7) 0.08
reanimation for acquired unilateral facial paralysis resulting Static score, mean (SD)
from resection of a schwannoma (56%), acoustic neuroma  Preresection 84.5 (4.8) 70 (4.8)
(33%), or vascular malformation (11%). Demographic and  Postresection 50.0 (11.2) 63.5 (10.6)
clinical characteristics were similar between both techniques,  Post-one stage — 64.3 (3.9)
including mean (SD) age [early: 45.4 (17.3) years; range:  Postoperative 76.3 (8.3) 82.1 (8.0) 0.32
20–61 years versus delayed: 36.0 (14.9); range 18–54 years; P = Dynamic score, mean (SD)
0.42], tumor pathology (P = 0.17), and laterality (P = 0.29).  Preresection 73.5 (15.1) 35 (18.4)
Additionally, occurrence of secondary procedures  Postresection 33.4 (14.2) 14.7 (2.6)
after reanimation were similar, including platinum weight  Post-one stage — 55.8 (1.8)
placement, functional Botox, and lower lid suspension (all  Postoperative 59.7 (5.3) 64.7 (2.4) 0.19
P > 0.05). By design, patients undergoing early approaches Synkinesis score, mean (SD)
had a significantly lower mean time from resection to  Preresection 97.4 (5.8) 93.5 (5.8)
reanimation (3.6 versus 218.3 days; P < 0.001; Table 1).  Postresection 89.5 (15.3) 94.0 (12.1)
 Post-one stage — 94 (3.5)
Clinician-graded eFACE scores for the Smile, Static,
 Postoperative 76.4 (10.2) 91.1 (6.4) 0.04
Dynamic, and Synkinesis subsections are shown in Table 2

Sergesketter et al • Early Facial Reanimation after Tumor Resection
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Fig. 3. eFACE scores for total smile, static, dynamic, and synkinesis obtained preresection, postresection, and postreanimation.

Table 3. Facial Grading Scale Scored by Facial Paralysis Table 4. FaCE Scale Patient-reported Outcome Instrument
Physical Therapists at Postoperative Therapy Visits (n = 9) Subsections between Early and Delayed Groups (n = 9)
Early Delayed Early
Facial Grading Scale Simultaneous Babysitter Simultane- Delayed
Composite Score (n = 5) (n = 4) P ous Babysitter
FaCE Scale Subsection (n = 5) (n = 4) P
First postoperative, 46.6 (12.8) 41.4 (6.5) 0.44
mean (SD) Total score, mean (SD) 59.7 (5.8) 52.2 (17.8) 0.40
Last postoperative, 75 (10.7) 66.2 (11.7) 0.28 Facial movement score, mean (SD) 43.8 (15.8) 38.9 (12.7) 0.68
mean (SD) Facial comfort score, mean (SD) 70.0 (27.4) 50.0 (22.0) 0.33
Oral function score, mean (SD) 72.5 (10.5) 66.7 (26.0) 0.66
Eye comfort score, mean (SD) 50 (8.8) 25 (33.1) 0.14
Social function score, mean (SD) 76.3 (16.8) 60.4 (28.9) 0.35

last therapy session for all patients. When comparing early

and delayed techniques, there was no statistically signifi-
cant difference in mean FGS scores for the first postopera-
tive visit (early, 46.6 versus delayed, 41.4; P = 0.44) or the
last postoperative visit (early, 75 versus delayed, 66.2; P =
0.28) between both cohorts (Fig. 4).
Finally, patient-reported outcomes scores from the
FaCE scale more than 12 months after reanimation were
compared (Table 4 and Fig. 5). Overall, there was no sig-
nificant difference in any FaCE scale subsection scores
between cohorts (mean early versus delayed), including
Fig. 4. FGS scores scored by facial paralysis physical therapists at total score (59.7 versus 52.2; P = 0.40), facial movement
first vs. last postoperative therapy visits between early simultane- (43.8 versus 38.9; p=0.68), facial comfort (70.0 versus 50.0;
ous and delayed babysitter groups. P = 0.33), oral function (72.5 versus 66.7; P = 0.66), eye

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Fig. 5. FaCE scale patient-reported outcome scores between early and delayed groups.

comfort (50.0 versus 25.0; P = 0.14), or social function hypoglossal nerve,9 and the principle was more recently
(76.3 versus 60.4; P = 0.35; Fig. 5). adapted using the masseteric nerve as the babysitter, with
favorable reported outcomes in patients following tumor
DISCUSSION Denervation time is a key consideration in outcomes
In this study, an early simultaneous technique for facial of neurotization procedures for facial paralysis patients.20
reanimation for patients with known facial nerve sacrifice In retrospective reviews of patients with unilateral facial
after skull base tumor resection is introduced, involving paralysis secondary to tumor extirpation undergoing rean-
simultaneous cross facial nerve grafting and masseter imation, both and Zhang et al and Terzis et al found that
transfer days after extirpation. We find that this approach shorter denervation time was associated with improved
produces comparable patient- and clinician-graded out- return of function after reanimation.6,13 Combined cross
comes compared with a staged technique utilizing a facial nerve graft and masseter nerve transfer in a single
masseter nerve babysitter. By design, the new approach stage have been previously described by Biachi et al and
minimizes denervation time and delivers facial movement Yoshioka et al with favorable outcomes after tumor resec-
back to the patient in less time, retaining the advantage tion.10,27 However, these single stage procedures were per-
of target specificity but eliminating a second-stage pro- formed in a delayed setting an average of 6 to 10 months
cedure. However, this study also demonstrated that the after resection,10,27 a time period that in turn also prolongs
early approach was associated with a greater degree of denervation.
synkinesis. With the goal of reducing denervation time in the
Since the earliest description of facial reanimation posttumor extirpation facial paralysis population, the
surgery using a hypoglossal nerve transfer in 1903,19 senior author proposed a one-stage early simultaneous
techniques for facial reanimation have evolved signifi- procedure with simultaneous masseter nerve transfer and
cantly. Today, techniques are tailored to patient char- cross facial nerve grafting performed days after skull base
acteristics, including age, denervation time, and facial tumor resection. In this small pilot study of nine patients
paralysis etiology.20 Reanimation procedures are dichoto- undergoing either the early simultaneous or delayed baby-
mized into neurotization procedures (to restore existing sitter approach, we found that both techniques result in
facial muscle function) versus free muscle transfers (to comparable patient-reported and clinician-graded out-
replace congenitally absent or permanently denervated comes over 1 year after surgery. Most patients were satis-
mimetic muscles).20 The masseter to facial nerve transfer fied with reanimation results as measured using the FaCE
was described by Spira et al in 197821 as a neurotization scale. Both eFACE and Facial Grading System scores as
technique resulting in a greater smile spontaneity com- measured by clinicians and physical therapists, respec-
pared with hypoglossal transfers, with reduced donor tively, improved after surgery and reached levels compa-
site morbidity and synkinesis.11,22–25 Cross facial nerve rable to pre-resection. Moreover, patients undergoing
grafts were described in 1971 by Scaramella et al for early one-stage reanimation experienced a shorter time to
facial palsy patients after tumor resection.8,26 However, return of mimetic function.
the prolonged axonal generation (4–6 months) required The results of this study suggest that an early one-
by cross facial nerve grafts led to the inception of dual stage approach may be a feasible option to improve
motor reanimation procedures combining nerve trans- functional outcomes after tumor resection. However,
fers with cross facial nerve grafts.11 A “babysitter” proce- although most clinician-graded outcomes were statisti-
dure was first described by Terzis et al in 1984 using the cally equivalent, we noted greater synkinesis in the early

Sergesketter et al • Early Facial Reanimation after Tumor Resection

one-stage group. The finding is difficult to explain and within the confines of this clinical study, we were unable
somewhat unexpected, as the masseteric coaptation was to assess how factors including the increased inflamma-
performed identically in both groups; we have hypoth- tory cytokine cascade and pro-inflammatory milieu after
esized that it is possible that a greater proportion of the extirpative surgery could potentially influence outcomes
masseteric nerve fibers reached targets early, whereas of the early simultaneous approach, a consideration that
the stimulation-guided, selected targets that were has previously been associated with modulated nerve
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coapted more distally to cross facial grafts were await- healing within the context of peripheral nerve injury.29
ing renervation for a longer period and were subjected Finally, the finding of increased synkinesis warrants fur-
to longer denervation. Given the small sample size in ther investigation, as synkinesis is highly associated with
this study, it is not possible to ascertain whether this the final outcome of reanimation. However, this study
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observation would hold true in a larger study popula- serves as the first report of one-stage cross facial nerve
tion. Subsequent to the study period, we have observed grafts and masseter nerve transfer immediately after
a similar degree of synkinesis in the delayed approach intracranial tumor resection. We aim for these data to
as well. The synkinesis finding is important because highlight the benefits and potential drawbacks of early
it may influence the overall result in the context of a approaches following resection, and ultimately aim for
dynamic symmetry goal. It also underscores the impor- this study to inform the design of multi-institutional
tance of dynamic assessment in general for ascertaining studies on optimal timing of neurotization procedures
outcomes in facial reanimation. Synkinetic movement in these patients.
significantly influences an observer’s subjective impres-
sions of the subject during a personal interaction, but it
is easily concealed and even difficult to portray in still
In this study, an early simultaneous technique for
photographs, which remain a standard in published
patients with facial paralysis after tumor resection is pro-
posed, involving masseter nerve transfer and cross facial
Two-stage approaches provide two important advan-
nerve grafting performed during the same hospital admis-
tages: (1) identification of the viable fascicles at the dis-
sion as intracranial tumor resection. We found that this
tal end of the nerve graft months later, and (2) ability
approach produced comparable patient-reported out-
to stimulate the facial nerve branches that have recov-
comes and clinician-graded smile, static, and dynamic func-
ered after input from babysitter procedures, allowing
tion compared with a delayed babysitter technique, with
for more precise micro-coaptation between viable and
reduced number of procedures and time interval between
functional fascicles.27 We attempted to mitigate the lat-
resection and reanimation. However, synkinesis scores
ter disadvantage by performing reanimation immedi-
were worse among patients undergoing early simultaneous
ately after resection while the paralyzed muscles are still
approaches. We aim for these data to highlight the benefits
stimulable, enabling identification of discrete branches
of early intervention for facial paralysis after tumor resec-
for smile and eye closure. In traditional teaching, facial
tion, and to serve as a foundation for multi-institutional
nerve stimulation may become lost after 24 hours follow-
studies on timing of neurotization in this population.
ing denervation; however, we have found the branches to
be stimulable 3 to 4 days later. Not all intraoperative stim- Jeffrey R. Marcus, MD
ulators produce an amplitude that will generate move- Division of Plastic, Oral, and Maxillofacial Surgery
ment at 3+ days. For example, most disposable devices Duke University Medical Center
Durham, NC 27710
offer amplitudes of 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 mA; some re-usable
systems, such as those used for anesthesia blocks, offer
up to 5.0 mA.28 Other commercially available devices can
produce up to 20 mA. Based on these findings, we believe ACKNOWLEDGMENT
that this technique may only be undertaken by those with The authors acknowledge Lauren Halligan, CMI, medical
access to higher amplitude intraoperative stimulation. In illustrator from Duke University, for the included illustrations.
addition, if a patient is not stimulable at the time of sur-
gery, then branch selection would not be possible, and we REFERENCES
would favor pivoting to a two-stage approach. Under such 1. Lyford-Pike S, Nellis JC. Perceptions of patients with facial paral-
circumstances, we still would have the significant time ysis: predicting social implications and setting goals. Facial Plast
advantage of providing new nerve input with the most Surg Clin North Am. 2021;29:369–374.
2. Lee J, Fung K, Lownie SP, et al. Assessing impairment and dis-
minimal denervation time.
ability of facial paralysis in patients with vestibular schwannoma.
This study has limitations with implications for its
Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2007;133:56–60.
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