Private Sub ComboBox6

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Private Sub ComboBox7_Change()

If ComboBox1 <> "" And ComboBox2 <> "" And ComboBox3 <> "" And ComboBox4 <> "" And
ComboBox5 <> "" And ComboBox6<> "" And ComboBox7<> "" Then

If ComboBox7.ListIndex = -1 And IsError(Application.Match(ComboBox7, DATA7, 0)) Then

Set ER = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

WIN = UCase(ComboBox6) & "*"

For Each S In TB7

If c Like WIN Then ER(S) = ""

Next S

ComboBox7.List = ER.keys



ara_1 = ComboBox1.Text

ara_2 = ComboBox2.Text

ara_3 = ComboBox3.Text

ara_4 = ComboBox4.Text

ara_5 = ComboBox5.Text

ara_6 = ComboBox6.Text

ara_7 = ComboBox7.Value

For i = LBound(DATA7) To UBound(DATA7)

If DATA1(i) = ara_1 And DATA2(i) = ara_2 And DATA3(i) = ara_3 And DATA4(i) = ara_4 And DATA5(i) =
ara_5 And DATA6(i) = ara_6 And DATA7(i) = CStr(ara_7) Then

TextBox2.Value = DATA8(i)

End If

Next i

End If

ComboBox7.BackColor = &HFFFF80

TextBox2.BackColor = &HFFFF80

End If

End Sub

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