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Maximize energy efficiency with a coating

designed to insulate every surface.





HPC® COATING provides a “true insulation benefit” by holding

the heat inside of the coated vessel and increasing the internal
temperature/pressure if the energy source is not changed. As
a result, energy costs can be saved by reducing the energy
requirement to maintain the original temperature or the
manufacturing process can be improved by increasing the
internal temperature of the vessel to achieve a more efficient
and effective process.

HPC® COATING Does not degrade when exposed to

environmental factors and maintains a constant level of
performance throughout the lifespan of the coating/project
- no decrease in effectiveness or efficiency.
Maintain Optimum Temperatures / Insulation and CUI Performance

For industries that depend distances than traditional and stops CUI from ever
on optimum heating systems, insulation systems and developing.
HPC® / HPC® -HT Coating will effectively maintain In today’s age of increasing
presents an innovative and interior temperatures energy efficiencies, industries
efficient solution. HPC® / HPC® and reduce emissions for need innovative, high-heat
-HT Coating are formulated to personnel protection. solutions that will stand the
prevent the loss of conductive
HPC® / HPC® -HT Coating test of time. Implement the
and convective heat from pipe
can be applied to a variety performance capabilities of
and vessel surfaces.
of surfaces with interior HPC® / HPC® - HT Coating in
This capability maintains the temperatures up to 600˚C, such your systems today and see
overall heat of any fluid or gas why so many industries are
as steam pipes, hot gas pipes,
within a pipe or vessel and choosing to switch to HPC® /
hot storage tanks and oil or
allows the process to operate HPC® - HT Coating to reduce
gas transmission pipes. HPC®
more efficiently. HPC® / HPC®- energy and maintenance costs
/ HPC®- HT Coating replaces
HT Coating will hold heat in a for the foreseeable future.
fibrous wraps and blankets
HPC® Product Line “transmission pipe” for longer
retains heat over longer
distances than traditional
insulation systems,
HPC® / HPC® _HT Coating were process because it contains piping systems. By absorbing air
effectively reducing
designed with lightweight, low- small pockets of air. With HPC® and moisture, traditional pipe
emissions and promoting
density ceramics developed in / HPC® -HT Coating, heat loss is insulation systems deteriorate
energy efficiency. cooperation with NASA controlled by the light weight, rapidly, lose insulation
in the early ’90s. These unique low-density ceramics which performance, and cause CUI
materials give HPC® / HPC® results in more heat being held (reason for name CUI.).
-HT Coating the ability to on the surface and increased In addition, the inability
reduce heat loss in a variety of temperature/pressure inside of traditional pipe insulation
industries that depend on high- the pipe or vessel. to cover and seal the valves,
heat efficiency. Traditional pipe joints and elbows of various
Traditional Pipe Insulation
HPC® Product Line is insulation presents numerous systems also creates gaps in
Traditional pipe insulation
a cost-effective solution inefficiencies and only slows protection for industries that
continually suffers from costly
for industries because the conductive heat transfer depend on high heat efficiency.
maintenance in large industrial
of its ability to conform
to and insulate valves
and elbow joints without
shut down up to 600ºC. Rockwool/Fiberglass HPC® / HPC® -HT Coating

Installation Shutdown during install and repair Applied while operating; no shutdown required.
Insulation Effect Deteriorates when wet. Does not deteriorate in normal usage.
Valves and elbows not wrapped effectively Insulates valves and elbows.
Crack Detection Entire jacket must be removed. Inspected directly on spot; easily repaired.
Condensation High absorption and trapping of moisture No condensation with HPC ® / HPC ® _HT Coating.
Corrosion Allows air and moisture penetration; Applies directly over hot surfaces creating a “fully
CUI develops rapidly. adhered” casting which eliminates CUI.
Repair and High maintenance, must shutdown; high cost Low maintenance; inspections performed without
Maintenance of repair and loss of production time. shutdowns; easy to maintain and repair.

Superior Products International II, Inc.

Italian Petrochemical Plant

Exposed traditional wrap and cladding insulation Pipe system before HPC ®Coating application, showing extensive CUI


Temperature on the pipe before HPC ® Coating was 213˚C (415.4˚F) Phase of HPC ® Coating application


Finished HPC ® Coating application Temperature after HPC ® Coating application was53.4˚C (128.12˚F)

Superior Products International II, Inc.

HPC® Coating is being used all over the world across a wide variety
Top Companies
of industries. The results are immediate with HPC® Coating because Siberian Winter Experiments
using HPC ® Coating
the application process is quick and easy. With HPC® Coating, you • Without coating, heat loss reached
can refurbish and renew systems in need of serious repair. 3409 W/m. • LG Chemicals
• With HPC® Coating applied, heat • Drydocks
See how the companies represented here have made simple loss diminished to 776 W/m, a World
improvements with HPC ® Coating that continue to produce long- decrease of 77.3%.
• Vancouver
term benefits. Shipyards
Heat loss from un-insulated v.
HPC® Coating insulated surface • Gazprom Oil
LG Chemical • Ecopetrol
3500 W/m

3409 W/m • Saipem, S.P.A.

3000 • Pemex Oil
• Saudi Aramco Oil
2500 • Formosa Plastics
2000 • Georgia Pacific


Incinerator before HPC ® Coating Incinerator after HPC ® Coating

application was 356˚F (180˚C). application was 122˚F (50˚C). 1000

776 W/m
Gazprom Oil 500

HPC ® Product Line

has been designed with
Without With
Coating HPC® low-density ceramics
developed in cooperation
Cold Testing
with NASA.
• H PC® Coating was tested under
rigorous exterior cold temperatures
for 12 hours with holding the main
heat source.
Before HPC ® Coating application After HPC ® Coating application Steel Factory Testing
865.4˚F (463˚C) 96.8˚F (36˚C) • Original interior temperatures before
HPC® Coating, was estimated at
1200˚F (649˚C).
• After HPC® Coating was applied,
pipe surface temperatures under the
coating increased to approximately HPC ® Product Line
the interior temp of 1200˚F (649˚C). prevents the absorption
This shows how well HPC® Coating
held the temperature on the surface
of air and moisture,
of the pipe and increased the pipe effectively blocking
surface and interior temperature.
corrosion in ways that
This is the amount of heat loss that
traditional insulation would have traditional insulation
allowed to quickly absorb, transfer cannot.
from the surface and flow through the
This pipe surface was 865.4˚F (463˚C) before coating. These men were air pockets to escape. Losing 335˚F
able to touch the pipe after only 25mm (1”) of HPC® Coating was is significant when the operation is
based on certain heat levels being
applied. Additional coating thickness was added to complete the project for
maintained. This is the point about
long-term performance and durability. using HPC® - HT Coating to replace
traditional air pocket systems that
lose heat at these high temperatures.
HPC® / HPC®-HT Coating
The solution for preventing Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI)

Product Line, we take insulation while blocking humidity and air. designed for surfaces up to
hen we designed the from 100° to 600°C, and can 260°C. We use an overcoat
Personnel Protection
HPC® Product Line, our goal apply while operating, with to block moisture, air or
Our HPC® Product Line
was to address the concerns of measurable, immediate results. weathering to prevent CUI.
addresses personnel safety
Insulation, CUI and Personnel The HPC® - HT is an all-in-one
CUI issues by using two formulas for
Protection, without shutting coating for insulation, CUI
The current talk of using differing levels of temperature
down equipment (and costing elimination, and personnel
“super hydrophobic” resins exposure, both of which are
millions of dollars in the protection up to 600°C (and
to impregnate existing water-based and loaded with
process). With HPC®, and now beyond).
materials only reduces the specific ceramic compounds
HPC -HT, we have done just
air space, which is the main (chosen from thousands of You need to cover all three
that. “This stuff works!” No insulation medium used. compounds that were evaluated points of concern: Insulation/
shutdown is required. Reducing moisture is a plus. over a 30-year period) that block CUI/Personnel Protection.
Insulation Any dry material is a better “heat load” and transfer Why would you only settle
Our aim was to produce insulator than any wet material (HPC®-HT part A has some for one point at a time, with
measurable insulation (example: if a screen is solvent, but when mixed 3 different products? Instead,
performance in the field. HPC ®
replacing jacketing, the screen with part B, it is fully water address the issues with specific
and HPC® - HT are insulators conducts heat). based). These compounds products designed for what
that cover every inch, every Adding structure can reduce are then blended into unique you need. Major customers
surface (elbows, valves, etc.) the insulation effect. At the resin systems to carry the have already used the HPC®
to give 100% coverage for end of the day, it’s simple - and ceramics onto surfaces and hold product technologies in the field
optimum insulative effect. proven: HPC and
them together in a mesh-like for years. They work. They’re
Many coatings insulate under HPC® - HT effectively eliminate structure, without becoming proven. They are the HPC®
160°C, but with the HPC ®
CUI without adding structure, a conduit for heat. HPC was
Product Line.

Superior Products International II, Inc.

SPI Products Safe-to-Touch Temperatures, DFT's and Time of Contact with
coated surface
Time of Contact by OSHA - 5 seconds with no burn.

Maximum Super Therm® ️ Safe-to- Time of hand contact on the Super

DFT of Super Therm® ️
Temperature Touch temperature Therm® ️ surface
o o o o
F C µ mils F C
140 60.0 250 10 129 53.9 up to 8.5 seconds

Maximum HSC® ️ Safe-to-Touch

DFT of HSC® ️ Time of hand contact on the HSC® ️ surface
Temperature temperature
o o o o
F C mm mils F C
140 60.0 1.25 50.0 122 50.0 60 seconds ++
200 93.3 1.5 60.0 158 70.0 up to 30 seconds
250 121.1 1.5 60.0 185 85.0 up to 20 seconds
300 148.9 2.0 80.0 205 96.1 5 seconds
350 176.7 4.0 160.0 196 91.1 up to 15 seconds

Maximum HPC® ️ Safe-to-Touch

DFT of HPC® ️ Time of hand contact on the HPC® ️ surface
Temperature temperature
o o o o
F C mm mils F C
400 204.4 2.5 100.0 209 98.3 30 seconds +
450 232.2 2.5 100.0 231 110.6 15 seconds +
450 232.2 5.0 200.0 210 98.9 30 seconds +
482 250.0 5.0 200.0 220 104.4 20 seconds +
482 250.0 10.0 400.0 171 77.2 60 seconds +
482 250.0 17.0 680.0 139 59.4 60 seconds ++

Maximum HPC® ️ HT Safe-to-Touch Time of hand contact on the HPC® ️ HT

DFT of HPC® ️ HT
Temperature temperature surface
o o o o
F C mm mils F C
500 260 32 1280.0 126 52.2 60 seconds ++
550 288 32 1280.0 145 62.8 60 seconds ++
600 316 32 1280.0 162 72.2 up to 60 seconds
650 343 32 1280.0 174 78.9 up to 45 seconds
700 371 32 1280.0 185 85.0 up to 30 seconds
750 399 32 1280.0 194 90.0 up to 30 seconds
800 427 45 1800.0 152 66.7 60 seconds +
800 427 50 2000.0 126 52.2 60 seconds ++
900 482 57 2280.0 146 63.3 60 seconds ++
1000 538 57 2280.0 165 73.9 up to 60 seconds
1100 593 57 2280.0 185 85.0 up to 30 seconds
1200 649 57 2280.0 196 91.1 up to 30 seconds
1220 660 60 2400.0 192 88.9 up to 30seconds

*Summary of the tests conducted in the SPI laboratory from 8-1-18 to 9-30-18

*Ambient temperature during the tests from 65F(18C) to 82F(27C), moderate air movement.


Asia Europe Middle South Central Africa Australasia North

East America America America
China Azerbaijan Oman Argentina Panama Angola Canada
India Belgium Saudi Arabia Brazil Puerto Rico Egypt Australia Mexico
Indonesia France UAE Chile Nigeria New Zealand U.S.A.
Japan Germany Colombia South Africa
Korea Greece Venezuela Tanzania
Malaysia Italy
Singapore Netherlands
Taiwan Poland

Superior Products International II, Inc. • •

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