Year 2 NRICHTasks Linked Wales March 2016

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NRICH problems (nrich.maths.

org) linked to the Curriculum for Wales Foundation Phase Framework for Year 2
The stars indicate the level of confidence and competence needed to begin the activity. One star problems will be suitable for the whole class, two stars for the majority and
three stars for those who like a serious challenge. Games are indicated by ‘G’, problems by ‘P’ and investigations by ‘I’.
N.B. This is work in progress – we would really appreciate your comments. Please email

Key: Normal text: LNF Statement Area of Learning Skill  Extended skills


Strand / NRICH Resources PoS Objective Resources
PoS Objective
PoS Element Resources

Using Number Count sets of objects by Recite numbers Read and write How Would We
Skills grouping in 2s, 5s or 10s. beyond 100, numbers to at least Count? I *
forwards and 100. Tug of War G *
NRICH problems ( linked to the Curriculum for Wales Foundation Phase Framework for Year 2
The stars indicate the level of confidence and competence needed to begin the activity. One star problems will be suitable for the whole class, two stars for the majority and
three stars for those who like a serious challenge. Games are indicated by ‘G’, problems by ‘P’ and investigations by ‘I’.
N.B. This is work in progress – we would really appreciate your comments. Please email

Use number backwards and Read and write Count the Crayons
facts and from different number words to I*
relationships starting points.  100. 
Using Number Compare and order 2- Domino Sequences P * Demonstrate an Snail One Use mental recall of
Skills digit numbers. Domino Number understanding of Hundred G * number facts to 10 to
Patterns P ** place value up to Two-digit Targets derive other facts,
Use number Next Domino P * at least 100. P* i.e.-doubling and
facts and 100 Square Jigsaw P * 6 Beads P ** halving, e.g. derive
NRICH problems ( linked to the Curriculum for Wales Foundation Phase Framework for Year 2
The stars indicate the level of confidence and competence needed to begin the activity. One star problems will be suitable for the whole class, two stars for the majority and
three stars for those who like a serious challenge. Games are indicated by ‘G’, problems by ‘P’ and investigations by ‘I’.
N.B. This is work in progress – we would really appreciate your comments. Please email

relationships That Number Square! I * 40 + 40

Using Number Recall doubles up to Recognise odd Largest Even P * Count on in 2s, 5s Buzzy Bee P *
Skills 20. and even numbers How Odd P ** and 10s from any Five Steps to 50 I *
Use number up to 100. Even and Odd P * given number.
facts and
NRICH problems ( linked to the Curriculum for Wales Foundation Phase Framework for Year 2
The stars indicate the level of confidence and competence needed to begin the activity. One star problems will be suitable for the whole class, two stars for the majority and
three stars for those who like a serious challenge. Games are indicated by ‘G’, problems by ‘P’ and investigations by ‘I’.
N.B. This is work in progress – we would really appreciate your comments. Please email

Using Number Recall and use 2, 5 and Odd Times Even P * Begin to link Lots of Lollies Use and record
Skills 10 multiplication tables. Two Numbers Under the multiplication with P *** ordinal numbers in
Microscope P ** simple division. practical situations.
Use number Ring a Ring of Numbers E.g. grouping and 
facts and P ** sharing in 2s, 5s
relationships More Numbers in the and 10s. 
Ring P ***
NRICH problems ( linked to the Curriculum for Wales Foundation Phase Framework for Year 2
The stars indicate the level of confidence and competence needed to begin the activity. One star problems will be suitable for the whole class, two stars for the majority and
three stars for those who like a serious challenge. Games are indicated by ‘G’, problems by ‘P’ and investigations by ‘I’.
N.B. This is work in progress – we would really appreciate your comments. Please email

Doing and Undoing P *

Clapping Times P *


Strand / NRICH
PoS Objective Resources PoS Objective Resources
PoS Element Resources
Using Number Find halves and quarters Making Longer, Making
Skills in practical situations. Shorter P **
NRICH problems ( linked to the Curriculum for Wales Foundation Phase Framework for Year 2
The stars indicate the level of confidence and competence needed to begin the activity. One star problems will be suitable for the whole class, two stars for the majority and
three stars for those who like a serious challenge. Games are indicated by ‘G’, problems by ‘P’ and investigations by ‘I’.
N.B. This is work in progress – we would really appreciate your comments. Please email

and ratio
Using Number Partition 2-digit Mentally add 10 or Mentally subtract
Skills numbers and know the 20 to a given 10 or 20 from a
value of each digit. number up to given number up to
Calculate using 100. 100.
NRICH problems ( linked to the Curriculum for Wales Foundation Phase Framework for Year 2
The stars indicate the level of confidence and competence needed to begin the activity. One star problems will be suitable for the whole class, two stars for the majority and
three stars for those who like a serious challenge. Games are indicated by ‘G’, problems by ‘P’ and investigations by ‘I’.
N.B. This is work in progress – we would really appreciate your comments. Please email

mental and
written methods
Using Number Find small differences Use mental recall of Number Round Up Find a small Unit Differences P *
Skills within 20 by using number facts to 10 P *** difference between
‘counting on’ strategies. and place value to 4 Dom P *** two numbers by
Calculate using add or subtract Strike it Out G * counting on, e.g. 44
mental and larger numbers, Cuisenaire – 28 =  
written methods e.g. 24 + 4, 30 + 5, Environment I *
NRICH problems ( linked to the Curriculum for Wales Foundation Phase Framework for Year 2
The stars indicate the level of confidence and competence needed to begin the activity. One star problems will be suitable for the whole class, two stars for the majority and
three stars for those who like a serious challenge. Games are indicated by ‘G’, problems by ‘P’ and investigations by ‘I’.
N.B. This is work in progress – we would really appreciate your comments. Please email

34 +10. Jumping Squares

P **
Number Balance
P **
Using Number Solve one- and two-step Getting the Balance Use partitioning Double or Halve? Understand that
Skills problems that involve P *** strategies to G* multiplication is
addition and Noah P ** double and halve repeated addition,
Calculate using subtraction, Eggs in Baskets P ** 2-digit e.g. 2 + 2 + 2 is the
NRICH problems ( linked to the Curriculum for Wales Foundation Phase Framework for Year 2
The stars indicate the level of confidence and competence needed to begin the activity. One star problems will be suitable for the whole class, two stars for the majority and
three stars for those who like a serious challenge. Games are indicated by ‘G’, problems by ‘P’ and investigations by ‘I’.
N.B. This is work in progress – we would really appreciate your comments. Please email

mental and multiplication and The Brown Family P *** numbers. same as ‘three
written methods simple division Birthday Cakes P ** twos’.
including missing Sitting Round the Party
number problems, e.g. Tables I *
40 – = 19. Cuisenaire Counting P *
Two Spinners P *
NRICH problems ( linked to the Curriculum for Wales Foundation Phase Framework for Year 2
The stars indicate the level of confidence and competence needed to begin the activity. One star problems will be suitable for the whole class, two stars for the majority and
three stars for those who like a serious challenge. Games are indicated by ‘G’, problems by ‘P’ and investigations by ‘I’.
N.B. This is work in progress – we would really appreciate your comments. Please email


Strand / NRICH Resources PoS Objective Resources
PoS Objective
PoS Element Resources
NRICH problems ( linked to the Curriculum for Wales Foundation Phase Framework for Year 2
The stars indicate the level of confidence and competence needed to begin the activity. One star problems will be suitable for the whole class, two stars for the majority and
three stars for those who like a serious challenge. Games are indicated by ‘G’, problems by ‘P’ and investigations by ‘I’.
N.B. This is work in progress – we would really appreciate your comments. Please email

Using Number Add/subtract 9 or 11 Understand and Ordering Cards Understand and Our Numbers I *
Skills from given number by use mathematical P* use the different Are You Well
adding/subtracting 10 symbols for Which Symbol? mathematical terms Balanced? P ***
Calculate using and adjusting.  addition, P* for addition, Magic Plant P **
mental and subtraction, I’m Eight I * subtraction, The Amazing
written methods multiplication, multiplication, Splitting Plant P ***
division and division and The Tomato and the
equals. equals, e.g. find the Bean P ***
Lots of Lollies P ***
total, share, goes
Ip Dip I *
NRICH problems ( linked to the Curriculum for Wales Foundation Phase Framework for Year 2
The stars indicate the level of confidence and competence needed to begin the activity. One star problems will be suitable for the whole class, two stars for the majority and
three stars for those who like a serious challenge. Games are indicated by ‘G’, problems by ‘P’ and investigations by ‘I’.
N.B. This is work in progress – we would really appreciate your comments. Please email

Using Number Use checking strategies: The Add and Take-away Make a sensible Discuss and
Skills -repeat addition in a Path P * estimate of Choose P *
Estimate and different order Secret Number G * measurement in Little Man P **
check -use halving and doubling How Many? I * length, height,
within 20. What Was in the Box? weight and
P* capacity that can
Doing and Undoing P * be checked using
NRICH problems ( linked to the Curriculum for Wales Foundation Phase Framework for Year 2
The stars indicate the level of confidence and competence needed to begin the activity. One star problems will be suitable for the whole class, two stars for the majority and
three stars for those who like a serious challenge. Games are indicated by ‘G’, problems by ‘P’ and investigations by ‘I’.
N.B. This is work in progress – we would really appreciate your comments. Please email

measures. 

Using Number Use different Five Coins I ** Find totals and give The Puzzling
Skills combinations of money to Money Bags P ** change from Sweet Shop P **
Manage money pay for items up to £1. multiples of 10p.

Using Measuring Use standard units to Order, Order! P *

Skills measure: length, height Compare the Cups I * Use symbols
NRICH problems ( linked to the Curriculum for Wales Foundation Phase Framework for Year 2
The stars indicate the level of confidence and competence needed to begin the activity. One star problems will be suitable for the whole class, two stars for the majority and
three stars for those who like a serious challenge. Games are indicated by ‘G’, problems by ‘P’ and investigations by ‘I’.
N.B. This is work in progress – we would really appreciate your comments. Please email

Length, and distance: related to weight,

weight/mass, weight/mass weights; measure and
capacity capacity. capacity.
Strand / NRICH Resources PoS Objective Resources
PoS Objective
PoS Element Resources
NRICH problems ( linked to the Curriculum for Wales Foundation Phase Framework for Year 2
The stars indicate the level of confidence and competence needed to begin the activity. One star problems will be suitable for the whole class, two stars for the majority and
three stars for those who like a serious challenge. Games are indicated by ‘G’, problems by ‘P’ and investigations by ‘I’.
N.B. This is work in progress – we would really appreciate your comments. Please email

Using Measuring Read hours and minutes Record the days Read ‘half past’, What’s the Time?
Skills on a 12-hour digital clock of the Wk, the ‘quarter past’ and P*
months and ‘quarter to’ on an Stop the Clock G ***
Time seasons of the analogue clock.
NRICH problems ( linked to the Curriculum for Wales Foundation Phase Framework for Year 2
The stars indicate the level of confidence and competence needed to begin the activity. One star problems will be suitable for the whole class, two stars for the majority and
three stars for those who like a serious challenge. Games are indicated by ‘G’, problems by ‘P’ and investigations by ‘I’.
N.B. This is work in progress – we would really appreciate your comments. Please email

Using Measuring Compare daily Recognise half and Use mathematical Turning Man P *
Skills temperatures using a quarter turns, vocabulary to Walking Round a
Temperature thermometer (°C). clockwise and anti- describe position, Triangle P *
Area and volume, clockwise. direction and Cover the Camel P *
Angle and position Recognise that a movement. 
quarter turn is a
right angle.
NRICH problems ( linked to the Curriculum for Wales Foundation Phase Framework for Year 2
The stars indicate the level of confidence and competence needed to begin the activity. One star problems will be suitable for the whole class, two stars for the majority and
three stars for those who like a serious challenge. Games are indicated by ‘G’, problems by ‘P’ and investigations by ‘I’.
N.B. This is work in progress – we would really appreciate your comments. Please email

Using Geometry Recognise and name Shapely Lines I * Make increasingly Building with Movement Colouring Triangles
Skills regular and irregular 2D Chain of Changes P ** more complex or Solid Shapes P * I **
shapes and 3D shapes, Complete the Square accurate models Skeleton Shapes Identify a line of
Shape understand and use the P *** with 3D shapes P ** symmetry for 2D
properties of shape. Let’s Investigate and tessellate 2D Rolling That Cube shapes and
Triangles I * shapes. P* complete
NRICH problems ( linked to the Curriculum for Wales Foundation Phase Framework for Year 2
The stars indicate the level of confidence and competence needed to begin the activity. One star problems will be suitable for the whole class, two stars for the majority and
three stars for those who like a serious challenge. Games are indicated by ‘G’, problems by ‘P’ and investigations by ‘I’.
N.B. This is work in progress – we would really appreciate your comments. Please email

Poly Plug Rectangles I * Cubes I * symmetrical

Square It G * Shadow Play P *** pictures. 
Inside Triangles P ***
Matching Triangles P *
Data Shapes P *
NRICH problems ( linked to the Curriculum for Wales Foundation Phase Framework for Year 2
The stars indicate the level of confidence and competence needed to begin the activity. One star problems will be suitable for the whole class, two stars for the majority and
three stars for those who like a serious challenge. Games are indicated by ‘G’, problems by ‘P’ and investigations by ‘I’.
N.B. This is work in progress – we would really appreciate your comments. Please email


Strand / NRICH Resources PoS Objective Resources
PoS Objective
PoS Element Resources

Using Data Skills Sort and classify Sort the Street I * Gather and record Sticky Data I * Extract and interpret The Hair Colour
objects using more than data from: If the World Were information from lists, Game P **
Collect and two criterion.  -lists and tables a Village I * tables, diagrams and Mixed-up Socks
record data -diagrams Plants P ** graphs. P **
Present and -block graphs What Shape and Button-up P *
NRICH problems ( linked to the Curriculum for Wales Foundation Phase Framework for Year 2
The stars indicate the level of confidence and competence needed to begin the activity. One star problems will be suitable for the whole class, two stars for the majority and
three stars for those who like a serious challenge. Games are indicated by ‘G’, problems by ‘P’ and investigations by ‘I’.
N.B. This is work in progress – we would really appreciate your comments. Please email

analyse data -pictograms where Colour? P * Beads and Bags I *

Interpret results the symbol Carroll Diagrams In the Playground
represents one unit. P ** I **
Ladybird Count
Pattern Order and arrange Poly Plug Pattern I *
combinations of Triple Cubes I *
mathematical objects in A City of Towers P **
NRICH problems ( linked to the Curriculum for Wales Foundation Phase Framework for Year 2
The stars indicate the level of confidence and competence needed to begin the activity. One star problems will be suitable for the whole class, two stars for the majority and
three stars for those who like a serious challenge. Games are indicated by ‘G’, problems by ‘P’ and investigations by ‘I’.
N.B. This is work in progress – we would really appreciate your comments. Please email

patterns, and discuss Caterpillars I **

the relationship
between them.

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