Transcript P1&2&3&4

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Listening Revision

Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in
your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best
describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer
sheet and mark your answer. The statements will not be printed in your test book and will
be spoken only one time. 

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.
DIRECTIONS: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in
English. They will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Select
the best response to the question or statement and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your
answer sheet. 
7. Mark the answer on your answer sheet. 20. Mark the answer on your answer
8. Mark the answer on your answer sheet. 21. Mark the answer on your answer
9. Mark the answer on your answer sheet. 22. Mark the answer on your answer
10. Mark the answer on your answer sheet. 23. Mark the answer on your answer
11. Mark the answer on your answer sheet. 24. Mark the answer on your answer
12. Mark the answer on your answer sheet. 25. Mark the answer on your answer
13. Mark the answer on your answer sheet. 26. Mark the answer on your answer
14. Mark the answer on your answer sheet. 27. Mark the answer on your answer
15. Mark the answer on your answer sheet. 28. Mark the answer on your answer
16. Mark the answer on your answer sheet. 29. Mark the answer on your answer
17. Mark the answer on your answer sheet. 30. Mark the answer on your answer
18. Mark the answer on your answer sheet. 31. Mark the answer on your answer
19. Mark the answer on your answer sheet.

(A) There's a bridge over the water.
(B) There's a river through the cliff walls.
(C) There are people hiking up the mountain.
(D) There is a boat crossing the water.
(A) Some jackets are being placed in a paper bag.
(B) Some jackets are hanging from a hook in a store.
(C) The woman is hanging up jackets in a closet.
(D) The woman is paying the cashier for some jackets.
(A) Children are riding a merry-go-round.
(B) Children are at an amusement park.
(C) Children are writing a note.
(D) Children are smiling at each other.
(A) Some people are sitting around the fountain.
(B) A swimmer is rushing into the water
(C) Workers are cleaning a pond.
(D) A gardener is watering plants.
(A) He's getting out of a car.
(B) He's riding in a taxi.
(C) He's walking outdoors.
(D) He's leaning against a brick wall.
(A) Cartons are stacked in a shopping cart.
(B) Containers are being labeled.
(C) People are inspecting an item.
(D) Display cases have been emptied

7. When will these shoes be back in stock?
(A) On Tuesday.
(B) It’s a good investment.
(C) A different pair

8. Is this a full-time or a part-time position?

(A) Five candidates so far.
(B) It’s part-time
(C) Do you have time this afternoon?

9. How do you usually get to the office?

(A) I ride my bike.
(B) Nine o'clock in the morning.
(C) It’s a nice building.
10. Why is the company planning to hire a new receptionist?
(A) A résumé and cover letter.
(B) Yes, he fixed the air conditioning.
(C) Because Carlos is retiring soon.

11. Excuse me, may I check your train ticket, please?

(A) Platform nineteen.
(B) Sure-here it is.
(C) A window seat.

12. Which folder should I place this document in?

(A) The green one.
(B) Some mint tea, please.
(C) All of the shirts have been folded.

13. Where can I pick up my name tag for the conference?

(A) Near the entrance.
(B) A new set of luggage.
(C) The annual pharmacist convention.

14. Why did you decide to become a history teacher?

(A) I actually teach math.
(B) We left early.
(C) She was trained for a month.

15. Doesn’t the restaurant menu need to be updated for summer?

(A) Yes, we’ll do that today.
(B) At the farmers’ market.
(C) Thirty reservations.

16. When are you going to paint your office?

(A) I can’t decide on a color.
(B) No, we didn’t buy tickets.
(C) The room next to the elevator.

17. Isn’t our presentation next week?

(A) It went well.
(B) Right, it’s on Monday.
(C) Only a laptop.

18. You’re working on programming the Website, right?

(A) No, to the left.
(B) Yes, it’s nearly ready.
(C) That’s a funny movie.
19. I think you should call off the meeting.
(A) It starts in 30 minutes.
(B) Did he turn it on?
(C) Every Tuesday morning.

20. Who can teach me how to operate this new cash register?
(A) Sarah can show you.
(B) They’re less than ten thousand won.
(C) Yes, cash is accepted here.

21. Where’s the broken fax machine?

(A) That’d be great, thanks.
(B) For two weeks at least.
(C) I moved it into the hallway.

22. How do I record my overtime hours?

(A) They play music in the office.
(B) My manager always does that for me.
(C) The renovation starts next week.

23. Should we invite more guests to the banquet?

(A) Yes, I think that’s a good idea.
(B) The bank across the street.
(C) Because I went already.

24. I’d like to cancel my subscription to Lakeline Times.

(A) No, mostly entertainment news.
(B) The photograph on the front cover.
(C) Do you have your account number?

25. Who left these boxes in the hallway?

(A) The closet in the basement.
(B) There were maintenance workers here earlier.
(C) Just take a left on this street and you’re there.

26. I’m taking our new client to lunch.

(A) I’m free at noon.
(B) Soup and salad.
(C) Sure, take as much as you want.

27. Would you prefer to open a new store downtown or in the countryside?
(A) The rent downtown is very expensive.
(B) I parked the car outside.
(C) Where do we store the envelopes?
28. Tim is organizing the office tour for interns, right?
(A) That’s an old desk.
(B) No, Ms. Ito is.
(C) A trip to Germany.

29. I’d like to book accommodations for a family of five.

(A) They were very accommodating.
(B) I enjoyed that book as well.
(C) I have a vacancy on the fourth floor.

30. Why don’t we finish the budget report tomorrow?

(A) The figures in the spreadsheet from July.
(B) As long as I can still leave at five o’clock.
(C) Seventy thousand dollars.

31. Is the television ad airing this morning?

(A) The air quality was recently tested.
(B) James makes those decisions.
(C) A billboard by the highway.

DIRECTIONS: You will hear some conversations between two or more people. You will be
asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the
best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.
The conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. 
32. Why is the woman seeking a temporary position?
(A) To become familiar with local opportunities
(B) To gain experience in a new field
(C) To have more scheduling flexibility
(D) To focus on a specific project
33. What skill does the woman have?
(A) Accounting
(B) Event organizing
(C) Team management
(D) Computer programming
34. Why does the man tell the woman to come in on Wednesday?
(A) To complete some paperwork
(B) To visit a job site
(C) To fill out a survey
(D) To present a certificate

35. Why does the man ask Rosa to go to Montreal?

(A) To meet with a client
(B) To attend a trade show
(C) To train for a position
(D) To oversee a construction project
36. What does the woman ask permission to do?
(A) Take a coworker
(B) Change a flight
(C) Postpone a deadline
(D) Increase an advertising budget
37. What will the man most likely do next?
(A) Prepare some sales data
(B) Order some business cards
(C) Make a phone call
(D) Go to lunch

38. Who is the man?

(A) A lawyer
(B) An electrician
(C) A dentist
(D) A banker
39. Why does the man apologize?
(A) Some documents are missing.
(B) Some equipment is not working.
(C) An assistant is late.
(D) A policy was not explained
40. Why is Ms. Yamamoto asked to fill out a form?
(A) To update her contact information
(B) To set up a payment plan
(C) To request some records
(D) To opt for paperless statements

41. Who will the woman give a presentation to?

(A) New employees
(B) Government officials
(C) Potential investors
(D) Board members
42. What does the woman ask the man about?
(A) Adjusting a microphone
(B) Turning on a monitor
(C) Connecting a speaker
(D) Using a camera
43. What will the man do next?
(A) Check a manual
(B) Give a demonstration
(C) Ask a colleague for help
(D) Look for a tool

44. What is the man concerned about?

(A) Venue availability
(B) Product efficiency
(C) A project budget
(D) A guest list
45. Who is Stefan Vogel?
(A) A furniture designer
(B) A photographer
(C) An accountant
(D) An event planner
46. What will the speakers do this afternoon?
(A) Review some plans
(B) Consult with a graphic designer
(C) Choose some colors
(D) Survey other team members

47. Where do the speakers work?

(A) At a hardware store
(B) At a construction site
(C) At a factory
(D) At a hotel
48. What does the man mean when he says, "And the rooms are so close together"?
(A) Some renovations will be finished quickly.
(B) A work schedule will be revised
(C) Noise levels will be a problem.
(D) An architect should be consulted
49. What does the woman hope to do before June?
(A) Take inventory
(B) Order new uniforms
(C) Test out some technology
(D) Prepare for an inspection

50. What type of product are the speakers discussing?

(A) Pencils
(B) Backpacks
(C) Sneakers
(D) Folders
51. What is the woman frustrated by?
(A) Some customers wrote a negative review.
(B) Some equipment is malfunctioning.
(C) Some team members are unavailable.
(D) Some packages have not arrived
52. Why does the man say, "The school year is starting in three months"?
(A) To request some time off from work
(B) To correct an error in a schedule
(C) To express interest in an assignment
(D) To emphasize the need for urgency

53. What does the women's company sell?

(A) Construction vehicles
(B) Power tools
(C) Wood products
(D) Home appliances
54. Why is the man visiting the company?
(A) To interview for a job
(B) To revise a contract a
(C) To investigate a problem
(D) To make a complaint
55. What does the man ask the women to do?
(A) Lead him to a specific location
(B) Provide him a discounted service
(C) Demonstrate a technical procedure
(D) Explain a company policy

56. What is the woman renovating?

(A) A kitchen
(B) A swimming pool
(C) A bathroom
(D) A garden
57. What service does the man's company provide?
(A) Landscaping
(B) Waste removal
(C) Safety inspections
(D) Concrete mixing
58. According to the man, how is a cost determined?
(A) By number of workers
(B) By project duration
(C) By weight
(D) By area

59. Where does the woman work?

(A) At a museum
(B) At a movie theater
(C) At a newspaper office
(D) At a photography studio
60. Who does the woman say she has hired?
(A) An engineer
(B) A musician
(C) An interpreter
(D) A scientist
61. What problem does the man mention?
(A) Traffic noise
(B) Late deliveries
(C) Uncomfortable seating
(D) Inadequate lighting
62. Why is the woman calling?
(A) To compliment a staff member
(B) To schedule an appointment
(C) To criticize a policy
(D) To check on an assignment
63. Look at the graphic. Which drawer will the man probably check next?
(A) Drawer 1
(B) Drawer 2
(C) Drawer 3
(D) Drawer 4
64. What does the man say about some processes?
(A) They are described in a training program.
(B) They take too long to complete.
(C) They meet regulations.
(D) They are easy to learn.

65. Where do the speakers work?

(A) At a restaurant
(B) At a hotel
(C) At a travel agency
(D) At a marketing firm
66. Look at the graphic. How much extra money will the man receive in his next
(A) $400
(B) $300
(C) $200
(D) $100
67. What does the man say he will do with the extra money?
(A) Fix his car
(B) Give it to his parents
(C) Put it in the bank
(D) Buy a new phone

68. What is the woman planning a celebration for?

(A) A business merger
(B) A colleague's promotion
(C) A product launch
(D) A company anniversary
69. Look at the graphic. Which day is the man attending a music
(A) On Thursday
(B) On Friday
(C) On Saturday
(D) On Sunday
70. What does the woman say she will do next?
(A) Purchase gift
(B) Decorate a room
(C) Make a reservation
(D) Send an invitation

DIRECTIONS: You will hear some talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to
answer three questions about what the speaker says in each talk. Select the best response to
each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will
not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.
71. Where is the announcement being made? 
(A) At a public library 
(B) At a music store 
(C) At a stationery shop 
(D) At a bookstore
72. What can listeners find in Section 2-A? 
(A) Free samples 
(B) Promotional flyers 
(C) Newly-released products 
(D) Discounted items
73. What are listeners advised to do by July 31? 
(A) Apply for a membership 
(B) Register for a class 
(C) Complete a survey 
(D) Visit a different location

74. Who most likely is the speaker? 

(A) A library employee 
(B) A supermarket manager 
(C) A gym worker 
(D) A tennis club member
75. What is the speaker calling about? 
(A) A parking permit 
(B) A subscription cancellation 
(C) A staff orientation 
(D) An expired membership
76. Why is the listener asked to stop by an office? 
(A) To return some equipment 
(B) To submit a form 
(C) To make a payment 
(D) To sign a contract

77. What product is the speaker discussing? 

(A) A kitchen appliance 
(B) A computer program 
(C) A cell phone 
(D) A navigation device
78. What is unique about the product? 
(A) It is free to use. 
(B) It has a lifetime warranty. 
(C) It comes with additional items. 
(D) It is easy to install.
79. What does the speaker suggest that listeners do? 
(A) Attend a convention 
(B) Obtain a product sample 
(C) Visit a Web site 
(D) Look at a catalog

80. Where is the talk taking place? 

(A) At an orientation 
(B) At a trade show 
(C) At a staff meeting 
(D) At a product launch
81. Why does the speaker say, “Your customers spend a lot on your products”? 
(A) To note the rising prices of products 
(B) To celebrate a business’s success 
(C) To recommend a different approach 
(D) To thank the listeners for their efforts
82. What does the speaker give the listeners? 
(A) A product sample 
(B) An article 
(C) A survey 
(D) An event schedule

83. Where do the listeners work? 

(A) At a post office 
(B) At a department store 
(C) At a coffee shop 
(D) At an office building
84. What does the speaker imply when he says, “please be patient”? 
(A) An announcement will be made later. 
(B) A meeting may take longer than planned. 
(C) Some work may cause disruptions. 
(D) Some visitors may arrive late.
85. What does the speaker remind the listeners to do? 
(A) Update a price list 
(B) Order additional supplies 
(C) Provide complimentary items 
(D) Prepare a display area

86. What product will the listeners learn about during the tour? 
(A) Fitness machines 
(B) Nutritional supplements 
(C) Sports drinks 
(D) Running shoes
87. Who is Joshua Pearson? 
(A) A sales representative 
(B) A product designer 
(C) A market researcher 
(D) A company president
88. What does the speaker ask the listeners to do? 
(A) Talk quietly 
(B) Stay in a group 
(C) Check a schedule 
(D) Meet for lunch

89. Who most likely is the speaker?

(A) An actor 
(B) A keynote speaker 
(C) An athlete 
(D) A musician
90. What caused the delay? 
(A) A technical fault 
(B) Inclement weather 
(C) A ticketing error 
(D) Traffic problems
91. Why does the speaker say, “I’ll be signing items at the end”? 
(A) To explain why a schedule was changed 
(B) To advise the listeners to form a line 
(C) To encourage people to buy merchandise 
(D) To remind listeners to pay attention to the signs

92. Who is the speaker congratulating? 

(A) Product developers 
(B) Board members 
(C) Sales representatives 
(D) Orientation attendees
93. According to the speaker, what do customers like about the products? 
(A) They reduce expenses. 
(B) They are easy to install. 
(C) They last for several years. 
(D) They come with a warranty.
94. What most likely will the listeners do next month? 
(A) Begin a new project 
(B) Enjoy a vacation 
(C) Meet with foreign clients 
(D) Conduct a survey

95. What department does the speaker work in? 

(A) Accounting 
(B) Sales 
(C) Marketing 
(D) Human Resources
96. Look at the graphic. What will be the flavor of the new product? 
(A) Blueberry 
(B) Vanilla 
(C) Chocolate 
(D) Strawberry 
97. Which aspect of the new product will the listeners discuss next? 
(A) The shape 
(B) The price 
(C) The packaging 
(D) The launch date

98. What is the speaker mainly discussing? 

(A) A new exhibition 
(B) A grand opening 
(C) A price reduction 
(D) A live performance
99. What are the listeners reminded to do? 
(A) Provide directions 
(B) Wear a uniform 
(C) Check a schedule 
(D) Set up a display
100. Look at the graphic. Where will some of the listeners hand out
(A) Dixon Avenue 
(B) Grange Street 
(C) Corby Road 
(D) Palmer Street

------------THE END OF THE TEST----------------

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