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Total Heat (BTU/hr) = 500 x gallons per minute (GPM) x Δt (water)

BTU/hr = 3.413 x watts = HP x 2546 = Kg Cal x 3.97.

Lb. = 453.6 grams.
Pounds per Square Inch (PSI) = ft. ...
GPM = 15.85 x liters per second.
CFM = 2.119 x liters per second.
Wattage per Square Foot = .0926 x wattage / mass²
Input information
These are the input data for the following calculation:
1. An office area has length: 20 meter; width: 10 meter; height: 3 meter.
2. The ceiling to desk height is 2 meters.
3. The area is to be illuminated to a general level of 250 lux using twin lamp 32 watt CFL luminaires with a SHR of 1.
4. Each lamp has an initial output (Efficiency) of 85 lumen per watt.
5. The lamps Maintenance factor (MF) is 0.63 ,Utilization Factor is 0.69 and space height ratio (SHR) is 1.25.

Calculation in 8 steps
1. Total wattage of fixtures:
Total wattage of fixtures = Number of lamps x each lamp’s watt.
Total wattage of fixtures = 2 × 32 = 64 Watt.

2. Lumen per fixtures

Lumen per fixtures = Lumen efficiency (Lumen per Watt) x each fixture’s watt
Lumen per fixtures = 85 x 64 = 5440 Lumen

3. Number of fixtures
Required number of fixtures = Required Lux x Room area / MF x UF x Lumen per fixture
Required number of fixtures = (250 x 20 x 10) / (0.63 × 0.69 × 5440)
We will need 21 fixtures

4. Minimum spacing between each fixture

The ceiling to desk height is 2 meters and space height ratio is 1.25, so:
Maximum spacing between fixtures = 2 × 1.25 = 2.25 meter.

5. Number of required rows of fixtures along with width of room

Number of rows required = Width of room / Max. spacing = 10 / 2.25
Number of rows required is therefore = 4.

6. Number of fixtures required in each row

Number of fixtures required in each row = Total Fixtures / Number of rows = 21 / 4
Therefore, we have 5 fixtures in each row.

7. Axial spacing between each fixture:

Axial spacing between fixtures = Length of room / Number of fixtures in each row
… and that would be: 20 / 5 = 4 Meter

8. Transverse spacing between each fixture:

Transverse spacing between fixtures = Width of room / Number of fixtures in row
… and that would be: 10 / 4 = 2.5 Meter.
FL luminaires with a SHR of 1.25.

ght ratio (SHR) is 1.25.

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