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Table of Contents

1. Transmittal Letter
2. Message of the Barangay Captain
3. Barangay Vision and Mission
4. Location Map
5. Barangay History
6. Brief Barangay Profile
7. Barangay Spot Map
8. Risk Assessment

8.1 Hazard and Resource Map

8.2 Hazard Assessment Matrix
8.3 Disaster Timeline
8.4 DRRM Experience and Coping Strategies
8.5 Evacuation Matrix
8.6 Seasonal Calendar
8.7 Social Venn Diagram
8.8 Attitudinal Matrix
8.9 Before, Now, Tomorrow
8.10 Other Relevant Tools
9. Identify Hazard, Vulnerability, Capacity and People’s Perception of Risk
10.Prioritize Hazards and Prepare a Hazard Specific Contingency Plan

9.1 Flood Warning System and Evacuation Plan
9.2 Landslide Warning System and Evacuation Plan
9.3 Earthquake Evacuation Plan
9.4 Fire Warning System and Evacuation Plan
9.5 Tsunami
11.Identify DRRM Programs/Projects/Activities
12.DRRM/CCA Action Plan
13.BDC Resolution
Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction
Management Officer
Alfonso, Lista


We are submitting herewith our Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction Plan 2023 of Barangay
Calupaan, Alfonso Lista, Ifugao.

The purpose of this report is to know the basic concepts on how to make an effective BDRRM
plan. The plans show the detailed scope of works, strategies and methodologies. Work ,plan, breakdown,
contractual condition.

We hope that find this report satisfactory.

Sincerely yours,

Punong Barangay

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