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Character Information

A.Where was your character born?
1.What was happening in the region during your character’s childhood?

B.Who raised your character?

C.Does your character have any relatives?

1.How does he get along with them?

2.What are they doing now?

D. Does your character have any children?

1.How does he get along with them?

2.What are they doing now?

E. Is your character currently in a relationship?

F. What is the best thing that has ever happened to your character?

G. What is the worst thing that has ever happened to your character?

H. What is your character’s most embarrassing moment?

A.What are your character’s goals?
1.Within the coming year?

2.Within the next 20 years?


B.What type of person would be your character’s ideal mate? Physically?


1.What religion is your character?


3.Is your character a devout worshiper?

D.Is your character a devout member of any non-religious cause?

E.Is there a race, creed, religion, etc. against which your character is strongly prejudiced?

F.What is your characters greatest fear?

G.What is the one task that your character refuses to do?

H.What is your characters greatest regret?

I. What actions, taken in the past or recently, does your character feel most guilty about?

A.What is your character’s motto or favorite saying?
B.What is your character’s favorite color?
C.What is your characters favorite movie?
D.What would your character wear if money were no object?
E.What is your character’s favorite food/drink?
F.What is your character’s favorite animal?
G.What would your character do with one wish?

H.Who are your characters friends?

I. Who are your characters “enemies”?

J.Who is your character’s best friend that is not a lover?

K.What habbits, possesed by friends, annoys your character most?

L.What is your character’s hobby?

M.What is one secret that your character hides from almost everyone?
N.Describe your characters Basic Personality:

O. What unique skills does your character possess?

P. How does your character normally dress?

Q. Does your character participate in any “extracurricular activities”?

R. What are your character’s “likes”?

S. What are your character’s “dislikes”?

T. Who does your character “look up to”?

Rate your character in the following traits on a scale of 0 (no trace) to 10 (great ammounts).
Courtesy- Courage-
Self-sacrifice- Generosity-
Seriousness- Calm Temper-
Optimism- Curiosity-
Forgiveness- Cheerfulness-
Patience- Honesty-
Helpfulness- Loyality-
One other trait possessed at 8 or more:

A.What well known media figure would play your character if this were a movie?
B.What would be your character’s theme song?
C.If your character’s friends were to write his/her epitaph, what would it be?

D.What is/was your character’s job?

E.What other jobs has he had?

F.What is your characters financial status?

G. Describe a typical day for your character?

H. What does your character do for fun?

J. Give details of your character’s two closest friends or companions?

List the major events that have shaped your characters life and personality

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