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Overpopulation in Urban Areas

Lilibeth E. Laqui (21100230)

Acsenda School of Management

ENGL101-08: Academic Writing Fundamentals

Professor Maryam Valiante

1st of June, 2023

Individuals from towns and little towns are moving to cities in the look of occupations and

distant, better, higher, stronger, and improved standard of living. As a result, urban ranges are

congested and confront numerous issues. The main problems of overcrowding are housing shortages

and transport congestion. However, there are ways to resolve these issues.

With urban population growth, the housing needs for these immigrants are enormous. Poor

housing affordability can hamper internal liquidity for families and businesses, further undermining

competitive structures and urban development. This labor imbalance can hamper financial development

at the national level (Hsieh & Moretti, 2019). An article by Seitz (2021) provides a detailed and apt

illustration of how affordable housing prices can have massive negative impacts on cities. There is also

evidence that a lack of affordable housing leads to higher transportation costs and delays in household

formation, marriage, and childbirth (Lee and Painter, 2013). Governments often fail to provide people

with adequate housing. For example, a family in the Philippines booked an apartment three years ago

through a private development company. But due to housing shortages, developers are advising people

to wait three years before handing over their apartments. To solve this problem, the government can

set up large public-private housing corporations. Governments can moreover create favorable plans to

energize private developers to contribute to unused lodging ventures. As a citizen, lease unused space in

your loft or domestic to understudies and people to optimize your city's living space.

In expansion to lodging deficiencies, urban stuffing is straining transportation. As a result, open

transport is congested, causing numerous bothers in day-by-day commuting. Until a long time, prior, he

utilized to explore places when traveling in Metro Manila, but since his final year he rarely finds places

by himself, and he frequently voyages in Metro Manila. Governments ought to mediate and present
imaginative modes of transportation that can carry bigger travelers and spare fuel. Besides,

governments need to scale up existing transport to ease the transport system. Able to offer help with

our transportation, at the smallest for brief divisions. This frees up space on open transport for destitute


To conclude, we are able to say that urban ranges confront numerous issues due to

overcrowding. Be that as it may, with the joint participation of the government and the individuals,

these issues can be unraveled to a huge degree.


Hsieh, Chang-Tai, and Enrico Moretti. 2019. "Housing Constraints and Spatial Misallocation."

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 11 (2): 1-39.

DOI: 10.1257/mac.20170388

Seitz, W. (2021). Urbanization in Kazakhstan: desirable cities, unaffordable housing, and the

missing rental market. International Journal of Urban Sciences.

Lee, K. O., & Painter, G. (2013). What happens to household formation in a recession? Journal

of Urban Economics, 76, 93–109.

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