Mahabharata - Life Lessons For All Ages

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In samarpanam to our Guruparampara -

Moolamnaya Sarvagnya Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham

Itihaasa - A Natakam and

Samskriti Camp

Mahabharata : Life Lessons for

All Ages

By Archana Iyer Sunil

Sri Ganeshaya Namaha Sri Gurubhyo Namaha

[Gita Dhyanam chanters seated FC]
[Lights On]
Slide 1: Krishna-Arjuna Scene
Audio 1: Shruti
Gita Dhyanam
(during the last verse place homa kundam)

Scene 1
Props on SL: homa kundam with 2 ladles, asana

Where : Naimisharanya, by the River Gomati in UP

Slide 2 with Audio 2: sounds of discourses from various texts with Gomati flowing gif
(1.1 and 1.2 sit to listen to a teacher, 2.1 and 2.2 move from SL to SR discussing, 1.1 and 1.2
get up, carry wood from SR to SL, 2.1 and 2.2 return, do surya namaskaram & archery )
When music ends Ugrashravas enters from the audience
(Teacher gets up to greet him and welcomes him)
Teacher : swagatham pauranika suta Ugrashravas! Welcome to our sattra!
Ugrashravas(returns their namaste, looking around) : wow, looks like this is a huge sattra - what
is everyone learning here? And for how long is this sattra?
(one student leaves to bring an asana from SL for Ugrashravas)
Teacher : this is a 12-year sattra suta - puranas, shastras, brahmavidya - you name it, every text
is being discussed and taught here. You tell us! Where all have you been before coming here?
What interesting news and stories do you have for us?
( everyone stops what they are doing and all join the teacher and do namaste)
(student places the asana, Ugrashravas sits down facing audience and all others around
Ugrasharavas(to audience) : I am coming from the very powerful snake-sacrifice of Raja
1.1(to Ugrashravas) : What was the snake sacrifice for?
Ugrashravas : his father Raja Parikshit - the only survivor of the Kuru dynasty and the grandson
of the Pandava Arjuna - was once hunting in a forest. He saw a rishi in dhyaana under a tree
and wanted to tease him for fun. He picked up a dead snake from nearby and put it around the
rishi like a garland and left laughing.
(all giggle)
When the rishi’s son returned and saw this he was very angry and cursed the person who
humiliated his father in this manner. He cursed them to die of a snakebite within one week.
(all shocked)
He tried to contain himself within a very secure palace but somehow a snake may have entered
along with some garlands, bit him and he died within a week.
This angered his son who then became the Raja Janamejaya. He decided to kill every snake in
the world.
2.1 : how did he plan to do that?

Ugrashravas : he initiated a ritual which invoked and tempted all the nagas to come, they all fell
into the fire one-by-one and perished. Just as their king, the raja of the nagas, Nagaraja Daksha
was about to jump in the fire , a person named Astika arrived and calmed Raja Janamejaya and
convinced him to end this ritual, which he did.
I happened to be there when Vaishampayana, a student of Rishi Vyasa, arrived. Raja
Janamejaya and others requested him to share the story of Mahabharata as told to him by his
teacher Rishi Vyasa directly.
(all sit up ready and excited)
1.1 : suta, before you begin, how long did it take Rishi Vyasa to write the Mahabharata?
Ugrashravas(standing up and pacing) : three years - everyday for three years he would finish
his morning anushthanas and work on this great poetry of 100,000 verses
(everyone’s eyes widen, Ugrashravas paces but stops when answering questions)
2.1 : dear suta, what was the purpose of writing the Mahabharata?
Ugrashravas : through the Mahabhrata Rishi Vyasa shows us how we should live our lives in
accordance to dharma, what to do when we are faced with difficult choices, how to earn wealth
in the right way, how to perform our duties without attaching our actions to the outcomes, how
we must enjoy what we earn while being aware of our limitations - dharma-artha-kama - and all
this to attain moksha in this life, to attain happiness and peace in our lives
(everyone nods)
1.2 : please tell us how listening to the Mahabharata and other puranas help us?
Ugrashravas : When you hear these stories over and over again you will get inspired to be like
those who lived by dharma, you will want to be free and happy and get moksha. You will learn
about how to influence people and how to solve problems. You will begin to see the reasons for
people’s suffering and you will want to help those in need. Over time you will see yourself
changing slowly.
(everyone nods again)
Ugrashravas ( facing the audience begins to narrate)
So!! - In the long illustrious line of kings after Emperor Bharata of the Kuru dynasty was a king
named Raja Shantanu. It is with him that this great epic Mahabharata, begins. Now, as well
know, we all have come to this janma after innumerable past janmas and we will all likely be
taking other janmas after this one.
The same was the case with Raja Shantanu. Before he was born as the rajkumar of the kuru
dynasty he had taken other janma-s earlier. Let’s see what that was about and how one of his
janma-s gave us the Mahabharata.
(all freeze, lights off, exit Stage Left)
Slide 3 - Blank
(place Indra’s main throne with 3 chairs to each side)

Scene 2
Where : Indra Devata’s Court in Indra Loka
(Indra seated on throne, Surya-Chandra-Shani to his left, Agni-Rahu-Ketu to his right)
Paurava man(Shantanu)-Ganga on standby
Lights On
Slide 4 - Devaloka with Dance Music(Audio 3)

(Dance 1 - as dance ends Shantanu enters, enjoying the dance and stands next to
Surya-Chandra; Ganga(in white) enters and stands next to Agni-Ketu; then both pace to the
center getting ready to meet when music ends, dancers exit SR)
Surya(angrily, walking toward ganga-shantanu/man) - stop! What are you doing? You have
arrived to Indra loka temporarily just to exhaust your punya-karma, and will be returning soon
back to the manushya loka. You are a mortal - and cannot befriend someone like Ganga who is
pure and free of all punya-paapa karma!
Paurava(steps back, as if waking up from sleep) : My apologies to all the deva-s and everyone
here - I was carried away by her grace and beauty, I should have acted within my limitations.
Please forgive my actions.
Indra(to Ganga) : you are also responsible for this by allowing your mind to wander off from your
duties Gange; (asking others) : how should we address this?
Surya : Ganga and this Paurava will need to be reborn on Earth to exhaust the impact of their
actions. As long as this Surya continues to rise and set, every action- right and wrong-will have
a consequence. That is the law of this universe for every being.
Gange and the Paurava(to everyone) :We accept this decision. Pray also tell us how weI can be
freed from the earthly janma
Agni (paces and narrates, others follow with eyes): Once upon a time the eight sons of Rishi
Kashyapa were roaming the forests with their wives when they reached the ashram of Rishi
Vasishtha. One of the wives saw the Rishi’s divine wish fulfilling cow Kamadhenu and asked to
have it. So the eldest of them agreed to kidnap Kamadhenu with the help of his brothers.
Rahu(continues) : When Rishi Vasishtha returned and discovered what had happened he
cursed them in anger to be reborn as mortals. The eight vasus who were laughing behind a tree
realized the seriousness of their folly and asked for forgiveness.
Ketu(continues) : Rishi Vasishtha’s anger calmed down and he told them that the seven who
helped will return right after they are born. The eldest however would remain on Earth to finish
the janma, and will not marry or have any children.
Chandran(continues) : So Ganga - you will give birth to these eight vasus with this Paurava,
place each child in the river as soon as they are born. This Paurava will not be able to ask you
why because of your charm, to burn the karma of his action today. Unable to watch his eighth
child also getting drowned he will stop you. You will remind him of what happened here and the
story of the ashta-vasus.
(Ganga nods)
Indra : The seven vasus will be redeemed through you. The paurava will raise the eighth vasu -
Devavrata who will later be known as Bhishma. And you will return back to this loka.
[Ganga and Paurava bow to all devatas, all freeze, lights off, all exit SR]
Slide 5: blank
Scene 3
Props: 4 babies with 4 colored wraps on SL, fishing net

Where: Banks of Ganga

Slide 6: ganga flowing, Audio 3: waterflowing
Props : 4 baby wraps
(Ugrashravas enters from SL with the munis, narrates, and exits SR)

Ugrashravas: and so in keeping with their karma from previous janma-s the paurava was born
as Raja Shantanu later in the kuru dynasty. He fell in love with a beautiful lady he met by Ganga
nadhi. He did not know who she was but she knew fully well who they both were.
They got married and as expected she began to give birth to the babies and drowned them into
the ganga one at a time.
Slide 6, Audio 3: sad
(Repeat 3 times) - Ganga enters from SL with the baby, followed by Shantanu. Shantanu stops
midway confused/sad/angry, she continues, Shantanu returns, Ganga goes around backstage
and returns with baby in a different color wrap
(4th time)
Shantanu - Stop! What are you doing Gange? Have you know no love for our children? Why this
cruelty? I will not allow you to drown our 8th baby this way
(music ends, Ganga turns, smiles and slowly walks back to Shantanu)
Ganga : you have broken your promise to never ask me why I do something Rajan. You may not
remember but …
Slide 6, Audio 3 : sad for flashback as she paces and tells him everything that happened and his
eyes follow her- (music ends) - he stares away into the distance in shock
Ganga : here is Devavrata, our 8th child, destined to finish his janma with you. Raise him well.
Slide 6, Audio 3: sad
(hands him baby and walks away SR, Shantanu watches till she is gone and returns to SL)
(Ugrashravas and party return from SR when music fades, come to SC)
2.2 : so Ganga fulfilled her karmic duties, redeemed the sapta-vasus and returned to Indra loka.
What happened to Shantanu and Devavrata?
Ugrashravas : Devavrata was raised by Shantanu into a brilliant administrator, great archer and
a learned scholar of the shastras. He was trained in many forms of warfare. With his long,
dedicated tapasyas he obtained a collection of powerful missiles along with their mantras from
devatas like Indira, Agni and Varuna. In battles, when he released an arrow from his bow it
would turn into a deadly missile with the mantras he invoked. (speaks dramatically)
Batch 1.2 : did he marry again? Raja-s have several queens and sons to ensure the security of
the kingdom and continuity of the dynasty. What did Raja Shantanu do?
Ugrashravas : He was saddened by Ganga leaving him and simply focused on raising
Devavrata for many years. His worries about his kingdom began to worsen his grief slowly. One
day when he was out hunting he met a lady named Satyavati in the forest.
(Ugrashravas starts to exit, 2.2 interjects)
Batch 2.2 : isn’t he the same Krishna Dwaipayana who we know as Rishi Veda Vyasa?
Ugrashravas(stops, returns to audience) : yes! Rishi Veda Vyasa’s birth name is Krishna
Dwaipayana. Krishna means dark color and dwaipayana refers to the place he was born - an
island. (pause)
Batch 2.2: So this Raja Shantanu wanted to marry Satyavati?
Ugrashravas - let’s watch!(Ugrashravas and party move to SL)
Slide 7: hut, Audio -birds chirping
(Nishada - Satyavati’s father is busy with a fishing net - Satyavati enters from SL, followed by
Raja Shantanu)
Satyavati - meet my pitaa Nishada

(to her dad) - this is Raja Shantanu of Hastinapura pita
(both do pranams to each other)
Nishada : what brings you to our hamlet Rajan?
Shantanu : I wish to see your daughter’s hand in marriage
(Shantanu and Satyavati smile, Satyavati paces and stand behind Nishada)
(Nishada is overjoyed)
Nishada : This is an honor for her and our family! But…. ( pauses to think, Satyavati and
Shantanu look worried)
Shantanu : But what Nishada? Tell me what’s on your mind
Nishada : I had been told that her son would rule the kingdom - will you be able to promise her
(Shantanu’s expression go from joy to anxiety to grief) - (silence)
Nishada : what happened Rajan? Are you unable to make this promise?
(Satyavati paces and steps back to go between them, afar)
Shantanu(facing audience) : I have a son, Devavrata, who is the rightful heir to the throne
Nishada - how can I make this promise? That would go against all rajya neeti and dharma
Slide 7, Audio : hut with horse carriage approaching and stopping
(everyone turns towards the sound) - Devavrata enters in horse carriage
Devavrata : O Rajan, you are here? I have been worried about you pita - what is going on here?
Let’s go back to the palace…(all silent, looks at everyone, does pranam - looks worried and
confused) - my name is Devavrata, the son of Raja Shantanu
(Nishada and Satyavati do pranam)
Devavrata : is there a problem? Why does my father who never bows to anyone not speak?
Nishada : Yes, there is. I seek pardon before I speak as I do not wish to mince my words. Your
father wishes to marry my daughter. However, he is unable to promise her that her son will be
the Crown Prince and the Raja of Hastinapur
Devavrata(slowly smiles and laughs) : is that it? (turn to Shantanu) - I promise that the son born
to Maataa Satyavati will be the Raja and not me.
(Shantanu signals not to with his hands, Satyavati interrupts - steps up next to Devavrata)
Satyavti : You are a man of dharma Devavrata. But about your future son? He will surely seek
the throne as the rightful heir.
(Devavrata interrupts her excitedly)
Devavrata(announces SC) : Nothing is more important than a son fulfilling the wishes of his
father! From this day one I resolve to remain a Brahmachari and never marry; I will dedicate this
lifetime in the service of Hastinapura (all freeze)
Slide 8 : flower showers, Audio shankh-temple bells
(as music ends - lights off, all exit SR, Ugrashravas and party move SC from SL, lights on)
Slide 9: river bank with trickling water audio
1.1: so Devavrata promised to not be king and to also not marry for the sake of his father’s
Ugrashravas : Yes, and who else does this remind you of?
(all think)

2.1 : Shri Rama! He went to the forest to fulfill the promise his father, Raja Dasharatha had
made to Rani Kaikeyi!
Ugrashravas : correct! And from that day on Devavrata was known as Bheeshma
1.1 : Bheeshma! THE Bheeshma!!??
Ugrashravas : yes - THE Bheeshma - the invincible one!
2.1(to audience) : So Ganga’s son Gangeya became Devavrata who became the mighty,
invincible Bheeshma!!
Slide 10 lightning visual , Audio shankh - as music ends lights off

End Scene 3

Slide 11: blank

Lights On
(changing positions)
1.2 : Did Shantanu marry Satyavati? Who became the king after Shantanu?
Ugrashravas : yes - Shantanu married Satyavati - they had two sons Vichitravirya and
Chitrangada. Raja Shantanu died of an illness and Chitrangada, the elder son, died in a battle.
So Vichitravirya was raised and trained by Bheeshma Pitamaha - his grandfather - into a very
capable ruler.
2.2 : So Vichitravirya ruled over Bharatvarsha?
Ugrashravas : yes, but not forever - so one day Bheeshma pitamaha went to the swayamvara
for the daughters of the Raja of Kashi
1.2 : why did Bheeshma Pitamaha go to the swayamvara - he had promised maata Satyavati
that he would never marry correct?
Ugrashravas : correct - he did not go for himself, he went to bring the princesses Amba, Ambika
and Ambalika for Vichitravirya
2.2 : was such a thing allowed ?
Ugrashravas : let’s find out!!
(Lights off - all freeze-party exits SL)

Scene 4
Props: throne, 2 side seats
Slide 12: Kashi Raja durbar
( in position: Raja of Kashi on throne, a rishi by his side, Rajkumar 1 and 2 on either side
Amba, Ambika, Ambalika behind the Raja with garlands in their hands - all smiling and chit
chatting as lights turn on - Bheeshma enters hastily and stands to one side - all glare at him)
Rajkumar 1(poking fun) - oho! Looks like someone forgot his big oath to remain a brahmachari
his whole life
Rajkumar 2 : what happened to the Great Bheeshma - you want to get married now? (laughs)
Rajkumar 1: no no, may be he realized he would rather have his own son to continue the
lineage(all laugh)
Bheeshma (addressing the Raja) : Rajan, I am here to take your three daughters for our Prince
(silence-all look at each other surprised)

Rajkumar 2: how is that possible Rajan? Is this even allowed?(asks the raja rishi)
Raja Rishi : Yes, our customs allow this as long as the princesses have no objection and
Bheeshma wins any battles you wage to stop him
Slide 12, Audio - amba-ambika-ambalika dramatic music
(Everyone turns towards the 3 girls, 2 sec pause - then Bheeshma walks over and holds the
hand of Amba - Ambika-Ambalika with his right hand - starts walking with them - Rajkumar 1
attacks with sword, then Rajkumar 2 - they hustle and Bheeshma wins - walks off with the 3 girls
- lights off-all exit SR)
Slide 13: Palace bedroom
(Satyavati strolls in with a puja plate, Bheeshma and the 3 girls follow hurriedly - all from SL)
Bheeshma(from SR-does pranam, stops) : maataha, I have brought all the 3 princesses for
Vichitravirya’s vivaaha
(Satyavati walks towards them, all come FC - Ambika and Ambalika touch her feet)
Amba(apologetically) : I am sorry maatah, but I had already chosen Rajkumar Salva as my
husband even before Bheeshma Pitamaha picked us up and brough s here
(all look at each other shocked)
Bheeshma : what! Why didn’t you say anything when the Raja Rishi said I could take you as
long as you had no objections? Why now?
(silence, Bheeshma paces in frustration)
The only right thing to do now is to take you back to Rajkumar Salva ( exits SR, followed by
( rest exit SL-Lights Off)
Slide 14: blank
(Lights On)
Ugrashravas and party(as they stroll in)
1.1 : so Amba went back to Prince Salva and Vichitravirya married Ambika and Ambalika?
Ugrashravas : That would have been ideal - but Salva refused to take her. Kshatriya dharma
and customs do not allow that. He had been defeated by Bheeshma in that battle remember?
2.1 : so did Bheeshma marry her then?
Ugrashravas : how could he? He had taken an oath of brahmachari - she came back to
Bheeshma Pitamaha asking him to marry her but he refused to
1.1 : Did Amba give up then?
Ugrashravas : No, she was very furious and felt cheated and wanted to take revenge. She did
many many years of tapasya and won the grace of Lord SUbramanya who gave her a garland
saying that, anyone who fights Bheeshma wearing that garland would win over Bheeshma
2.1 : who then defeated Bheeshma?
Ugrashravas : well, none of the several kings she met agreed to fight Bheeshma. They did not
see anything wrong in what Bheshma had done - he had followed all the rules of the kshatriya
dharma. It was her fault for not speaking up when she had an opportunity to speak at the
1.2 : that sounds fair ( others nodding)
(step aside to SL)

Slide 15: agni tapasya, Audio damaru music
(Amba enters angry; paces twice, throws the garland and starts meditating on one foot- Shiva
appears as music ends)
Shiva(affectionately): putri Ambe , putri Ambe …
Amba(sets foot down calmly, bows to Shiva)
Shiva : I know what troubles you putri. You will be reborn and you yourself will kill Bheeshma.
Amba(irritated) : reborn? But I want to see him dead in this janma- what is the point of doing it in
my next janma when I won’t even remember anything?
Shiva : you will be reborn in Raja Drupada’s kingdom as a girl. Then wearing that garland that
my putra Kartikeya blessed you with which will be waiting for you in that same spot(points to it)-
you will remember everything and kill Bheeshma in that janma. In fact, you will be the only
person who can kill Bheeshma.
Slide 15 Audio damaru plays again - Amba does pranaam, Shiva exits, followed by Amba
Slide 16: blank
2.2 : but Bheeshma had not done anything wrong by refusing to marry her, so why did Shiva
grant her that wish?(thinking)
Ugrashravas(to audience) : remember all actions have consequences - karma phalam - Good
and bad karma . Her long years of tapasya made her eligible for Shiva’s blessings. As for
Bheeshma - he made a choice to stick to his promise vs breaking it to marry Amba, which
seemed unfair to her and hurt her. So Bheeshma will have to face the consequences of his
actions too.
(all nod in agreement)
And so Ambika and Ambalika got married to Vichitravirya and in time gave birth to sons. Ambika
gave birth to the eldest Kuru prince - Rajkumar Dhritarashtra who was however born blind. So
for the benefit of Hastinapura and as per the shastras, Ambalika’s son Rajkumar Pandu had to
rule the kingdom instead of Dhritarashtra.
1.2: how did that work out for them?
Ugrashravas : not very well actually - Dhritrashtra felt angry from within because of his handicap
- he wanted to rule Hastinpara and then after him his sons. He was unhappy about his brother
Pandu ruling instead and worried that the future sons of Pandu would dominate over his
children and his family.
2.2 : that’s a fair thing to worry about ( contemplating)
Ugrashravas : yes - I suppose so-anyhow Pandu died during a forest expedition. His five sons
who were born in the forest came to be known as the Pandavas. Dhritarashtra had 99 sons and
1 daughter called the Dhaartarashtraa-s.
1.1 : Pandavas and Dhartarashtraa-s were both Kauravas after all - descendants of the Kuru
Ugrashravas : correct! Now while the Pandavas were growing up in the forest receiving
education and training, the Dhartarashtraa-s were growing up in Hastinapura. And not too far
away in the Kingdom of Mathura someone else was wreaking havoc at the same time.
(all excitedly) - who is that? Tell us tell us?
Ugrasharavas(laughs and exits Stage Left, all follow) - you’ll see now…..
End Scene 4

Scene 5

Slide 17: Mahavishnu Audio brahmam okate

{table with saree cover and plate of pushpam}
Raja Ugrasena and Rani Padmavati enter - do puja with pushpam for music- when music ends
and narrator speaks they continue their puja
Off-stage voice of Ugrashravas: According to Vishnu Puraana the city of Mathura was "well
presided over by Ugrasena, and abounded in a happy population both of men and women".
Raja Ugrasena was a conscientious and capable ruler, and a great devotee of Maha Vishnu.
He ruled Mathura as his elder brother Vasudeva was not interested in kingship. Ugrasena’s son
Kamsa however had his eyes on the throne of Mathura.
{two soldiers enter hurriedly and hover Ugrasena, followed by Kamsa laughing, tie his hands
and drag him off-stage, Padmavati tries to stop them but they push her back}
Kamsa(evil laugh) : throw him into the Kalindi nadi where no one will find him and he will die a
lonely death
Padmavati (angrily) : you are having your own father executed Kamsa! Shame on you!! You will
die at the hands of a young member of our own family!
Off-stage voice of Yogamaya: (angry voice) : Kamsa, what have you done!!!
Kamsa(looking around) - who is this?
Yogamaya : Kamsa, You have hurt your mother and ordered your father to be executed!!
(Kamsa laughs proudly)
Yogamaya Off Stage : You are a fool to do this Kamsa! (Kamsa stops laughing and looks
Yogamaya : You will die at the hands of someone in your own family - your cousin Devaki and
Vasudev’s eight baby will be boy who will bring an end to your evil ways
Slide 25 lightning visual Audio14 : thunder
Kamsa laughs loudly-partly confused, partly unsure, lights off - all exit SR except Kamsa

End Scene 5

Scene 6
Props: cradle with baby doll, basket with baby, asanas
Slide 18: Kamsa’s Court
Lights On
Kamsa paces angrily twice
Guard1 enters with a baby, Kamsa stops and throws the baby 1 -
Off-stage Devaki’s voice pleading : No brother no, please don’t kill my babies…no
Slide 18 kamsa court: Audio 16: baby crying into thunder
Guard 1 exits SR, Kamsa paces again
Kamsa stops pacing, Guard 2 enters SL with a baby, Kamsa throws the baby-2, guard exits SR,
Kamsa paces
Off-Stage Devaki pleading : Brother, NO, brother please
Guard 2 exits SR, Kamsa paces again

Kamsa stops pacing, Guard 1 enters with a baby, Kamsa throws baby-3,guard 1 exits SR,
Kamsa paces - stops at music
Slide 18 Kamsa Court : Audio swagatham 1
Kamsa(to guard) : what is going on here? Why do I hear sounds of the flute? Where is the 8th
baby - the one who is supposed to kill me(laughs evil)
(Guard looks down, Kamsa paces twice)
Slide 18 Kamsa Court: Audio swagatham 2
Kamsa (shaking himself (to guard) : alright! I am going to bed but you better be awake for that
8th baby - my slayer(laughs loudly again, exits SL)
Slide 19- yamuna- rainstorm Audio rainstorm
Guard comes SC, paces 3 times, stops SC and falls asleep; (Vasudeva crosses the stage with
baby-basket on his head)
Slide 20 Gokul - audio changes to happy music as Vasudev arrives in Gokul
[place cradle with baby girl CC] [keep lota for water and 3 asana-s ready for Yashoda]
[Yahoda rocks baby a few times and places in cradle, Nanda swings it, Vasudev arrives - both
welcome him surprised and happy]
Yashoda : what a beautiful surprise Vasudev ji - please come please come.. [exits SR to bring
lota of water and 3 asana-s]
Nanda : Vasudev, what is going on - why do you look tired and sad?[helps bring down the
basket and helps him sit, Yashoda offers water, he drinks and returns the lota to her, all take a
Vasudev: Brother-in-law Kamsa’s evil ways have crossed all limits. He imprisoned his father
Raja Ugrasena, then when he found out that Devaki and my 8th child will be a boy and the
cause of his death because his mother Rani Padmvatahi cursed him so - he imprisoned Devaki
and me as well. [shows the baby]
This is that 8th child - a boy. Kamsa had all the previous 7 babies killed - all girls.
[Nanada and Yashoda are shocked to hear this, all look down for 2 secs]
Nanda(puts his arms around Vasudev to comfort him)
Vasudev : andI have brought him to leave with you
[Yashoda gets up, brings her baby from the cradle and hands to Vasudev]
Yashoda: Vasudev Ji - Leave him here and take his sister - our daughter- with you so that
Kamsa is not suspicious when you return
[Vasudev gets up, bows in gratitude - Yashoda and Nanda comfort him]
Vasudev : I must return to Mathura now before Kamsa and his guard wake up - I am sorry to
take your daughter with me (bows, places baby in his basket and gets ready to leave)

Slide 21 Yamuna river Audio rain while Yahoda and Nanda walk him out
[Vasudev crossing Yamuna back and when the audio ends and Vasudev exits the stage to
Slide 22 Kamsa’s Court
[Kamsa enters from SR - followed by guards]
Kamsa : (sarcastically) the silence is deafening - where is that 8th child who will slay me (laughs
Guard(enters with the baby from SL) : Raja - here is that 8th baby but it’s a girl

Kamsa(laughing loudly) - I knew this was all a big joke - I have been having sleepless nights
thinking of this boy who is supposed to put an end to me - bwahahahaah - what good is this girl
going to do to anyone ( picks up tp throw the baby)
Off-stage Devi’s Voice : stop! Stop Kamsa! your pride and greed has made you a fool Kamsa!
The 8th boy has already been born and your end is coming for sure
Kamsa(looking around) - that is impossible!!! There was no boy born here - ask my guard/s -
and who are you anyway O voice??
Off-stage Devi’s Voice : I am Devi Durga. I took an avatara as this baby girl to take the place of
their 8th child, a boy - Krishna - he will definitely put an end to you and your evil ways Kamsa
Kamsa (laughs loudly, exits SR) - yah yah, we’ll see about that (hands the baby back to the
guard and walks away, guard exits SL)
Slide 23 Gokul Audio : Swagatham Krishna
(childhood till young krishna choreography)
Freeze - Lights Off - Exit SL

End Scene 6

Scene 7
Props: Main throne
Slide 24 Hastinapura decorated, audio - dhol
( As music ends Ugrashravas and party enter from SL, looking around at the festivities)
1.2 : where are we now?
Ugrashravas: in Hastinapura, the ancestral kingdom of the Pandavas and the Dhaartarashtra-s
2.1: the Kaurava-s you mean!
2.2 : Looks like some celebration - what’s going on?
Ugrashravas : remember the pandavas were being raised in the forest while the
dhaartarashtraa-s were growing up here in Hastinapura?
(all nod)
So today the Pandava-s are returning to their home for the first time in their lives
1.1 : wow - how old is everyone now?
Ugrashravas : they are all in their teens, between 14 or 15 to about 17 or 18 perhaps
2.1 : all the cousins must be excited to see each other then - no wonder all this celebration…
Ugrashravas : not exactly
2.2 : what!! Why??
Ugrashravas(pacing, others follow) - see, Pandu’s sons, the Pandavas, have grown up in the
forest all this while so they have no idea what to expect when they come to this palace for the
first time ever. As for Dhritarasthra’s sons, the oldest Duryodhana, was spoiled all these years
with all the attention and wealth and, he and his brothers and their one sister did not want to
share anything with the Pandavas

1.1 : Oh no - that’s not good, so were they becoming jealous?

1.2 : this smells and sounds like trouble for Hastinapura
Ugrashravas (smiling into the distance facing audience) - कामं क्रोधं मदं मोहं मात्सर्यं लोभमेव च ।।
ू षड्वैरिणो जित्वा सर्वत्र विजयी भवेत ् ।। ३४ ।।

kāmaṃ krodhaṃ madaṃ mohaṃ mātsaryaṃ lobhameva ca ||
amūnṣaḍvairiṇo jitvā sarvatra vijayī bhavet || 34 ||
those who overcome anger, attachment, adharmic desire and jealousy will be victorious
let’s see what happened when Duryodhana and then all his siblings were born some 15 years
ago…. (all move to SL, on-stage)
[place main throne FC]
Slide 25 (video of bad omens)
Slide 26: RD sabha (Raja Dhritarashtra enters from SL and paces rapidly, Vidura enters from
SR hurriedly when video ednd)
Vidura : Maharaj Dhritarashtra, I’m told you called for me urgently? What is the matter this late
in the night?
RD: Vidura, O dear Vidura, Maharani just gave birth to our first prince - I am beyond happy
Vidura, I know not what to do …. (reaching for him).... Vidura? Where are you? (Vidura goes
near, RD puts his hands on Vidura’s shoulder) - but what these bad omens we are seeing and
hearing? - why are you not saying anything Vidura? - why are you quiet
(Vudira gently pulls away from RD, facing audience)
RD: the baby is crying non stop, he sounds like an animal when he cries, the wind is blowing
violently in all directions, fires in all directions….. What is going on?
Vidura: Maharaj - I am your Minister, it is my duty to counsel you on what is good for the
kingdom and what is not, and to call a spade a spade so you can make the right decisions
RD: yes, of course, that’s what you always do - but why are you saying all that to me now?
Vidura: Maharaj - the omens are not auspicious for Hastinapura
RD: What do you mean Vudira?
Vidura : These omens indicate that this first-born of yours will be the cause for the destruction of
this kuru dynasty
RD(shocked, steps away) : what are you saying Vidura? Watch your words!
Vidura: I know at this time you are speaking as a father Mahraj; but your duty lies to Hastinapura
and its people first
RD(confused, paces): what -what are you saying? What should I do?
Vidura: You must sacrifice this baby immediately Maharaj.
RD(turns around fast) - Vidura!!! What are you saying!!! Stop this!!
Vidura(as Bheeshma enters) : It is my duty to offer my counsel to you without fear or favor. It is
for you to accept it or reject it.
[Bheeshma Enters slowly from SL]
Bheeshma: He is right Dhritarashtra
RD(does pranaam to Beeshma) : Pranaam Bheeshma Pitamaha - I feel helpless, and confused
- you are both asking me to sacrifice my first born - why such harsh advice
Bheeshma : Like Vidura said - you are Mahraja Dhritarashtra of Hastinapura, the descendant of
the mighty Kuru dynasty - the one responsible for continuation of the Kuru Dynasty. This
new-born of yours has arrived with signs that indicate the end of this dynasty Dhritarashtra
[RD sits down slowly in sorrow]
Bheeshma(gently walking to RD) : your putra-moha, attachment, to your baby as a father is
clouding your judgment now as the king of the people of Hastinapura - do what is right
(all silent for 5 secs)

RD(getting up) : I can’t Vidura and Bheeshma pitamaha, I cannot do this - all will be well, I am
hopeful that everything will be well. Everything will work out well.
(Vidura and Bheeshma glance at each other, face the audience, close eyes and take deep
breath - praying up to the gods)
(Lights off - Vidura, Bheeshma and RD exit back, Ugrashravas and party return FC)
Slide 27: blank
2.1 : wow, that must have been such a devastating piece of advice to even hear, leave alone
follow through
2.2: so blinded by his putramoha may be deep down Raja Dhritarashtra wanted his first-born to
be the next Raja too
1.1: yes, and that’s why Duryodhana and his brothers grew up spoiled in wealth and greed and
a false sense of entitlement
Ugrashravas: yes, and so the Pandavas, who were raised to be fair, kind and hardworking,
were in for a big, nasty surprise when they first arrived in Hastinapura
1.2: which was rightfully their home and kingdom to begin with ( to audience, as everyone walks
away and exits SR)
Lights Off
End Scene 7

Scene 8
Props: Main throne, 7 seats
(place throne and seats)
Slide 28: RD sabha, Audio: celebration music to welcome pandavas
[ RD, Duryodhana, Dushasana, Bheeshma, Vidura, Gandhari, Shakuni, Raja Rishi(?) awaiting
the arrival of Kunti and Pandavas. Halfway through music Kunti and Pandavas enter. Pandavas
touch the feet of all elders, elders bless and embrace them. Duryodhana and Dushasana
express jealousy and annoyance. Shakuni observes D-D and Pandavas closely. Music ends.]
Bheeshma ( walks over to Pandavas, embracing them affectionately) : we have waited all these
years to see the sons of Pandu - welcome to your home, your kingdom my grandsons!!
[Duryodhana and Dushasana are visibly jealous, Shakuni is irritated with Bheeshma, RD is
quiet, smiling unsure]
Vidura (steps towards Kunti, does pranaam) - we are all fortunate to have you back Raajmaate,
and that too with the 5 sons of Pandu
Kunti ( does pranaam to Bheeshma and Vidura): yes, at last - Maharaj Pandu would have been
very happy to see his sons return to their kingdom and home
[Vidura address RD]
Vidura: Raajan, your sons the Pandavas are here with Maata Kunti - why this silence?
RD[as though shaken from his distraction[ : welcome welcome Sons of Pandu - welcome home!
Rani Gandhari : come to me O sons of dear Pandu - [they all touch her feet, she hugs
affectionately and blesses them]
[Pandava-s step up and touch RD’s feet, he blesses them. Kunti introduces each Pandava
proudly, RD blesses and smiles]

Kunti : this is Yudhishthira - born with the grace of Yama Devata, Bhima - born with the grace of
Vayu Devata, Arjuna - born with the grace of Indra Devata - and Nakula and Sahadeva - born by
the grace of the two Ashwins
Bheeshma : Hastinapura finally has all the heirs of the Kuru dynasty together - this is a great
day for the people of Hastinapura
Ugrashravas(as they walk to FC from SR): At first it seemed like it was going well. After a few
years a friendly competition was arranged - as was the tradition - among all the princes of
Hastinapura - who, btw, were all Dronacharya’s students.
Nakula and Sahadeva competed with some of Duryodhana’s brothers with some weapons,
Bhima and Duryodhana had a fierce one-on-one as well. There seemed to be no one to match
Arjuna’s archery until Karna appeared on the field and challenged him.
2.1: wow - so which side won?
42 : wait - was there a winner even?
Ugrashravas : you asked the right question - there was no winner declared that day
1.1: I figured, if both sides were trained by the same acharya…
1.2 : but they each also has their own strengths and weaknesses I bet
Ugrashravas: the reason for no winner being declared is actually different
(all look at him expecting an answer)
There was a secret which only one person in the entire Hastinapura knew. Karna was Kunti’s
first-born child with the grace of Surya Bhagavan, before she married Raja Pandu. She had let
him go safely in a small basket along the river which reached the people who found him and
raised Karna.
2.1: ok….so what does that have to do with no winner?
Ugrashravas : so when she saw Karna appear in the arena Kunti was shocked and fainted, and
they had to call off the competition
All: O!
Ugrashravas: but the Pandavas appeared to be winning and the people cheered most for them
up until that happened - so Duryodhana was clearly unhappy and jealous
Audio welcome plays again - (all exit SL talking to each other, except Duryodhana,
Dushasana and Shakuni - Vidura exits last, gives them a suspicious look evident to the
(After all exit - Duryodhana paces twice angrily, Dushasana expresses frustration, Shakuni is
Duryodhana(irritated) : What is so special about these pandavas Shakuni maama - tell me -
what do they have that I don’t have?!
Dushasana(supporting Duryodhana) : exactly - how can they even claim to be heirs of the
Kuru-s when our father has been ruling Hastinapura!
Shakuni(evil look): this is not good, we have to stop them sooner rather than later so they don’t
start claiming rights to the throne Duryodhana
[Karna rushes in from SR]
Karna(sarcastically) : Too bad the competition had to be called off just because Raajmaata
fainted - anyhow, they all seemed to be celebrating the Pandavas as though Duryodhana has
never existed here all these years(jokingly)

Shakuni : it’s not funny Karna - we have to do something to get rid of them ro drive them away
They will soon also be trained by Dronacharya; and I have heard that each of them is very
skilled in warfare with different divine weapons; especially Bhima - did you see how big and tall
and strong he is??!!
Duryodhana(jealous) : yes, I saw that - he is the first one I want to crush - suggest something
maama - you are Shakuni maama after all - unbeatable in deceptive ways
Shakuni(paces, thinking, then announces ) : Let’s do this! Let’s poison his food with kaalakoota
venom from snakes, he will go into coma - then tie him up in vines and throw him in the Ganga -
let loose some snakes along with him so he is not spared
(Duryodhana, Dushasana and Karna smile evil)
Duryodhana(embracing shakuni maama) : you are the best maaama anyone can ask for -
always there to back me up!!
[To Dushasana]: let’s arrange for this first thing tomorrow - all laugh to audience
[All exit SL, Lights Off]
End Scene 8

Scene 9
Props: blue cover, body sack stuffed, sack with snakes, bench with fabric
Slide 29 : Palace Room
[Lights On]
(Kunti walks across from SL to SR calling everyone to eat - Bhima is missing)
Kunti : Yudhshthira, Bhima, Arjuna - come have lunch! Nakula, Sahadeva - you both too
(she looks around, no response) - where are you all? Time for lunch..
(Y and A appear from SL, N and S from SR - do pranaam and sit down except Y)
Yudishthira : wait, where is Bhima - he is always the first to come to meals?
Arjuna - that is strange - where is he maate?
Kunti : I don’t know, that does not sound good - something fishy going on - why don’t you all go
look for him first
(all leave immediately - exit same sides as entries)
[Lights Off]
[Bheema lies down on the floor covered BC]
[Lights On]
Slide 30 : deep sea waves with Audio
[Duryodhana, Dushasana, Shakuni carry Bheema’s tied body from SR to CC, along with a bag
of long snakes, throw Bhima into the ocean - back of stage, , open bag of snakes obvious for
audience, throw into the river one at a time - laugh - and suddenly look in the river and stop
Duryodhana : wait why is he waking up calmly while the snakes are biting him?
Dushasna: and he looks like with every bite he is getting stronger?
Duryodhana : Shakuni maama, what’s going on? What is this?(angrily)
Shakuni(realizing something): oh no!! May be the venom from these snakes is an anti-dote to
the kaalakuta poison we fed him - so they are reviving him by biting him (all get scared and start
to leave)
Dushasana - oh no - this is not good - if Bheema finds out this was us he will never spare us

(just as all run to exit SR, Vasuki (Raja of Snakes) enters from SL - rushes to see Bheema.
Bheema gets up and comes FC along with Raja Vasuki))
Raja Vasuki: Bheema, we are all so honored to have you in our kingdom - it looks like someone
tried to poison you with kaatakoota, which my people defeated with their antidote to it (both
Bheema : i am grateful to your people for saving my life Raja Vasuki, dhanyOsmi (pranaam)
Raja Vasuki : Our privilege - the elixir that my people have put in your body now gives you the
strength of a 1000 elephants
Bheema(showing off muscles): Yeah, I can feel it - these arms and legs will crush any enemy to
pieces (both laugh) - I must take leave now, my mother and brothers will be worried about me (
does pranaam)
Raka Vasuki : yes, please give Maata Kunti my pranaams
Bheema: I will, she will be grateful to you for saving my life (does pranaam and exits SL, Raja
Vasuki exits SR)
[Lights Off]
Slide 31: Palace Room
[Lights On]
(Kunti and all Pandavas walk in from SL - Bheema in the front narrating to them- Kunti sits,
others stand around her)
Bheema: and then Raja Vasuki told me about this elixir that makes strong as 1000 elephants
Kunti : I am so happy you are safe Bheema - there was definitely some foul play here
Arjuna : this was definitely Duryodhana’s doing (irritated)
Bheema: yes, he has been wanting to get rid of me since the day we returned to Hastinapur
(Bheeshma and Vidura enter from SR)
Nakula : why don’t we confront him jyeshtha
Sahadeva: Yes exactly - let’s take this to Raja Dhritarashtra too
Vidura: No no, that will not be good for you
Arjuna: but why? He tried to kill Bheema - how can we be quiet about this pitaamaha?
Bheeshma : Vidura is right Arjuna, best to let this lay low for now - If you confront him he will
surely wage some battle and you all are not prepared for that right now. You need an army,
alliances with kings…. You have none. This is your time to lay low.
Vidura: Yes, your time to strike will come one day.Remember - यस्य कृत्यं न जानन्ति मन्त्रं वा
मन्त्रितं परे ।कृतमेवास्य जानन्ति स वै पण्डित उच्यते॥ - the one whose actions are only known after
completion and his plans not known before is wise
Kunti: yes sons, listen to Vidura and Bheeshma pitaamaha, they are right. Don’t make noise
about this right now. (all Pandavas are irritated)
[Lights Off] [Exit]
Remove sets
End Scene 9

Scene 10
Props: homa kundam, brahmastra
[Dronaacharya ashram with homam set-up][brahmastra/missile next to it]

Slide 32: Dronoacharya’s Ashram with audio: veenai/flute as he does his anushthana
[Pandavas enter, do pranaam and wait for him to finish; he gets up when music ends]
Dronacharya: suprabhatam scions of the kuru dynasty - are you ready for your day’s lessons?
What are the six virtues of a Raja? A leader?
Y: sandhi,vigraha,yaana, asana, dvaidhi-bhaava and samaashraya-rupa
Dronacharya : Bhima - explain sandhi
Bheema: sandhi is to make peace with an enemy who is stronger than you; using time to get
stronger and the enemy to get weaker
Dronacharya : Nakula! - explain Vigraha
Nakula: vigraha is to attack the weaker enemy only when you are absolutely sure that you can
defeat them or seize them
Dronacharya: so how do you decide which one to adopt?
Bheema: if cost is higher than the benefit of the action then the raja must choose sandhi
Dronacharya : Sahadeva - explain asana
Sahadeva: asana is keeping quiet and waiting for the enemy to get weaker by getting into other
battles and wars - like proxy wars
Dronacharya : and yana Nakula?
Nakula: only when you are absolutely sure of victory just march right in and take over
Dronacharya : Sahadeva - samaaashryaya?
Sahadeva: knowing when to seek shelter from another king when enemy is stronger
Dronacharya : Arjuna - dvaidibhaava?
Arjuna : dvaidibhaava is when a raja uses sandhi with one king and vigraha with another at the
same time
Dronacharya : and who are the five entities every man must serve?
Nakula : maataa, pitaa, agni, aatma and guru
Dronacharya : what must a person who wishes to be successful give up?
Y : 6 traits - excessive sleep, laziness, fear, anger, procrastination and lack of motivation
Dronacharya : and 6 traits a person must work hard to have Bheema?
Bheema: truth, charity, freedom from jealousy, freedom from malice, forgiveness and
Dronacharya: excellent - today we will test our minds
Slide 33: bird on a mango tree
Dronacharya: I want you all to take down that wooden bird’s right eye
(all get ready with their bow and arrow)
Drona : What do you see Yudishthira?
Yudhisthira: I see a tree with leaves
Drona: What do you see bheema?
Bheema: I see a tree full of fruits
Drona: what do you see nakula?
Nakula: I see 2 squirrels playing around the bird
Drona: sahadeva?
Sahadeva: I see the tree under the beautiful blue sky
Drona : and Arjuna?
Arjuna: I see the right eye of the wooden bird acharya, that’s all I can see

Drona: uttamam Arjuna, uttamam
(all turn around to him)
Drona : Arjuna’s focus is what everyone should have when given a task - that’s all you should
see in front of you - your goals whatever they may be - personal, professional, spiritual - keep
your eye on the goal until you achieve your goal
(Drona picks up the brahmastra near the homam and brings to Arjuna]
Drona: this is my brahmaastra, a missile with powerful mantras coded into it - this is for you
(Arjuna does pranaam, accepts, others smile and are happy and proud of Arjuna; Arjuna
admires the astra…)
Drona : but remember if it is used against one who serves dharma or one who is weaker than
you then it will destroy the whole world - so use it wisely
Arjuna: as you command acharya
Drona (walking around them): Arjuna - you may be an outstanding archer, but there is one who
is just as good as you and another who is better than you
(all eyes wide in surprise)
Y : who in this world is equal to Arjuna in archery acharya?
Nakula : how is that possible - someone as great as bhraataa in archery?
Drona(smiling) : yes yes - remember Karna who Duryodhana made a king instantly at the
competition where your mother fainted?
Arjuna : yes!! Him? That Karna? That suta putra who is not even a kshatriya? Who taught him
archery acharya?
Dronacharya(pacing to audience): well - he came to me but I turned him down because he was
not a prince of any kingdom like you all; then he went to my guru Sri Parashurama
Sahadeva: but how did Sri Parashurama teach him if he was just a suta?
Dronacharya : long story short due to some other incidents my guru refused to teach kshatriyas;
and Karna being a suta - that is, half kshatriya and half brahmana, Parashurama trained him
Bheema: and now since Duryodhana appointed him king of Anga desha at the competition….
Now it all makes sense - I was wondering why Karna is always angry with Arjuna!! Because he
is loyal to Duryodhana, who wants to put an end to vatsa Arjuna
Arjuna (amused) : and who is this person who is greater than me you said? Who can that be?
Drona: now now, it’s ok - don’t let all this get into your head, enjoy the blessings of your talent
and be content
Arjuna(humbly): do tell us acharya, now that you have brought it up - kindly tell us
Drona(smiles to the audience) : That one is your cousin Krishna. He does not even need a bow
and arrow. He will turn you to ashes with just his smile. Don’t ever fight with him, make him your
best friend.And remember always - that if Krishna is with you, no one can defeat you - not even
Indra. He is your maama’s son - keep him near and dear always.

Slide 34: yamuna theera Audio 27: muddugare yashoda kolattam

[Pandavas and Drona exit SR as music begins] [Dance ends, lights off]

End Scene 10

Scene 11
Props: main throne
Place main throne
Slide 35: RD palace
[lights on] [ RD walks in slowly, others rush from behind and come FC - Duryodhana, Shakuni,
Karna and Dushasana - all are angry]
Duryodhana: making Yudhisthira the yuvaraja was a terrible thing you did - now all the people
will surely think I am not worth it - you really think I will serve a Pandava King? - no way, I will be
the Hastinatupura Raja, not those Pandavas
RD : taata, they are not going to treat you badly, they are all good people. Besides you are also
a prince of the kuru dynasty - how and why would they?
(Duryodhana is visibly frustrated and lowers his voice)
Duryodhana (looking around, sarcastically, to RD) : look around mama priya pituhu - there is no
one here - no one os overhearing you - you don;t have to say all these nice things…
(RD turns away confused and frustrated)
Duryodhana: there is no way the Pandavas will be Kings while I am alive - call them and send
them away immediately - Yudhisthira is a man of dharma and will obey whatever his raja orders
him to do - he sees you as his father (paces) - then while they are gone for a year I will change
things here so people will forget the Pandavas - (Shakuni interrupts)
Shakuna: Now you’re talking Vats! Yes - sending them away is not enough - they have to be
forgotten for good - destroyed - without anyone knowing
Dushasana: both pitA and bhrAtaha should keep talking highly of the Pandavas so they will
never suspect anything
RD: yes, let’s do this in a way that it will never be spoken of - what plan do you have
(everyone thinks for 5 secs)
Duryodhana(calling out) : please send for my spy Purochana
(all silent, Purochana enters from SR)
Purochana : you called for me rajkumar Duryodhana?
Duryodhana : ah! Yes - Purochana - I am going to give you some instructions - get this done
quietly so that noe one will ever hear or talk about it ever
Purochana: sure, how can I be of service?
(while Duryodhana explains to Purochana - others smile in an evil way, excited)
Duryodhana(to audience): Tomorrow Raja Dhritrashtra will send the Pandvaas to varanamavata
for a year. You go ahead of them however and build a palace made of wax - lAkshagruham. It
should be done so that it doesn't look or smell like wax , and make it as comfortable as possible
for them. Once the Pandavas and Kunti settle in and get comfortable in a few days set the
lAkshagruham on fire - hahaha - they will perish and will never been seen or heard ever again
Purochana: as you say Rajkumar, I will get on that right away
Karna: as my friend Duryodhana said, this has to be done extremely secretly Purochana - this
is going to determine the future of the throne of Hastinapura
Purochana: yes, rest assured Anga Raja - it will be done as desired
(exits SR) (others wait 5 secs, then Pandavas, Vidura and Kunti enter from SL)
Yudhithira: pranAm pitA, we’re told you called for us?

RD(turning to them slowly, smiling - walks to hug him): Yes Yudhishthira, my blessings for the
sons of Pandu always
Yudhisthira : how can we be of service to you Raja?
RD: I have decided that you will all go stay in Varnavarata for a year. A beautiful grand palace
has been built for your comfortable stay
(Pandavas all look confused, suspicious at each other, Duryodhana-Dushasana-Shakuni-Karna
smile sheepishly, Vidura steps aside and observes
Yudhishthira : As you say Maharaja, we will plan to depart tomorrow along with Maata Kunti
(Pandavas do pranAm and begin to leave - Vidura stops them and speaks cryptically bcos he
already knows their plan )
Vidura - Remember, when you go to strange places you will encounter more powerful and
unexpected weapons than swords and maces - like a rat escapes from FIRE, one MUST be
prepared to escape from sudden perils
(Pandavas all look at each other understanding the cryptic message , others wonder what he’s
One must be ALERT at all times - and be ready to go out and see the stars in the sky anytime
(Pandavas nod, do pranAm and exit)
Duryodhana, Shakuni, Karna and Dushasana(all excited) : yes!!!
Dushasana: They are leaving and will never come back again , yes! Yes!
[all freeze][lights off][exit SL][remove set]
End Scene 11
Scene 12
Props: firewood, pot of water, 4 axes, tunnel
Slide 36 Forests Audio journey music
Slide 37 lakshagruham indoors
(as music plays Pandavas and Kunti walk through forests and arrive at the lAkshagruham)
Purochana : swagatham to all the Pandava Rajkumars and Maata Kunti
(all do pranAm)
Purochana : i hope you find your stay here meets all your needs - I will always be here should
you need anything
(Pandavas nod in gratitude, Purochana exits SL)
Bheema(irritated, smelling) : I smell wax here bhraataa, something smells wrong here
Nakula (looking around) : this does not feel safe at all - something feels wrong about this palace
Sahadeva(looking around): yes - definitely - looks and feels like it is a trap of some sort
Bheema : yes - did you see the moat as we walked in? - it is designed to keep us from escaping
- we must immediately call this out and expose them bhraataa Yudhishthira
Yudhishthira(softly): Look vats, Rajmantri Vidura alerted us cryptically and I understood right
then he was hinting at these dangers.
Arjuna: so what are we going to do - allow ourselves to be burned down?
Yudhishthura : think calmly Arjuna - think; First - Nakula and Sahadeva - please take Maata to
her quarters so she can rest, it has been a long, tiring day for her
(Nakula and Kunti exit SR - Nakula returns after 10 secs)
(all silent for 3 secs after they leave)

Yudhishthira: Remember what Bheeshma Pitamaha told us when they tried to kill Bheema? -
have a plan and prepare before attacking - let us pretend to settle in and be comfortable here
for sometime. During the day we will take turns to venture out and meet people, make friends
with kings to build alliances, and study the geography of the area for our escape.
(Others nod in agreement)
For now - let’s get some rest, we can plan in the morning when our minds are fresh and rested
[Lights off for 5 secs, then the next morning everyone is busy doing their anusghana when lights
turn on]
Slide 38 sunrise Audio morning birds
[Yudhisthira and Arjuna do surya namaskaram; Nakula and Sahadeva cross from SR to SL with
firewood; Bheema walks in with Kunti carrying a heavy pot of water - music ends, Arjuna
prepares to leave]
Arjuna(puts on his bow/arrow) : Ok I will go venture out and be back this evening
Kunti : be safe and alert Arjuna
Arjuna: yes maata (pranAm and exits SR)
(rest return to what they were doing again with back to the audience - Purochana tiptoes from
SL slyly and follows Arjuna - as he leaves others notice quietly, then all come to the FC)
Bheema: aha - so he is going to follow each of us everyday looks like - to see what we’re up to
for sure
Nakula : we should take advantage of his absence to prepare our escape
Sahadeva : yes - what do you have in mind bhraataa Yudhisthira?
(Y thinks for 2 secs pacing)
Yudhishthira : I am trying to understand the meaning of Vidura’s cryptic words when we left -
about a rat escaping from fire and us being free to enjoy the skies (3 sec pause) - ok - so after
Purochana leaves to follow one of us daily we will start digging a tunnel from under here. Over a
few days we will have it ready and when Purochana sets the fire on we will quickly go through
the tunnel - like a rat escapes a fire!!- and come out the other end in a safe village to “enjoy the
freedom of the blue skies” - I get it! Now I get what Vidura was trying to tell us!!
Nakula : yes - me too!! But what if someone recognizes us?
Y: we will hide our weapons somewhere and roam around in the guise of brahmana-s
(all nod hurriedly and get to work)
Sahadeva : let’s gather tools and start right away then
(all leave and get axes and start digging from BC towards the FC throughout the scene
Slide 39 lAkshagruham indoors Audio - working music
[music ends- Arjuna returns, followed by Purochana - they all quickly put away their axes and
pretend to be doing chores - Arjuna stops and chats with Y with back to audience-Purochana
tiptoes back to SL- all giggle-Lights Off-music down- for bedtime - 5 secs- Lights on- repeat of
chores and the actions again - this time Nakula and Sahadeva leave…. Tunnel digging - they
return - giggle - lights off - all exit SL]
[tunnel placed FR corner exiting into wing]
Slide 40 Fire blazing Audio fire sounds
[lights half on]
(all wear their bows, try to dodge the fire and escape into the tunnel and exit SR as music ends)

Slide 41 forests
Slide 42 Ganga falls
(arrive at Ganga from SL - do pranaam to Ganga nadi
Arjuna: Gange Cha Yamune Chaiva Godaavari Sarasvati-Narmade Sindhu Kaaveri Jalesmin
Sannidhim Kuru
Yudhishthira: maate gange, bless us as we try to cross your waters over to Panchala Desha
(all bow with pranaam)
Audio Gandharva
Gandharva(off stage - laughing): wait wait - who do you think you are to cross the ganga waters
without my permission?
(all look around surprised)
Yudhishthira: Please tell us who you are?
Gandharva: I am Angaara-parna, a gandharva - and no one can cross the Ganga without my
Arjuna(irritated): that makes no sense O gandharva; Ganga does not belong to just you - she is
born out of the bejewelled Himaalaya, from Himavaan’s svarna-shikhara - she becomes 7
tributaries: Ganga, Yamuna, Sarasvathi, Sarayu, Gandaki and Gomathi - and anyone who
bathes in her holy waters is blessed to wash away their karma-s - who are you to stop us?
Gandharva( angrily): is a Pandava challenging me thus?
Arjuna: I am a kashtriya - and will never turn down a challenge!
(all return SL)
Slide 42: ganga Audio : swords clashing
(Arjuna and all return to CC as duel audio ends)
Gandharva: You may have won this duel Arjuna. I cannot let you pass however - as kshatriyas
and keepers of dharma you should be accompanied by a purohita - why do I not see one?
Yudhishthira: you are correct O gandharva, please point us to a qualified purohita to guide us
Gandharva: Rishi Dhaumya will be the right purohita to accompany and guide you in your
dharmika ventures - I will let you pass so you can go request Rishi Dhaumya to be your raja
(all bow in pranaam to ganga - Slide 42 Audio Ganga Stotram -exit )
[lights off]

End Scene 12

Scene 13
Props: throne, seats, pool, sack with pandava weapons
Slide 43 blank/dark
[Ugrashravas and co enter talking from SL - start talking after they reach FC]
[set up Drupada sabha while they talk - throne and pool in CC][place sack of Pandavas bows
and arrows behind the throne]
2.2(excited) : thank god the Pandavas were able to escape the fire
1.1(smiling to audience) : like a rat escapes from a fire

1.2 : that Duryodhana and his brother and that friend are all such cunning and evil people - their
bad karma ought to get them
2.1 : of course it will - unfortunately it will be at the cost of the kuru dynasty and the people of
2.2: so where did they escape to suta?
Ugrashravas: they traveled through several kingdoms and villages, encountered and fought
rakshasas - Bheema even married one named Hidimbi and had a baby boy named Ghatotkacha
- who also grew up to be strong like Bheema - then they eventually arrived at Panchaladesha
where a swayamvara for Rajkumari Draupadi was going to take place
1.1 : so what about Duryodhana and all the kauravas?
Ugrashravas : all of Hastinapura now thought the Pandavas and purochana were dead - which
made Duryodhana even happier because with Purochana dead, now no one would know the
(all laugh)
1.2 : how foolish he was
Ugrasharavas: yes, and Raja Dhritarashtra even arranged for the last rites for the Pandvaas -
Bheeshma PitAmaha was very sad, until Vidura took him aside and told him the Pandavas were
actually not dead. That’s when Bheeshma understood how evil Duryudhana had been
2.1 : wow - he must have been so disappointed to see his dynasty fighting amongst each other
- that’s really sad
(all nod)
Ugrashravas: anyhow, they arrived at Panchaladesha where a potter offered to give Kunti
shelter in a hut while the Pandavas went to a swayamvara disguised as brahmana-s
1.1: as brahmanas? How - but they were kshatriyas!
Uhrashravas: correct - but see kshatriyas also wear yagnyo-pavita - the sacred thread-like
brahmanas. So all they had to do was hide their weapons somewhere and tie up their hair like
brahmanas (all nod) - and so they arrived as brahmanas in the sabha of Raja Drupada for his
daughter Draupadi’s swayamvara
1.2: so who all came to try their luck besides the pandavas?(all start exiting SL)
Ugrashravas: several princes from surrounding kingdoms, including Karna - and Krishna was
there too
[lights off](drupada, draupadi, drishtadyumna, krishna, balarama, karna, duryodhana, rajarishi,
pandavas dressed as brahmanas, Rajkumar 1 and 2 take spots)[lightson]
Slide 44: Dhrupada sabha
Raja Drupada: Swagatham sarvebhyaha to Paanchaaladesha - it is with great pride and honor
that I welcome you all to the swayamvara of my only daughter Draupadi.She will marry the one
who can skillfully shoot an arrow into the eye of the matsya - a fish - that you see above in the
cieling. (everyone looks up at the fish in awe) - (Drupada pauses for 2 secs) - but you have to
do it by looking at its reflection down here in the center in the water - (points to the middle -
everyone looks at the center pool) - As you can see it is moving target. Only the most extremely
talented archer among you will be able to achieve this feet.(all look at each other in disbelief
except the Pandavas - they all turn to Arjuna and smile) - let us begin now!(raises his hand to
Audio : climactic music

(Rajkumar 1,2, Karna, Duryodhana - all try and fail; all keep looking up; Arjuna goes last and
nails it just as music ends in climax - everyone is shocked, except the Pandavas and Krishna
who are smiling)
Karna(frustrated) : that is impossible, how can a Brahmana be a talented archer? Are you a
Brahmana truly?
Rajkumar 11: That requires some extraordinary skill and training for sure
Karna : you shoot like Indra and Shiva! Arjuna is the only one who can match up to me in
archery!! Who are you brahmana? Who did you learn from?
Arjuna: I learned from another brahmana
Rajkumar 2: this must be Arjuna , has to be Arjuna, no other way
(Pandavas get uncomfortable, Krishna steps up and declares)
Krishna : now now everyone, the contest is over and this brahmana has won Rajkumari
Draupadi in marriage - Raajan, time for Rajkumari to garland this brahmana
Audio 31: Draupadi enters from SR with garland, goes past P1, P2, P3 - when she reaches
Duryodhana she looks straight at him and moves on - when she reaches Karna-
Draupadi : O sutaputra Karna? How did you even imagine that I would marry a sutaputra?
(smiles sarcastically and moves on to the Pandavas) (Duryodhana and Karna are insulted -
angry and heads down)
Audio : Draupadi garlands Arjuna (all except Duryodhana and Karna cheer, Draupadi and
Arjuna, followed by the other 4, go to Drupada, do praNaam and exit SR; all others exit SL)
[remove throne and pool] [Draupadi wraps a shiny/white-cream saree]
Slide 45 : potter’s hut
(kunti doing chores with back to audience and Pandavas as they enter)
Arjuna: maata, look , we have brought you bhiksha
Kunti(without turning to them, loudly) : sarve samethya bhoonktaa - all of you share it then
(Pandavas are shocked, Kunti then turns around)
Arjuna : but maata, this is not a bhiksha, this is a girl - a gift from bhagavaan
(Kunti smiles warmly, Draupadi touches her feet, Kunti blesses her warmly)
Kunti : there must a reason from her previous janma-s that these words left my mouth
Arjuna: I cannot marry her until bhraataa is married, and Bheema too
(3 sec pause , all think)
Yudhishthira: why don’t we all marry Draupadi? With her permission of course
Arjuna: let’s give this some thought for a few days - Draupadi, we hope you will be comfortable
here with us and our mother - welcome
(Kunti embraces Draupadi and they both begin to exit SL - Krishna and Balarama enter)
All - Krishna and Balarama - welcome to our kutiya! ( all embrace, Krisha and Balarama touch
Kunti’s feet)
Krishna: I am glad you are all safe and were able to bring Draupadi with you
Yudhishthira : but how did you recognize us Krishna?
Krishna: Actually I did not at first until Balarama pointed out
Balarama : Arjuna’s archery gave it away - I am surprised they let you go there without making
you admit yourselves
(all laugh lightly)

Krishna : We have to leave now for an urgent matter - but I just wanted to alert you all to stay in
your disguises for some more time - don’t let your guard down yet
(all nod, Krishna-Balarama exit SR, Draupadi-Kunti exit SL)
Yudhsihthira: Arjuna, did you bring back our weapons from hiding? We need to sharpen them -
has been many days now
Arjuna : yes yes I did bhraataha (he points to the sack in the back - all open and start
sharpening and chatting about vyuhaa-s and astra-s)(Draupadi’s brother Drishtadyumna enters
secretly from SL, paces like a spy overhearing them)
Nakula - look at this Narayana astra - this missile is unstoppable -only if one surrenders to it will
it yield
Sahadeva - and this maheshwara astra - has the power of Mahadev’s third eye - only way to
stop this is by using another of Mahadev or Sri Hari’s astra
Bheema: Guru Drona had said that with the Krauncha-ruma Vyuha - we should place our most
agile warriors at the beak, the eyes and the wings of the krauncha formation
Yudhishthira: just like with the Garuda vyuha - the eagle formation - we place the senapati at the
tip of the beak and our two ati-ratha-s in the place of the two eyes
Kunti(off stage): putra Yudhidhthira - bring everyone for bhojana ( all put back the weapons in
the back and exit SL
Drishtadyumna(to audience): I knew it!! I knew it when that “brahmana” shot the fish at my
sister’s swayavara - I knew he was not a brahmana!! A brahmana would not be discussing
vyuhaa-s and astra-s and shastra-s with such passion and detail - these must be the Pandavas
- my father definitely needs to know this!!
[place main throne]
Slide 46: Drupada sabha
[Drupada enters kinda sad]
Drishtadyumna: PitA, Raajan - you will not believe what I just saw and heard
Drupada : what is it vats? I am still in disbelief that my daughter had to be given away to a poor
Brahmana - my rajkumari has to live the rest of her life like a commoner - how could this be?!
Drishthadyumna(excitedly) : that is exactly what I want to tell you about!!
Drupada: what do you mean?
Drishtadyumna : I followed the five brahmanas and my sister to their home in the forest - and
watched them secretly - they were discussing vhyua-s, astra-s and shastra-s with such fervor
and passion - not a word about agni or rituals or homa-s - they are Kshatriya-s pitA, definitely
kshatriya-s(Drupada gets excited as he explains more) - yes, a brahmana could look like a
kshatriya and all but the things they think and talk about is where the difference lies - and that’s
what gave them away. And that brhamana who shot the fish - was Arjuna no doubt!!
Drupada (excited): call them all back right now then - let’s find out who they truly are - if that was
indeed Arjuna then our Draupadi is in the best hands
Audio : welcome music
(Drupada paces anxiously looking for them; Pandavas/Brahmanas arrive with Kunti from SL and
Draupadi, and are surprised)
Drupada: punas-swagatham, punas-swagatham - welcome back O brahmanas(sheepishly - the
Pandavas are still suspicious but do praNaam). Look - if we are to announce the marriage of
this brahmana to my daughter I need to know more about your family….

Yudhishthira(immediately, without hesitation) : Raajan - This is Kunti, our mother - Bhima,
Arjuna, Nakula, Sahadeva and I am the oldest of them Yudhishthira
(Drupada and Drishtadyumna rejoice, Drupada rushes to embrace Arjuna)
Yudhishthira(continues..) : you can arrange the marriage but Arjuna doesn’t wish to marry until I
marry, and maata Kunti inadvertently asked us to share the “bhiksha” we had taken to her - so
we decided that all of us will marry Draupadi
Drupada(turns away from Arjuna to Y in shock) : what? What do you mean YOU have decided?
Yudhishthira : we are just following our mother’s orders Raajan - you can ask Draupadi if she is
willing to marry all five of us we will (Draupadi moves to stand by Kunti observing everything)
Drupada : no way, I cannot allow this - this is not going to happen
[Maharishi Vyasa enters - all calm, do pranAm]
Drupada: pranAm acharya - have you heard what these Pandavas are proposing?
Vyasa: yes, I heard about the swayamvara and hence reached here as quickly as I could - I
expected problems to surface. Look Raaja, - rules of marriage are a matter of tradition and
convention, they are not dharma.There are always exceptions depending on each situation.
(pauses for 2 secs, looks around at everyone - silence)
Due to some of her actions in a previous janma she is destined to marry more than one man, so
she can marry all 5 of them in this janma - that is how it was set up and that’s why Kunti was
made to say what she said. None of us can stop this. Please go ahead with this marriage. Set it
for the next auspicious day under the Rohini nakshatra
(silence, all look at each other confused)
Drupada : if you say so Acharya - we will make all the arrangements for the marriage of my
daughter Draupadi with the Pandava-s
Audio: Marriage music
(all seek Vyasa’s aashirvadam, lights off and freeze as music ends - exit as entered)
ATTIRE in 30 secs]

End Scene 13

Scene 14
[RD’s sabha]
Props: throne, 7 seats
[Lights on]
Slide 47: RD sabha
[place throne]
(RD with Gandhari, Duryodhana, Karna, Dushasana, Bheeshma, Vidura, Dronacharya - all walk
in hurriedly to their spots, Duryodhana starts talking even before they are in their spots)
Duryodhana(angry and jealous) : we need to do something to create confusion and separate the
pandavas from each other and from drupada and draupadi and….
Karna(interrupts): you are talking nonsense Duryodhana - these are all righteous, dharmic
people - they will not fall for your silly, adharmic traps - the only way to defeat them is in battle
Duryodhana(to Bheeshma): pitAmaha, why are you silent? How do we get ride of these

(all move spots after they start talking during this discussion)
Bheeshma: The Pandavas are as dear to me as you Dhartarashtra-s Duryodhaana. Besides
hating them will only create more problems for us. They deserve to rule half the kingdom
(Duryodhana turns his head in anger)
You already tried to kill Bheema, then tried to burn them down - everyone knows this now, it is
no secret. (steps closer to Duryodhana and softly)
Look Duryodhana, your karma-s will get you - if not in this janma, surely in another janma -
despite all your bad deeds some past punya karma of yours is giving you an opportunity to
correct the wrongs and redeem yourself and your brothers - give them half the kingdom and
make peace
(Duryodhana paces in anger)
Dronacharya: Bheeshma is right Duryodhana - give them half of Hastinapura
Karna: No Duryodhana my friend, do not do that. Either they rule or we rule - call for a war and
settle this once and for all. I am with you - I will die to win this battle for you!
Vidura : You tried to poison Bheema you failed. You tried to burn them down, you failed. You are
lucky Purochana is dead else he would have exposed you. The people already know and are
angry as it is - you have brought disgrace to the Kuru Dynasty as it is.
RD: Yes, I agree with the elders here. Vidura - please send word to Drupada’s kingdom
immediately and bring the Pandavas back home with Kunti and Draupadi.
Vidura: Yes Raajan(exits immediately)
(all wait in silence, RD paces slowly, Duryodhana angrier)
Audio : welcome music
(Pandava-s, Draupadi, Krishna and Kunti arrive with Vidura-Gandhari welcomes them all - they
do praNaam to elder Bheeshma, RD, Dronacharya)
RD: swagatham my sons, swagatham - welcome back home. I have decided to make
Yudhishthira the Raja of Kandavaprastha, the former capital of Hastinapura
(all the Pandavas look upset except Y - Krishna nods in dismay)
Yudhishthira: as you say Raajan, we will move to rule Khandavaprastha
RD : tataastu o sons of Pandu!
(RD-Gandhari, Drona, Vidura - Exit SL,Duryodhana and Karna exit SR)
Krishna(sarcastically): kaandavaprastha - ha! Barren land where nothing even grows anymore- I
will have Indra engage the great architect of the Devas, Vishwakarma, reconstruct it so it is
more beautiful and richer than it used to be long time ago - it will be called the grand
Arjuna(determined tone): and we will expand and conquer kingdoms and forge alliances from
[Lights Off][All exit SL]
Slide 48: blank

End Scene 14
Scene 15

(Ugrashravas and party return)

Ugrashravas: so the Pandava-s settled in Indraprastha and took good care of the people in that
region. They went on several expeditions expanding their rule - making friends with neighboring
kingdoms. Arjuna went on a pilgrimage to the Himaalayas, married Krishna’s sister Subhadra
along the way and had many adventures. He acquired several boons from devatas in the form
of astras and shastras. He rescued a demon named Mayansura - a divine architect, who built
them a beautiful illusionary sabha inside Indraprastha. It was called the Maayasabha - an
indoor magical place with tricks and dazzling lights and gardens all over
[Rishi Narada enters from SR]
Slide 49 : Indraprastha sabha/room
Rishi Narada: Naarayana, Naarayana -
All: Rishi Naarada!! What a pleasant surprise!!
(all do pranAm)
Narada: pleasant for sure - was passing by and heard discussions about the Mayasabha of the
Pandavas - sounds like none other for sure
2.2: really? Tell us more about other sabha-s
Narada: well there is the Indra sabha - not as grand as the Maayasabha you described of
course - there I saw Raja Harishchandra sharing the throne with Indra. In Yamaa’s sabha I saw
all your Kuru ancestors, including Pandu
[Yudhishthira, Arjuna, Bheema and Krishna enter from SL - Ugrashravas and party exit SR]
Yudhishthira(as he enters, followed by the rest) : You saw our father in Yamasabha?
Narada : Indeed I did
(Nakula and Sahadeva enter with asana-s for all and spread out as they talk)
Yudhishthira: Indrasabha must be greater than Yamasabha, why is it that our father and other
Kuru ancestors did not make it to the Indrasabha like Raja Harishachandra? Our father was a
great man of dharma.
(everyone takes a seat on an asana)
Narada: Just like your father Raja Harishchandra was a man of dharma and truth. Ultimately he
performed the great Rajasuya Yag-nya, became emperor and distributed all the wealth. That
took him into Indrasabha Yudhishthira. But this is why I have come to see you - when I met your
father he asked me to tell you to perforn the Rajasuya Yagnya
(all happy and excited)
Arjuna: that is wonderful to hear Rishi Narada - what does it take to perform the Rajasuya
Narada: First, you will all have to travel to the different corners of bharatavarsha and bring other
kings under your control - they have to all either accept you as a friend or pay regular tributes
acknowledging the Hastinapura throne. A Raja who wants to perform the Rajasuya Yagnya
cannot have a single enemy and they must all attend this big yagnya. You have to acquire a lot
of wealth from all these kings and distribute all that wealth at the yagnya to those who deserve
that charity.
(Pandavas-s look at each other nervously)
Bheema(to Yudh, excited): bhraatha, what are you thinking?
Yudhishthira: this means we have to go on expeditions, conquests and wars - do we really need
to do that? We are quite content with this peaceful life in Indraprastha complete with Krishna
and Indra by our side…

Bheema: what are you saying bhraathaha? As kshatriyas you should do this - what a great
honor this is for kshatriyas - we have to do this so our father Pandu and other ancestors also
move up to Indrasabha.
Yudh: I know I know but…
Bheema: No buts at all bhraataha - we are all here for you - most kings will accept us, those that
want to battle, Arjuna with all his powerful astras and shastras, me with my gadaa, and the rest
of us will all take care of it
Arjuna, Nakula, Sahadeva : yes we should absolutely do this bhraataha, no second thoughts at
Bheema: we will all go in 4 different directions, win over all the lesser kings either by force or by
good words - but we will do it
Yudh(to Krishna): what do you think, Krishna?
(Krishna gets up and paces FC)
Krishna: conquering all the kings should not be a problem overall - there is only one of them
who may be too powerful for us to conquer
Arjuna: who is that?
Krishan: Jarasandha - he and I go back sometime and he will see your association with me as
his enemy as well. He has invaded Mathura many times, and knowing that the time to kill him
has not yet arrived, I moved to Dwarka - which is protected by the sea on one side and the
mountain on the other.
Nakula: what makes him so powerful and undefeatable that you had to move?
Krishna: Well, he is a great Shiva bhakta and through his tapasya has obtained many powerful
boons. In one war when he threw his mace it traveled over 100 yojana-s
(everyone’s eyes widen in shock)
And if Duryodhayan finds out that Jarasandha is against you, he will befriend him and along with
him Bhishma, Drona and all will be forced to fight us
Yudhishthira: that is brilliant foresight Krishna, I did not think about all that - glad you alerted
us-let’s not perform the Rajasuya, I don’t think….
Arjuna: no no Bhraathaha, with Krishna on our side we can all go and fight Jarasandha
Krishna: We will need an army for sure - to be able to face his army - he is a great kshatriya but
with some strange ideas on a gruesome mission
Sahadeva: what do you mean strange ideas? What gruesome mission Krishna?
Krishna: he thinks he can please Mahadeva Shiva by offering the heads of 100 kings in a
yagnya. So he has 98 kings imprisoned - just short by 2. He will see us as a quick way to meet
his target
(all silent for 3 secs)
Krishna(continues)... : so before he gets the last 2 kings, we need to release these 98 kings -
this will benefit their kingdoms and they will all also come to the rajasuya out of obligation and
Yudh: I do not want to send my brothers against him Krishna
Krishna: don’t worry Yudhishthira - we will go do it - we got this; Come along with me - let’s go
meet Jarasandha right now- challenge him to pick one of you to fight - his kashtriyatvam will
force him to choose Bheema - Bheema - the secret to killing him is to separate his body into two

and throw them in opposite directions - remember in opposite directions - else he will keep
Bheema : as you say Krishna
(all exit SL)[Lights Off]
[place shivalinga CC]
(Jarasandha sits at CC with back to audience performing puja to shivalinga)
[Lights On]
Slide 50 shivalinga Audio bo shambho (Dance) **
(Bheema, Arjuna, Nakula, Sahadeva and Krishna enter as music ends, Jarasandha turns to
look at them, laughs sarcastically)
Jarasandha : O Krishna, you are back again after losing 18 times with me? And who are these
people with you?
Krishna: These are the Pandavas - Arjuna, Bheema, Nakula and Sahadeva - they are here to
put an end to your cruelty of imprisoning those 98 raja-s to offer their heads in sacrifice
Jarasandha: these children? I don’t even know them, why would I fight them?
Krishna: they are prepared for a 1:1 combat, pick one
(Jarasandha checks out the Pandavas)
Jarasandha: this Arjuna one seems too young, but this Bheema looks like he would be a fun
one to fight - are you ready Bheema?
Bheema(in a challenging tone) : Yes, I will meet you outside in the wrestling pit
(all exit SL)
[Lights Off][Remove shivalingam]
Slide 51 blank - duel Audio : Jarasandha-Bheema duel soundtrack(as music ends Bheema
drags Jarasandha in 2 sacksto CC, separates into two - throws in opposite direction - music
ends dramatically - Krishna, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva enter in awe, each embraces
Bheema - Jarasandha’s son enters from SR)
Krishna: who are you vats?
Son: I am Jarasandha’s son - on behalf of all the crimes committed by my father - please
forgive me-and allow me to perform the last rites of my father
Krishna: No one can stop you from performing the last rites O Magadh Raja - that is your birth
right. You are doing your duty, just like we are doing our duty
Son(in joy) : did you just call me Magadh Raja?
Krishna: Of course, Bheema here killed the Raja of Magadha, you are the rightful heir - become
a friend of these Pandava-s and come to the Rajasuya yagnya
Son: it will be our honor Krishna ( all do pranAm to him, son exits)
Krishna(FC, other follow him) : With Jarasandha gone no other raja will dare to fight us now -
the Rajasuya yagnya will happen for sure [Lights Off][Freeze and exit] End Scene 15

Scene 16
Props: main throne, seats, dice table with cover, long dice
[Ugrashravas & Co enter from SR]
[Lights On]
[place main throne and all seats CC as they speak]

1.1 So now that Jarasandha was out of their way what else did they do?
Ugrashravas: Yudhisthira stayed in Indraprastha, the others went all over Bharatavarsha to
conquer kingdoms and befriend all the Rajas - Arjuna went North towards the Himalayas,
Bheema went East, Nakula went West and befriended all the different tribes, Sahadeva went
down South where the Pandyas ruled and also sent Ghatotkacka all the way to Lanka to line up
Vibheeshana. They all returned with loads of gifts from all the kings for the Rajasuya yag-nya to
distribute to brahmanas and others - palm trees, silver cauldrons, copper vessels, gold festoons,
10,000 camels
1.2: that sounds like a massive production
Ugrashravas: O yes - Indraprastha’s huge staircases, massive buildings and architectural
marvels could be seen from a distance - whole city decorated with flowers and diyas. And so the
great Rajasuya yag-nya ended well and Yudhishthira was proclaimed the Emperor
2.1 : Where did that leave Duryodhana then?
1.1: did he accept Yudhishthira’s throne?
Ugrashravas: He was of course seething with jealousy and anger - but was left with no choice
but to attend the yagnya to save what little grace he had of himself left - he was already
planning his next move….
(all laugh lightly, noddingand exit SL)
Slide 52: RD Sabha
(Enter - RD, Duryodhana, Karna, Shakuni - silently but RD talks as they walk in,with Guard 1/2)
RD: Vats, what happened? I sense discontent in you? You have everything a young warrior,
king, husband would want - name and fame - what is the matter?
Duryodhana(irritated) : A raja should never be content Rajan - then he will sit around and do
nothing to acquire wealth and power. My problem is my enemy has all the wealth and power
and keeps getting more. We need to stop this before we become their servants.
Karna : declare war mitra, that is the only way
Duryodhana: did you see all the gold, silver chariots, pearls , sandalwood and precious stones
at the Rajasuya Rajan - those should belong to me, not the Pandavas
Shakuni: Maharaj - we have to think calmly - these people cannot be won in a battle, they have
made powerful alliances now - our people will die - we need to engage them in something
where we will surely win
RD: then what do you suggest Shakuni?
(Shakuni thinks for a sec, then with an evil voice)
Shakuni: Invite Yudhishthira for dyuta - a game of dice Maharaj
RD: No, no - not dyuta - that will not be appropriate - let’s ask Vidura
Duryodhana : Vidura? Why Vidura? He is the last person to ask - he will talk of dharma till the
cows come home - no way
RD(sounds helpless): then who should we ask?
Shakuni: Just send Vidura to invite them, that’s it - Yudhisthira will not decline an invitation from
you anyway
(Vidura enters from SL, Vikarna from SR)
Vidura : what am I hearing Maharaj? A game of dice with the Pandavas? - This is nothing but a
plan to destroy the Pandvas, it is wrong - you must not allow this Rajan - it will destroy the whole

RD: not to worry Vidura, please leave immediately to invite them to visit our new sabha, the
Jayanta Sabha - it is as beautiful as their Mayasabha - invite them to come celebrate with a
friendly game of dice
(Vidura gives up nodding his head facing the audience, takes a deep breath)
[Place Dice Table with cloth FC]
Audio : waiting music
(all wait, Pandava-s enter with Vidura - do pranAm - music ends)
Yudhishthira: you summoned us Rajan?
RD: yes yes - come come dear Yudhishthira - did you look at the grandeur of this new Jayanta
sabha ? Does it match up to your Maaya sabha? What do you think?
(Pandavas look around and acknowledge)
RD: have a seat sons of Pandu - let’s play a friendly game of dice
Yudhishthira(surprised): Dice? Gambling is the source of all evil - it is one of the four vices of a
King - I don’t wish to gamble Maharaj. But I will because I am a Raja it is my svadharma to not
turn down an invitation to a challenge
Shakuni: why? What are you afraid of?
Yudhishthira: we should all be afraid of gambling - it can bring down empires, destroy families - I
have no interest in this but I will accept the challenge from our Maharaj
Shakuni(ignoring him sets up the play table): but we want you to play, O c’mmon
RD: Play along Yudhishthira - please sit - all of you
Duryodhana: I have designated my maama Shakuni to roll the dice on my behalf
Yudhishthira: but that is not allowed per rules of the game
Shakuni(settling down): now now, let’s get started - what will you wager?
Yudhishthira: all our jewels
(Shakuni rolls dice - kauravas cheer)
(Yudhisthira rolls - kaurvas cheer again, pandavas are quiet)
Shakuni: what will you wager next?
Yudhishthira(reluctantly nervously) : my chariot of gold and all my cattle
(Yudhisthira rolls - kaurvas cheer again, pandavas are quiet)
Shakuni: what will you wager next?
Y: My 1000 war elephants and horses
(Yudhisthira rolls - kaurvas cheer again, pandavas are quiet and restless)
Shakuni: what will you wager next?
Y: all my land except what has been given to the brahmana-s
(Yudhisthira rolls - kaurvas cheer again, pandavas are quiet and restless)
Shakuni: what will you wager next?
Y: I have nothing left to stake
Shakini: what about your brothers? They will obey you no matter what
Y(hastily): I wager my brothers
(all are surprised - except kauravas are calm and smiling)
(Yudhisthira rolls - kaurvas cheer again, pandavas are quiet and angry)
Shakuni : What else have you got to stake?
Vidura( angrily): stop Shakuni, stop this game right now for the sake of the kuru dynasty
RD(rejoicingly): No no - continue this game, it is looking good so far…

(Yudhishthtira is embarrassed, frustrated and says…)
Shakuni : What else have you got to stake?
Yudhishthira: Nothing at all anymore
Shakuni: you can wager that Draupadi
(WHOLE sabha is shocked, Pandavas, RD, Bheeshma, Vidura and Vikarna all stand up in
shock - Kauravas remain seated and smile) while Y goes ahead….
Y: I wager Draupadi (and rolls hastily and loses)
(Pandavas hang their heads in shame, Kauravas cheer, Durydhana is ecstatic, hugs Shakuni)
Shakuni: maama look, we have won everything from them - these 5 brothers are our slaves now
and even that Draupadi is our servant now
Bhima(angrily at Y): bhraataha, what have you done? What right did you have to wager
Draupadi? Draupadi - the daughter of Drupada, the daughter-in-law of the Kuru Dynasty and the
wife of the Pandavas - I will crush those hands of yours that rolled those dice
Arjuna(interjects): Stop Bhraataha, this is exactly what they want us to do - fight among
ourselves - don’t let them have it
Duryodhana(scoff at them): don;t let me have what? That Draupadi is my slave now - I order her
brought to this sabha right now
(Guard 1 walks towards the Pandavas with hands folded)
Duryodhana: don’t be afraid of them - they are our slaves now - go get that girl now
(Pandvas furious, Kauravas celebrating, pacing)
(Guard 1 returns after 10 secs)
Guard1 : Maharaj, she refuses come, she says if Raja Yudhsihthira has lost his own freedom
then what right does he have to stake her ?
Duryodhana(laughs) : ask her to come ask her 5 husbands that question - just go bring her
(Guard 1 leaves and returns in 5 secs)
Guard 1: she will not come Maharaj
Duryodhana(mad): what audacity for a slave to disobey - Dushaasana - go get her and drag her
here is needed
(Dushaasana leaves excitedly - same emotions on scene - he returns dragging Draupadi by her
long hair to the center of the sabha - with her fighting him and asking to let go - everyone is
scared/shocked including RD )
Draupadi: stop dragging me - let go of my hair - stop
Duryodhana: stop screaming daasi - you are now a mere daasi - my servant (laughs) - all of you
- now - remove all your royal attire and throw them on the floor and get on the ground now -
including you Draupadi
(RD turns around unable to control his fear and the situation-Bheeshma and others look away)
Draupadi(to Beeshma): PitAmaha - why are you quiet? Stop this adharma - Yudhisthira and the
pandavas are still my husband, whether they are slaves or not
(Bheeshma helpless and frustrated, turns away)
Karna: they don’t need you anymore daasi, they have gambled you away - we will find you
better husbands - you anyway had 5 why not a 6th - come sit on Duryodhana’s lap(laughs)
Duryodhana(scoffs): yes, you have 99 of us to pick from -that is 100 husbands for you

Draupadi(to RD) : Maharaj - you are watching the daughter-in-law of this great kuru dynasty be
humiliated in open sabha and are silent - what kind of rajadharma do you follow that does not
come to the rescue of a helpless stree?
(sabha is silent)
Draupadi(sarcastically, angry) : I failed to greet all you elders - as I was being pulled so could
not do so as Dushaasana had my hands in his (sarcastically) - pranAm(forcefully)
Draupadi(angrily, to Duryodhana): My 5 husbands you speak of - I chose to marry them, it was
my choice and my free will to marry them - THAT is dharma - what you are trying to do now -
forcing me into slavery and forcing me to marry you is adharma
(Duryodhana and Karna and Dushasana pace around them in victory)
Draupadi : PitAmaha - turning away is not going to make things alright - why are all you elders
silently watching this adharma ? Do you consider me won by Duryodhana(demands)
Bheeshma( in a defeated voice): The nature of dharma is subtle. Yudhishthira the keeper of
dharma himself, lost everything - but his wife belongs to him too - I am unsure of what is
dharma-adharma anymore putri, I am unsure(breaks down, gives up)
Duryodhana(orders) - Dushaasana, disrobe her
(Dushaasana rushes and grabs the end of her saree and pulls on it. Draupadi - as she resists)
Draupadi(to RD): Maharaj, we all know, YOU knew that Yudhishthira is not good at dyuta - and
yet you invited him to play against those who are known to be best at it!! Where is your nyaya
dharma now? Why was he incited into dyuta Maharaj - why? How was this even a fair game?
(Shakuni scoffs at her)
Vikarna(stepping up): Draupadi’s questions are valid - this needs to stop now - we all knew very
well that gambling is one of the four major vices of kings and any decision he made when
deluded by this vice is invalid - he was provoked into this - and as Draupadi said he had lost
himself first and had no right to stake her
Dushaasana(scoffs): O brother Vikarna - what happened to our brother? Don’t you worry - they
are our salves now (continues to pull her clothing)
Vidura: Draupadi deserves answers to her questions from all the elders - this treatment of the
kula stree will lead to the destruction of the dynasty
Duryodhan: disrobe her Dushasana - now
(everyone turns away but are all pleasantly surprised when the music ends)
(Draupadi looks up with folded hands, turns around praying to Krishna - dushasana collapses at
the end)Audio 40: Draupadi vsatra(low vol then audible) Bheema(announces angrily): hear
this everyone! These hands will one day tear Dushasana chest apart and drink his blood - this
is my pratignya!
Audio: sound of jackals
Vidura: these are bad omens Maharaj, you must intervene now
Gandhari(urgently): Maharaj - stop this humiliation now before we are all destroyed by the
actions of Duryodhana
RD: Enough Duryodhana, stop this cruelty - all these sounds of bad omens are bad signs - stop
this nonsense right now
(Kauravas suddenly stop smiling and laughing, all turn to RD who is stepping towards Draupadi
as he speaks)

RD( desperately): Putri, all this is wrong - none of this should have happened - you are the
virtuous daughter-in-law of this dynasty and I apologize for letting things get this far(folded
hands) - I wish to grant you a boon - ask me whatever you wish for
(Draupadi paces around the Kauravas as she speaks)
Draupadi : Free my husband Yudhishthira and return his freedom to him Rajan
RD: granted, ask for another one putri(excited)
Draupadi: free me and the other pandavas and all of their kingdoms, weapons and elephants
and horses
RD: done, ask for one more(excited)
Draupadi : greed destroys one’s virtues - I have no more desires - my husbands who are now
free will fulfill my desires(looks at the Kauravas menacingly - they turn away in anger)
RD(walking towards Y): return to Indraprastha Yudhishthira and go rule like you have been all
these years
(Pandavas do pranAm and exit SL, kauravas angry) [ freeze, Lights Off]
(Pandavas and Draupadi change into white/vanavaasa clothes)

End Scene 16

Scene 17
[Slide 53 Blank][Lights on]
(Ugrashravas and Co enter from SL silently, looking down, thinking in shock - to FC)

1.2: wow! So that happened ( still in a state of shock)

2.1: Draupadi’s eloquent and pointed questioning of the elders for their silence while being
subject to adharma definitely silenced everyone, including me!
1.1 : very much so - but why did Yudhishthira agree to the dyuta game knowing that it is one of
the the four vices of a Raja?
Ugrashravas: as he said, it is his Rajadharma to accept any invitation to a challenge - as a
kshatriya Raja - that too when the invitation is from another Raja - even more so because Raja
Dhritarashthra was like his father to him
(everyone ponders for 5secs in silence)
1.2 : then what happened suta?
Ugrashravas: so they returned to Indraprastha but within a few days they were summoned back
to another dyuta
All : what? Why?
(Ugrashravas shrugs his shoulders)
2.1: you mean Raja Dharma?
(Ugrashravas nods and smiles)
2.2: that is a bit too much suta, after all this humiliation that Draupadi faced?
Ugrahsravas(shrugs again): for common people like you and me it may seem a bit too much,
but Yudhishthira saw it as his first responsibility is to the duties of the throne of the Raja of
1.1: what did Duryodhana bet this time?

Ugrashravas: 12 years in exile plus 1 year in-cognito, if they are recognized the 12 years starts
1.2: Of course(rolls eyes)but did this apply to both sides ?
2.1: not really when you know that one side is cheating their way through this the outcome is
decided , yet they went ahead (shrugs)
(Ugrashravas smiles calmly)
2.2: Pandavas must have lost obviously?
Ugrashravas: yes, they lost again and were preparing to move to the forest along with their
mother Kunti. All the people gathered outside were angry with Duryodhana. They followed them
to some distance to go to the forest with them. Yudhisthira convinced them to go back and take
care of Hastinapura and keep it flourishing till they return. Most of them turned around with a big
heart except for all the brhaman-s of Hastinapura.(all step aside to LF)
[Slide 54: Indraprastha palace]
(Pandava-s leave for exile from SL along with Draupadi and Kunti. As they reach FC and keep
walking the brahmanas follow them 1/4th - Pandava-s turn around)
Yudhisthira(with folded hands): please do not come with us o brahmana-s, we will be living on
fruits and roots - we will be unable to feed you and take care of you the way we should - we will
be wavering from our duty to brahmana-s, please return with the others
Brahmana 1: Raajan, we will feed ourselves, do not worry - we will not be a burden
Yudhishthithira: Brahmana-s are not a burden to Raaja-s, you are what keep dharma alive for
the whole world - it is our duty to protect you so you can preserve dharma
Brahmana 2: we will follow your path Raajan - this is where our proper action lies as well
Yudhsihthira: you need to perform your agnihotra karma-s for the benefit of the entire world - so
you need to eat wholesome foods on time so you can perform your duties - we will not be able
to fulfill our duty to provide for you
Brahmana 3: Our yagnopavita-s are not for scratching our backs Raajan, we see what is right
and will do what is right - we do not wish to be in the company of Duryodhana and his people
who clearly are on the path of adharma
Yudhishthira: I wish I had the resources to take care of our brahmanas. You are our athithi-s -
who ought to be respected and tended to properly. I am afraid with all my resources taken away
I will be unable to (looks down)
Brahmana 1: we know how to take care of ourselves Raajan - food is the least of our
considerations. We will keep you good company with japa and dhyaana and all the rituals
(Rishi Shaunaka enters from SR - all do pranAm)
Shaunaka: Yudhishthira, if their food is your biggest concern pray to Surya Bhagavaan - he is
the one who creates food for all beings - he will surely bless you with plenty
(Y turns to his Purohita Dhaumya)
Y: Swamy Dhaumya, please tell me how to seek blessings from Surya bhagavaan
Daumya: Hey Parthaya - surya is always in the service of all beings - one who prays to surya
will gain courage, good memory, wealth and progeny - chant this surya ashotra shatanama
Audio : surya ashtotatra shatanam stotram
(Surya enters as stotram volume is lowered, from SL - all do pranAm)

Surya: Take this akshayapaatra Yudhishthira - it will be with you for 12 years providing you and
everyone you feed with food - it will keep on giving - until Draupadi eats from it. No cooking
necessary. As long as Draupadi feeds others with this copper vessel you will never run out of
food. In Your 14th year you will regain your kingdom.
Audio : vol up to the end
(all do pranAm, Surya exits back, others freeze, Lights off, then all exit)

(place throne)

[Slide 55: RD sabha][Lights On]

(RD, Duryodhana, Vidura, Karna, Shakuni enter talking from SL - towards throne for RD to sit)
Vidura(stern but respectful voice to RD): YOU invited Yudhishthira to the dyuta knowing fully
well he would lose - you did it just to please your spoiled son - you must give everything back to
them - is this how an elder of a family behaves?
(3 sec tensed pause)
If this turns into a battle your 100 sons are no match to Arjuna and Bheema Raajan - giving
them just half the kingdom will not suffice
(Krishna enters from SR)
Krishna: Vidura is right Raajan. Give them at least 5 villages -Indraprastha, Swarnprastha,
Panprastha, Vyaghrprastha and Tilprastha - and we can avoid a bloody battle
Vidura: else this will be a battle that will destroy this kuru family
Krishna(sternly): Draupadi never cried in the sabha Duryodhana - even if Arjuna and Bheema
don’t fight her brother and father will make sure you Bharatas will cry; if you kauravas don’t
listen you will fall in battle and be food for dogs
Krishna(to RD): What dharma do you see in this war when all sons are killed Raajan? They did
the agreed upon 12 years plus one; they did it with the faith that you, who they see as their
father, father would keep his words; it is not so much about whether Yudhisthira has the right but
more about keeping the promise made after anudyuta - the second dyuta

Duryodhana(facing audience defiantly): don’t fall for their threats Raajan - 5 villages? I won’t
give them even a needle’s worth of space - never!!
[Freeze][Lights Off] [Exit]
End Scene 17

Scene 18
[Slide 56 Blank][Lightson]
(Ugrashravas & Co back to FC)
1.1 : not even 5 villages? ( irritated)
1.2 : not even a needle’s worth of space, leave alone 5 villages(rolling eyes)
2.1: did the Pandava-s finish their 13 years? What did they do all those years suta?
Ugrashravas: yes, they moved around for 12 years through other kingdoms and meeting rishis
who told them stories of Nala and Damayanti, and Rama and Sita - to keep their spirits high and
hopeful. Arjuna went on expeditions as usual, did intense tapasya and acquired lots of powerful,
divine missiles - astras - like paasupat astra from shiva, bows, arrows and other weapons and

space ships. They used these 13 years to prepare for the battle that was imminent - the battle of
Kurukshetra - which will become one of the bloodiest battles ever fought in ancient Bharat.

But before I take you to the battle scene - the Pandavas have an interesting encounter.
(He sits FC, then all sit)
[Slide 57] Pond gif
One day while roaming in the forests the Pandava-s got thirsty. Sahadeva went to a nearby
pond and was about to drink the water….
One day while roaming in the forests the Pandava-s got thirsty. Sahadeva went to a nearby
pond and was about to drink the water….
(Sahadeva enters looking for water and stops at CC, lowers to drink water and hears a voice)
Yaksha(off stage voice): stop, this is my pond, you must answer my questions before you can
drink the water
(Sahadeva looks around, shrugs gets a drink, fills his quiver, gets up and collapses)
(Nakula comes looking - sees Sahadeva collapsed, tries to get water to revive him
Yaksha(off stage voice): stop, this is my pond, you must answer my questions before you can
drink the water(-he drinks and collapses as well)
Arjuna enters
Yaksha(off stage voice): stop, this is my pond, you must answer my questions before you can
drink the water ( Arjuna drinks and collapses)
Bheema enters
Yaksha(off stage voice): stop, this is my pond, you must answer my questions before you can
drink the water(Bheema drinks and collapses)
Yudhishthira enters
Yaksha(off stage voice): stop, this is my pond, you must answer my questions before you can
drink the water
Yudhishthira: taking down all my brothers is no easy task - who are you? Which devata are you?
This is your pond, I will not disobey you. Ask me the questions, I will do my best to answer.

What makes the sun rise?- Brahma

What makes him set? - Dharma
How does one become learned? - through our scriptures
How does one become intelligent? - by serving elders
What is the divine trait of Brahmanas? - the study of the vedas
What is the divine trait of Kshatriyas? - arrows and weapons
What is the best among those that descend? - rain
What is the most divine among those that stand? - cows
Who experiences all the joys but is yet not alive? - A person who does not render offerings to
the five – gods, guests, servants, ancestors and himself
What does not close its eyes while asleep? - a fish
What does not move when it is born? - an egg
What grows through speeding? - a river
Who is a friend to one who is traveling? - his travel companions
Who is your friend at home? - wife

Who is a friend to one who is sick? - a doctor
Who is a friend to one who is about to die? - charity
What travels alone? - the sun
What is the highest virtue? - ahimsa
Audio : violin while they finish their Q&A
(music ends , all the brothers get up, do pranAm to Yaksha - all Pandavas exit chatting and
drinking water)
1.1: I counted, that was 113 questions and Yudhishthira got every single one correct?
1.2 : that’s why he is called Dharmaputra - one who lives by dharma knows the answers to
questions about dharma!
Ugeashravas: that is exactly right - and so preparation for the big battle began on both sides
2.1: so which side were Bheeshma and all the elders on?
2.2: the Pandvaas of course? (asking Ugrashravas)
Ugrashravas(smiles, nods): Not really. They were forced to be on the side of the
Dhaartarasthra-s because of their oath and duty towards the throne of Hastinapura which was in
the hands of Raja Dhrisrashtra ( all look at U silently for 2 secs, quizzingly)
1.1: for how long did the battle last?
Ugrashravas: 18 days - but not before which several attempts were made by the Pandavas and
Krishna and the elders to convince Duryodhana to simply give them their share of the kingdom
and avoid the destruction that would fall on the dynasty
1.2: what about Krishna? Whose side did he take?
Ugrashravas: Krishna being Bhagavan did not take sides. He cared about the Pandavas as
much as he cared for the Dhaartarashtra-s. In fact, both Arjuna and Duryodhana went to seek
his support just days before the battle.
2.1: and who did he go with?
Ugrashravas: let’s find out(smiles, gets up - all follow him to FL and wait)
[Lights Off]
(Place bed/bench FC with pillow and cover - krishna lies down)
[Lights On]
(Duryodhana enter from the feetside of Krishna, ponders a bit and then waits by his head,
hands on waist in authority. Then Arjuna enters from the head-side and goes directly to his feet
with folded hands)
Slide 58 : Krishna’s bedroom
(Duryodhana paces and keeps checking on krishna, Arjuna stays calm in his spot - Krishna
wakes up and greets Arjuna first, Duryodhana is irritated)
Krishna: Hey Dhananjaya - what brings you here at this hour? (Arjuna smiles)
Duryodhana(interrupts): PranAm Krishna - I came here first and stood by your head to be the
first to be seen by you - I am here to request you to fight on our side
(Krishna gets up calmly, smiling - to Arjuna)
Krishna: What are you here for Arjuna?
Arjuna: I am here to seek your advice and support as well hey Krishna
Krishna(FC): I give you two choices. First, I offer you my army. Or second, you can have me but
I will not fight in this dharma yudha.
Duryodhana(interrupts again): I will take your Narayani sena!

Arjuna(calmly): I only want you and your guidance by my side Krishna
Krishna: Well, that was easy - both your requests are granted
Duryodhana(shows excitement) : this is the best news today!! (scoffs at Arjuna as he leaves)
Arjuna(calmly does pranAm and exits, Krishna smiles into the distance)

1.1: so without taking any sides he made both the choices available to both of them
1.2: that sounds like fair game
Ugrashravas: The truly learned, with the eyes of divine knowledge, see with equal vision a
Brahmin, a cow, an elephant, a dog, and a dog-eater. And so preparation for the great dharma
yudha began on both sides with their ministers meeting to set the rules of battle. Some rules
were prevalent at the time and some were established for this battle specifically.
(all nod, Freeze)
[Lights Off - exit]

End Scene 18

Scene 19
Slide 59: somewhere outdoors
(2 pandava ministers enter from SL , 2 kaurava ministers enter from SR - both meet FC facing
each other and do pranAm-Pandava Ministers : PM1, PM2, Kaurava Ministers: KM1, KM2)
PM1: We are here to decide on the battle rules on behalf of Raja Yudhishthira - he sends his
pranAm to Raja Dhritaraashtra and all the elders in Hastinapura
KM1: We are here on behalf of Raja Dhtritarashtra to decide the battle rules. He send his
blessings to all of you
PM2: Combat will be between individuals who are equally armed - servants, drummers, conch
bearers and charioteers are not to be attacked
KM2: Cannot strike one who is not fighting in the battle, fleeing, surrendering and without a
PM1: battle will begin at sunrise and pause at sunset for the day
KM1: Arrows are to have small heads and not to be spiked
PM2: a challenge must be announced verbally first so soldiers know who to fight against
KM2: no malice or treachery towards soldiers especially after sunset
[lights off as they discuss, they exit, then lights on]
2.1: since they brought up what arrows to use - what other weapons did they agree on?
Ugrashravas: Slide 60- (reads out the weapons used in samskritam ) - several different kinds
such as -
Parashu,Shara,Shanku,Shakti,Prasha,Asi,Tomara, bhindipala, naracha, vaitastika and others
2.2: how big were the armies suta?
Ugrashravas: the Pandavas had built an army of 7 akshauhini from scratch over the years, and
the kauravas had an army of 11 akshauhini
1.1: how many people in each akshauhini?
Ugrashravas(explains Slide 61) - not counting drummers, vaidyas and other non-fighting staff….

1.2: and what were the chariots like?
Ugrashravas: (Slide 62) - they were typically 2-wheeled with a flag to keep them efficient and

1.1: and how did the senaa-s approach each other?

Ugrsahravas: good question! The pandavas and kauravas were trained by their acharyas -
Dronacharya, Kripacharya and others - on vyuha formations (paces as he explains)- A “Vyuha”
which is an arrangement of the sena in a specific format for each day
Like Vajra vyuha - like a diamond shape, this is the krauncha vyuha - like the bird crane,
ardhachandra vyuha - half moon and so on…
For example this is how the makara and krauncha vyuha-s were used against each other
Slide 63:

1.2: and thus began the Mahabharata yudha in Kurkshetra!
2.1: since Raja Dhritarashthra was blind and could not fight how did he know what was going on
in Kurukshetra?
Ugrashravas: His other advisor Sanjaya had received divine vision to know what was going on
in the battle field which he relayed to the Raja. He also visited Kurukshetra every few days to
assess the situations first hand and reported to the Raja.
(as next slide opens all exit)

End Scene 19

Scene 20: Bhagavad Gita

Slide 64: battle video (as video ends Krishna and Arjuna enter in chariot, Arjuna gets off - is
shocked to see the battle scene - and they begin talking when music ends. Arjuna is confused
and sad, Krishna is always calm and smiling - Bhagavad Gita begins)
Slide 65: krishna-arjuna
Arjuna: What am I doing krishna? Look - before me are my uncles, cousins, inlaws, my teachers
and Bishma pitAmaha - all people I have grown up with!! How can I be part of this destruction of
my own people - I have no way to justify fighting against them - (drops his bow and arrow to the
ground and sits down giving up) - What is the dharma in winning this kingdom without having
these very people to follow dharma? (5 sec pause) my legs are shaking, my mouth is getting dry
and I am getting goosebumps at the thought of this destruction (looks into the distance looking
around at everyone present there) - I am not interested in this battle Krishna - I cannot do this to
my people

Krishna: Arjuna - from where are such thoughts of weakness coming to you? These will neither
get you fame on earth nor a place in the heavens
Arjuna: but how can I fight the same people who have fed me growing up, in whose laps I have
played - the acharyas who have been my teachers - I can fight any enemy Krishna but these
people who I love and respect deserve my worship, not my arrows
Krishna: Look Arjuna, one should leave no room for sorrow and emotions when performing
one’s duty. Whatever be your duty, one should be objective in delivering them. What has to be
done, has to be done.

Arjuna: how do I know whether I am doing my duty Krishna? I wish I were a sanyasi and just
lived peacefully in the forest and escape this battle and this destruction
Krishna: Your duty is what was laid out by your ancestors - follow what your ancestors did with
unquestionable grit. Your ancestors were kshatriya-s who have protected and upheld dharma -
and so must you. Wishing you were a sanyasi in the forests takes you away from your duty to
fight. Escaping from duty that is best suited for you will not help you..
Arjuna : does my nature not matter in what my duties are?
Krishna: yes, and your nature is determined by the genes in your lineage which places everyone
in their varna - Brahmana, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra - everyone has duties they must
perform - all their duties are equal but different in order for dharma to sustain society
Arjuna: but you and I know the outcome of this battle - millions of lives lost, wives widowed,
children will become fatherless, animals killed….
Krishna: you must focus on your duty of upholding dharma, and protecting it; the outcome of
your actions depend on many factors, of which your effort is the only factor that you can control -
there are many factors, such as your past karma-s and vasana-s, that you may not be able to
Arjuna: so how do I manage those uncontrollable factors Madhava?
Krishna: Kaunteya, offer every action of yours to me, accept all outcomes as prasaadam from
me; if the outcome is as you expected that’s excellent, if it is not what you wanted - know that
everything happens for your benefit and there will be a better time and place - but keep doing
the duty of your varna and your ashrama
(5 sec silence as Arjuna ponders into the distance)
Arjuna: Krishna - I know I must fight - but something stops me and puts me into grief and sorrow
- what is it that stops me from doing what is right - I am very confused Keshava, guide me
Krishna: it is desire and anger, greed and attachment to results which leads one to make
incorrect choices ; know that desire and anger are powerful enemies from within
Arjuna: how does one develop that detachment Rishikesha?
Krishna: Gudakesha- fix your thoughts on me firmly with devotion - view a friend and foe alike,
be neutral when you are honored and dishonored, in cold and heat, joy and sorrow, take praise
and criticism equally - all of this over time will help you become detached and objective in your
actions and decisions
(Brief pause - Arjuna brightens up and is full of energy and ready to fight)
Arjuna: Out of my love for You, without even knowing Your Greatness, I have addressed You as
O Krishna, O Yadava, O Friend - please forgive me! my mind is now clear and free with your
grace Govinda - I am ready to do as you say
Krishna: If you fight, you will either be slain on the battlefield and go to the celestial abodes, or
you will gain victory and enjoy the kingdom on earth. Therefore arise with determination, O son
of Kunti, and be prepared to fight.
Audio: arjuna gets up to fight (while half music ends, lights off, Arjuna and Krishna exit with
[Lights on]
(Ugrashravas and Co enter)
Ugrashravas : and so the 18 day battle between dharma and adharma began - both sides used
their powerful astras, used vyuha formations to take each other down, many battle rules were

broken - as feared there was destruction everywhere - combats between cousins, uncles and
nephews, teachers and students - every kshatriya on the battle fought like one. Bheeshma tried
to advise Duryodhana to call it off even after the battle began - Duryodhana refused to listen.
(move to FR side)
(Yudhisthira leads Pandavas and his men from SL, Duryodhana, Bheeshma, Drona, Shakuni,
and his men from SR; Yudhisthira steps up and does pranaam to all the elders who bless him;
returns to his spot..)
Yudhishthira(facing audience, looking far out): hey vayudev, please help carry my words to all
the soldiers in this kurukshetra battle field- this kurukshetra is a dharma kshetra where a dharma
yudha is about to begin; if anyone in my army feels that dharma is with their camp feel free to go
and fight on their side; if anyone in Anuj Duryodhan’s army feels that dharma is on our side, I
welcome you to come join us even now. So before Bheeshma Pitamaha blows the shankh
whoever wants to switch sides please do so now.
Slide 66: battle scene video Audio : thillana
(Arjuna-Shikhandin and Bheeshma move up to FC to fight - Bheeshma falls down as music
ends - as he falls Arjuna riches to give him his lap - everyone stops and stands around
Bheeshma : O dear Arjuna - you have made all of us proud - Dronacharya, Kripacharya and me
- you have fought well and kept your dharma (moans) - please bring me some water
(Arjuna shoots an arrow to the ground)
Slide 67: night time fountain
(Krishna enters solemnly from SR)
Bheeshma: Narayana(smiles) - Hey Vasudeva, hey Madhusudana, Hey Krishna! When I
watched the friendship and deep conversation between you and Arjuna on the battlefield I felt a
deep pang of regret - that in this janma was I was born as Bheeshma instead of as Arjuna.
Krishna(smiles, sits on one knee near Bheeshma): it is now time for Devavrata to return to your
Mother Ganga , the last of the vasus to return back to Indra loka
Bheeshma(with folded hands) - I got into this battle knowing that the pandavas will win this
battle for sure with you on their side - I am fortunate to fall here in your presence Padmanabha
Damodara - Dear Yudhishthira - listen to the glories of this great Krishna - who is none other
than Mahavishnu , who has taken birth among us to destroy adharma (does pranAm to krishna,
who returns it)
Slide 68 video - yatra yogeshwara krishna ( all on knees pranaam to Krishna)
Ugrashravas(all returning to FC) - all the Kaurava-s and their allies were killed in this battle -
Krishna revealed Karna’s birth story to him but failed to change his mind - after much
destruction the Pandava-s won. It took an emotional toll on all the Pandava-s, especially
Yudhishthira. Rishi Vyasa then advised him to perform the ashwamedha yagnya. With Sree
Krishna as a special guest Dhritarashtra performed the crowning of Raja Yudhishthira. Bheema
was anointed yuvaraja, Vidura was his minister, Arjuna was in charge of foreign affairs and
defense, Nakula and Sahadeva commanded the sena-s.
(Ugrashravas and party chant)
यत्र योगेश्वर: कृष्णो यत्र पार्थो धनर्ध
ु र: |
तत्र श्रीर्विजयो भति
ू ध्रव
ु ा नीतिर्मतिर्मम || 78||

yatra yogeśhvaraḥ kṛiṣhṇo yatra pārtho dhanur-dharaḥ
tatra śhrīr vijayo bhūtir dhruvā nītir matir mama

[Lights Off]
End Scene 20
The End
Sri Krishnaarpanamastu

Audio: Curtain Call

Audio : Maitreem Bhajata

Mahabharata - Rishi Veda Vyasa
Mahabharata - Lectures by Swamy Dayananda Saraswathi, Arsha Vidya Gurukulam
Lectures by Swamy Paramarthananda
Mahabharata Unravelled - Ami Ganatra
Vidura Neeti - Gita Press, Gorakhpur
Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Gita Press, Gorakhpur
Critical Edition of the Mahabharata, BORI
Mahabharata( TV series) by B.R. Chopra

In Gratitude to My Teachers
Smt. Vidya Jayaraman
Shri. Shyam Panchapakesan
Shri. Rajesh Vaidheeswarran


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