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Slide 1: Title

"The Redevelopment of Kubo Food Court: Proposed Multi-Storey Cafeteria"

Study Design and Research Methodology
Slide 2: Introduction

The study focuses on revitalizing Kubo Food Court adjacent to the University of Baguio. By addressing existing challenges and
proposing innovative solutions, the aim is to create a vibrant dining space that benefits both the campus community and vendors.
Slide 3: Research Design Overview

Applied Descriptive Research Design:

This research design involves systematically and accurately describing the current situation within Kubo Food Court. It aims to
provide feasible solutions to real-world problems by deeply understanding the context and its challenges.
Slide 4: Objectives

The study has three core objectives:
Identify Issues: Pinpoint the specific problems faced by Kubo Food Court, affecting both customers and vendors.
Explore Causes and Effects: Delve into the root causes of these problems and examine their effects on stakeholders.
Propose Solutions: Develop innovative solutions that address the identified issues and enhance the overall food court experience.
Slide 5: Data Collection Methods

Variety of Data Collection Methods:

This study employs a diverse set of data collection methods to ensure a comprehensive understanding:
Surveys: Quantitative data collection method involving structured questionnaires to gather a wide range of opinions and feedback.
Interviews: Qualitative data collection method involving in-depth conversations with key stakeholders to gain nuanced insights.
Observations: A hands-on approach to gather direct observations, helping to capture real-time experiences within the food court.
Slide 6: Quantitative and Qualitative Data

Data Types:
Both quantitative and qualitative data play crucial roles:
Quantitative Data: Involves measurable numerical information, facilitating statistical analysis and numerical comparisons.
Qualitative Data: Involves descriptive information, allowing for a deeper exploration of subjective experiences, emotions, and
Slide 7: Problem Identification

Systematic Problem Identification:

Through applied descriptive research, the study meticulously uncovers the root causes behind issues faced by Kubo Food Court. This
systematic exploration helps reveal the underlying challenges that may not be immediately apparent.
Slide 8: Effects Analysis

Understanding Effects:
By comprehensively analyzing the effects of identified problems on both customers and vendors, the study gains insights into the
broader implications. This enables prioritization of solutions that not only address immediate concerns but also enhance the overall
Slide 9: Interpretation and Solutions

Data Interpretation and Solution Proposal:

Collected data is rigorously analyzed and interpreted. This interpretation is key to generating insights that guide the formulation of
well-informed, practical solutions tailored to address the identified issues within Kubo Food Court.
Slide 10: Benefits of Applied Descriptive Research

Practical Benefits:
Applied descriptive research offers several benefits:
Accurate Insights: It ensures a thorough understanding of the situation, leading to accurate and relevant solutions.
Real-world Relevance: Solutions are grounded in the context of the food court, increasing their potential impact and effectiveness.
Slide 11: Ethical Considerations

Ethical Responsibilities:
The study maintains ethical integrity by obtaining informed consent from participants, respecting their privacy, and ensuring that
data is used responsibly. This fosters trust and upholds the ethical standards of research.
Slide 12: Conclusion

Summarize Key Points:

The applied descriptive research design employed in this study serves as a powerful tool to identify issues, analyze their effects, and
propose innovative solutions for the redevelopment of Kubo Food Court. By adhering to this methodology, the study aims to
contribute to a more vibrant and functional dining space for all stakeholders involved.
Slide 13: Future Implications

Future Impact:
The solutions proposed through this study could have lasting positive effects on the food court's atmosphere, functionality, and
appeal. By addressing the identified challenges, the redevelopment could potentially lead to a more enriching experience for both
customers and vendors.
Slide 14: Q&A

Open the floor for questions from the defense committee.

Slide 15: References

List all references used in preparing the presentation.

Remember to personalize these explanations based on the specifics of your research and presentation style. Good luck with your
defense presentation!

Slide 1: Title

"The Redevelopment of Kubo Food Court: Proposed Multi-Storey Cafeteria"

Study Design and Research Methodology
Slide 2: Introduction

Introduce the study's focus: Kubo Food Court's redevelopment beside the University of Baguio.
State the significance of addressing issues affecting the food court and proposing innovative solutions.
Slide 3: Research Design Overview

Applied Descriptive Research Design

Define applied descriptive research as accurately and systematically describing a situation to find solutions.
Mention its suitability for addressing real-world problems.
Slide 4: Objectives

Specify the study's objectives:

Identify problems within Kubo Food Court.
Understand causes and effects of these problems.
Propose innovative solutions for redevelopment.
Slide 5: Data Collection Methods

Variety of Data Collection Methods:

Surveys: Gather structured data from a larger audience.
Interviews: Obtain in-depth insights from key stakeholders.
Observations: Gain firsthand understanding of the food court environment.
Slide 6: Quantitative and Qualitative Data

Data Types:
Quantitative: Numeric data for statistical analysis.
Qualitative: Descriptive data for deeper insights into experiences and perceptions.
Slide 7: Problem Identification

Systematic Problem Identification:

Explore underlying causes of issues in Kubo Food Court.
Examine factors affecting customers and vendors' experiences.
Slide 8: Effects Analysis

Understanding Effects:
Analyze how identified problems impact customers and vendors.
Consider broader implications for the food court's functionality.
Slide 9: Interpretation and Solutions

Data Interpretation and Solution Proposal:

Analyze collected data to draw meaningful conclusions.
Formulate practical solutions aligned with research findings.
Slide 10: Benefits of Applied Descriptive Research

Practical Benefits:
Provide insights grounded in thorough understanding.
Address problems effectively through research-based solutions.
Slide 11: Ethical Considerations

Ethical Responsibilities:
Ensure informed consent from participants.
Maintain data confidentiality and privacy.
Slide 12: Conclusion

Summarize Key Points:

Applied descriptive research aids in solving real-world issues.
Insights from the study contribute to the redevelopment of Kubo Food Court.
Slide 13: Future Implications

Future Impact:
Discuss how proposed solutions can positively influence the food court's atmosphere and functionality.
Consider potential long-term benefits for customers, vendors, and the university.
Slide 14: Q&A

Open the floor for questions from the defense committee.

Slide 15: References

List all references used in preparing the presentation.

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