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Sekolah is stoking the conflict between the Slaad and Modrons to create a distraction and invade Sygia.

He already
has. He’s focusing efforts on the Slaad incursions into other planes to melt Sygia and flood the River Styx, giving him
greater access to the lower planes and an increase in power. His goal is to become a Lord of Hell. The players can focus
on stopping his invasion of Hell, or stopping the Modron vs. Slaad war, or both, to a lesser degree.
WHERE THEY WERE PREVIOUSLY. Mercy is currently in Cemara,
helping House Singh rout the Slaad infestation. Your investigation
into the Slaad as agents of House Singh has led you to the Elder
Swamps, where the Slaadi have nested.

Several runes have been etched into the Animated Armor that the
party owns. An antenna has been
installed on the helmet of the armor. It
contains a red gem that gives off slow
pulses of dim red light. Until further
notice, House Singh is using their
command of this armor to keep an eye
on the party. It is connected to a wizard
of House Singh, who is currently residing in the Temple of
Oghma in Cemara.]

[This access will allow the party advantage on

lore/history/religion/arcana checks. A low number on the
check (rolled by me) means that it’ll take some time for the
wizard to find the information.]

[Control will suddenly return to the

player when the
Modrons have invaded

[The wizard, Evelyn (yes,

named after her), sounds
young and naïve, but
enthusiastic. She has the
ability to cast spells
through the armor, it is
channeled through an
antenna placed on the
helmet of the armor. She
is limited to Divination
spells. “I’m a librarian! I don’t need to know how to cast
fireball! I’m surrounded by flammable materials all day.]

[At 65 lbs, the Animated Armor can be thrown to reach a new


The drone of mosquitos and the intermittent noise of wildlife

Felisa: Elmae; Wayne: Aiden; Gerald: Ulfgar; Sarah: Sariel; Tyler: Tai
Sekolah is stoking the conflict between the Slaad and Modrons to create a distraction and invade Sygia. He already
has. He’s focusing efforts on the Slaad incursions into other planes to melt Sygia and flood the River Styx, giving him
greater access to the lower planes and an increase in power. His goal is to become a Lord of Hell. The players can focus
on stopping his invasion of Hell, or stopping the Modron vs. Slaad war, or both, to a lesser degree.
accompany the party as they venture into the swamp. A fog cloud hugs
the ground, stubbornly refusing to burn off. Between the fog and the
thick tree cover, it’s difficult to see far. There’s a rhythmic series of
splashes as your guide lifts the pole that he (Jowallie) is using to steer
the raft in and out of the water. [The party must make swim checks to
move through the water unimpeded, if they fall in. See attached sheet
for swarm monsters. Roll a d20 for them. Quippers will be attracted by
the blood. Insects loiter in places. Snakes are curled up on dry land if
they run to get out of the water.] Several feet behind him is another
raft, steered by another member (Bevan) of the wood elf tribe that lives
in the area. [Have party determine who is on which raft.] You sweat
profusely from the humidity, but your guides don’t seem to be bothered
by the environment. There’s a symmetry to their movement, and they
both have an intuition into the area. [Populate the map with deeper
waters, fallen logs, trees, and the ruins of abandoned houses and a
collapsed tower. There’s a party of dead adventurers in the
tower, which was a warlock’s keep.] One of the first things you notice
is a collapsed tower rising in the distance. (Describe the appearance of
tower. Use sensory details.) It’s at an angle and most of it has sunk back
into the swamp. “The guides mention that it is haunted and that
it’s best to avoid it.” [Inside are the
remains of several dead
adventurers (low level loot,
check post-its) who battled a
warlock. Pixies and Sprites
watch over the bodies so they will
not be disturbed. They will not
attack to kill, but will hide and cast
spells to discourage the bodies
from being tampered with.
They’ll lead with Confusion.]

Felisa: Elmae; Wayne: Aiden; Gerald: Ulfgar; Sarah: Sariel; Tyler: Tai
Sekolah is stoking the conflict between the Slaad and Modrons to create a distraction and invade Sygia. He already
has. He’s focusing efforts on the Slaad incursions into other planes to melt Sygia and flood the River Styx, giving him
greater access to the lower planes and an increase in power. His goal is to become a Lord of Hell. The players can focus
on stopping his invasion of Hell, or stopping the Modron vs. Slaad war, or both, to a lesser degree.
The elf in front
pauses and raises
a hand. A crane

flies down
towards the
water, intent on
grabbing a fish
that has been splashing around in the area. It lowers itself closer to the water—when it’s suddenly
grabbed out of the water by a Black Dragon wyrmling. [Black Dragons are noted as being very sadistic.
Tenaciously stalk and attack players one by one.] The female wood elf speaks up, shouting to have her
voice heard above the sounds of the dragon tearing into its prey. “There we go, that’s your payment for
our services. Help us take that thing down!” [Use poles as Quarterstaff, 1d6/1d8 versatile bludgeoning.
Spear, range 20/60, 1d6/1d8 versatile piercing)] “Open up that supply box! Grab those spears!” shouts
the male elf. [Each raft has a box containing (everyone, even me, rolls 1d4) 1d4 +1 spears and 1d4
bottles of alchohol and 1d4 smutty parchments and 1d4 healing potions (2d4 +2) and 1d4 potions of
greater healing (4d4 + 4).] [Party rolls initiative.] [The wymrling will stealth and swim underwater to try
to stalk the rafts. It will use the water and the sky as avenues of attack.]

The party kills the wymrling and the wood elves truss it up and haul it onto the raft. [The party must
make Survival checks after each battle. If they fail this check, make a Constitution Saving Throw.
Parasites in the water and the humidity of the swamp leave you feeling drained (if failed), and a level of
fatigue sets in.] They move deeper into the swamp. The trees of the swamp get thicker and thicker as
you’re led deeper into this morbid land.

Felisa: Elmae; Wayne: Aiden; Gerald: Ulfgar; Sarah: Sariel; Tyler: Tai
Sekolah is stoking the conflict between the Slaad and Modrons to create a distraction and invade Sygia. He already
has. He’s focusing efforts on the Slaad incursions into other planes to melt Sygia and flood the River Styx, giving him
greater access to the lower planes and an increase in power. His goal is to become a Lord of Hell. The players can focus
on stopping his invasion of Hell, or stopping the Modron vs. Slaad war, or both, to a lesser degree.

[Roll Perception] You hear in the

distance a group of people
arguing. [See Cultist and Cult
Fanatic stats] “Sekolah is the true
god of the swamps!” “No you fool,
it is Phytophthora the Black!” “Feel
the tide of Sekolah crash upon
you!” “The blight of Phytophthora
is upon you!” [Sekolah cultists are
tattooed and branded to look like
they have gills. The dragon’s
cultists are tattooed and branded
to look like scales. The Sekolah cultist’s have the Hag’s Eye in their
possession. The hags can see what is happening through it.] [The
cultists of Sekolah have a hierarchy that includes cultists, pirates,
clerics, Kraken priests, sea druids, and ultimately a Kraken.] [The
party can choose to help or fight either.] [Gathering the robes and totems might prove useful for later


NEW PLAYER: [See attached handout for what was discovered when searching the cultists. Way to
introduce new player.] New Player: You’re in a caged wagon. The cultist’s have gotten it stuck into the
mud, which leaves the front of it dug into ground. When the wagon fell into the mud, a nail within reach
came loose. You’ve spent the last day trying to flatten it into an impromptu lockpick. You were able to
avoid detection and when the cultists were preoccupied with the fight, you tried to get the door of your
cell unlocked. [Roll Sleight of Hand.] You stumble out of the wagon and see a few cots and bedrolls

Felisa: Elmae; Wayne: Aiden; Gerald: Ulfgar; Sarah: Sariel; Tyler: Tai
Sekolah is stoking the conflict between the Slaad and Modrons to create a distraction and invade Sygia. He already
has. He’s focusing efforts on the Slaad incursions into other planes to melt Sygia and flood the River Styx, giving him
greater access to the lower planes and an increase in power. His goal is to become a Lord of Hell. The players can focus
on stopping his invasion of Hell, or stopping the Modron vs. Slaad war, or both, to a lesser degree.
sprawled beside a dying fire. There’s a chest nearby. You saw the cultists throw your belongings in there.
[You open it up to find your weapons, your spellbook, and your armor. You’re in the process of putting
on your armor when you see several figures approach on the horizon.]

[The party sees a lone figure putting on armor in the distance, near the abandoned camp of the cultists.]

[Roll Perception.] [Move tree mini.] A tree (Treant: Felloak)

slowly moves on the horizon towards you. [It was drawn by
the sound of the fight if new player doesn’t join.] It moves
with deliberation,
heading directly towards the party. It comes to a stop a
distance away from the party, but stands in your current
path. Following alongside the Treant are two figures on
horseback. The flames from the mane of the black horse
illuminate the hooded figure who rides it, but not enough to
reveal who they are (Vulduro: Medusa). A womanly figure,
whose skin resembles the tones of the swamp around
you, is seated upon the other horse, which is pale white and
whose forehead is crowned with a long horn. The hooded
figure slowly trots forward to meet the party. The smell of brimstone and sulphur accompanies her. “We
march on toward the Barlow Caverns to end the Slaad infestation of this land. We will join you, and
watch over you. Beware: the swamp stirs and is restless.” [Vulduro speaks in a manner that suggests a
noble upbringing. Confident and serene.] Several nearby trees, which previously appeared to be
inanimate, move in unison at this command and begin a slow march towards the Caverns. In the
distance, through the fog, you see the shrouded figures of several Treants skulk through the swamp. The
deep croaks of giant frogs bellow throughout the swamp as the calvary of swamp elves begin to move
behind you to follow.

Felisa: Elmae; Wayne: Aiden; Gerald: Ulfgar; Sarah: Sariel; Tyler: Tai
Sekolah is stoking the conflict between the Slaad and Modrons to create a distraction and invade Sygia. He already
has. He’s focusing efforts on the Slaad incursions into other planes to melt Sygia and flood the River Styx, giving him
greater access to the lower planes and an increase in power. His goal is to become a Lord of Hell. The players can focus
on stopping his invasion of Hell, or stopping the Modron vs. Slaad war, or both, to a lesser degree.
You trudge through the murk and mire, keeping pace with the
Treants and wood elves that have surrounded your party in a
wide ring. The The terrain subtly changes, the swamp waters
getting deeper, but the trees begin to thin out. Your guides move
to a place near the banks of the water before you and move and
cut through an area of bramble and brush. “Hey, help us clear
this off?” they ask; camoflagued by the undergrowth is a boat
large enough to transport the party. On the back of the boat the
rudder connects to two levers that steer the boat. [Roll Arcana or
Investigate to learn they are two wands of Gust of Wind
connected to a small tank of arcane energy). [This can propel the
party at sixty feet per round.] [The guides will show anyone who
expresses interest in it how to drive: tank/bobcat controls.] [The
lake seems oddly quiet. For now, the only thing of note that you
see are several ravens perched upon a half-submerged log.
[Perception or Investigation: you have the strange feeling of
being watched as you pass near the ravens. Arcana or Nature
reveals a sense of calculated intelligence beyond what a raven is
known to show [familars for a wizard]. [The Assassin/Illusion Wizard is nearby, if the party can discover
them. She stalks the party.] [She’s searching for the party on orders of her Infernal masters, and
searching for Sariel on her own accord.(Have Calfan Weathertop get in the party’s good graces. Go on
missions with Sariel. If she thinks she’s hiding something, tell Sariel and team that it’s that she was sent
here on orders of devils. Creates hook to go negotiate with devils for the release of her soul or servitude.
Maybe it’s genuine. Maybe it’s not, and she’ll betray the team and belonged to the clan who killed
Sariel’s family. Play it by ear.]

Some time passes. [What’s your passive perception? You do or do not notice something large moving in
the water behind you: Carrion Crawler. You have enough speed to not be overtaken by it, but not to lose

[Roll Perception.] You hear the sounds of a fight nearby. A skiff full of Sahuagin is fighting with a Treant.
A harsh, shrill laughter can be heard from the skiff. Several figures can be seen on the skiff as you draw
nearer. They quickly sense the party and re-orient their attack to target both the Treant and the rafts.

[Roll initative.] [Another skiff and then another a few rounds later will keep the Treants and Vulduro, the
Medusa occupied, however they will interact with the party in passing as they fight their way through
the area.] [Three Green Hags, a Sahuagin Priestess and Baron, and five Sahuagin are on the skiff.] [The
Sahagin form a protective circle around the hags, who in turn, are in a circle, back to back. The Baron is
aided in battle by one of the Sahaugin, and they’re currently attacking the Treant. ] [Once the third skiff
arrives, have the players roll Perception. They see a large but distant shape move through the fog. The
sound of large wings pierces through the fog. The sizzling sound of corrosive acid hisses as it burns
through wood and bark and anyone unfortunate enough to be in its path. [It attacks similiarly to the
wyrmling, using stealth and the environment, as well as its amphibious nature, to skulk and pick off

Felisa: Elmae; Wayne: Aiden; Gerald: Ulfgar; Sarah: Sariel; Tyler: Tai
Sekolah is stoking the conflict between the Slaad and Modrons to create a distraction and invade Sygia. He already
has. He’s focusing efforts on the Slaad incursions into other planes to melt Sygia and flood the River Styx, giving him
greater access to the lower planes and an increase in power. His goal is to become a Lord of Hell. The players can focus
on stopping his invasion of Hell, or stopping the Modron vs. Slaad war, or both, to a lesser degree.
Treants after it’s initial blitzkrieg attack.] Several wood elves
emerge from the swamp and take aim at the Sahuagin and the
dragon. The Sahuagin and hags fight both the dragon and the
party’s allies.


[One round of combat, before the Elven calvary charges
forward. [The hunters left with the carrion crawler and are
with it on the bank.] When the calvary arrives (with a blast of a
horn, they’ll attack the dragon. Felloak will stay behind to take
on the dragon (but the party can help if they choose to). He
tells them to get into the caverns before more Slaad come
through. So they won’t have to fight dragon and Slaad.] [If
fought, black dragons will target weakest members first,
tenaciously. It will attempt to flee when approximately 40
percent health. If fleeing isn’t an option, it will bargain, but it
will not accept limits to its independence. It will not surrender.
Tiffany will choose to stay and fight off the dragon. She’ll leave
a Scroll of Sending in the boat. Exit: stage left. To return when the party is in need.] [Inside the cavern is
the new player, currently in battle with a Slaad. Or they rush out to help the party with the dragon. Or
they don’t.]

Felloak and Vulduro reconnect with the party and explain that they need to head into Barlow Caverns
now, while the dragon is occupied. The elves and the Treants will battle it and the Sahuagin while the
party investigates the cavern. [The party can choose to slay the dragon or head into the caverns. It’s up
to the party if they want the guides to stay there or follow them into the cavern.]

The outside of the cavern resembles an open mouth. Sharp rocks line overhead and several are
sprawled across the floor of the opening as well. [Nature or Survival check: it is a mouth. The long-dead
mouth of a Purple Worm.] The cavern is not lit and will require darkvision or torches to navigate. [Have
the party roll Perception. Nothing will happen, but they hear the sounds of scurrying and movement.
They’re not able to pinpoint where.] The cavern is littered with remains, animal and human. [If the party
had the elven guides follow, roll a Perception check after they’ve traversed into the cave. One of them is
no longer here. Roll Perception to spot the Slaad attempting to abduct the remaining elf.] [The Slaad has
shapeshifted into the form of a hooded drow to lurk through the cave. It will sneak away and turn
invisible, and then revert to its true form if found.]

[Once defeated, the Slaad will collapse. In its hand is a gem, that begins to slowly pulse. It indicates
where the nearby breach into Limbo is. The pulsing quickens as the party draws closer to it. A successful
Arcana check can close the portal. As the check is being made, another Slaad will attempt to cross over.
It will attack the party while it is coming through, but the portal is unstable. Sucessful Arcana checks will
lower the number of rounds until the portal closes. When it does, it will bisect the Slaad. Another gem

Felisa: Elmae; Wayne: Aiden; Gerald: Ulfgar; Sarah: Sariel; Tyler: Tai
Sekolah is stoking the conflict between the Slaad and Modrons to create a distraction and invade Sygia. He already
has. He’s focusing efforts on the Slaad incursions into other planes to melt Sygia and flood the River Styx, giving him
greater access to the lower planes and an increase in power. His goal is to become a Lord of Hell. The players can focus
on stopping his invasion of Hell, or stopping the Modron vs. Slaad war, or both, to a lesser degree.
falls from its hand as well. (Four more are hidden througout the cave). They stop pulsing but continue to
radiate magical energy that can be detected with an Arcana or Perception check.] [The gems must be
studied to determine their purpose. At one time they may have had a mutable magic property, but the
half-life in them has resulted in this magic going inert. Experiments show they can be used as a source of
power though. Magitek engines.] [The cave was going to be a staging ground for an assault from Limbo
into the Material Realm. Some magical items have been brought
here by the Slaad in preparation and are stashed throughout the
cave. Roll Perception or use Evelyn’s spells. See Loot document.]
[Before the cave is exited, the animated armor stops mid-sentence
and lurches to a stop. The colorful gem in the antenna has gone
dark. After several moments it beings to walk again, but no
connection to Evelyn can be reestablished. Control reverts to the
player. [“Could be nothing. The connection has went out before.
Magical experiments at the Temple of Oghma will sometimes cause
arcane interference and prevent the singal from transmitting.] The
Modrons have marched on Cemara. Mercy has gone missing, as has
Evelyn. They’ll eventually return. With Asonye (wizard) and Telmar
(cleric), the NPC’s teleported in, on a Kardian airship. She’s
petitioned for help from Tortare’s nobility—outside of the approval
of the Cemaran court—but the arrival of the airships will help turn
the tide against the Modron excursion. What makes people nervous
is that the airships aren’t quick to leave after the battle. Gunship
diplomacy. It saved the city, along with the help of the party, but
Mercy and House Moreno aren’t prepared for the political
consequences of sudden prominence in the affairs between both nations.]

The party returns outside to see the battle [still going on or ended, depending on how much time was
spent in the cavern. If the dragon was not defeated earlier, the party can help the elves finish it off. The
dragon is making a last stand near the mouth of the cavern. [Remember: sadistic and tenacious.] The
party can rush over to help defeat the dragon. Roll a d20 to determine surving elves. Roll a d12 for
Treants. ] and regroup with the elves and the Treants. [Bones, scales, teeth, claws, and organs can be
harvested with successful Nature checks.]

[The lair of the dragon, and its hoard, can be found with a Ranger (can be hired), or someone familiar
with the land. If the wood elves and/or their guides are alive, passage and guidance there can be
bartered for in return for a share of the hoard. It will take considerable effort to convince the guides to
lead you there. “It is a place of death. Malice and death, and far too much of this land has been blighted
by that awful place.” The party can choose to explore the den, or head back to Cemara.]


[Felloak is in front of the caverns. He’s gone dormant to heal.] [Kynigos and several tribal warriors, and
an old oracle await in a semi-circle around the corpse of the Phytophthora the Black, investigating it.]

Felisa: Elmae; Wayne: Aiden; Gerald: Ulfgar; Sarah: Sariel; Tyler: Tai
Sekolah is stoking the conflict between the Slaad and Modrons to create a distraction and invade Sygia. He already
has. He’s focusing efforts on the Slaad incursions into other planes to melt Sygia and flood the River Styx, giving him
greater access to the lower planes and an increase in power. His goal is to become a Lord of Hell. The players can focus
on stopping his invasion of Hell, or stopping the Modron vs. Slaad war, or both, to a lesser degree.
[Kynigos speaks to the party.] “Who has killed Phytophthora? Who is touched by the hand of fate
enough to strike a blow against the Scourge of the Elder Swamps?” “You must complete the Ritual of the
Blood. [Religion or History: this was often done by civilizations that lived near dragons. While once
widely known and practiced by armies and the clergy, it isn’t really practiced anymore outside of tribes
and dragon cults, or some of the more aggressive dragon hunting clans. The blood of the dragon is
applied to the body of who killed a dragon as a way to warn other dragons. [Roll a Constitution saving
throw. If failed, take damage, if passed, take less damage.] The blood burns into your skin where the
oracle applies it. The pattern of the marks reveals in a Draconic dialect the name of the dragon killed,
what kind, where, and how. [Once healed, this will result in resistance to the type of attack this dragon
used, and will grant the Intimidating Prescence feat to the user. The oracle will give the dragonkiller an
arrow of dragonslaying. The arrow is crafted from dragonbone by a master fletcher and will pierce

SKIP: IF DEN: The party ventures

further into the swamp., in search of
the black dragon’s lair. Earlier in the
day, as you ventured through the
swamp, shacks and hovels of the
wood elves were scattered throughout
the area. As you are guided closer and
closer to the lair, any surviving homes
you see are destroyed, seemingly
melted into a broken mess. The water
is stagnant and smells of rot and
disease. [Constitution Saving Throw
to prevent from being sickened.
Sickened only heals ½ HP, as the
healing potion or spell gets diverted to
purging illness from the body.] The
plants grow thick and twisted in the area. Roots are gnarled and
impede travel. You struggle to make progress through the mud.

[Roll Perception: Mid-

check: You hear faint whispers in a breathy voice. “Turn
back. Turn back.” “Go no further.”
“This is hell.” High-check: In the
distance, mostly obscured by the trees
are several lights bouncing across the

Felisa: Elmae; Wayne: Aiden; Gerald: Ulfgar; Sarah: Sariel; Tyler: Tai
Sekolah is stoking the conflict between the Slaad and Modrons to create a distraction and invade Sygia. He already
has. He’s focusing efforts on the Slaad incursions into other planes to melt Sygia and flood the River Styx, giving him
greater access to the lower planes and an increase in power. His goal is to become a Lord of Hell. The players can focus
on stopping his invasion of Hell, or stopping the Modron vs. Slaad war, or both, to a lesser degree.
horizon.] [The Will-O’-Wisps harass the party. Proximity to the dragon’s lair has turned much of the
creatures in the area more sadistic as a response.] Beyond the Will-O’Wisps, the heavily wooded trees,
you emerge into a clearing. At one time, this was an elven village. The remains of which have been
crafted into a weird mockery of what once was. Savage looking totems surround an altar, which stands
before a large dais. Various offerings have been left around the altar. The melted remains of a body
(wood elf) lay across it. [Roll Perception. Mid-check: Several feral wood elves burst through and launch
spears at the party. High-check: You notice the sound of movement through the area, as if a group of
people were moving to surround the party.] They’re led by a half-dragon (black) warchief [Kynigos] [See
above, reskin lightning as acid. Possesses Javelin of Lightning (command word “tintreach”, Periapt of
Health, and one Arrow of Dragonslaying] [The chief is a social darwinist. A veteran who Heart of
Darknessed it up, and is worshipped along with the dragon by the tribal elves. A veteran of the war that
the dragonborn mentioned earlier. Elegant and poetic, but has gone mad from his time in the swamp
and from being a pawn of the dragon. That war resulted in several gods, good and evil, retreating from
interefering in the mortal realm. Why? Ambigious.] “You can only depend on the strength of your body
and the fervor of your brothers and sisters. Divine intervention won’t save you. Chance might. Luck
might. Skill might.” (punctuated by attacks) [He has gone mad though, and seemingly abandoned in the
swamp, so does what he say have any truth?]

Felisa: Elmae; Wayne: Aiden; Gerald: Ulfgar; Sarah: Sariel; Tyler: Tai
Sekolah is stoking the conflict between the Slaad and Modrons to create a distraction and invade Sygia. He already
has. He’s focusing efforts on the Slaad incursions into other planes to melt Sygia and flood the River Styx, giving him
greater access to the lower planes and an increase in power. His goal is to become a Lord of Hell. The players can focus
on stopping his invasion of Hell, or stopping the Modron vs. Slaad war, or both, to a lesser degree.

SKIP DOWN TO HERE: IF CEMARA: You begin to travel

towards Cemara. [Roll d3 to determine the order: 1: You encounter a
hunting party of black-scaled kobolds. They’re not hostile. [They’re quite
happy at the death of the black dragon, and are willing to share what
they’ve caught and killed, a wild boar. 2: In a clearing stands a lone tree.
Totems and trinkets hang from its brances. Flowers are laid at the base of
the tree. A small brazier is nearby, smoldering and the coals no longer hot,
but still warm. A small plume of smoke still rises from it. A small fountain is
near the tree, it looks like a tiny waterfall falling into a small pool of water.
(Religion check: This is a shrine to Eldath, the
Goddess of Peace.) Behind the tree is a man
(Druid), asleep under the shade of the tree. An
alligator is near the man, and circles around in
front of him in a protective manner. It makes
no attempt to attack, but moves its head from
side to side to eye the party. At the sound of
the alligator stirring, the man wakes up, and
also moves his head from side to side to look
at the party. “Be at peace, Oldbelly” he
murmurs to his alligator. “They mean us no
harm.” (“That” he says, pointing to the raven,
“would enjoy causing harm though.”) 3: Roll
perception: A raven is following the party. If 3
is rolled before 2, the druid will take note and
inform the party that the raven is an familar.
He won’t attack it near the shrine. The party’s
weapons will be dulled and their spells will
fizzle and falter until they leave the shrine. The
familiar will flee if discovered fought. [Later,
the party discovers that a new scroll has been
added to the container containing the scrolls
looted from the dragon lair earlier. A message
is written in Infernal. “Continue your hunt of
the abberations.”]

The land seems to be more at ease with the death of the dragon. You set up camp and await the arrival
of the new day. Before you set out for Cemara, the antenna on top of the helmet of the animated armor
flashes back to life. A voice, different than Evelyn’s can be heard as the runes glow and activate.
“Attention. Attention. This is a mandatory recall of all combat-capable members of the Houses of
Cemara. This is a mandatory recall of all combat-capable members of the Houses of Cemara. Cemara is
under attack. All civilian adventurers in the area who can hear this and are able to help, please head to

Felisa: Elmae; Wayne: Aiden; Gerald: Ulfgar; Sarah: Sariel; Tyler: Tai
Sekolah is stoking the conflict between the Slaad and Modrons to create a distraction and invade Sygia. He already
has. He’s focusing efforts on the Slaad incursions into other planes to melt Sygia and flood the River Styx, giving him
greater access to the lower planes and an increase in power. His goal is to become a Lord of Hell. The players can focus
on stopping his invasion of Hell, or stopping the Modron vs. Slaad war, or both, to a lesser degree.
Cemara and lend assistance.” The message repeats twice and begins a third time before it is suddenly
cut off. The runes fade and local control of the animated armor returns to you.

The party arrives near Cemara. Even with the hard rain, you can see smoke and fire from the city. [Roll
Perception. Parts of the city on the edges of the city are being systemically destroyed. The smoke and
rain obscure visibility. You can’t see what is causing this damage yet.] Various banners of the houses are
visibile throughout the city as each house is rallying at different locations in the city. As you draw nearer,
the battle becomes clearer. Modrons march in order, their phalanxes protecting each other and moving
through the city at a slow and deliberate place. They clash with Slaad that are emerging from the
sewers. [Modrons are marching towards concetrations of Slaad infestation. Slaad are indiscriminately
fleeing.] “The irony is that we the cleanup against the Slaad was almost done when the Modrons came
in. Now everything has gone to Hell.” [Said by a Singh Paladin in Roll 2). Roll 1d8 below to determine
order of events. Use firearm table for Modron weapons.

1. The party reunites with the burgeoning Fighter’s Guild that Aiden is creating. They’re joined by
1d4 civilians plus Salesa of House Vlahos (who was rescued by the guild).
2. House Singh Paladins are blocking a street, drawing Slaad into a fight while civilians evacuate
behind them.
3. (3-8): Roll on encounter table. Modron forces are augmented with seige weaponry and muskets.
DMG. Pg 255 or attached sheet.

[A group of Slaad will converge on the players. Roll

perception. If high enough, you can hear thunder. But
it isn’t matching up with the lightning strikes.] [A
round passes. Roll Perception again. If first one wasn’t
high enough, use it. If it was: you hear the sound of
propellers. Like airships off in the distance.] [The
cantrips Light or Faerie Fire can help the cannons
from the airship pinpoint the Slaad. Evelyn, who is in
the airship with Mercy will activate the armor and
cast them from the gauntlets if they are loaded.] A
stone giant
(the one the
party met
before) does
a superhero
landing off
the side of
the airship
and begins
swinging into
Slaad and Modron alike. Mercy takes potshots from the airship

Felisa: Elmae; Wayne: Aiden; Gerald: Ulfgar; Sarah: Sariel; Tyler: Tai
Sekolah is stoking the conflict between the Slaad and Modrons to create a distraction and invade Sygia. He already
has. He’s focusing efforts on the Slaad incursions into other planes to melt Sygia and flood the River Styx, giving him
greater access to the lower planes and an increase in power. His goal is to become a Lord of Hell. The players can focus
on stopping his invasion of Hell, or stopping the Modron vs. Slaad war, or both, to a lesser degree.
to cover the duegar and dwarven commandos from Kardia that fastrope down the sides of the airship to
join the battle. [The palace has fallen. They’ll all work together with the party to move to retake it.
Several nobles have fallen, enough that the Houses have weakened—to the point the House Moreno is
now in a prominent position. The Duke and most of House Gladstone is missing. [Because they were
shapechanged Slaad.] The search for/consensus on a new ruler will occupy the time of the nobles. This is
complicated by the Kardian soldiers not leaving after the battle is done. They’re not quite occupying
Cemara, but they’re in no hurry to leave. They likely have a pick for the new position of Duke/Duchess
(an assignment to sneak into a Kardian outpost or onto an airship has the party recover documents that
indicate their pick is Mercy herself. See: created document with several other pictures and names
marked out, but hers circled) that they’re going to install. So do many others.] The Slaad have retreated
from the palace as the party arrives. It’s empty save for the bodies of nobles and their attendants that
are scattered throughout, as well as the torn apart remains of Modrons. However, in the throne room,
pacing back and forth, greatsword dragging across the tile of the floor with careless abandon, is a Death
Slaad. [A History check on the greatsword will show that it’s a sword with a storied history belonging to
House Gladstone.]

[If Calfan has not been discovered yet: A perception check reveals that a flight of ravens seems to follow
the party wherever they go. Only one is the familiar. The rest are an illusion spell cast through the
familiar. This means the wizard is within 100 feet of the party.] [Assassin/Illusion Wizard]

Felisa: Elmae; Wayne: Aiden; Gerald: Ulfgar; Sarah: Sariel; Tyler: Tai

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