3rd Period Final

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3rd period final Part two: major rejoins of the Middle East. (Page 553) 1.

Northern Tier- it stretches across present day Turkey and Iran. It is a region of mountains and plateaus. 2. Arabian Peninsula- this region is a cast plateau that is about 1/3 the size of the United States. It borders several bodies of water including the Red sea, the Arabian se, and the person gulf. 3. Fertile Crescent- this region is an arc shaped region that stretches from eastern Mediterranean along the Tigris, and Euphrates rivers to the Persian Gulf. It has a big population because of the rich soil and abundant water. 4. Nile valley- this region is northeast Africa was a corded of ancient civilization. It enjoys geographic advantages that Mesopotamia did not poses. Part three: Judaism (page 565) 1. Identify: Moses, Solomon, Torah, Ten Commandments, Jesus, Gospels, Eastern orthodox church a. Moses- a great leader that helped the Hebrews escape from Egypt b. Solomon- one of the kings of ancient Egypt. c. Torah- The sacred book of Judaism d. Ten Commandments- are the religious and ethical, or moral, laws e. Jesus- the founder of Christianity. He was born in Palestine while it was under Roman rule. f. Gospels- documents written after Jesus death. g. Eastern Orthodox church- is the church that became when Rome was split and they refused to recognize the pope as the leader of the church. 2. Define messiah, parable, martyr, and pope. a. Messiah- one anointed by god. b. Parable- short story with simple moral lessons. c. Martyrs- people who suffered or died for there beliefs. d. Pope- father of the church. 3. List three beliefs that were held by ancient Hebrews. a. One God b. He was the creator c. He was the ruler Part four: Christianity (page 565) 1. Give three reasons for the spread of Christianity. a. Missionaries b. Persecution c. Appealing 2. How did Christian beliefs reflect Hebrew tradtions? a. They were both monotheistic meaning belief in one God. 3. What ideas did Jesus emphasize? a. He emphasized the belief in one God.

Part five: Islam (pages 569) 1. Identify: Muhammad, Khadija, Kaaba, people of the book a. Muhammad- he was a prophet told to proclaim his God b. Khadija- Muhammads Wife c. Kaaba- a sacred shrine that housed the images of many Arab Gods. d. People of the book- people who followed Gods teachings in the bible. 2. Define Hejira, Hajj, and Caliph. a. Hejira- the turning point of Islam. b. Hajj- pilgrimage to Mecca. c. Caliph- successor to the prophet. 3. List and explain the 5 pillars of Islam. a. Proclaim the belief in one God. b. Prayer. Five times a day. c. Charity to the poor and the elderly. d. Fasting during the holy month of Ramada. 4. Give three reasons for the rapid spread of Islam. a. Arab armies were united by their beliefs. b. They also didnt deny anyone. c. They didnt force anyone into there religion that didnt want to. 5. What is the main issue that divided Sunni and Shiite Muslims. A. the concern of who would become Caliph Part six: Ancient Conflicts (pages 576-577) 1. Explain the reasons for the crusades in Palestine and their effects. a. There goal was to capture Palestine and Christians had it for 100 years. 2. List and explain three reasons why the Muslim Leader Saladin was like by so many Muslims and even Christians. a. Courteous b. God-fearing c. Generous d. Witch made him more like by warriors and both religions Part seven: Palestinian Conflict (page 587) 1. Define/identify Zionism, Balfour Declaration, mandate, anti-Semitism. a. Zionism- a movement sought to see a reestablished Jewish Palestine. b. Balfour Declaration- that Palestine was Jewish but not everyone had to be Jewish if they wanted to live there. c. Mandate- Land that was administrated but not owned. d. Anti-Semitism- the hatred of fear of Jews. 2. What two groups claim the right to live in Palestine? a. Jewish b. Romans Part eight: extremism, Islamist movement (pages 593-595) 1. What are the goals of the Islamist movement? a. There goal was to get rid of westernization and bring back Islamic traditions. 2. What are the two main reasons for Extremists hating and attacking the US? a. The US was accused for spreading culture and values in a new form of imperialism. And also aiding Israel to stay in power

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