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Big Doubt About the Future

People believe that human life is a paradox so do I, composed of joys and sorrows. If
today we are happy, tomorrow may be sad and vice versa. Some people may already feel
secure about their future because they were born into a family that guarantees it. Do you
know? Anyone who tells you they have no doubts about their future is lying to you. But not me,
I will tell you about my doubts.

Doubt is an instinctual feeling all of us human beings get as part of a warning sign to
heed all possibilities, negative or positive. That warning is known to us, quite simply, as fear.
Fear becomes a huge factor once the fight or flight process starts. We either get intimidated by
the negative and let that paralyze us into not doing what is our focus now. I know what I should
do is light or take those negative possibilities and use them to my advantage to help me

Unfortunately, most of us stop once we start to doubt. so do I, the more I feel

abandoned by most of the people who have dared to step up, the fear of failure arises in me. I
have seen those around me fail frequently. It did not rule out the possibility that it happened to
me. Seeing how usually I am compared to other people leads me to the question “will I be
successful in the future? , I wondered what my life will be like when I reach a mature age. What
will I have accomplished? Will I have any regrets? What will keep me up at night? All that Lost in
my own thoughts.

We may be living through times of authentic change, but in uncertainty lies the power
to influence the future. Now is not the time to despair, but to act. It's learning to utilize the
courage to stand in the face of failure despite the possibilities, that allow us to feel pride. True
pride… to look back on a trial or tribulation and say “Yes… I just did that !!! I got through it
unscathed !!! I'm proud of that! "

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