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The youth of Nigeria, aged between 15 and 35, hold a significant role in shaping the future of

their country. With their energy, enthusiasm, and drive for positive change, they have the power

to make a lasting impact. In a nation where the youth comprise a substantial portion of the

population, their influence cannot be underestimated. By realizing their potential, embracing

diversity, supporting social justice, and promoting intercultural dialogue, Nigerian youth can play

a vital role in ensuring a peaceful future for their nation. The potential of Nigerian youth is a

precious asset that can be harnessed to forge a path toward peace. Through investments in

education, vocational training, and skills development programs, young people are equipped with

the necessary tools to thrive and make meaningful contributions to society. Access to quality

education enables them to develop critical thinking skills, gain a global perspective, and actively

engage in establishing a peaceful future for Nigeria. Mentorship initiatives and internships

further provide guidance and support, empowering young individuals to reach their full potential

and make significant contributions to society. Despite the challenges they face, the resilience and

determination of Nigerian youth serve as an inspiration for others and drive long-lasting change.

Take, for example, the story of Hilda Baci, an entrepreneur from Nigeria. Her relentless pursuit

of breaking the record for the most hours spent cooking exemplifies the indomitable spirit of

Nigerian youth. Despite physical and mental exhaustion, Hilda persisted because she believed in

the ability of young people to overcome barriers and achieve greatness. Her project not only

showcased her personal determination but also inspired other young Nigerians to pursue their

goals tirelessly. By demonstrating perseverance, Hilda became a role model, illustrating that

Nigerian youth can overcome any obstacles on their path to creating a peaceful and prosperous

society. Art and culture play a crucial role in fostering understanding and bridging gaps among

diverse populations. While not directly from Nigeria, the Ghetto Kids Dance Company from
Uganda serves as a powerful example of dance's transformative potential and its ability to

transcend national boundaries. With their extraordinary talent and vibrant performances, the

group captivated audiences worldwide and even reached the finals of Britain's Got Talent. Their

journey showcased how dance can bring people from different backgrounds and cultures

together. The success of the Ghetto Kids Dance group highlighted the importance of cross-

cultural communication and understanding. Nigeria's multicultural landscape, with its various

ethnic groups, languages, and traditions, necessitates the embrace of inclusivity and the

promotion of social cohesion. Nigerian youth can foster an atmosphere of respect, understanding,

and unity by embracing and celebrating diversity. They can organize multicultural activities,

encourage communication between different communities, and challenge prejudices and

stereotypes. By promoting inclusivity and social harmony, Nigerian youth can lay the foundation

for a peaceful society where everyone feels valued and respected. The "Not Too Young to Run"

campaign in Nigeria exemplifies the success of inclusivity and social cohesion. Led by young

people, this movement advocated for a constitutional reform to lower the age requirement for

holding political office. Through their collective efforts, young Nigerians effectively influenced

policy changes, empowering more youth to participate in politics and contribute to a peaceful

future. Social justice issues, including inequality, corruption, and human rights abuses, continue

to pose challenges to Nigeria's peace and security. However, Nigerian youth possess the power to

promote social justice and drive systemic change. By speaking out against injustice, participating

in peaceful demonstrations, and advocating for reform, young people can influence policymakers

and bring about tangible improvements. Youth-led movements have the potential to address the

root causes of social inequality and pave the way for a more just society through grassroots

initiatives and community-based organizations. The #EndSARS movement, predominantly

initiated by Nigerian youth, serves as a prime example of their commitment to fighting for social

justice. Through nonviolent protests and effective use of social media, young Nigerians garnered

international attention and sparked discussions on systemic reforms, highlighting the influence of

youth in bringing about social change. Nigerian youth also have a unique opportunity to promote

intercultural dialogue and understanding, thanks to the country's rich cultural heritage. Through

cultural exchange programs, workshops, and seminars, young people can learn about diverse

traditions, practices, and perspectives. Sharing thoughts and experiences nurtures tolerance,

respect, and appreciation for differences. Utilizing social media and other communication tools,

Nigerian youth can foster cross-community connections, break down barriers, and establish links

between different groups. By encouraging cultural exchange, young Nigerians can contribute to a

peaceful future where diverse perspectives are heard and valued. The Youth Cultural Exchange

Program, facilitated by various youth organizations in Nigeria, exemplifies this approach. It

brings together young Nigerians from different ethnic, religious, and cultural backgrounds,

allowing them to share their customs, values, and life experiences. Through meaningful

conversations, stereotypes are debunked, empathy is fostered, and bonds of understanding are

forged, ultimately promoting a more peaceful and inclusive society. Sustainable development is

vital for ensuring a peaceful and prosperous future. Nigerian youth can actively participate in

campaigns that promote renewable energy, environmental sustainability, and responsible

consumption. By adopting eco-friendly practices, advocating for climate action, and engaging in

community-based conservation initiatives, young people can protect the environment and ensure

the availability of resources for future generations. Sustainable development also encompasses

the elimination of poverty and economic empowerment. Nigerian youth can promote

entrepreneurship, create job opportunities, and support local businesses, driving overall societal
progress. The Rise Green Initiative, initiated by young people in Nigeria, is dedicated to

advancing youth empowerment and environmental sustainability. Through tree-planting

campaigns, recycling projects, and sustainable agriculture efforts, they educate others about the

importance of environmental preservation and foster sustainable habits among their peers. This

program encourages young people to actively participate in bringing about positive change and

contribute to a greener future. In conclusion, the youth of Nigeria hold the key to a peaceful

future. Through the realization of their potential, embracing inclusivity and social cohesion,

fighting for social justice, promoting intercultural dialogue, and participating in sustainable

development initiatives, they can overcome obstacles and create a future that all Nigerians can be

proud of. With their energy, imagination, and determination, young Nigerians have the power to

make a long-lasting impact on the trajectory of their nation. The empowerment and collective

action of youth are needed now, and their efforts will undoubtedly shape Nigeria's path for years

to come.

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