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ECM LiL Think about the topic Before you listen \Work with a partner and discus the following questions. Match the words (1-4) withthe correct deftions (a-d). 1. How does man affect the environment? 1 adil 2. How does the environment affect man? the death toll 3. Do you have any personal experience of natural disasters’ 2 3. a mobile hon 4 rubble a large caravan used as permanent accommodation In the exam, you are given time to read the ‘questions before you hear the tape. For blank-filing tasks like Listening 1, use this time to anticipate what kind of information ‘you will be listening for. ba practice of the things you should do in a dangerous situation such as a fire © pieces of brick or stone that come from a building that has been destroyed d the number of people killed in an accident, disaster or war Listening 1 {Look at questions 1-7 in b, What kind of word oF infrration will you be listening for to answer each question? Choose from the following possbilies and waite the number ofthe corresponding question (1-7) in the cortect box. a past participle ofa verb (x 2) figure ann adjective describing geographical location a service or organisation] aday or dite L 4 noun relating o people 1b DD You will hear part of a radio news bulletin about a natural disaster in Florida For questions 1~7, complete the notes with a number, a word or a short phrase eeecessststets Tornadoes in Florida Wind speeds reached nearly HL) res per hour Four counties in Md Florida have been affected | | At least 36 people have pte Porter 200 have, | vend The Nazional KEL —] broadcast tornado warrin ‘The clean-up operation will be carried out by (eee oy emergency-management officials, © Now listen again and check, complete or amend your answers. season Listening 2 2 EXD The nens bulletin you heard in Listening 4 continues, For questions 1-9, ck (? a box in the table below if damage ofthat type has occurred in that area Orange County ‘Osceola County Volusia County 1 trees oO o Qo 2 power lines =) Oo Oo 3 cars and trucks Qa QO QO 4 shops and stores Oo Le Q '5 houses and apartments Q oO oO 6 mobile homes a fel oO T theme parks EI Qo Q 8 campsites Oo oO a 9 government buildings Qo oO oO 'b Now listen again and check, complete or amend your answers. Before you listen ‘Match the words (15) with the correct definition (2-0 1 ananchovy —_a_an adjective describing an area where the land is very dry 2 arid b a long period of time without any rainfall 3a drought © a product used to feed chickens 4 fishmeal d the droppings of sea birds 5 guano © a small fish Listening 3 a OH You will hear a lecture about a dimatic phenomenon called E] Nino. For questions 1-8, complete the notes with one or two words, or a short phrase. EINifio A warm curtent appears inthe eastern Facttic very WM The phenomenon called EI Nito occurs every MM) ‘The water temperature in the Western Pacific is usually Ls | Be than in the Eastern Pacific. The winds known as the ‘trade winds’ usually blow ee ee During El Nifio, the warmer water moves to the I acite l | EF uct 20 make tortor iol ______] are used in the manufacture of fishmeal. a SSS ——S—S 'b Now listen again and check, complete or amend your answers, DET CU OL Before you listen ‘Complete the table, using the words and phrases in the box. car exhaust fumes oil spills water pollution rise in earth’s temperature increased risk of skin cancer untreated sewage breathing problems, e.g. asthma _ soil erosion 1 ae «© loss of plant and animal species ‘© build-up of carbon dioxide 2 in atmosphere 3 «© air pollution rise in earth’s temperature © factory emissions ‘© buming fossil fuels loss of marine species 4 ‘© destruction of coral reefs «© overuse of chemicals in agriculture ‘use of aerosols and coolants that ® depletion of the ozone layer 8 ‘contain CFCs rise in earth’s temperature 22 0 You wil hear part of an interview with Paul Wrightsman, the director of ‘Scubatours, a tour company which spedalses in diving holiday. He is discussing the contents of a recent environmental report about coral refs, For questions 1~11, complete the noes with one, two or three words. betes tttttittts Coral reefs at risk Reete atected worlide: MM) per cont Regions at greatest riot al Causes of the problem: construction of MM) eng BD tccharae rottion trom MM) ng EE) ee, _ J] 'b Now listen again and check, complete or amend your answers. = Listening 2 In true-false and multiple-choice questions, you generally do not hear the same words spoken on the tape as those written on the question sheet. Listen and try to find evidence that supports or contradicts each statement on the question sheet. a 00 The interview with Paul Wrightsman you heard in Listening 1 continues. For questions 1-5, decide which statements are true and which are false. Write Tif you think the statement i true and F if you think it is false. [id Fish ae inevitably threatened with extinction asa result of tour s visiting coral reefs. Many countries with coral reefs earn most of their income from tourism. Inresponsible tourists might be tempted to damage coral reefs. ‘Tour operators are unable to influence hotels’ environmental policies. leaning up the environment in areas with coral reefs is not cost effective in the long term. Bb Now listen again and check, complete or amend your answers Listening 3 HG You will hear a radio interview with Maggie Kerr, who launched the ‘Down with Noise! campaign. For questions 14, choose the alternative (A, B, C or D) which bes its according to what you hear 4 According to Maggie Kerr, high levels of noise A have been reduced in towns and cities B are recognised as a problem by the World Health Organisation. € are recognised as a health risk by most members of the public. D can cause asthma in children. 2 Maggie Kerr A had a history of blood pressure problems. B went to her doctor for advice on how to handle stress. © was luck D became ill as a result of a change in her immediate environment. that her doctor believed her. 3 Noise constitutes a health hazard A mainly for people who suffer from ses B_mainly for people who live near airports € when people are exposed to above-average noise levels over a long period, D when people are exposed to very high noise levels for short periods. 4 The ‘Down with Noise’ campaign A organises national campaigns against cars. B shares some of the aims of other environmental groups. © wants to reduce bus traffic in towns, D works together with Environmental Health Officers. Now listen again and check, complete or amend your answers epee Relationships Think about the topic Before you listen Work with a parner and discus the following questions. Explain the diferences between the words in each group. 1 How important are family relationships to you? 4 an extended family és digas 2 In what way have relationships within families a nuclear family a babysitter changed since your parents were young? a single-parent family ‘a nursery school 3 What role, if any, do animals play in your Hie? 2. to keep someone company to be/not be good company to keep company with (a group of people) Listening 1 ‘True-false and multiple-choice questions often test your ability to understand a speaker's attitude to and opinions about the topic which is being discussed. a Look at questions 1-8 in b. Which questions do you think test your ability to understand a speaker's atitude and opinion, and which test your ability to understand information that the speaker gives? Write AO (attitude and opinion) or / (information), 1 5 2 6 3 7 4 a bb ED You wil hear part ofan interview with Kathy, a British woman who lives in Greece and i married to a Greek man. She is talking about the differences between family life in Britain and Greece. For questions 1=B, decide which statements are true and which ae false. Write Tif you think the statement true and F i you think its false [BW Kathy considers herself an expert on fami life in Greece and Britain. [Ei Kes thinks tater family unit was epic of Bris families at the time she grew up. The extended fly ystem in Grsee hasbeen affected by employment problems. Kathy believes that Grek famils are loserit tan Bish ones oe [Eh katy chinks tng amis are happier than smal ones. only child. Kady ives in he same ft os her paren pegooeoe [Bi Five family members tive in her brotherintaw’s fat © Now listen again and check, complete or amend your answers, Listening 2 @ 0D Tre interview with Kathy you heard in Listening 1 continues. For questions 1-4, choose the altemative (A, B, C or D) which best fits according to what you hear. ‘Sometimes in multiple-choice tasks, the final ‘question tests your understanding of the whole passage. This is the case with question 4 in Listening 2. 1 Kathy gets frustrated in Greece because A. she feels lonely. B she is not allowed to make her own decisions. € family members are constantly asking her for help. D family members are constantly giving her advice. 2 Asa working mother, Kathy A has had to change her schedule every week. B has had to find a childminder. C finds life easier in Greece than Britain. D is forced to rely on the family for help. 3. Kathy thinks Dimitris’ brother's mother Ais being used by her family. B is too ill to be expected to cook. € enjoys her household duties. D would be better off in a nursing home 4 In this part of the interview, Kathy A presents a balanced view of family life in Greece. B presents a balanced view of family life in both ‘countries. C jis highly critical of family life in Britain. D is highly critical of family life in Greece 'b Now listen again and check, complete or amend your answers Listening 3 @ BH You will hear a radio programme in which a couple discuss their unusual relationship. For questions 1-9, write either ALEC, PENNY, BOTH or NEITHER in each box. Which partner: earns an income? By] cecided he/she wanted to change their way of life? [Ey aways worked regular office hours? appears to be very peopleoriented? [By suagested their current way of life? LG is sotisica with their current way of life? did not entirely trust their childminder? [Gil is ctssatisfied with their financial arrangements? is hurt by the reactions of friends or colleagues to their situation? oH 'b Now listen again and check, complete or amend your answers, Penne Before you listen Explain the differences between these pairs or groups of words. 1 conservation arca natural habitat 2 a poacher a hunter Sometimes a listening passage and/or the mpredinion |} questions related to it wil contain vocabulary that is unfamiliar to you. seni ‘Try to deduce the meaning from the in captivity context. Often it will become clear during or 4 nenbyo after the frst listening. a nucleus an egg cell Listening 1 OD You wil hear a conversation between two flatmates. They are discussing an article in the ‘morning newspaper. For questions 18, decide which statements are true and which ae false. White T if you think the statement is true and F if you tink is false Ed eis of taking par in a proestappeate to Mike [By Derek approves of the anima ight activists’ aims and metods Dare disgusted by people who wear fr [Bi Derek and Wie ar discussing these sues forthe ist ime [EU Fein he mink is hey to prove an ecological stern the aren nea he fr [Dh Mie is inditerent othe sue of animals being ep in capt Mike thinks the animal rights activists should be taken to court. [Ey ere is more emesionat sou animals than Mk Bebooeoe Now tsten again and check, complete or amend your answers Listening 2 a OD You will hear a radio news bulletin about dogs. For questions 16, decide which statements are true and which are false. White Tif you think the statement is true and F if you think it is false. [EB 0g: are being used instead of human models in French advertisements. [By Parisian dog-owners take their pets for beauty treatments The popularity of afin contributed tothe demand for dogs s move Eb sppeatng dog could be used asa model ooo "The French ar wena be dog vers [Ei 1 aim of the buen is to amuse the Kistner 'b Now listen again and check, complete or amend your answers Listening 3 @ OX You will hear a radio programme about the giant panda. For questions 1=10, complete the notes with a number, word or short phrase. In note-taking exercises, you will lose marks in the exam if: ‘+ words are not correctly spelt. This includes using capital letters where necessary. + the completed sentence is not grammatically correct. ‘The giant panda China estimates that the number of pandas alive outside zoos is Many panda cubs do not survve because MM anaiy Cloning involves: © removing the nucleus from «replacing te with the ruclus from i «implanting the embryo in id In contrast to the cloning of Dolly the sheep, the Chinese plan to use an egg cell and a host mother which are from 8 | Dolly was successfully cloned after Bd Many people believe the money for the Chinese panda cloning project: should instead be spent on ERY = Now listen again and check, complete or amend your answers. Remember to check that your ‘completed notes form whole sentences, and are correctly spelt € [ED Listen a third time. For questions 10—14, ‘choose the alternative (A, B, C or D) which best fits according to what you hear. (Often in multiple-choice questions an incorrect response contains words that you hear on the cassette. ‘Do not choose an answer just because you hear and see the same words. ‘© Choose the response which has the same meaning as what you hear on the cassette, 10 Anne is currently A a secondary schoo! teacher. B student. € a lecturer. D none of the above. 11 Anne believes that the old concept of a well-educated person A encompassed personal qualities as well as knowledge. B deserved to be changed because it was elitist. € has been replaced by a better concept. D led to people becoming overeducated Listening 2 maar 3 12 Quentin believes that the current education system A pleases examiners. B tests intellect and knowledge. © prepares young people for the challenges of the future. D scunts creativity and original thinking. 13 Phil believes that A literacy is more important than creativity. B many creative people are unable to express themselves articulately. € being well-educated encompasses creativity, originality and literacy. D standards at universities are higher than they used to be. 14 During the discussion ‘A none of the speakers agree about anything, B all of the speakers are in basic agreement. € none of the speakers listens to the others’ opinions. D each speaker agrees with at least part of another speaker's argument. OD You will hear 2 conversation between two women, Elaine and Jane. They are discussing the school that Jane's daughter, Patricia, goes to. For questions 1-10, decide which statements are true and which are false. Wee T if you think the statement is true and F i you think it is false, El the sehoot Patri attends uses an assessment technique that is ao used in business [i t1e pupils discuss their strengths and weaknesses with the teacher of each subject. [Ey the personal review scheme encourages the pupils to think about their own performance. During consultations, the teacher sets goals for each pupil. Pupils aged thirteen and over are asked to think about possible future careers. [Bl Neither jane nor Blaine was given career guidance at school [Ei tre personal review scheme has ereated a good atmosphere and led to academic success. [At Patricia's school, they study yoga instead of doing sports. Both women have negative memories of aspecs of spor at choo Jane thinks her school had an old-fashioned attitude. BodsooodoR b Now listen again and check, complete or amend your answers btttttttttitts Substance abuse among American high school students Age range of student given in example: MM Percentage who have tried © alcoho) MM) g mariana RT + tobacco ME) ecotacy Number of yeare the prevention programme hae been runing: Mal Years dutng which ice drug use rose: from MM | coe | bese] b Now listen again and check, complete or amend your answers. Listening 3 @ OH The lecture you heard in Listening 2 continues. During this extract, the speaker uses the term ATOD to refer collectively to alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. For questions 19, decide which statements are true and which are false. Write T if you think the statement is true and F if you think itis false Most teenagers believe that ATOD use is more widespread among their fellow students than it realy is ‘Teenagers find it more dificult to talk to other people when they reach puberty. Pop or movie stars might influence students’ attitudes to drugs. Understanding the effets ofa drug has lie influence on a student's decison o use it Frightening realife stories about people who have abused ATOD cause students to think twice before taking a drug or drinking alcohol it you have a positive view of if, you are ess ily to experiment with ATOD, Some young people drink or take drugs because they do not want to spoil a friendship with someone who is doing the same. [Bi] Discussions on the prevention of ATOD abuse work best in large, impersonal groups. In general, the most important factor that influences teenagers to use ATOD or not is the attitude and behaviour of their peers. es ny Remember that often the last question in true-false or multiple-choice tasks tests ing of the passage as a whole. b Now listen again and check, complete or amend your answers bod eel bt sel Work and play Think about the topic Work with a partner and discuss the following questions 1 How much time do you spend at work or in school and studying at home, compared with time spent on leisure activities? and leisure? Before you listen Match the words (1-5) with the correct definitions (a~e). 1 job security 2 liaison 3 nine to five 4 promotion prospects 5 status Listening 1 2. How do you think you could create a better division of time between work or study, the importance of a job or position in a company low risk of losing your job ‘an exchange of information between people who work together the opportunities for getting a more important job: regular and normal working hours a OD You will hear a radio programme on new working patterns. For questions 1-5, choose the alternative (A, B, C or D) which best fits according to what you hear. 1 Job-sharing has not proved very popular so far because A some people are ashamed to admit that they do not work full time. B it offers no job security. you lose status if you share a job. D it is badly-paid. 2 When John approached his boss about job-sharing, his boss A. said he should work longer rather than shorter hours. B thought fohn was lazy. C was impressed that John wanted to study in his spare time. D thought job-sharing would benefit the company. 3. When Gaye approached her boss about job-sharing, he A. agreed that something had to change. B wished he had thought of it firs C was immediately enthusiastic about the idea. D thought it would make her more contented and efficient = 4 John A. resents not being paid for their liaison period. B thinks a lot of working time is wasted when you job-share, thinks job-sharing has made him more disciplined, D is embarrassed when he has to tell Gaye he has not finished a task 5. Gaye thinks A. job-sharing has caused her psychological problems. B she and John have confidence in each other € John and she have very different ideas about how to deal with clients. D she and John always make the same decisions. b Now listen again and check, complete or amend your answers, Ce Before you listen Write the words in the box in the correct category. a Jaded appetite _blasé dice with death in seventh heaven it went down well mope around. passionate about scared out of your wits time on your hands turn your nose up at your heart in your mouth Listening 1 a 0 You will hear a man and his daughter having a conversation. They are discussing her children, Timothy and Rebecca. For questions 1~8, write either SARAH, FATHER, BOTH or NEITHER in each box In this type of exercise, your task isto distinguish who said what. Remember that: ‘* you are unlikely to hear the same words on the cassette as appear in the questions. ‘© you should listen for opinions which match the emotions, attitudes or beliefs stated in the questions. ‘you should listen out for expressions of agreement or disagreement (though you will probably not hear the actual words / agree or / disagree) so that you are aware ‘of each speakers reactions to what the other one says. Which speaker: IE sinus imoshy spends too mach ime inthe house? [By woutd rather play sports than watch them? [Bh] approves of Rebecca's leisure activities? [By] sovs Timothy does not get enough exercise? thinks there is too much emphasis on competition in sports? | 5 | [Bd wuts te rimoiy o be more compete? is impressed [Ei tints Timotny an his granite have il in common? ‘Timothy's computer skills? Bb Now listen agin and check, complete or amend your answers = Listening 2 @ OD You will hear an interview with the author of a new book on leisure time and activities, For questions 1~10, decide which statements are true and which are false. Write T if you think the statement is true and F if you think it is false. BD 0s evo one shuld De ora whe so may less opportunles were on offer. Her children’s enthusiasm for school holidays was short-lived. Her fiend used to enjoy expensive leisure activities Her uncle enjoyed the freedom of retirement. ‘The main reason people get bored is that they cannot afford to pay for home entertainment technology. Bash seins of he book conan smiar tps of infomation BEd tee author thins thro na ink borween you upbringing and you ably to keep yourel entrained ‘The interviewer suggests the author is old-fashioned. [Bh te book is more successful than the author had anticipated. In general, the author is critical of all forms of ready-made entertainment. 'b Now listen again and check, complete or amend your answers. Listening 3 {a OX You will hear a radio programme on holidays. For questions 1~6, choose the alterative (A,B, Cor D) which best fits according to what you hear. goo Be poo 1 Seaside holidays are A no longer fashionable. B available in exotic locations. € cheaper than ever before. D popular with people who like sleeping on beaches 2 The latest holiday trend is A to stay at home and Tearn something new. B to indulge in dangerous activi € to g0 on activity holidays abroad. D to take several short breaks. 3 Lake Geneva A appeals mainly to elderly holidaymakers. B iis famous for its elegant hotel, € is not an obvious choice for an activity holiday, D is located in wild countryside. 4. The reporter began to regret his decision to try canyoning because A he had to wear a wetsuit B the sport was not challenging enough. he was cold and frightened. D he forgot to hold onto the rope. 5 At the end of the day, the reporter A realised the sport was easier than he had first thought, B felt miserable and uncomfortable. C was surprised to have survived the experience. D felt happy and excited. 6 Overall, the programme aims to ‘A comment on holiday trends B inform and amuse the listeners. € tell the listeners where to take theit holidays, D make the listeners laugh at other people's holiday adventures. 1b Now lsten again and check complete or amend your answers, Listening 2 4 TX You will hear a conversation between a general practioner, who has just returned from an Intemational medical conference, and his wife. For questions 14, choose the altemative (A,B, Cor D) which best fits according to what you hear. 1 The GI reaction to typical German health 3 If British patient is not prescribed medicine by complaints his/her doctor, he/she feels A neutral. A worried. B very sympathetic. B furious. C slightly scornful. € reassured. D angry. D that he/she must be in need of surgery. 2 On the subject of rest cures, the GP is 4 Compared (o British patients, French patients want A enthusi A more medicines and longer consultations. B scornful B more medicines but shorter consultations. neutral. © fewer medicines and shorter consultations. D reassuring. D fewer medicines but longer consultations. b Now listen again and check, complete or amend your answers. Listening 3 @ OD You will hear an interview with a consultant on the subject of obesity in children, For questions 1—7, complete the notes with one or two words or a short phrase. ‘© Sometimes in note-taking tasks, you will need to rephrase what you hear on the cassette in order to create a grammatically accurate sentence. For example: You hear: There's been a lot of media coverage of eating disorders. You write: Eating disorders ae frequently You hear: A lot of children are obese. You write: Many children suffer from [FE obesity Pitihitititiite Obesity in children In ten yearo, the numberof fet: childcen in France and Greece has | Problems faced by obese youngster: A « avechool clasomates | « a6 teenagers, the opposite sex KE ill probably By Causes of the problem: + poor aepenetd ee © «the time spent per day in vigorous activity is often lees than MM) = © overweight seven-year-olds Bb Now listen again and check, complete or amend your answers. Greeucmu eu is eee ereeeetieeetey Before you listen Choose the words from the box to replace the words in ifs in the following sentences. 1. The nurse accidentally gave the patient such a high 6 Many diseases have been got rid of thanks to dose that it proved to be the cause of his death. injections of a small quantity of the bacteria or 2 Towards the end of her life, the drugs no longer virus that cause them. reduced the intensity of her pain. 7 The disease this patient is suffering from is going 3. She is suffering from paralysis of her arms and to get worse over time. ' her legs. 8 AIDS is a disease which attacks your body's ' 4. He was rushed to the hospital because his hand processes which protect you against infection. hhad been completely cut off 9 The pills she took for her allergy had some extra 5 Student nurses are not allowed to take blood results which she didn’t want, such as making, samples from patients until they have enough her feel sleepy. skill in using their hands. administered alleviated degenerative dexterity eradicated immune system Listening 1 a OH You wil hear a news item about microsurgery For questions 1-10, complete the sentences with 2 Remember to: number, one oF two words, or a short phrase «read the questions carefully before you lsten. © anticipate what kind of information you need. settttttttttts Microsurgery The first succeseful eae operation to reconstruct a hand was performed on a A microsurgeon needs to develop great: manual Ml pee ‘As operations of this type are very long, a microsurgeon also needs Benin ie Full or restricted use of their restored body part le regained by all but I per cont of pation ‘The donor of the world's iret transplanted hand came from Mall Alltranoplants carry a rok of Ml ames but additional rieks in a hand treneplant are Md) on) After any tranoplant, druge are administered to Md The side effecte of these drugs include potential RE - LPL eS z 1b Now listen again and check, complete or amend your answers Listening 2 @ OD You will hear a conversation between two women, They are discussing a television programme on surrogate mothers. For questions 1-8, write YES next to those views which are expressed by either of the speakers, and NO next to those which are not expressed by them, Agencies that charge money for finding surrogate mothers should be made illegal. By tis ottensive to offer someone money for having a baby. [Eh tre woman who became a surrogate mother for her friend acted out of motives other than kindness. By using a friend as a surrogate, women may face more problems after the birth than if they use a stranger. [Ey surrogate mothers should look after their health when they are pregnant. [By women are exploited by being paid money to have babies. [Ei] Doctors who detiver babies should not be paid pee bE EX chiteren born through surrogacy agreements are wanted ¢ 1B Now listen again and check, complete or amend your answers. Listening 3 @ © You will hear a doctor talking about euthanasia. For questions 1~6, choose the alternative (A.B, Co D) which best fits according to what you hear. ® 1 The term ‘voluntary euthanasia’ A has been made up by the media. B refers to a licence that will permit doctors to assist a patient to die. € refers to who makes the decision to bring about death. D is synonymous with the term ‘active euthanasia’. 2 The difference between active euthanasia and assisted suicide lies in A the fact that one is legal and the other is not. B whether itis a doctor or a nurse that is involved. € the method by which death is brought about D who actually carries out the act that causes death. 3A doctor who disconnects a dying patient from a life support machine A is performing passive euthanasia B risks prosecution. € need not get permission from a patient or his/her family. D prolongs the dying process, 4 By giving very high doses of painkillers, doctor A. is acting against the law. B is behaving unethically. € may speed up the dying process, D gets practical results. 5 The main benefit of legalising voluntary euthanasia would be A more doctors would help terminally ill patients to die, B fewer doctors would risk prosecution, cuthanasia would not have to be earried out secretly. D the risk of a patient being helped to die against his/her wishes would be reduced. 6 Doctors who do, or would, perform euthanasia feel that A all terminallyill patients suffer unbearable pain. B pain relief is inadequate in terminal illness. itis humane to help a terminallyill patient to die if he/she wants to. D if a person's body is destroyed by disease, his/her life is not worth living 1b Now listen again and check, complete or amend your answers. UNIT ae as Think about the topic Work with a partner and discuss the following questions. 1 Do you regard shopping as a chore or a pleasure? 2 What kind of goods do you enjoy buying? Why? 3 How casily influenced are you by advertising? basic necessities brand chains Before you listen ‘economies of scale groceries ‘Complete the following text, using the words in the box. a Supermarket (1) . have such a high turnover of goods that the allow them to offer theit (3) ..assmnienenmmnnnenrenee at @ prices below that of smaller (4) .1cu:euennennenneneennene «I many cases, they also sell (peer ecca ,, such as (6) . and household goods, under their own (7) Listening 1 a OH You will hear a radio programme about British supermarket chains becoming Internet Service Providers (SPS). For questions 18, complete the notes with one or two words, or a short phrase PEE TET tee hy Supermarkets and the Internet Disadvantages of being an ISP: «the business io MM) # Weis not cacy co Benefits to customers of using a supermarkets Internet service: I * they will be able to visit: the Web store without having to spend time choosing «hey wil be dealing with company which chey aeady ME Benefite to the supermarket of being an ISP: for supermarkets + custotnere willbe regularly expoced to the supermarter'o Md | «the service can be used to inform customers about MM and = Now listen again and check, complete or amend your answers, Listening 2 ‘a 0 You will hear an appeal from a charity. For questions 1~7, decide which statements ae true and which are false, Write T if you think the statement is true and F if you think it is false. Benedicto feels bitter about having to work [By Benedicto spends his earnings in the plantation shop. BEd aes chtden in Benicio’ family tend school Plantation owners employ children because they are willing and docile workers. 'b Now listen again and check, complete or amend your answers. Listening 3 iupermarkets are uninterested in improving pay and conditions for food producers. When fair trade principles are applied, the need for child labour declines. The information pack gives suggestions on how to raise money for exploited workers. OH You will hear an interview with a compulsive shopper. For questions 16, choose the altemative (A,B, C or D) which best fits according to what you hear. In the exam, you are given more time to read the multiple-choice questions before you listen for the first time than with other types of listening task. ‘© Use this extra time to read the questions and all the possible responses carefully. 1 Compulsive shoppers A suffer more than other people from anxiety and depression, B use shopping as a way of altering their ‘mood. € are usually disappointed later with the ‘goods they have bought. D usually buy exclusive goods for themselves. 2. An addiction to shopping A is very common in women. B can afflict both men and women. © affects a high percentage of the British population, D is largely imaginary. 3. Compulsive shoppers 6 A harm nobody but themselves. B frequently have a lot of eredit cards, value money more than personal relationships. D may be unscrupulous about whose money they use, Now listen again and check, complete or amend your answers, 4 When he first found out how much Shelley had spent, her husband A was furious. B was shocked. € suggested that she needed professional help. D asked for a divorce. Shelley's counselling A showed her that society was to blame for her compulsion. B gave her self-confidence. € covered psychological and practical D gave her the chance to talk about her problems, sues, In general, Shelley A scems to be ashamed of her compulsion. B feels she is completely cured. C is bitter and regretful about how she used to behave D has a positive and optimistic attitude om od Before you listen Choose words from the box to replace the words in alsin the following sentences Young people are very influenced by advertising. ~ — 3. Young people are very influ y advertising, It is amazing how many special symbols children 1 The exhibition stand was decorated in red, white ean recoimies frazn. different companion, and green ~ the company’s special colours. A My flat is full of things bought om the spur of the moment. T never plan to go shopping, but i 1 left-handed can opener won a design award oe thee iB = see something I like, I can’t resist it. for its practicality and usefulness Listening 1 a 0 You will hear part ofa lecture given to firstyear university students on a marketing course. For questions 10, tick (7) which gender each point refer to, I the point is not mentioned, tick the box marked Neither. Reasons possessions are valued: 1 emotional ao Qo Oo 2 functional o oO ba 3 relationship-oriented oO ET Oo 4 actvityrelated Oo oO o Buying considerations when making impulse purchases 5 quality o o Oo 6 utility Fe a a 7 enjoyment 8 mood Qo Oo Oo 9 personal identity [ah gO QO 10 beauty Oo ie! o 'b Now listen again and check, complete or amend your answers. Listening 2 ‘a 0 The lecture you heard in Listening 1 continues, For questions 110, write YES next to those views which are expressed by the speaker, and NO next to those which are not expressed by her. El) Men and women’s product pretrenes ae reflected in advertisements Eh Woxre's magarnes never cary adverisemens fr cars. No igus exist onthe frequeny of adverisemens by product category a [El co are more intrested in the Took han they sed to be Advertsing sims to rete elif Z idee Bs Betas Wha) oad wg dig pede yu wil be io Airerticmn for men caphai bow wera anf lle the praca [Ei Men beteve tat the goods they buy say something about who the are nents reflect the fact that women frequently feel lonely. ens isements for male body-care products usually portray men and women together, b Now listen again and check, complete or amend your answers. = Remember that a view or opinion: ‘* may be implied rather than stated directly. || © will probably not be expressed in the same words as the question. Listening 3 @ 8D You will hear a radio programme about sponsorship in Formula 1 racing. For questions 1-8, decide which statements are true and which are false. Write T if you think the statement is true and F if you think it is false. [By i the past, Formula 1 cars did not carry advertising. [By Formuta 1 is totally dependent on sponsorship. ‘Tobacco companies sponsor Formula 1 because the sport appeals mainly to young, male smokers. After 1991, the MeLaren team became less successful than it had been. Sponsors expect to get value for money. Marlboro withdrew its sponsorship from MeLaren because the team asked for more money. Some sponsors suply yoods rater than money to tame Be poe ooo [Bi tn cencral, tne presenter seems to disapprove of tobacco companies sponsoring Formula 1. DB Now fist again and check, complete or amend your answers ‘Sometimes a listening passage may be on a topic about which you are welLinformed. ‘* Remember that the exam tests your listening skills not your general knowledge and opinions. ‘* Do not allow your own knowledge to interfere. Base your answers only on what you hear. sues J Listening 2 4 You will hear a radio programme about the use of dosed circuit televisions (CCTV). For Questions 1-5, choose the alternative (A, B, C or D) which best fits according to what you hear. 1. The reporter thinks that 4 The reporter thinks that the use of CCTV A a noveist’s predictions are coming true. B her every move is being watched. € all public places should have CCTVs. D the authorities are watching people by means of hidden cameras. 2 Norman Clark thinks that CCTV is A effective in preventing crime. B effective in detecting crime. ineffective in preventing and detecting A saves money for the police. B leads to blackmail C provides useful evidence for use in trials. D should be controlled by law. In general, the reporter's attitude to the way CCTV is used is A angry. B neutral € concerned, crime. D paranoid. D less effective than is generally believed. 3 Research done on CCTV use shows that A the cameras are wrongly located. B the resulting tapes are inadequately ‘monitored, € very few arrests are made as a result of recording people. D professional criminals avoid being filmed by the cameras. Now listen again and check, complete of amend your answers. Listening 3 a 0 You will hear a news item about the use of CS spray by the British police. For questions 1-7, decide which statements are true and which are false. Write T if you think the statement is true and F if you think it is false. [EB] British potice carry guns only in special circumstances. CS spray was intended for use only when violent suspects resisted arrest. E] tThe use of CS spray ison the increase. Judges are being criticised for their opinions on CS spras. A review of CS spray will look into how and when it is used. [Bh Te seve wi be conducted by the Ascntion of Police Oto eiebedoe [By te potice feet that the use of CS spray has prevented deaths during arrest, Now listen again and check, complete or amend your answers. If you are having difficulty with a questior © don’t spend too much time on it, as it ‘may prevent you from hearing the answers to other questions which come later in the recording. Crime and punishment | SCO Before you listen ‘Choose words and expressions from the box to replace the words in italics in the following sentences. 1 She firmly believes that nobody is so bad or evil that he/she cannot be improved. 2 The first suspect's father paid money to the court so that his son would be released while | ‘awaiting trial, but his accomplice had no money and so was held in prison until the trial twas due to take place 3. Human rights workers in the area report that deliberate murder of a whole community has taken place and are demanding that the people responsible for this crime should be put on érial immediately. 4 Members of the United Nations met yesterday to approve and sign a treaty on arms control bail beyond redemption face prosecution i genocide on remand perpetrators roy Listening 1 a DD You wil hear a conversation between two friends, Tom and Kate, who are discussing how ‘murderers should be dealt with. For questions 1~8, write YES next to those views which are expressed by ether of the speakers, and NO next to those wiich are not expressed by them, Note that you are asked to identify opinions ‘expressed by the speakers. Do not confuse these with other people's opinions which are reported by the speakers. Alife sentence should mean that a criminal spends the rest of his/her life in prison. No criminal is beyond redemption. FER Bi be'mad ope inaael Prion sentences alo reabitate rminas Serial lets shoud never be released om prison. ‘Murderers are not released if the authorities think they pose a risk (0 the public. Protection ofthe public is more important than individual liberty [Ei] the death penalty should be reintroduced. b Now listen again and check, complete or amend your answers. be ees Listening 2 a OD You will hear a radio programme about the proposed establishment of an International Criminal Court. For questions 1-9, complete the notes with a number, one or two words, ora shor phase SUETETT Te ‘The International Criminal Court The treaty agrecing to establish the court was signed by ME Nutnber of signatories needed to ratify the treaty: Countries refusing to sign include The court will handle cases of ML cs ree ss a od ES a] The court will be able to conduct a trial only if the prosecution is referred by Ml or the perpetrator'e country of origin MEL Be cases hah 07 cas ch AL 'b Now listen again and check, complete or amend your answers. Listening 3 a © You will hear a radio programme cautioning travellers to Thailand on the risks of breaking the law there. For questions 19, decide which statements are true and which are fase. Write T if you think the statement is true and F if you think its false ‘The majority of British tourists go to Thailand because drugs are cheap there. ‘Twenty-three British prisoners are serving life sentences in Thailand. Bm [eF Gna abe pene eared rug dealers caught in possession of 100 grams of heroin are executed. Foreign suspects who can afford a private lawyer are dealt with by the courts more quickly. [i] by insisting on a trial, a suspect may end up spending longer in prison Foreign prisoners receive harsher treatment from the prison authorities than Thai prisoners. [EX] Many foreign prisoners in Thai jails are in bad health. British prisoners in Thailand can reduce their sentences by applying for a transfer to a British jail bo bo webs 1b Now listen agsn and check, compete or amend your answers Art and heritage Think about the topic Work with a partner and discuss the following questions 1. What types of visual art do you enjoy? 2 What 3 What is the difference between ‘heritage’ and ‘an inheritance"? Before you listen Match the words and phrases (1-7) with the correct definitions (2-0). a crucifix 2 a flat board used by a painter to mix colours or the xlenieaps range of colours used by a painter in his/her work a life drawing 'b a painting of inanimate objects, such as flowers and fruit, ete a cross with a figure of Christ on it 4. a drawing, painting or photograph of a specific person a drawing of a human figure made while studying a real model 1 2 3 4 a palette 5 a portrait 6 a sculpture 7 astill life £ a drawing or painting showing an area of countryside 9 a three-dimensional work of art made from stone, clay, plaster, bronze, ete. Lister 91 thods, if any, have een used to teach you to ereate or appreciate art? @ © You will hear an interview with the director of a private art school. For questions 1-9, ‘write YES next to those views which are expressed by her, and NO next to those which are not expressed by her ED Amateur artists usally need to improve their drawing sills. Bh bes peopte do not observe ordinary objets aetlly Ed Hoving an eye for detail heps you to Fear to da Her teaching tenique does nat ull ome student’ expectation i seu can ra beer you mediate se Bd See should not start pining unt you hove leat to draw pete Ge [Ey Some of her former students have become professional artists. are easy to copy as the colours are very bright. impossible to say how long it takes to learn to paint well Now listen again and check, complete or amend your answers, — poEooSoE Listening 2 EH You wil hear a lecturer talking about a painting known as The Ambassadors by the German painter Hans Holbein the Younger. For questions 1~9, complete the notes about

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