File 4 - Telegram Recalls

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Anusha [11.08.16 21:38]

1. Inferior quadratonopia, where is the lesion?
a. Ans: Dorsal optic radiations, Baum’s loop
b. Other options: Equal cuneus, parietal lobe
2. Patient takes buprenorphine, but keeps discontinuing treatment. Methadone drug withdrawal
a. Ans: Naloxone??
3. Colon cancer lymph drainage

4. Fat soluble vit E deficiency

a. Ans: Presents with ataxia, fat in stools
5. Tsetse fly transmits
a. Ans: Trypanosoma Brucei (African sleeping sickness)
6. DIC. Which cells are seen?
a. Ans: Schistocytes
7. Episiotomy. Which nerve is damaged?
a. Ans: Pudendal nerve
8. B12 methyl malonyl CoA
a. B12 is a cofactor for Methylmalonyl-CoA mutase
9. Transverse myelitis
a. Neuroinflammatory disease of spinal cord. Can lead to muscle weakness, sensory alterations,
autonomic dysfunction
10. Ovulation temp chart
a. Temperature increases due to increased progesterone
11. Athlete with anovulation due to decreased pulsatile release of gnrh
12. Down syndrome cause
a. Ans: Meiotic nondisjunction
13. Metallic taste after mandibulectomy due chorda tympani
a. Branch of facial nerve that supplies taste to tongue (anterior 2/3)
14. Standard deviation curve
15. Calculate the median
16. Dimercaprol use
a. Ans: Arsenic, Gold, Mercury poisoning
17. GnrH anovulation
18. Infarction tissue- irreversible cell damage what increases in plasma? Na, K, Ca arrows quest
19. Nose has single papule, umbilicated appearance?
a. Ans: Most likely basal cell carcinoma since it is a single papule
b. Other options: Molluscum (small pox), melanoma

20. p-value --> confidence interval

21. Fructose intolerance
22. McArdle’s
Even after exercise there is no increase in lactic acid? no glycogenolysis, no gluconeogenesis?
23. Tay Sachs. Accumulation of?
a. Ans: Hexosaminidase
24. CT scan of lung--> which lobe has pneumothorax
25. pseudoephridine 2quests--> nasal congestion
26. aerobic exercise and marathon runner differences inc/dec glycogen

27. one q pt has h/o ACEI and effect on RAAS pathway

28. st john's wart
29. cyclophosphamide MOA
30. AML T15;17 --> gene product retionic acid
31. C difficile --> pseudomembranous colitis tx --> iv or oral vancomycin and gentimicin?
32. meiotic nondisjunction --> palmer crease, nape of neck c/f
33. hardy weinburg calculation quest
34. niece of a guy has breast ca, only girls can get breast ca. guys children what are chances of getting it?
35. probability calculation qs
36. fetal alcohol syndrome- flat facies
37. Baby is in breech presentation --> click sound when pulling
a. Ans: Congenital hip dislocation
38. obstructive lung disease + Dlco increase in which conditions?
39. obstructive lung disease+ clubbing --> bronchecitasis
40. malformation, dislocation, sequence examples
- cervical rib or pancoast tumour
41. h/o smoking and palpable mass in supraclavicular fossa -- pancoast tumor
42. ompression of subclavin vessels --> edema of upper extremity
43. compression of lower trunk of brachial plexus --> atrophy of the intrinsic muscles of the hand
44. membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
45. Sarcoidosis
46. Ascaris pic and a clinical scenario..asked which bug..
47. A ques regarding confidence interval...the values overlap so no significant finding is the ans...
48. A 36yrs police woman...doesnt wear seat belt...smokes a lot...uses condom inconsistently, no
mammography done....advice which one to do first for long term survival benefit
49. Maxillary polyp....arises from which area?
a. Ans: Middle meatus
b. Other options: Inferior turbinate, nasolacrimal duct
50. Ulcerative colitis...look at fa pic...
51. HUS
52. Signal recognition peptides
53. I cell disease
54. Gauchers
55. A person with middle medullary syndrome....mark the site in the pic

56. 1 normal heart sound....1 mitral regurgitation

57. 1 ECG was atrial fib
58. 1 ECG with st elevations and a women with chest pain...there was more info in the ques and I went for
pericarditis...not myocarditis
59. Also, pericarditis clinical picture...Best investigation.... ECG or chest xray
60. Weird ques....protein product is more in length than the gene where is this probably
happening....nucleus mitochn cytoplasm etc.....I chose nucleus, thot they r asking abt mRNA pot
transcriptional modification
61. A guy with gout recurrence....drinks wine nd takes HTZfor HTN..... what will u do....stop alcohol or give
62. A pic with a women who has rough hands...also with reddeness...and her ring finger doesnt fit
anymore...I thnk I went for sclerodactyly
63. Ataxia telangectasia.....nosebleeds and a lip pic with small bleeding spots....odr abn asked...vascular
64. A scenario of aqueductal stenosis.....asked where is that present....midbrain Lon's medulla and some
odr options
65. Dandy walker syndromeagenesis of cerebellar vermis- 4th ventrical is enlarged
66. A pregnant woman s scared that she may have a child with genetic abn and may want to abort and so
wants to get tests done....physician is against aborting procedures based on genetic disorders ...what
to do....perform test...say that u vl let another doc handle t( was given in a polite way) and some odr
rubbish options.....I went for later thinking that t s better to refer now than build a relationship wid the
patient and then break it if she does want to adopt
67. A guy wid motor accident injuries.......injury at c3 level (or c6 dnt remb)..... Scenario describes
hypoventilation....asks what happens to heart rate and blood pressure I think..arrow quest….-HR dec
BP dec.. spinal shock

68. ADHD treatment

a. Ans: Methylphenidate, amphetamines
69. A pt wid SSRIs.......what wud u assess....sexual or seizures not given
a. Ans: SIADH
70. A child with roseola scenario ( I think).... Resembles what...herpes, HPV, nd some odr viruses....he didnt
even mention in which way
71. A caseof a guy with bleeding per rectum.....has external hemorides...colonoscopy shows rectal
cancer.....but he didnt mention where up or below dentate lymphatic drainage he asked....inf
mesentric or superficial inguinal
72. TIPPS shunt bwn which vessels....he didnt directly give portal and hepatic....mentioned branches of IVC.
and portal veins
73. An old women wid Alzheimer's husband.....stressed a lot...comes to physician wid recurrent URTI.....
why the freq infections?
74. Options were cortisol inhibits glucocorticoid acting receptors....and another was hypothal pitutary
adrenal axis inhibits monocyte trafficking...... Odrs were gibberish...I was confused with these two so
remb them
75. Similar to uw ques.....haart resistance in HIV pt due to pol mutations....but options were weird.....they
asked what else can we target....there was no fusion inhibition so went for integration inhibition....but I
thot pol also codes for integrase. Oh yea they mentioned resistance to pol encoding protease and RT
76. Endocardial cushion defect which abn....ASD secundum type and VSD membranous were
given....what to chose?

77. 2 abt chronic granulomatous disease.

78. 2 abt lithium induced DI.
79. Neisseria gonorrhea std
80. Malaria.
81. schistosomia classic scenario.
82. dengue.
83. Facial flushing drug ie niacin.
84. ehler danlos type 3.
85. Calculate relative risk.type a error.most from biostat were types of study
86. old man in nursing home he is always in bed, whats the best way to prevent bed sores in his condition -
-> move him from side to side every few hours
87. lactulose MOA >> acidifies the GI lumen
88. a new HTN drug is being developed, it was tested on animals with no side effects, now which group of
ppl should be involved in the next phase of this trial >> small # of people with HTN who did not benefit
from other HTN meds
89. stats: power increases by increasing number
90. long case of child with palpable purpura on buttocks .. HSP
91. normal pregnancy hormone graph from FA, A-D labels >> find hCG
92. roseola infantum, related microorganism >> herpes zoster
93. warfarin skin necross >> protein C def.
94. neoplasms inside the vocal cord >> papilloma
95. left lower quadranopia damaged artery
96. excessive sleepiness in the day and EEG -- alpha waves?
97. syphilis --> which complications? --> aortitis
98. pleural effusion with xray
99. metal poisoning to his baby; mercury and dimercaprol
100. enterobious vermicularis --> scotch tape technique
101. ca lung with encephalitis --> paraneoplastic
102. bacterial meningitis --> neutrophils inc, protein inc, glucose dec ARROWS (up/down)
103. desert and signs of pneumonia; cryptococcus
104. incontinence in a female reason; old female with 5 children
105. Male incontinence after prostatectomy what is damaged; sphincter internal
106. muslim girl PV bleeding for 2 hrs does not want to be examined by male physician at the ER,
female gynecologist 2 hrs away what is the best response by the physician?
107. heroin addict what is the reason not to be administer methadone at discharge? methadone
allergy/ methadone should be given at outpatient methadone clinic
108. cleft lip/palate; malformation
109. anencephaly d/t; failure of neural tube closure
110. substane that increase mucosal blood flow, mucus secretion in Gi mucosa, h/o NSAID use; Pge3
111. leiomyosarcoma; desmin, vimentin and actin positive SI
112. LN mets of breast ca positive to; cytokeratin
113. OCP use, smoker, sudden onset chest pain, ankle injury 2 days back, young female, what
happens? D dimer, Ph, PCO2
114. microcytic anemia blood profile
 negative; missed abortions no treatment, this neonate jaundice, what could have
been done for prevention? RHD immediately after abortion, RHD first trimester
this pregnancy, second trimester this pregnancy
115. pt AR disease marries normal female risk of baby being carrier
116. other genetic disease talked about mice and there was electrophoresis on dna segment
117. grower sign
118. PNH cause
119. torsion of testis
120. dermatomyositis
121. restrictive lung disease and UP/DOWN arrows for DLCO dec , fev1/FVC inc
122. alcoholic cirrhosis and asked most physiological shunt; spleenorenal
123. pt brought to ER after suicide attempt, tells doc she feels down, what is the next step >> admit
her to inpt ward and observe
124. peripheral smear of smudge cell >> CLL
125. pt has pain in jaw, brainstem specimen with labelled letters A-E identigy the cause of pain >>
CN 5 (trigeminal nerve)
126. crohns was described, terminal ileum, what would you expect to see in diarrhea >>
inflammatory cells and mucous??
127. most common place for peptic ulcer >>antrum of stomach
128. negatively skewed graph becomes positively skewed what is increased? median
129. a healthy HIV pt comes for yearly check up, what to advise him >> take yearly vaccines?
130. cell surface marker of macrophage
131. nasal crusting and hemoptysis with histo section on RPGN (fibrin deposit)goodpasture
132. thoracic injury --> hypotension, decreased breath sound and hyper resonant sound on affected
side? pneumothorax
133. granulation tissue compositiontype 3 collagen
134. post renal transplant --> IM features (spleen positive, LN positive) d/t antibodies against B cell
positive --> CMV? EBV?
135. albinsim def of --> tyrosine kinase
136. bikes dorsum of hand itching, redness advice? apply sunscreen white riding, use mild soap
137. gonorrhea --> Ag variation (DNA sequence is different)
138. tumor cell specificity immunity? NK cells, cellular, humoral or complement
139. Trypanosoma cruzi - Reduvid bug
140. B/l hilar adenopathy, weight loss, PPD - and skin changes over deltoid? Next best step?
interferon assay/ ACE level
141. ionizing radiation mech of DNA damage
142. vit B12/folic acid pathway figure
143. tay sachs disease
144. cytokine pathway?? >> JAK/STAT
145. IBD which of HSR >> type 4
146. tolerance against foreign Ag --> B cell defect?? >> unable to produce Ab against Ag
147. mother A+, baby B+ No hemolysis --> IgM
148. Hyper IgM syndrome >> T cell defect is CD40 L
149. endosome (interaction b/w HLA-DR and MHC II)
150. Rifampacin >> RNA polymerase inhibitors
151. hemorrhage telengiectasia what else do you find? GI bleed
152. imatibinib MOA
153. tuberous sclerosis
154. acute intermittent porphyria
155. myotonic dystrophy (h/o in and son - cannot let go of grip)
156. diagnostic test for pityriasis rosea? biopsy/KOH preparation
157. uncal hernia compresses? occolomotor
158. non anion gap acidosis seen in ? diarrhea (HARDASS)
159. Alzhemiers disease cause damage to? temporal lobe/basal nucleus of meynert
160. CT scan --> 6 sets - upper thorax, which lobe of lung is affected? Rt upper lobe?
161. 1USA -- which disease has difficulty for health care? major depression? cogenital deformity?
heart disease? gun shoot wound?
162. ovarian ca metastasizes to peritoneal surfaces, unduly liver but not a small area on posterior
surface. Why? This is the area of liver. options growth of hepatic bud into ventral mysentery
163. calretinin positive cancer
164. precaution of mycobacterium TB: airborne, contact and droplet
165. MDD vs alcohol abuse
166. scapholunate ligament injury
167. extensive burn and dies; alveolar hyaline membrane
168. 2 days after MVA; severe headache, not sure about lucid interval, gross of dura in falx? SDH 75
yrs male
169. Ino; multiple sclerosis; eyes action given
170. NE response; BP, HR, PVR
171. metoprolol; preload and cardiac function
172. HAVOC: perimenopause
173. lithium: hypothyroidism features; check TFTs
174. polio virus cured how to detect; cell culture; egg
175. Hb and malaria
176. Elderly; 8 weeks after influenza vaccine; no response
177. composition of synovial fluid; hyaluronate positive water, proteoglycan absorbs water acts as
shock absorber
178. elderly pt with osteoporotic hip fracture, and advice is prevent further attacks? More sunlight
exposure, increased protein in diet
179. Bortezomib (multiple myeloma) --> proteasome inhibitor, induction of apoptosis Multiple
myelomatips the pro and antiapoptosis balanceapoptosis
180. starry sky appearance pic : c-myc, Bcl-2
181. prednisolone: increased trabecular thinning of bones
182. H/o RA, MCP flexion, no ulnar deviation, which tendon to be lengthened? Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
183. carotid end arterctomy --> vagus nerve injured
184. rotator cuff muscle - empty can test --> supraspinatus tendon injured
185. asbestosis - mesothelioma
186. dysmetria - cerebellar lesion
187. lambert eaton- destruction of presynaptic calcium channels
188. T cell differentiation in thymus
189. syringomyelia
190. adult with fatigue and low Hb - tumor in ascending colon
191. EBV receptor CD21
192. CD3 binds to antigen receptor


193. these are the ans tht i picked doesnt mean they are correct
194. questions -
- gynecomastia - cimetidine
- doc for chronic prostatitis - amoxicillin
- doc for staph aureus endocarditis - vanco
- drug given for tinea capitis - terbinafine
- acyclovir resistance- thymidine kinase mutation
- moa fo etposide
- moa of alendronate
- ssri given serotonin syndrome
- pt suspected of adhd (suspected not diagnosed) he shows jerky movements and
movement of arms and legs that he can control if concentration. what drug will
exacerbate it. option were atomoxetine imipramine methylphenidate(picked this one)
195. -BMI 40. inc glucose. other than giving antidiabetics and wieght loss what drug will u give (this
was annoying they clearly said OTHER than antidaibetcis and all options were diabetic drug moas -__-) i
picked dec glucose absorption from gut.
196. -epinephrine qs with graphs on HR bronchial resistance etc...and then asked what id drug X.
labetalol for me
- inc ldl what to give. statin
- clomiphene moa
- pt with asthma takes albuterol not controlled. picked inhaled fluticasone to give
- opioid suprresing cough and minimal constripation - dextromethorphan
- haloperidol what hormone affected- dopamine
- female with chest and axillary hair growth. normal 17 ketosteroids...picked inc testo
from ovary
- leydig sertoli cell tumour description
- testicular torsion qs
- asplenic pt with altered snesorium and had a flu few days ago.. strep pneumo
- waterhouse - neisseria
- cystitis - e coli
- parvo b19 rash
- radiation therapy damage to what - dna
- chemo what cells will show effect - intestinal mucosal
197. ataxia talangectasia and lymphoma what damaged - double strand dna repair
- warfarin skin necrosis - protien C def
198. -dvt and PE - fsctor V leiden
- leg was fractured a few months ago then was treated now red skin hot skin and pain in
muscle burning type pain. complex regional pain syndrome
- stress fracture xray
- cyst type thing on extensor digitorum pic
- pic of contrast in pelvis after fracure - spony urethra affected
199. contrast of bladder and seeing polypoid mass in t - urothelial cancer
- hematobium pic with temrinal spine
200. -crytosporidium parvus pic
201. -biostat was histograms metanalysis interpretation charts(superhard) NNT. community
intervention analysis. clinical trials after animals (1). after healthy ppl (2).no bias nothing like tht
- genetics pedigree was given it showd heterozygous carriers but description was of
myotonia and long faces with nasal voices. super confusing i remember myotonic
dystrophy is AD so how can there be heterozygous carriers
- hardy weinberg for AR carriers
202. -frank starling graph given asking for where itll move in hemorrhage
- smudge cells pic CLL
- graves disease
- pt has been vomiting from a few days. ph 7.5 pco2 45. po2 95
203. reason : options were - copd, pulm fibrosis. dka (picked this one)
- gap junctions qs - connexin
- what transfers stuff from one place to another in cell. tubulin
- bronchectasis what line sit normally - ciliary epithelium
- brainstem pic - hypoglossal nerve marked
- locked in paralysed pt with decerebrate posturing but can move eyes vertically and
can close them too wheres the damage. picked pons
- vit b12 def - degenration of spinal cord
204. ketones made form what - palmitic acid
- qs on spinal shock
- sigmoid colon - lymph drainge - inf mesenteric

205. -given for percutaneous intervention and inhibt fibrinogen interaction - abciximad
- some arthritis - infliximab
- adenomatous polyp pic (direct from an nbme)
- pneumocyte 2 pic direct from nbme
206. + hypercapnia where will o2 curve move - right
- + phenylephrine given...what nerve firign will inc ( glossopharyngeal - carotid sinus
- nucleus solitarius damage..impaired taste sensation
207. -
- heart sounds - this is so stupid honestly u can never tell anything from heart sounds
just picked whatever seemd right form history
208. + pt vomiting and has dec urine chloride...what will be inc in urine...chloride potassium sodium
hydrogen(picked this thru paradoxical aciduria concept)
- inc fremitus. bronchial sounds heard too.dull percussion - consolidation with open
bronchial airway
209. arrow qs :-
210. downs syndrome what happens to dec PAPP inc HCG inc nuchal translucency
211. pt with edema and RV failure. what will happen to BNP renin and aldo - i picked all inc +
Bp(afterload) dec, CO dec
- heart failure treatment aims to what of the following - preload afterload . both dec i
212. primary hypoldo - aldo renin acth levels. dec inc inc
213. behavioural - a girl used to cry on injections with time she stops crying - habituation
214. a girl got bitten by dog. now she cries when she sees dog pics dog in movies etc etc- classical
- traige situation - justice
215. -lung hamartoma histology
- what pseudopolyps in UC - inflammatory
- external hemoorhoid what nerve - pudendal
- loss of weight what duodenum part compressed. 3
- duodenum compressed against vertebrae which part - 3rd
- meckel diverticulum
- zenker between what 2 musclethyropharngeal and cricopharyngeal part of inferior
pharyngeal constrictor
- pancoast tumour
- two qs on bipolar disorder. grandiose hyperexcited stuff like tht was given cant sleep
- narcolepsy- pt goes into rem suddenly

HARSH Questions!!!
• MC complication of MVP and mcc of death in pulm embolism. i
choosed endocarditis for MVP and right ventricular failure for PE
• what happens to ADH level and plasma osm in lithium toxicity? Adh
inc osm inc
• tough ques in pharma were just graphs - but from fa only
• i had que drug for anuovulatory jnfertilityclomiphen
• vaccine given after spleenectomy – nah sHiN (we give strep pneum, h
influ and n meningitidis)
• pt is infused fatty acid in small intestine - which git hormone will be
inc?- i choose secretin or CCK?

216. i had this in exam. which stone?- they mentioned uti and alkaline pH in que stem, so easy::
Staghorn Triphosphate.
217. my exam que - risk of fibroma to convert in malignancy ? 1. less than 1%, 2. 1-10%, 3. 10-50%,
4. 50-90%, 5.90 plus less than 1%
218. there were 2 ques in my exam abt hemorrhage - what happens to these parameters in
hemorrhage? Dec preload, dec cardiac output, inc total peripheral resistance and dec pulse pressure?
219. another que - what is reason if dec bp in standing position? i mean from sittingg to standing.
ans was dec jn right heart stroke volume
220. Know sciatica and intervertebral foramen compression or disc rupture or stenosis - symptoms
very well.
221. 2 ques - 1. why babinski present in infants - ans was no myelin, 2. why isolated systolic htn in
aging - ans was age related dec in airta compliance.
222. in hypersensitivy i had 3 ques - they all were asking only which type hypersensitivity.
1. hepatitis b, 2. cephalosporin, 3. crohns disease.
223. cephalosporin type 3; crohn type 4 due to granuloma; hep b - serum sickness like (fa) - so type
224. hallucination+dementia? – Lewy Body
225. image of psammoma body was there ans was meningioma( PSMM)
226. ring form seen in which plasmodium species? exam que

227. this is from ck uw. in my exam also there were options ant cord syndrome, central cord
syndrome and post cord syndrome
228. mcc of death in pulm embolism is pulm infarction. i got this easy que wrong.
229. aromatase resides in granulosa cell
230. hair loss (no other clinical picture) is secondary syphillis
231. cells responsible for aspergillosis and silicosis? these bothe were in my exam blood cells. blood
cells. sorry it was not aspergillosis, they given asthma and bronchiectasis with aspergilus. so i marked
eosinophils. but silicosis is caused my macrophages, they secrete fibrogenic factors and then fibrosis
occurs. right? que was which cell types causes sillicosis?
232. 1 que they given nonspecific symptoms and all blood cell values, wbc, platelet, all things. only
cd4% were down. i marked hiv. is there any virus leads to dec cd4? only herpes simplex was ans
233. i had 1 que of gout - pt is on thiazide. swelling on right foot from tip of great toe to foot arch.
which joint is involved? – Metatarsophalageal

234. i had this type of qurs. here just mark abnormal values very fast. thrn read last 4 lines. u will get
que i think. and then if u cant understand read first 4 lines. if u want to save time. – D
235. i had que in sle what u find? ans was coombs positive(agglutinins)
236. a long history like 12-15 lines telling multiple sclerosis and ans was oligoclonal bands.
237. ct scan showing rcc and in pab values inc rbc. ans was vol hippel lindau
238. they given pt has hypoglycemia with normal ketones and diabtes. what will u do for
assessmnet? i rem only 3 options - 1. acyl coA dehydrogenese level, 2. amino acid assay, 3. thiamine
level, 4. alcohol dehydrogenase -- marked thiamine. i tried to dissect, but could not find and marked
thiamine. there were 2 options were hyperketotic occurs - i was sure, so dissected them only
239. there were 5-7 que on vitamins. i know niacin def was direct one, vit b12 direct one,
240. phenyle ketonuria - dihydrobipiterin reductase. direct. +++++++++++++
241. then frusctose intolerance direct - asking enzyme def.
242. nieman-pivk direct - asking where substance accumulate and ans was lysosome. then
243. acid maltase def direct.
244. what is effect of ethanol in methyle poisoning ? up down arrows. 1. what happens to alcohol
dehydrogenase affinity for ethanol? 2. what happens to methyle metabolism? Up Down
245. which process is helpful in post transcriptional stabilisation of mRNA? ans was poly A
adenylation. so easy
246. medial medullary syndrome -- they given umn lesion and hypoglossal dysfunction
247. then parkinson hustory - what will be damaged. they have arrows on caudate, thalamus,
internal capsule, cerebellus and putamen.
248. when u give Ach and NO in normal coronary artery dilates. but when u give Ach and NO in
atheroscerotic artery , NO dilates while Ach comstricts, why?
249. 1 lady want to make her face younger? what will u do? i marked dec ACH release from
presynaptiv neuron. same concept as botulinum used in wrinkes. rigjt? there were options all twisting
around AcH. like Blocks ach receptoors or dec vesicle formation etc
250. then cause of hypotension in neiserria sepsis? i marked lipooligosacharide. rigjt? waterhouse
251. in monospot test - antibodies are directed against? 1. b-cells, 2. non human rbc
252. DOC for joint pain and back pain with gastritis? 1. acetaminophen , 2. Aspirin, 3. Ibuprofen, 4.
253. i had que abt diuretic - male pt with hf, given diuretic and 5 days later comes with enlarged
breast. what will be it.!! yes. ans was k sparing. Direct
254. this was tough and asked 2 times - what happens in severe dehydration like athletic exercise - i
marked inc urea reabsorption in distal tubule, cant rem other options.
i rem from uw - in dehydration
kidney tries to reabsorp as much as water. for this adh inc urea reabsorption - so cortico medullary
conceptration diff inc and water reabsorptioed at max capacity, this urea is them recirculated and this
cycle continues
255. pO2, HCO3- and pH values in hypoventilation.!! Dec po2 hco3 inc ph dec
256. i am giving here 4 ques of msk antomy and u will belive it - 1. xray showing fracture of midshaft
radius. which nerve injured? 2. dorsal hand sensaion loss - image of left hand back side showing
asterixis. which nerve injured? 3. goout - mc joint involved. 4. brachial plexus showing median nerve -
what function loss - ans was wrist flexion. 5. pt has inability of abduction of arm - image showing
calcific tendonitis. which tenson? ans was supraspinatus. 6. sciatic nerve injury - classic presentation
257. i got only one que - pudendal nerve landmark.-->ischial spine
258. what is mechanism pf resistance of imatinib? gene expression ka tha 1. i dont rem. transgenic
mice ka. wtf tha
259. i had que - retrosternal pain migrating to parasternal border. lung and cardiac examination
normal. whats mechanism? ans is metaplasia.
260. i had 3 ques abt pain mediators.
261. i can rem only 1 que in anatomy which was out of uw - muscle compressed in lower pole rcc
262. ok 2 more ques - 1. retinoblastoma image of eye and osteosarcoma - mechanism - ans is
disinhibited elongation factor 2. 2. follocular lymploma mechanjsm- ans is inhibition of apoptosis
263. huntington pedigree. grandfather was affected. mother and father normal. chances of child
affected. zero?
264. this flumazenil graph was same to same from uwsa 2 in ecxam and i got wrong it in uwsa. sorry
to disclose that que, but it was my exam que
265. rcc image showing clear cells. thats repeat
266. exam que - pt got injuri on hand and swelling occured. what is responsible for pain in that area?
complement; histamine, bradykinin, tumor necrosis factor, prostaglandin
267. there were 3 ques abt pain mediators like this and every que had same options like this. from
pathoma i rem only pgE2 and bradykinin as pain mediator. i forgot 3rd one. what is it?
268. i had que abt adenosine mechanism - ans was inc potasium efflux
269. que abt hydrocele - i think they count it in anatomy
270. pt with tg greater than 1000 and acute pancreatitis? drug kon si donge? statin, ezetimibe,
niacin, fibrate, cholestipol?
271. i rem 2 more ques - 1 was kawasaki classic presentstion and another was 3rd year milestone -
classic que - which is delayed
272. IgA nephropathy immunofluorescencemesangial deposits also asked wegeener's - what u see?
ans was antibody against neutrophil
273. in croh's what occurs? osteoporosis or osteomalacia? i was confused jn these 2
274. i had que in exam now rem - child volvulus - what commonly involved? fourth part of
duodenum (child - mid gut)
275. pt had colon cancer and got iron def anemia, what involved Asc Colon (yes all otjer options
were hindgut structures)
276. 1 ct of free gas under diaghragm and 1 ct i dont know. black black dots were seen in git below
diaghragm and inc wbc given in que stem. i marked diverticulitis- appendicial rupture

277. Choice C Was the Question (word to word)

278. there was another que from urinary incontinence - what happens in normal pressure
hydrocephalus? it was classic presentation - wobbly and wacky and asked what is associated? ans was
detrusor contraction? right? what is function of corona radiata which is lost here

279. I got two questions about transgender and stuff like that which i had no idea about. like if the
patient is a male but dresses as a girl is he more likely to be sexually aroused by males or females? ( I
have no idea)
280. it's Kaplan LN 2016 chapter 5 human sexuality page 68. Q would have mentioned regrding he
being tensed/angry about his genitals , then he will be aroused for males and if he accepts his genitals
as own and not stressed/angry, he just likes to dress up female stuff, but still will be attracted towards
281. biostats was easy. got a question about what will a change in prevalence do to sensitivity
(nothing) another with test results and a relative risk and you need to interpret.
282. got a question about compression of the nerve b/w L1 L2 which action will be affected, another
about vesiculocolic fistula in which segment of the colon it will be
283. i got a weiiiird question about a disease presentation that is positive for rheumatoid factor, only
answered this because it was in uworld step 2 , it is cryoglobunemia


- NISHAT Questions

1. Mitral stenosis murmur identification-diagram given ---severe MS

2. Contact dermatitiscase given :girl goes in bushes to get her dog, with pic of rash
3. X-linked agammaglobulinemia- dec in all immunoglobulins
4. portohepatic shunt anatomy, where is it placed- between hepatic and portal vein
5. Imanitib MOA- tyrosin kinase inhibitor of BCR-ABL and c-kit—used in CML and gastric carcinoma
6. Dobutaminedrug used in decompensated heart failure
7. Adenosine clinical use-supraventriculat tachycardia
8. Various CT MRIs and Xrays
9. Diphyllobothrium b12 def anemia
10. Indinavir Side effectmetabolic syndrome
11. Gaussian curve and Standard error
12. pelvic anatomy ureter course: ureters pass above-common and external iliac
284. 13. fascia and muscle relation to mammary glands pectoralis major
13. reversible and irreversible inhibitors graph
14. Bug causing acne - I chose P.acnes
15. Bug ass with Primary CNS lymphoma- EBV and HIV
16. Addison's disease - Na, K and Ca levels dec Na, inc K, inc Ca
17. Kidney disease - PTH, Ca and P levels inc PTH, dec. Ca, inc PO4
18. Coccidiomycosis
19. Candida
20. Bacterial endocarditis bug ass with IV drug usestap. Aureus, pseudomonas n candida
21. Papillary muscle rupture
22. Cause of death after arrival at hospital in MIventricular arrythmia
23. Woman dies after various attempts of resuscitation. Mother asks if she passed peacefully. Doctor
says yes. Which principal is he following? Autonomy, Justice, beneficence beneficence
24. Osteosarcoma
25. Osteoarthritis
26. Isotretinoin
27. TNF alpha inh side effectinfections
28. Lot of transgenic mice question
29. Relative risk and Confidence Interval q's
30. Pedigrees
31. HPV vaccine behavioural - do my kids need to be vaccinated
32. Child abuse behavioural - how to talk to child alone
33. Organs affected in bomb-blastears and lungs
34. Corneal reflex V1 afferent VII efferent
35. dorsalis pedis and posterior tibial pulsedorsum of foot branch of ant. Tibial and behind medial
malleolus branch of post. tibial
36. Gout treatment (acute)nsaids, colchacine
37. Osteoporosis
39. Philadelphia chromosome
40. Hip dislocation
41. Meningomyelocele
42. Knee displacement which part remains intact - acl, lcl, mcl, meniscimeniscus
43. Ecg I had long QT interval
44. Sounds : MVP,second not sure
45. Histo:adeno ca prostate,phallodes,candida,malaria,celiac,atn
286. Urinary incontinence
287. Graphs: Many many ,epi nor epi, na glucose co transport, acid base, pth ca
288. Nrti ,mech of action
289. Gauchers,mcardles,diabetes on glut 4
290. q. Was asked this ques ,just said person has right sided loss of pain Nd temperature on face-
trigeminal nerve-spinal nucleus
291. Becets

DNR patient with feeding tubekeep the feeding tube
hospice three qs
Abortion weird q
Down syndrome lady is pregnant her mother wants you to abort the child don’t abort
What shall u do Sterilization of man q abt consent from wife or gfno consent of wife
292. A pt >60yrs native American comes to general check up and everything is normal. What
will you say to him? A) you are likely to get DM because you are Native American B) you are likely to
get HTN because your NA c) if you don’t have any other concern I will see you in 1 year
Informed consent, consents for minors, exceptions
1. Decision making capacity
2. Living will 77 yr old women, lives alone has written will mentioning she does not want to be
dependent on anyone else. Now she is intubated, but her chances of recovery from this condition is
not very good…what do you do?
3. Euthanasia
4. How do you encourage people to stop smoking. What would you say to your patient? motivational
5. How do you encourage a discussion to the teenager who was tanning? What would you say to her?
(taning will kill you, what do you know about tanning? How did tanning affect your family and
6. Woman who was psychotic with history of previous admissions and insurance covered for them.
This time again admitted but insurance won’t cover. What would you do? (send her to another
public funded hospital, continue care, ask her if she can pay, etc)
7. How would you encourage contraception? 17 yr comes to OPD with her mom for some other
condition, after her mom leaves she asks for OCP advice? Do it, give it to her, explain. no need to
involve mother
8. How do you contain measles? (protective wear for medical personnel, isolation of patient,
treatment with antivirals, vaccination, put the patient in same room as another patient with the
same dx)
9. How would you advice diabetic pt to control symptoms?
10. Infective endocarditis how do you prevent spread? (contain the pt, wear protective gear, wash
hands, treat family, treat pt)
11. Twins at different stages of maturation. What should you tell mom? (girl 12 yrs tanner 5 boy 15 yrs
tanner 3)normal
12. Countertransference the doctor had thoughts that the pt reminded him of his brother
13. Extubation on behalf of pts (competent) legal, ethical?
14. GPE of adolescent girl contenceptive. Daughter and father lives alone and does everything but
misses way since Q show be asked to whom? Pt, pt and daughter, daughter ????
15. 45 yr old man who is mechanic at a small time auto shop is diagnosed with some cancer..plan for
chemo or transplant his insurance doesn’t cover it..what do you tell him? A) employer insurance b)
quit his job and claim medicaid c) lie that he has no job and claim Medicaid d) medicare e)some
new weird name
16. pt taking garlic for hypocholesteremia says she does not want to take any medications before
surgery. what is the best response? continue as it has no effects/stop it 1 week prior to surgery
17. vaccine started in 4 states in 1996, what happens to the prevalence and incidence between 1996-
18. pt has MI 2 yrs back not compliant. wife says she even had to book his appointment for today. what
is the best response? >> talk to the patient/ask pt how wife can be more supportive
19. concept of incongruent history
20. - a pt gets to know her baby has down while preg. she decide to deliver it anyway - autonomy
21. 8 yr girl with constipation, rushed life, mostly eats milk and sandwich presents with constipation,
shows concern become she has not dated in 2 month, your best response? eat more fiber, evaluate
for depression and so on
22. adolescent girl with increased t4 levels- due to OCP use
23. girl with borderline personality disorder
24. - a 2 yr old girl normal development everyhing normal just hits kids if they come to take her toys. -
normal behavious for age.


293. Malaria treatment

294. Adenovirus and clinical features
295. Iron def anemia patho slide
296. Malassezia fur fur
297. Tinea Capitis
298. P values and stat significance
299. Influenza treatment
300. Primary lymphoma and hiv
301. Legionella
302. HIV risk in patients
303. Pneumocystis carni
304. Histoplasmosis
305. Standard deviation
306. Hyper parathyroidism with normal chest X-ray
307. Malaria treatment
308. Malassezia fur fur
309. I got limited immunity and micro quests
310. Immune i was asked about interleukins
311. And few lab rat questions
312. Git anatomy I got a question about a muscle
313. [9:13 AM, 1/12/2017] Anusha: Ecgs I got was svt and wpw syndrome
314. [9:14 AM, 1/12/2017] Anusha: But they asked me treatment and pathophysio
315. [9:14 AM, 1/12/2017] Anusha: Not to diagnose
316. [9:14 AM, 1/12/2017] Anusha: Murmurs.. I think it was mitral regurgitation and Marfans
317. [9:15 AM, 1/12/2017] Anusha: Read tb, hiv, diabetic, reproductive drugs their mech of action
and side effects
318. [9:16 AM, 1/12/2017] Anusha: They love to ask about respiratory and reproductive physiology
319. [9:16 AM, 1/12/2017] Anusha: I remember I got a quest with a patient who has bronchectasis
320. [9:17 AM, 1/12/2017] Anusha: They asked what happens to levels of co2, o2, phosphate,
321. [9:17 AM, 1/12/2017] Anusha: Like phosphate I didn't know the correlation
322. [9:17 AM, 1/12/2017] Anusha: Doc patient relationship can doc date the patient.. options were
323. [9:19 AM, 1/12/2017] Anusha: But neuroanatomy they have clinical scenario in old elderly male
like that of vit b 12 and a ct scan I couldn't read.. and asked which Tract is affected
324. [9:19 AM, 1/12/2017] Anusha: B12 is an important question
325. blood: warfarin rat poison, all leukaemia and management, polycythema Vera, sickle cell
326. [9:33 AM, 1/12/2017] Anusha: They love to ask direct questions about Tumor markers
327. [9:53 AM, 1/12/2017] Anusha: cell cycle -> stable cells, Rb gene (which phase it works in)
328. Anusha: there is a chart in pathoma/goljan with tumor markers
329. Anusha: c-kit

330. [9:56 AM, 1/12/2017] Anusha: 1. horseshoe kidney is the defect of what ureteric bud,
metanephric blastema?? the rest of the options i dont remember. Blastema is ans ,uretric bud leads
pelvis ans related stuff ,that's normal in this ,so ans will be blastema
2. recall# which cells are raised in aspergillous and a pt with asthma cd8 t cells eosinophils neutrophils
3. a pt with and ulcer and ingunal lymphadenopathy the answer was bartonella
4. hep b arthalgia what type of hsr? Type 3
331. i got one iron def anemia question with a peripheral smear slide
332. [effects of HAART drugs
333. 5. Oxacillin is given for infection- patient got fever,rash,acute interstitial nephritis- which
hypersensitivity?type 3

334. Got a question on NNT

335. Sensitivity
336. And on McArdles
337. and classic galactosemia
338. One question of foxp3 is a protein involved in immune system responses.[3] A member of
the FOX protein family, FOXP3 appears to function as a master regulator of the regulatory pathway in
the development and function of regulatory T cells
339. They showed flow cytometry
340. one weird question about a female she had her BSO and hysterctomy and now has polyuria and
nocturia and her distal ureters are blocked at distal end and asked whats the cause of polyrua
341. options were really weird
342. One question about a man who had motor vehicle accident and had a head trauma and they
showed a picture of something with a big clot and asked whats the cause. COuldnt recognize itepidural
343. one question about comp and noncomp inhibitors ona graph
344. A graph qurstion with PJH on y axis and time on x axis and asked which drug is cimitine and
which one ppi
345. A questionon TNF alpha inhibitors
346. mucor
347. three questions on PID
348. chlamyia, neisseria par bhee quest
349. Iliopsoas shown on CT and asked its fucnctionflexion of hip
350. hospice care, a man with terminal CA and asked how will he be on hospice careonly when life
expectancy <6months
351. AML ques, showed a picture with auer rods and asked what its treatment does
352. patho of freckles mild basal hypermelanosis.
353. Mumps patient and its effect on testes inflammation
354. Ectopic parathyroid MC location
355. aminolycosides how does it cause deafness Aminoglycosides appear to generate free radicals
within the inner ear, with subsequent permanent damage to sensory cells and neurons, resulting in
permanent hearing loss.
356. Another question about a woman her husband died 2 years ago And now she is sad on and off.
Looked like normal grief—pathological grief
357. Another picture of histo of pneumonia and asked the chemoattractants of neutrophils
358. Two questions on chemoattractants
359. A question on ace inhibitors
360. And asked what other factor contributes to hypotension. Bradykinin was also in options
361. Another question on standard deviation. 500 population. And they were asking number of
people above 95%--5%
362. Tef at what week4-7
363. A picture on zenker diverticulum. And asked weakness is where
364. A patient has scid, introduced retro viruses what will happen to that patient. They were asking
in terms of introduction to viruses whether it will be reactivated or what will happen.
365. They showed an xray, patient had pulmonary hypertension and showed muscle biopsy, I felt it
had lymphocytic infiltration. I think. They were asking treatment.-->bosentan
366. Moa of methimazoleblocks thyroid peroxidase
367. Electrolyte abnormalities in bulimiahypokalemia , metabolic alkalosis

Neepas recalls
1. 2 qs abt struvite stones
2. rhodamine - test for CGD , they gave graphs - normal and another one where flourscence decreased so
ans - NADPH OXIDASE def hx had aspergillus infection
368. 3 . 1 qn with rhabdiform larva pic - STRONGYLOIDES
3. ppi inhibit absorption of itraconazole
369. 5 . mdma - teeth clenching
370. 6 . bevacizumab what it inhibits
371. 7. linear IC deposits - good pasture
372. 8 . inverse agoinist graph
373. 9. ppi dec histamine , gastrin and HCL
374. 10 .cirrhossis MOA of gynacomastia - INC SHBG
375. 11. meningitis inc lyphocytes travel hx - TB
376. 12. cardio 2 qs pressure volume loops
377. 13. 2 qs abt urea being absorbed from medullary Collecting duct in dehydration
378. 14. horseshoe kidney wer is the defect i marked metanephric blastema
379. 15. splitting , paranoid direct qs
380. 16. 1 qn abt counter transference
381. 17 . sezary synd , the cerebriform nucleus was given
382. 18 . factor 8 def
383. 19 .vit k dependent factors need ca for activation
384. 20 . megaloblastic anemia ovalocyte pic
385. 21.sickle cell disease
386. 22.alpha 1 antitrypsin allele were asked , ans - zz
387. 23. diverticulitis gross same as fa pic asked were is the defect - vasa recta perforates muscularis
388. 24.what inc cck secrection ans - Fatty acids
389. 25. direct hernia position medial to epigastric vessels
390. hernia is not covered by which fascia - ans external apermatic fascia

SIDDHi’s Recalls
391. Biochem
1. A scenario talking about inactivity of a gene leading to
2. Pts. Mother had endometrial cancer and paternal uncle had brain tumor. Pt has ascending colon
cancer. Which mutation is present.-->BRCA (they had DNA repair protein in option)
3. Ques about APC/B catenin gene, it was like a twisted question. they said B catenin had fusion with
some other protein and all(don’t remember well)but answer was-APC gene
4. Trastuzumab toxicity ques- lady has HER2/neu+ cancer, Trastuzumab is started, she is at increased
risk of?-->cardiotoxicity
5. Another question where the pt had mutation in CYPD, 2 alleles were normal 2 were mutated.
Tamoxifen is given. What changes will be seen. Similar to this question.

6. Problems with penile erection after prostatectomy. What is damaged? -pelvic splanchnic nerve
7. Old Pt comes in for incontinence. Prostate is enlarged. On palpation, firm and smooth. Dx BPH( not
8. Old pts autopsy, prostate cancer is seen. Most likely metastasis.-->bone
9. 2 questions on PTH levels, up and down arrow. 1 was renal failure pth and phosphorus levels. 2nd
10. Pt with high pth and low calcium comes to officeout of the options I picked osteomalecia (no
history of renal problems or anything else
11. African american women with presentation of sarcoidosis. calcium level is inc. what is increased?-
24, 25-vit d1, 25 Vit d
12. Bone cancer question.
13. Old pt has pain in hip at night when he turns. On exam pain on lateral and ant thigh. No x ray
14. Mediator of painbradykinin
15. Leukocyte migration cascade q. injury has happened and on studying the infiltrates, neutrophils are
seen. Which is responsible? None of the chemotactic agents were present but there was i-CAM, IL-
1, PG-I2
16. Scleroderma pt, anticentromere antibody is seen. Which type is it?
17. Scleroderma pt presentation. What is she greatest risk of developing?-->RHF
18. Sle pt., pic of schistiocytes on blood smear. What will be seen.-out of the options warm agglutinins
19. Pt. with presentation of fever, sore throat, cervical lymphadenopathy. sheep Rbcs aggutinate. What
is seen?-->atypical lymphocytes
20. Pic of DIP joint heberned nodules. What would be seenarticular cartilage damage, wbcs in synovial
fluid, crystals in SF, osteophytes in thejoint
21. Pt. with anorexia nervosa greatest risk of developing?-->osteopenia( out of the options)
22. Bulemic pt description. Has signs of depression. Txall ssris in options
23. A couple comes for genetic counseling. Their last child died due to a mutation in FGFR gene. Other
child is normal. Both parents have normal height. What is the probablity? I went with spontaneous
mutation in gene
24. White women with high risk of osteoporosis comes to office. Her mother had a hip fracture. When
asked about exercise she says she feels intimidated at the gym. What is physician’s best approach?
25. Xray of mishaft humeral fracture. Which nerve is likely injurged?
26. Ques on external rotation of shoulder defect
27. Pt brought in by wife for progressive loss of memory, personality change and cognition in 6months.
What is most likely?-->prion b pleated configuration
28. Alzhemers presentation in 45year old. Neurofibilary tangles and amyloid plaques seen. Dx? All the
demantia causes and downs in option
29. Young boy with brought by mother due to episodes of blank staring. Dx of generalized seizures is
made. Tx?-->
30. Eye muscles question. Pic of eyes. Double vision in hx. Wich nerve is damaged.
31. Young pt, with papilledema, constant headaches and lateral gaze palsy. Where is the lesion identify
Ct of brain.
32. Hearing loss question. Low frequency is lost. Which area of cochlea is damaged?
33. A girl comes in with accessory nipple under her breast. Where should you examine for other such
34. Oophorectomy done. Which ligament should be ligated?

35. similar scenario. What structure is injured? Similar pic was given
36. Presentation of subacte combined denergation and absorption defects. Which is deficient? Vit b12
not in option. B1, B2, vit c, vit E and niacin
37. Nerve regeneration in peripheral nerve restricted by which of following? Schwan cells, astrocytes
38. Pt with recurrent brain infarctions. On autopsy you see scarring which cell is responsible for
39. Thalamic pain syndrome question
40. Lateral pontine syndrome presentation. Ct of brain, medullary section given. Where will be the
41. Cerebral hemisphere lesion
42. Parkinson presentation. Ct coronal section given like this 1. Which of the following overshoots.
Think the question was referring to basal ganglia pathway.

43. Alpha waves on eeg. Which phase of sleep?

a. Ans: Alpha waves mean you are awake with your eyes closed
44. Newborn with meningomyelocele. Did not pass urine. Bladder distention. Cause?
45. Pt. presenting with holoprosencephaly. Where is the defect?- proscencephalon
46. Pt with diarrhea. What do you give? All opioids listed
47. Pt. with delirium tremens. Tx
48. Obsessive compulsive disorder pt description. Which defense does he exhibit?
49. Lady in her 50s has surgery next day asks her husband not to leave her alone. Which defense?
50. Homeless man found on street, had to undergo some surgery. 24hrs later agitation, hallucinations (
tactile), tremors. Most likely substance abused?
51. 2 question on major depression
52. Panic disorder presentation. Tx?
53. Women comes in for episodes of involuntary shaking of head, mostly after emotional out breaks.
Husband recent lost his job. She is pregnant 20weeks or something. Diagnosis? Malingering ,
conversion disorder, munchausen, munchausen by proxy, illness anxiety
54. Pt. presenting with dissociations, hallucination and aggretion. Substance abused? Pcp not in option.
55. Pt. with psych disorder presenting with galactorrhea. Which medication is he on?-->resperidone
56. Potters syndrome question.
57. Pic of polycystic kidney in adult. What are associated conditions?
58. In hydronephrosis, how does GFR change?
59. Pt. climbs high altitude. Hyperventilating. Management?
60. Minimal change disease question
61. Amyloidosis in kidney.
62. 20 something yr old, flank pain radiating to groin, hematuria. No other condition. Ca level normal.
pH was 5. Which condition is most likely?
63. F/ pt with stress incontinence. Kegel is suggested. Which muscles does this exercise strengthen?
Diff pevic floor muscles were listed
64. 2 questions on n. gonnorhea
65. Acute tubular necrosis presentation. Which part of nephron affected?
66. Pt. on penicillin. Eosinophills in urine. Which part of kidney is affected?
67. Pregnant pt, comes with painful uterine bleeding. Cocaine abuser. Which condition does she have?-
->placenta previa, placental abruption
68. Similar pic. Asked diagnosis.-->phyllodes tumor
69. Child presents with cryptorchidism. What is he at risk of later in life?
70. TE fistula at what week?
71. What decreases in the person during exercise?-->mixed venous O2 content( out of the options)
72. V/Q mismatch question.
73. Atrial myxoma question. Similar to 1 in uworld
74. Scenario describing restrictive pulmonary disease. DLCO is low, TLC is low. 3 options restrictive
disease options obesity, sleep apnea and pneumonitis
75. Pt with sleep apnea, at risk of developing what?
76. Pt with dyspnea comes in tactile fremitus is low, breath sounds are decreased, trachea is deviated
away from the affected side. Dx? Pneumothorax, atelectasis, consolidation
77. Mass in lung. Urine osm is high, serum osm is low. Which paraneoplastic condition?
78. Pt. has recurrent wheezing and dyspnea on exposure to dust. Best management? All asthma drugs
79. Korean couple comes for genetic counselling. Description of alpha thalassemia in family. How
would the gene be mutated?-->cis deletion in Asian population
80. Question on orotic aciduria
81. Pt. comes in with presentation of sickle cell. Recurrent vasocclusions since childhood. What
pathological changes are seen in the rbcs?--> polymerize into fibrils
82. Tricky ques on ITP. Values were given was asked to diagnose. No changes in pt r ptt
83. 2 Quest on CML and AML
84. DVT description in pt. Tx? Many anti thrombotic listed
85. Pt. with cancer. Description of peripheral neuropathy. What tx is being used?
86. Embryonic globulin “d” given. Had to identify when is it found on this pic

87. Description of hemolytic anemia. And presence of gallstone. Which type of gallstones will be
88. Ques. Which of the following is true about Accessory pancreatic duct. 1-it drains unicate process 2-
It originates from ventral pancreas 3-it drains 2 cm above ampulla of vater
89. Hemochromatosis classic diagnosing question. Diabetes, yellow brown skin color hepatomegaly.
What is accumulates?
90. Pt. brought to emergency due to bloody vomit, painless. Liver cirrhosis. TIPS procedure to be done.
Where is the shunt created? Cephalic, splenic, azygous, ivc
91. Yound child, hematochezia, abdominal pain. Diagnosis? Volvulus, interssecption, hirschprung
92. Meckels diverticulum classic question. Decription given, techtecnium scan mentioned.
93. Histology pic of celiac disease. Presentation in child, bulky stools and malnurished.
94. Gastric histology slide. Gastritis clinical presentation. Organisms seen on slide. What is
95. Image of bird’s beak sign. Which of following is defectiveeneteric plexus, smooth muscle, skeletal
muscle, les
96. Superficial inguinal ring is formed by?
97. Diaphragmatic hernia xray. Dx? Sliding or paraesophageal?
98. Gallstone ileus ques. Same from uworld
99. Testes LN drainage
100. infant presenting with doule bubble sign,dx?-->duodenal atresia
101. Symptoms of agranulocytosis in pt with hypothyroidism after switching from methimazole. What
do you do? cbc
102. Sulfonylurea given to pt. what happens to K conc in serum?
103. Why is the newborn of diabetic mother have macrosomia?-->glucose cis actively transported across
104. B islet cells in diabetes type 1 pts?
105. Pattern of inheritance in type 1 diabetes?
106. SIADH up and down arrow quessodium osm potassium
107. Graves disease up and down arrow ques
108. Hashimotos presentation. Antibody against what?
109. Growth factor question , tricky. Which 2nd messenger used?
110. 21 hydroxylase def. question. Had to diagnose it
111. Obese pt. which of the follow could be mutated or deficient? leptin
112. Insulin has max effect on? Brain, kidney, adipose
113. Lot of cardio drugs dnt remember questions.
114. Pt with gestational hypertension. Which drug should be given. Drug mechanism were described
115. Management of diastolic heart failure
116. Pericarditis presentation. Diffuse ST elevation. Where is the pathology?-->pericardium
117. Cardiac tamponed presentation ( becks triad described). What else will be observeddescription of
pulsus paradoxsus)
118. Endocarditis in drug user? Which bacteria?
119. Hemorragic shock. up and down arrow ques.
120. Young woman hypertension, renal arteriogram shows string and bead. Dx?
121. Such pic given. What is the diagnosis. No scenario

122. 2 Heart sounds –1 without any relevent scenario. 2nd could be diagnosed with scenario
123. Brugada ECG

124. Cardiac function curve question. What changes will be seen in hemorrhage
125. Epi norepi graph
126. Hospitalized pt. has severe bradycardia. Management?
127. Woman has non refractory bleeding after delivery. What drug is given? Oxytocin
128. Intrinsic pathway of apoptosis question.
129. Classic presentation of graft vs host. Dx?
130. Pemphigus vulgaris pic. What are the antibodies against?
131. Leukocyte adhesion deficiency presentation. What will be absent in the site of injury?
132. Hemolytic disease of new born. Which immunoglobulin is responsible? Immunoglobulins were
133. NRTI mechanism of action.
134. Amphotericin site of action on fungal cell
135. C. diff infection after clindamycin use. TX?
136. Gardenella vaginalis
137. Trichomonas
138. Presentation of chlamydia. Dx?
139. Strogyloides worm. How is it acquired?
140. Giardia presentation. How do we diagnose? Cysts in stool

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