Biodiversity Task

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Why we do measure Biodiversity?

Biodiversity is defined as different variety and variability of animal and plants in a specific
area. We measure biodiversity to understand the state of ecosystem and monitor changes
occurring in biodiversity of the specific with passage of time.

During the data collection, why was it important to choose at random the sample area?

Choosing sample areas at random is a fundamental principle in scientific research, including

biodiversity assessments, because it helps ensure that the collected data is representative of
the entire study area. This approach is crucial for obtaining accurate and unbiased insights
into the biodiversity of an ecosystem.

After you collect the data in both communities, calculate species richness, relative
abundance, Shannon diversity index, and evenness. Enter your results in the space
provided here:’

Forested Area Aquatic Environment Total No of Individuals

No of Individuals No of Individuals
Species A 25 30 55
Species B 15 10 25
Species C 10 15 25
Species D 20 25 45

Community 1

Location: The sample of community 1 was taken from quadrant that was randomly drawn
from forested area

Date: 7/8/2022

Time: 11:00

Weather: Cloudy

Habitat: Mixed deciduous forest with a variety of tree species.

Species Richness

Species Richness
Community 1 4


Species Richness= Number of different species identifies =4

Shannon Diversity Index

Community 1 1.332

Calculation for Shannon Diversity Index

Community 1

Relative Abundance of Species A = 25 / (25 + 15 + 10 + 20) = 0.347

Relative Abundance of Species B = 15 / (25 + 15 + 10 + 20) = 0.208

Relative Abundance of Species C = 10 / (25 + 15 + 10 + 20) = 0.139

Relative Abundance of Species D = 20 / (25 + 15 + 10 + 20) = 0.278

Calculating (pi * ln(pi)) for each species:

(0.347 * ln(0.347)) = -0.295

(0.208 * ln(0.208)) = -0.363

(0.139 * ln(0.139)) = -0.312

(0.278 * ln(0.278)) = -0.362

Summing up these values: (-0.295) + (-0.363) + (-0.312) + (-0.362) = -1.332

Multiplying the sum by -1: Shannon Diversity Index (H) = 1.332


Community 1 0.96

Shannon Diversity
In (Species Richness)

In (4)


Community 2

Location: The sample of community 2 was taken from quadrant that was randomly drawn
from freshwater pound

Date: 20/9/2022

Time: 1:20

Weather: Clear and Sunny

Habitat: Aquatic environment with submerged plants

Species Richness

Species Richness
Community 2 4


Species Richness= Number of different species identifies =4

Shannon Diversity Index

Community 2 1.316


Community 2

Relative abundance of Species A = 30 / (30 + 10 + 15 + 25) = 0.333

Relative Abundance of Species B = 10 / (30 + 10 + 15 + 25) = 0.111

Relative Abundance of Species C = 15 / (30 + 10 + 15 + 25) = 0.167

Relative Abundance of Species D = 25 / (30 + 10 + 15 + 25) = 0.278

Calculating Shannon Diversity Index: H = - Σ (pi * ln(pi))

Where pi is the relative abundance of each species calculated in the previous step.

Calculating (pi * ln(pi)) for each species:

(0.333 * ln(0.333)) = -0.404

(0.111 * ln(0.111)) = -0.217

(0.167 * ln(0.167)) = -0.318

(0.278 * ln(0.278)) = -0.377

Summing up these values: (-0.404) + (-0.217) + (-0.318) + (-0.377) = -1.316

Multiplying the sum by -1: Shannon Diversity Index (H) = 1.316


Community 2 0.94


Evenness Shannon Diversity

In (Species Richness)

In (4)


Based on the results you entered in question 3, which community is more diverse?

According to results obtained, Community 1 has evenness of 0.96 which is closer to

community 2 that has evenness of 0.94. It showed that community 1 has more even
distribution of species by randomly assigned sample. The result also indicated that
community 1has higher relative abundance and is more diverse as compared to community 2.

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