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Department of Civil Engineering

IIT Guwahati

1/5/2015 CE645 Discussion 1: Interaction 2

Action and Interaction


1/5/2015 CE645 Discussion 1: Interaction 3

Interaction between Deformable Bodies

 Engineering situations
 Structural foundations (Soil-footing interaction)
 Floating structures (Fluid-solid interaction)
 Laminated or composite materials
(Solid-solid interaction)
 Indentation (Impact interaction)
 Crack and fatigue problems (Stress interaction)
 Earth masses and geological structures
(Thermal and Convective interaction)

1/5/2015 CE645 Discussion 1: Interaction 4

Types of Interaction Analyses

 Linear elastic analysis
 High strength steel

 Nonlinear elastic analysis

 Concrete, Membranes

 Plastic analysis
 Most soils
 Bingham plasticity
 Rubber, Soft soils
 Inelastic analysis
 Viscoelasticy, Viscoplasticity
 Time-dependent analysis


1/5/2015 CE645 Discussion 1: Interaction 5

Interaction Problem for Elastic Bodies

 Determination of stress and strain
 Generated in individual bodies
 Distribution of the same at the contact surfaces

 Interaction between deformable elastic media (3 cases)

 Interaction between elastic bodies
 Deformable bodies of different elastic characteristics pressed together by
external forces
 Contact region may be smooth or rough
 Rough contacts give rise to normal and shear tractions
 Contact region may be advancing, receding or stationary
 Extent of contact is an unknown for non-stationary problems

1/5/2015 CE645 Discussion 1: Interaction 6

Interaction Problem for Elastic Bodies

 Interaction between elastic medium and rigid body
 Indentation problems
 Elastic body get indented by the rigid body
 Shape of contact region is known a-priori
 Shape of contact region remains constant for any applied force
or stress
 Elastic ball falling on a rigid surface
 Rebound governed by the elasticity of falling material and rigidity
of resisting medium

 Interaction between elastic bodies and structural elements

 Mechanical behavior of one of the media represented by a
structural element (beam, plate, shell)


1/5/2015 CE645 Discussion 1: Interaction 7

Pioneer: Hertz (1882)

 Contact of elastic bodies under normal loading
 Determination of stress distribution for frictionless contact of
two solid spheres subjected to a set of forces whose lines of
action are collinear with the centers of the spheres
 In the absence of any external force
 Spheres touch at a point
 In the presence of external force
 Formation of circular indentation
1/ 3
 Some findings  3π P ( k1 + k 2 ) R1 R2 
ξ = 
 Radius of contact surface  4 ( R1 + R2 ) 
 Nonlinear function of applied forces 1/ 2
3P  r 2 
 Distribution of contact stress q (r ) = 1 − 
2πξ 2  ξ 2 
 Parabolic stress distribution
1/ 3
Reduction in the distance between the centres of spheres α =  9π ( k1 + k2 ) ( R1 + R2 ) 
2 2

 
16 R1 R2
( )
k1 = 1 −ν 12 / π E1 ( )
k 2 = 1 −ν 22 / π E2

1/5/2015 CE645 Discussion 1: Interaction 8

Pioneer: Boussinesq (1885)

 Contact of elastic medium with
rigid body
 Determination of state of stress in
homogeneous, isotropic, elastic half-
space whose surface is deformed by a
rigid body
 Axisymmetric problem  P
 1/ 2
for 0 < r ≤ a0
 Axis of indenting solid is normal to the σ zz ( r , 0 ) =  2π a0 a02 − r 2( )
undeformed boundary of half-space 
0 for a0 < r < ∞
 Some findings
τ rz ( r , 0 ) = 0 for 0 < r < ∞
 Vertical and shear stress
 Settlement of the system  P 1 −ν ( 2

for 0 < r ≤ a0
 2 a0 Es
w (r, 0) = 
 P 1 −ν s
) a 
sin −1  0  for a0 ≤ r < ∞

 π a E
0 s  r 


1/5/2015 CE645 Discussion 1: Interaction 9

Pioneer: Winkler (1865)

 Contact of elastic medium with
structural elements
 Loaded prismatic beam of unit width
and length L resting on an elastic
foundation, subjected to varying load
and supported by variable foundation
 Soil is represented by a set of discrete
disconnected springs
 Solution based on simple beam
bending theory
 Details in subsequent classes
EI = w − ky
dx 4

1/5/2015 CE645 Discussion 1: Interaction 10

Idealized Soil Behavior

 Factors affecting mechanical behavior of soil
 Shape, size and mechanical properties of individual soil particles
 Configuration of soil structure
 Inter-granular stresses and stress history
 Presence of soil moisture, degree of saturation and soil permeability

 Impact on soil behavior

 Stress-strain phenomena
 Nonlinear, Irreversible, Time-dependent
 Anisotropicity and Heterogeneity of material properties
 Idealized soil
 Linear elastic behavior
 Linearity and reversibility is not pertinent in soils
 Reduces the analytical rigor
 Development of advanced analyses over time


1/5/2015 CE645 Discussion 1: Interaction 11

Idealized Soil Behavior

 Broad categories of modeling soil behavior
 Lumped parameter modeling
 Governing equations are of differential form
 Winkler model
 Pasternak model
 Kerr model EI = w − ky
 Hetenyi model dx 4
 Vlasov and Leontiev model
 Continuum modeling or Half-space modeling
 Governing equations are of integral form
 Gorbunov-Posadov model
 Zemochyn-Sinitsyn model
 Goodier and Hodge model

1/5/2015 CE645 Discussion 1: Interaction 12

Idealized Foundation Behavior

 Flexural behavior of prismatic beam elements
 Bernoulli-Euler beam theory
 Does not consider
 Shear deformation and membrane effect
 Abrupt changes in the flexural stiffness of the beam
 Variation of soil properties along the length of the beam
 Time-dependent behavior of soil

 Flexural behavior of mat, raft or pavement structures

 Poisson-Kirchoff thin plate theory
 Does not consider
 Effect of localized loads
 Thickness of the plate and its bending rigidity
 Time-dependent behavior of soil


1/5/2015 CE645 Discussion 1: Interaction 13

Idealized Interface Behavior

 Mechanical behavior of soil-foundation interface
 Important with respect to elastic continuum behavior of idealized soil
 Special measures adopted for lumped parameter modeling
 Incorporation of specified conditions
 Frictional effects
 Smooth or Adhering interfaces
 Finite friction or Coulomb friction
 Membrane stresses
 Factors affecting interface behavior
 Pore-water pressure throughout the time-dependent deformation
 Interface behavior continually changes during consolidation process
 Distribution and character of external loads (Static, Dynamic)
 Relative flexibility of the foundation (Rigid or Flexible footing and soil)
 Time-dependent and dynamic effects (Material property varying with time)

1/5/2015 CE645 Discussion 1: Interaction 14

When to consider SSI?

 Do we need to always go for SSI analysis?

 Might not be considered

 Light structures in relatively stiff soils
 Low-rise buildings or simple retaining walls
 Rigid structures on stiff soils
 Poisson’s ratio 0.5 nullifies all effects of adhesion on settlement response
 Rigid settlement is identical to frictional case

 Definitely to be considered
 Flexible foundation
 Flexible structures
 Poisson’s ratio indicating compressible medium
 Dynamic effects


1/5/2015 CE645 Discussion 1: Interaction 15

Solution Techniques
 Determination of contact stress distribution at the interface
 Contact stresses are used to evaluate the flexural response
 Deformation, Bending moment, Shear forces in soil and structure
 Flurry of methods available
 Analytical methods
 Superposition methods
 Approximate analysis techniques
 Variational methods
 Numerical methods
 Finite difference, Finite element, and/or Boundary element techniques
 Types of problems
 Plane strain

1/5/2015 CE645 Discussion 1: Interaction 16

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