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The Strawberry thief

Ma.Jun:On the top of a strange looking moutain,there was a town named sherryland!Cherries,berries,you
name it! It had it all!but wait where are the strawberries.
Jessel:Ahhhhh!OH no!the strawberry thief stole all the strawberries!We have to go to the chief!
Ma.Jun:The chief came to be appointed as the leader of the Sherryland.
Ashley:Don’t be afraid.
Jessel:We don’t know what to do!Ours is the fifth house that has been robbed by the strawberry thief.
Ashley:Crime in the sherryland?This is not acceptable! They are coward! Our strawberries have magical
healing power!So they steal them in the middle of the night and vanish into thin air.
Ashley:Every crime out of fear.The strawberry thief is afraid of something,maybe of being caught.
Jessel:But chief our strawberries grow round year!Why would anybody steal something that was easily
Archie:and how are you so sure that there are more than one thief?
Ashley:What…No…I didn’t..Why don’t you focus on the garden,Glint!
Ashley:I will help you,trust your chief.
Ma.Jun:Glint was appointed to the vast gardens of the chief’s house.He loved his job but he was always
suspicious of the chief.Each time the chief was questioned about his wealth,but he give the same response.
Ashley:It was my parent’s wealth that left to me.
Ma.Jun:Somehow Glint never trusted that reply,instead he always watch close on the chief.Sherryland
always gave away its magical strawberries to all neighbouring town for free,so for someone to steal it
doesn’t make sense at all.But the crime continued nevertheless.On the otherhand,Glint had some very
disturbing news to his friend Roma.
Archie:Chief is stealing the strawberries…..he is the strawberry thief.
Jessel:Excuse me?
Archie:I saw him do it roma!I saw him steal outside at night.But why!?I thought he sells it for money rather
than give it for free.But he is not selling them,so why did he steal it?
Ma.Jun:Roma could not believe what she was hearing.
Jessel:This is unbelievable,Even if I believe you,No one else would!
Archie:hmmmm…you know I have been thinking what he said the other day.
Ashley:Every crime arises out of fear.The strawberry thief is afraid of something!
Archie:he is right.It’s fear that make us do wrong things.Once we face our fear,we don’t have to commit
the crime,we must find out what the chief is afraid of and why is he committing the crime to his own town.
Ma.Jun:Saying thus,Glint waved goodbye to his friend and walk back home when suddenly….
Archie:ahhh! Let me go!
Brendon:Oh! Calm down will ya
Archie:*disgusted*Ew what was that smell?
Yhael:Tinto is that your t-shirt that you brought him in?
Brendon:Well it was last-minute plan
Archie:Wait was that his tshirt? Ew ew ew ew wait where am I?
Yhael:Ahaaaa! Welcome to tomatoland!
Brendon:Well we love tomato and we live in your gardens,so the name is appropriate.
Sheinel:Tinto! You are confusing him!Glint,I am Gina,This is Lenny and the one who brought you here is
Tinto.And we are the garden gnomes of Sherryland,you see the ones who have magically doubled in your
town since past few months?
Archie:Oh yes!You are the one that Roma found in her backyard.
Yhael:Well let’s just say I wanted her to find me.A good woman she is!takes good care of me.Unfortunately
this cannot be said about your chief.
Archie:What do you mean?
Ma.Jun:Lenny and Gina took glint to the alcove of their history and showed him what it really meant to be
a garden gnome.
Sheinel:We heal people,that is what we always did.Our brothers and sisters have been around sherryland
for over centuries.Healing all kinds of wound and ailments.But some years back,something bad
Yhael:Our healing powers were affected.Garden gnomes all over the world felt it and we started receiving
complains from everywhere.
Brendon:And then we hear that the town of sherryland is growing strawberries with magical healing
powers.Coincedence you think?
Archie:You mean?
Brendon:It’s our bijou
Archie:Bee who?
Sheinel:bijou.It’s a magical trinket the source of our healing power.Our ancestors had safely hidden it
here…in tomatoland.
Ma.Jun:The Gnomes told Glint that they most respectfully asked the chief to return to them their bijou but
instead,he tried to get the gnomes arrested.
Yhael:But he came up with another plan.He began to steal strawberries so that he can blame it on us.
Archie:He wants everybody to think that you are the strawberry thieves so that no one believe you when
you tell them the truth.This is what he is hiding!
Sheinel:He is trying to keep something that doesn’t belong to him!his greed and lies are making him do
more wrong things.We brought you here because you are the one who seemed to know his wrong
intentions,we thought you might believe us.We cannot trust anybody else.
Archie:You are speaking the truth and he is covering a lie.You shoudn’t be hiding.Sherryland will listen to
me.We will not only get your bijou back but also bring the chief justice.
Ma.Jun:That day was the most majestic in the town of sherryland.Sherries watched as the realm of the
gnomes crashed with theirs and portals started opening of thin air.And all the gnomes started to marched
to the chief.
Ashley:The strawberry thieves have been captured.Glint,arrest them!
Archie:You know very well that they are not the thief,you are!
Ashley:That makes no sense why would steal something that I have created?
Archie:You never created the healing powers of strawberries!You stole their bijou and powered the
strawberries.We demand you to return the bijou back to them.
Ma.Jun:The chief was so scared that once he decided to run.But roma would not have it.
Jessel:Chief!You are a prisoner of your own crimes.Truths always sets you free,chief!
Ma.Jun:Glint get the tinklet out of the chief’s hand and as soon as the tinklet distanced from the chief,it
automatically went to the gnomes.
Brendon:Thankyou Glint,we almost lost our hope.
Ma.Jun:As the bijou went back to the gnomes,so did the magic of the strawberries.The gnomes taught the
sherries the art of healing.They taught them love,empathy,truth and affection is what creates magic in the
universe.The magic of the healing strawberries eminated within the sherries.The Realms of magic and
humans had once again come together to make something beautiful.Over the years,the neighbouring
towns and realms had reported zero crimes.With that,Glint made to be the new chief of the town.And they
live happily ever after.

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