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Objective: The students will be able to correctly spell the words in the list of vocabulary words.

Code: MT3F-Ia-i-1.6

Grade Level: Grade 3

Subject: English Language

(1) Review:

Begin the lesson by reviewing the importance of spelling and how it helps in effective communication.
Ask students to share any spelling rules or strategies they have learned in previous lessons.
(2) Motivation:

Show a short video clip or a visually engaging presentation about the importance of spelling in everyday
Discuss examples of how misspelled words can lead to confusion or misunderstanding.
(3) Activity: Activity 1: Spelling Bee

Divide the class into small groups.

Provide each group with a set of vocabulary words from the list.
Each group takes turns spelling the words aloud.
The teacher will provide feedback and correct any misspelled words.
Award points to each group for correctly spelled words.
The group with the highest score wins.
Activity 2: Word Building

Give each student a set of letter cards.

Display a vocabulary word from the list.
Students need to arrange the letter cards to correctly spell the word.
Encourage students to work in pairs or small groups to discuss and verify their answers.
Check their spelling and provide feedback.
Activity 3: Spelling Relay

Divide the class into two teams.

Provide each team with a whiteboard and marker.
The teacher will call out a vocabulary word, and one student from each team has to run to the board
and write the word correctly.
If the word is spelled correctly, the team earns a point.
Repeat the process with different words.
The team with the most points at the end wins.
(4) Analysis:

Engage the students in a discussion about the spelling patterns they observed in the vocabulary words.
Ask them to identify any common prefixes, suffixes, or letter combinations.
Discuss any spelling rules or strategies that can help them remember the correct spelling of certain
(5) Abstraction:

Summarize the spelling patterns and rules discussed during the analysis.
Provide examples of words that follow these patterns and rules.
Encourage students to make connections between the spelling patterns and the words they encounter
in their reading and writing.
(6) Application:

Present a real-life scenario where students need to write a letter or email using the vocabulary words
Provide them with a template or guide to help structure their writing.
Encourage students to proofread their work for correct spelling before submitting it.
(7) Assessment:

Fill in the blanks with the correct spelling of the vocabulary words: a. The _______________ is a large,
wild animal. b. I need to ___________________ my homework before tomorrow. c. Can you
___________________ the word correctly? d. The ___________________ is a type of fruit. e. She
___________________ her name on the paper.

True or False: Spelling correctly is important for effective communication.

Write the correct spelling for the following word: _______________ (vocabulary word from the list).

Match the vocabulary word to its correct definition: a. _______________ - a person who plays a musical
instrument b. _______________ - a small, round fruit c. _______________ - a large, wild animal

Multiple-choice: Which word is spelled correctly? a. Beutiful b. Beautifull c. Beautiful

(8) Assignment:

Assign students to create flashcards for the vocabulary words.

Each flashcard should have the word written correctly on one side and the definition on the other side.
Students should review the flashcards regularly to reinforce their spelling skills.
Questions and Answers:

a. Elephant b. Submit c. Spell d. Apple e. Wrote


[Write the correct spelling of a vocabulary word]

a. Musician b. Berry c. Tiger

c. Beautiful
Objective: The objective of this lesson plan is for students to correctly spell the words in the list of
vocabulary words using pictures.

Code: MT3F-Ia-i-1.6

Grade Level: Grade 3

Subject: English Language

(1) Review:

Begin the lesson by reviewing the importance of spelling and how it helps in effective communication.
Review basic spelling rules and patterns that students have learned in previous lessons.
(2) Motivation:

Show a short video or present a picture slideshow of different scenes where spelling is important, such
as writing a letter, creating a menu, or making a sign.
Engage the students in a brief discussion about the importance of spelling in these situations.
(3) Activity: a) Word-Picture Match:

Prepare flashcards with pictures representing the vocabulary words you want the students to learn.
Show each flashcard to the students and ask them to guess the word it represents.
Write the word on the board and discuss its spelling together as a class.
Repeat this activity with all the flashcards.
b) Spelling Bee Relay:

Divide the class into two teams.

Prepare a list of vocabulary words and write each word on a separate piece of paper or index card.
Place the cards face down on one side of the classroom.
One student from each team will run to the pile of cards, pick one, return to their team, and spell the
word correctly.
If the student spells the word correctly, they earn a point for their team.
Continue until all the words have been spelled or for a designated time limit.
The team with the most points wins.
c) Word Scramble:

Create a worksheet with scrambled versions of the vocabulary words.

Distribute the worksheet to the students and instruct them to unscramble the words to find the correct
Provide assistance as needed.
(4) Analysis:

Lead a class discussion on the spelling patterns and rules observed during the activity.
Ask students to share their strategies for correctly spelling the words.
Provide feedback and clarification on any misconceptions.
(5) Abstraction:

Introduce a mnemonic device or a spelling rule that can help students remember the correct spelling of
a specific word.
Discuss strategies for remembering spelling patterns and rules.
(6) Application:

Present a real-life problem to the students that requires them to use the vocabulary words in a
meaningful context, such as writing a short paragraph or creating a story using the words.
Allow students to work individually or in pairs to solve the problem.
(7) Assessment:

Spell the word represented by the picture: [Insert picture] a) Option A: [Insert word] b) Option B: [Insert
word] c) Option C: [Insert word] d) Option D: [Insert word] Answer: [Insert correct option]

Fill in the blank with the correct spelling of the word: "The __________ is a beautiful bird." Answer:
[Insert correct spelling]

True or False: Spelling is not important in effective communication. Answer: [Insert False]

Match the word with its correct spelling: a) Picture: [Insert picture] Word: [Insert word] b) Picture:
[Insert picture] Word: [Insert word] Answer: [Insert correct matching]

Write the correct spelling of the word: [Insert picture] Answer: [Insert correct spelling]

(8) Assignment:

Assign students to create flashcards with pictures and corresponding words for five new vocabulary
Instruct them to practice spelling the words by using the flashcards regularly at home.
Interactive Activities:

Spelling Bee Contest:

Organize a spelling bee contest in the classroom, where students take turns spelling words from the
vocabulary list.
Provide small rewards or certificates for the winners.
Word Search Puzzle:
Create a word search puzzle using the vocabulary words.
Distribute the puzzle to the students and challenge them to find and circle the words within a given time
Spelling Relay Race:
Divide the class into two teams.
Write each vocabulary word on a separate piece of paper or index card.
Place the cards at one end of the classroom.
One student from each team runs to the cards, picks one, and races back to their team to spell the word
If the student spells the word correctly, they earn a point for their team.
The team with the most points at the end of the race wins.


Spell the words correctly out from the jumbled words given. Code: MT3F-Ia-i-1.6 Grade Level: 3
Subject: English Language

(1) Review:

Begin the lesson by reviewing the concept of spelling and the importance of spelling words correctly.
Recap the basic rules of spelling and discuss common spelling patterns.
(2) Motivation:

Engage students by showing them a short video or presenting a fun activity related to spelling. For
example, you can play a word jumble game where students have to unscramble letters to form words.
(3) Activity:

Provide a list of jumbled words to the students. Instruct them to unscramble the letters and spell the
words correctly. You can create a worksheet or use an interactive whiteboard for this activity. Encourage
students to work individually or in pairs to solve the jumbled words.
Distribute the worksheet or display the jumbled words on the interactive whiteboard.
Explain to the students that they need to unscramble the letters to form words.
Allow students to work individually or in pairs to solve the jumbled words.
Provide support and guidance as needed.
Once students have unscrambled the words, ask them to write down the correct spelling of each word.
(4) Analysis:

After completing the activity, facilitate a class discussion to analyze the correct spelling of each word.
Discuss any common spelling patterns or rules that can be applied.
(5) Abstraction:

Guide students to abstract the spelling rules or patterns from the words they have unscrambled. Help
them identify and understand the patterns that lead to the correct spelling of each word.
(6) Application:

Provide a real-life problem related to spelling. For example, ask students to write a short paragraph
using the correctly spelled words they have learned. This will allow them to apply their spelling skills in a
meaningful context.
(7) Assessment:

Unscramble the following word: R E A D

Answer: READ
Unscramble the following word: N T E A P

Answer: PANT
Unscramble the following word: S T R A T

Answer: START
Unscramble the following word: C I T Y T

Answer: CITY
Unscramble the following word: P L A E

Answer: LEAP
(8) Assignment:

Assign students with the following homework to reinforce their spelling skills:
Create a list of 10 jumbled words and unscramble them to spell them correctly. Write each word in a
sentence to demonstrate its proper usage.
Interactive Activities:

Spelling Bee Contest: Organize a spelling bee contest where students take turns unscrambling jumbled
words and spelling them correctly. This activity will create a competitive yet engaging environment for
students to practice their spelling skills.

Online Word Jumble Game: Direct students to an online word jumble game where they can practice
unscrambling words and spelling them correctly. Provide a list of recommended websites or apps that
offer such games.

Spelling Relay Race: Divide the class into teams and set up a relay race where each team member must
unscramble a word and spell it correctly before passing the baton to the next team member. The first
team to complete the race successfully wins. This activity promotes teamwork and quick thinking while
reinforcing spelling skills

Spelling the word "through" through a game (crossword)

Code: MT3F-Ia-i-1.6

Grade Level: Grade 3

Subject: English

(1) Review:

Review the concept of spelling and the importance of correct spelling in written communication.
(2) Motivation:

Show an image or video related to a crossword puzzle to introduce the game.

Engage students in a brief discussion about crossword puzzles and their purpose.
(3) Activity:

Divide the class into small groups of 4-5 students.

Provide each group with a crossword puzzle worksheet containing a grid and clues related to words with
the "through" spelling pattern.
Instruct the students to work collaboratively to solve the crossword puzzle by filling in the correct
Circulate among the groups to provide guidance and support as needed.
(4) Analysis:

After completing the crossword puzzle, gather the students as a whole class.
Discuss the process they used to solve the puzzle and the challenges they encountered.
Encourage students to share their strategies for finding the correct words.
(5) Abstraction:

Explain the spelling pattern of the word "through" and its pronunciation.
Provide examples of other words that follow the same pattern.
Discuss the importance of recognizing spelling patterns to improve spelling skills.
(6) Application:

Present a real-life problem to the students, such as writing a short story or a letter using the word
"through" correctly.
Ask students to incorporate the word "through" multiple times in their writing.
Provide guidance and feedback as students work on their writing tasks.
(7) Assessment:

True or False: The word "through" is spelled correctly. (Answer: True)

Fill in the blank: I walked ______ the park to get to school. (Answer: through)
Multiple-choice: Which word is spelled correctly? (a) trhough (b) throug (c) through (Answer: c)
Rearrange the letters to form the correct word: hguorht (Answer: through)
Match the word with its meaning: "through" means (a) across (b) below (c) above (Answer: a)
(8) Assignment:

Assign students to create their own crossword puzzle using words that follow the "through" spelling
Instruct them to include clues and a solution key.
Encourage students to exchange their puzzles with a classmate for solving in the next session.
Interactive Activities:

Crossword Race: Divide the class into two teams. Give each team a separate crossword puzzle related to
the word "through." The teams compete to solve the puzzle correctly in the shortest amount of time.
Spelling Bee: Organize a spelling bee where students take turns spelling words with the "through"
spelling pattern. Provide a list of words beforehand and award points for correct spelling.
Word Hunt: Create a word hunt activity where students search for words with the "through" spelling
pattern in a given text. Students mark or highlight the words they find and discuss them as a class

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