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This assignment is intended to gather your reflections on one of the topics addressed in weeks
7 (media), 8 (bureaucracy), or 9 (police and military), specifically your understanding of the
relationship between these major institutions and significant political outcomes. You are
tasked with composing a 1,500-word essay, in which you argue how this institution
influences one of three important political outcomes: economic development, democracy, or
violent conflict.
The Reflection comprises 30% of your final grade. 

Topic Selection:
Select one institution covered in weeks 7-9 of the course:
 Media
 Bureaucracy
 Police or military.
Select one political outcome of interest:
 The degree of economic development of a country;
 The level of democracy in a country; or
 The intensity of violent conflict in a country.

Build and defend an argument/thesis about how variation in your selected institution
impacts variation in the selected political outcome.
1. Think about the institution as the independent variable, and the political outcome
as the dependent variable.
2. Think about what the relevant variation is on the dependent variable (the
institution you select). I.e. what are the ways – as discussed in the lecture,
readings, and workshops – that the media, bureaucracy, or the police/military
differ from country to country?
3. Then think about how this variation may influence variation on the dependent
variable (the political outcome). I.e. is it likely to increase or decrease levels of
development, democracy, or conflict in a country?
4. Formulate a thesis statement or argument. For example, you could argue that…
 … more media censorship leads to declines in democracy.
 … more media ownership concentration leads to declines development.
 … a more professionalised bureaucracy leads to increases in development.
 … a less professionalised bureaucracy leads to declines in democracy.
 … strong civilian control over the military decreases violent conflict.
 … strong civilian control over the military increases violent conflict.

And so forth. There are almost unlimited possible combinations.

5. Present evidence for your argument. Can you give examples from countries
around the world? Can you provide statistical evidence or data? Think about how
you could “operationalise” the variables. How could you measure variation in the
institution? And how could you measure high/low development, democracy, or

Recommended Structure:
Successful reflection essays likely follow this recommended structure:
1. Introduction: Clearly state your chosen institution and the outcome (development,
democracy, or conflict) it affects. Present your thesis statement, briefly outlining
the argument you will develop throughout your essay. It is useful to very clearly
state your argument early on in the introduction (“in this essay, I will argue
2. Argument: Present your argument on how your chosen institution impacts either
development, democracy, or conflict, and say why. Clearly articulate your
reasoning, ensuring your viewpoint is evident.
3. Empirical Evidence: Support your argument with empirical evidence that you
have independently sourced. This could include but is not limited to case studies,
statistical data, or academic research. Make sure your evidence directly supports
your argument and is compelling and relevant. You may draw on the lecture and
on reading materials from this course. But you should also draw on peer-reviewed
journal articles that you find through your own research.
4. Conclusion: Summarise your argument and the evidence you've provided. Reflect
on the broader implications of your argument within the context of comparative
political institutions.

Your essay will be assessed on the originality and clarity of your argument, the relevance and
quality of your empirical evidence, and the overall structure of your essay. Attention to
spelling, grammar, and punctuation will also factor into your grade. The goal of this
assignment is to present a compelling argument about the influence of a chosen institution on
either development, democracy, or conflict, supported by solid empirical evidence.
The reflection marking criteria are:
1. Research:quality and breadth (20%);
2. Argument & Analysis:cohesiveness of argument; quality of supporting analysis
3. Academic Writing & Referencing:quality of writing; accuracy and adequacy of
referencing (20%)  
4. Organisation:cohesive flow and structure (20%)

This submission link allows for (3) three attempts, providing you with the opportunity to
check text matching for unintended plagiarism. It is acceptable for correctly cited items such
as references and direct quotations to be included in the matching % given.
Note: The last submitted file at the due date will be the assessment that is marked.

Formal Requirements:
Length The reflection paper must not exceed 1,500 words in length.

- You must read and refer to a minimum of 5 sources. The lecture and the
textbook do not count toward this (although you must cite them properly if
you use material from them).
Most of the sources should be quality academic sources, such as peer-
Sourcing reviewed journal articles or books. But some policy reports and some news
and articles are allowed.
- Pick any referencing system and apply it consistently. You are strongly
encouraged to use a citation management tool, like Zotero, EndNote,
Mendeley etc. Where an essay is incorrectly or
insufficiently referenced according to standard styles, it will be penalised with
a reduced mark. A totally unreferenced essay will not pass.

Ensure your case study is well edited and well-presented:

- Proofread  and edit your work before submitting;
- Use 1½ -2 line spacing;
Presentation - Use a legible font and font size (e.g. Times New Roman 12, Arial 11)

- Ensure pages are numbered; and

- Provide a cover sheet that includes your name, the title of the essay and the
word count.

Late The University Assessment Policy on the Griffith University website provides
for a penalty of 5 percent (%) of the total weighted mark for the assessment
submissions item, for each calendar day that the item is late. Assessment items submitted
more than seven calendar days after the due date will be awarded zero marks.

Requests for extensions must be made via the official application

system prior to the due date. Study load and work commitments are not
normally acceptable reasons for extensions. Assignments submitted without
an authorised extension after the due date will be penalised. 

Griffith University, and GIR, take Academic Integrity very seriously.

Students in this course may be requested to provide drafts of their submitted
assignments and/or relevant notes and references, and to briefly discuss the
assignment’s content and ideas with the course convenor. 
Any assignments which are suspected of being produced by means
involving plagiarism or cheating will be dealt with in accordance with the
University’s Institutional Framework for Promoting Academic Integrity
among StudentsLinks to an external site., and may be dealt with in accordance
with the  Student Academic Misconduct PolicyLinks to an external site..
Much of your work will involve using the work of others. This is acceptable
practice, providing you make it clear where the material has come from. To
avoid any charge of academic misconduct it is important that you use the
appropriate techniques when making reference to other sources. There are
also procedures in place to ensure that any duplication of assignments is
readily identified.

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming an important tool in the

research process. You are allowed, in principle, to use generative AI tools
such as Chat-GPT in your work on your case study assignment.
However, you must consider both the opportunities and limitations of
engaging with these tools.
- Do use AI to generate ideas and structures
AI - Don’t use AI to generate text, summarise articles, or find citations. These
tools are known to produce citations for articles that don’t exist. They also
don’t always accurately describe the state of knowledge on a topic.
Ultimately, you are the author of your case study, and responsible for its
accuracy and integrity.
The library has guidelines for referring generative AI tools by referencing
style, including examples, in the Referencing Guides.

View Rubric
A2: Reflection Rubric

A2: Reflection Rubric

Criteria Ratings

12 to >10.19 pts
The argument is very clearly presented and defended throughout.
core concepts, and provides a very high level of analysis througho
10.19 to >8.99 pts
Very Good
The argument is, on the whole, clearly presented and defended th
concepts and provides a high level of analysis throughout. Studen
8.99 to >7.79 pts
Argument & Analysis Good
The argument is, generally, clearly presented and defended throug
concepts and provides a good level of analysis. A commendable e
7.79 to >5.99 pts
The argument could have been better developed, presented and de
demonstrated and a limited level of analysis is provided. Few insi
5.99 to >0 pts
The argument is hard to discern as it is very poorly presented and
demonstrated and analysis is extremely limited. Student provides

6 to >5.09 pts
Utilises current, appropriate, credible and very well chosen source
5.09 to >4.49 pts
Very Good
Utilises current, appropriate, credible and well chosen sources wh
4.49 to >3.89 pts
Research Utilises a good number of current, appropriate, credible and well
3.89 to >2.99 pts
Utilises some current, appropriate, credible and well chosen sourc
2.99 to >0 pts
Utilises very few current, appropriate, credible and well chosen so

Academic writing and referencing 6 to >5.09 pts

A2: Reflection Rubric

A2: Reflection Rubric

Criteria Ratings

Quality of writing is of a very high standard. A clear and well stru

argument; paragraphs are well linked and cohesive; and there is a
and punctuation throughout. Referencing and reference list is accu
5.09 to >4.49 pts
Very Good
Quality of writing is of a high standard A generally clear and wel
essay's argument; paragraphs are mostly well linked and cohesive
correct grammar, spelling and punctuation throughout. Referencin
4.49 to >3.89 pts
Quality of writing is of a good standard. A solid and mostly well
essay's argument; paragraphs are mostly well linked and cohesive
correct grammar, spelling and punctuation but with some errors. R
complete, but with some errors.
3.89 to >2.99 pts
Quality of writing could be improved; there are problems with sen
included but does not necessarily cover an introduction's requirem
the next, and the conclusion is limited. Frequent grammar, punctu
list is not always accurate and complete, and there are frequent er
2.99 to >0 pts
Quality of writing is of a very poor standard, often hard to follow
are not linked together cohesively or are poorly structured; and th
spelling mistakes. Little or no evidence of proof reading. Referen
there are many errors.

Structure 6 to >5.09 pts

The ideas are arranged in a very logical, well-structured, and cohe
used as guides from one section to the next.
5.09 to >4.49 pts
Very Good
The ideas are arranged in a generally logical, well-structured, and
generally used as guides from one section to the next.
4.49 to >3.89 pts
The ideas are often arranged in logical, well-structured & coheren
times as guides from one section to the next; however could be re
3.89 to >2.99 pts
The ideas are not always logically structured or coherently presen
A2: Reflection Rubric

A2: Reflection Rubric

Criteria Ratings

better used as guides from one section to the next.

2.99 to >0 pts
There is little coherent structure to the essay. The essay appears v
of transition or linking statements.

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