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Screenplay- Anhuyi

[ EXT. RAJASTHANI DESERTSOMEWHERE A WINDY DAY ] Sand is blowing about. In silhouette, we can see camels and nomads passing by from left to right of the screen. It is a caravan party. The sand near the bottom of the screen blows up and forms the title of the movie. The sand blows out.] (Soft Rajasthani Sarangi instrumental)

(Soft sound of the sand)

[Camera Sn structure:] [Cut to] [Duration: ]

[EXT. RAJASTHANI VILLAGE] ST-01 REVEAL- ESTABLISHING SHOT of the entire village from a sand dune. [Dissolve to] ST-02 Camera Zooms into the village followed by panning to one hut, where PICKLES are put out to dry in the sun, and the GOBAR put out to dry on the clay walls of the courtyard. [Camera Instruction LS zoom followed by panning from left to right] [Cut to] [Duration: ] [Camera Instruction ELS]

[INT. HOUSE] ST-01 The camera enters into the courtyard and zooms into the feet of the lady. [Camera Instruction: Zooms in the feet from LS to CS] [Fast dissolve to] [Duration: ST-02 ]

The camera moves up from her feet and she is seen sitting on a swing, holding her tummy. And she falls asleep. [Camera Instruction: Camera tilts up from the feet of the lady to the

[Transition We spiral into her thoughts.]

[Duration: ]


ST-01A The lady is chasing the little girl in a endless meadow. [Camera Instruction: LONG SHOT.] [Fast Dissolve]

ST-01B The lady is pulled back by black shadows of human like silhouettes of man, she is trying hard to be with the girl but she is not allowed to, the little girl then sees back, and gets frightened after seeing the parting. [Mid shot] [Continuation of Shot-1A] [Duration: ]

ST-02 Black creepy shadows are coming towards her. Discoloring everything, shadow contains sharp contours. And starts running. [Little top angle shot from perspective] [Cut to] [Duration:]

ST-03 The little girl runs faster and faster. She is terrified. [MID SHOT in profile view] [Burn out to] [Duration: ]

ST-04 Girls face; concentrating on her eyes. [CAMERA ZOOMS into-ECS] [Fast dissolve:] [Duration: ]

ST-05 The little girl looks tiny. Compared to the looming dark structures. [Top angle -LS] [Cut to] [Duration: ]

ST-06 The girl runs and seems to be standing in a land that is absolutely empty and dark. Except in front of her is a majestic doorway, made of several doors. (RAJASTHANI doors) [MLS from the back of the girl- shot is in low key] [Cut to] [Duration: ]

ST-07 [CAMERA Tilts-UP] from the base to the top of the door and we see its a door made of several small doors; Haveli doors, and cowshed doors, small wooden doors, iron constructions, etc. [Cut to] [Duration: ]

ST-08 The little girl- She is puzzled and looks confused. [CLOSE UP of face] [Cut to] [Duration: ]

ST-09 The Girl runs towards an partly open door through which reflection of the fire is visible; she climbed up on door... Placing her feet on one brass handle, she lifts herself up and pushes the door with both hands. [Long shot] [Fade out] [Duration: ]


ST-01 The girl enters into the screen from the left, having pushed a very heavy door. She almost falls in. But catches herself in time. [MID SHOT] [Cut to] [Duration: ]

ST-02 The girl is at the top of a bottomless well, if she would have fallen she would have died. The shadows are still following her. [LS- From top angle showing little back side of the girl] [Cut to] [Duration: ]

ST-03 Distorted reflection of the well in the girls eyeball. [ECU Girls eyes slow zoom into one eyeball] [Dissolve to] [Duration: ]

ST-04 Diagonally dividing the screen where the girl climbs up looking here and there in phase 1 and coming down along the stairs looking here and there in phase 2. [Character and background in black and white and formation of stairs for going up and coming down will happen in two phases] [Long shot] [Cut to] [Duration: ]

ST-05 Blue snakes appear in the screen from above. [Continuation of the previous shot] ST-06 Blue snakes gets tangled around the hands of the girl, holding the girl tightly and not letting her go. [Close up shot]

[Cut to] [Duration: ]

ST-01 The girl morphs into a KATPUTLI. [Close up] (DRESS-- cut-out of telegraphs heading related to girl child killing)

[Cut to] [Duration: ]

ST-02 The girl is trying her best to escape from that form, but she is not able to. [Long shot]

[Cut to] [Duration: ]

ST-03 She tries harder and harder and at last she breaks through and falls down.

[Zooms out of the girl]

[Cut to] [Duration: ]

ST-04 She then stands up and runs while looking backward.(from back side of the girl)

[Long shot]

[Special effect transition] [Duration: ]

ST-01A The girl falls into a black space. She is looking towards the camera. [Top angle shot-long shot] [Slow motion shot] [Duration]

ST-01B The girl is falling down and becoming smaller with time to infinite degree. [Continuation of the previous shot] [Slow motion shot] [Dissolve to] [Duration]

Camera tracking fast through a tunnel. [Cut to] [Duration]

[EXT. of the courtyard Lady sitting on a Jhula] ST-01 THE ladys face lady opens her eyes scared of a dream, she touches her tummy and feels assured of her baby. The lady keeps on swinging. [Slow zoom out from ladys face to her body till MLS]

[Fade out] [Duration]

Caption and credits scroll against the black background.


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