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Thank you for supporting my work. Please take a moment to review the following license

1. Usage Rights:
o You are permitted to sell physical prints of my models.
o However, this permission is limited to printing on your own printers for
personal or small-scale commercial purposes.
2. Redistribution:
o You are strictly prohibited from redistributing (sharing or selling) my digital
files or any parts of them, including in an altered ("remixed") form.
o The distribution rights are reserved exclusively by the original creator (me,
3. Reverse-Engineering:
o You are not allowed to reverse-engineer my models or attempt to recreate or
extract their design information.
4. Attribution:
o It is greatly appreciated if you provide credit or mention the original model
creator (me, IXPatch) when showcasing or posting about your prints. It helps
to support and promote my work.

Please note:

• These terms apply to all my 3D models unless explicitly stated otherwise.

• These terms are subject to change, and it is recommended to periodically check for
any updates or revisions.

If you have any questions or need further clarification, please feel free to contact me at

Thank you for respecting these terms and for your continued support.


Version: 17.06.2023
I've put together this list of common questions and their answers to help you out with any
issues you may encounter.

Please keep in mind that the answers provided here are general and may not cover every
specific situation. Don't hesitate to reach out to me directly for help if you need further


Q: What settings do you use to print your models?

A: I typically use the default settings for my printers plus an enabled outer brim. If you want
to review the exact settings I use for each model, you can import the corresponding .3mf file
into your slicer (the files ending in “mmu.3mf” are for PrusaSlicer, the ones ending in
“ams.3mf” are for BambuStudio).

If you use a different slicer and can’t load my project files to review the precise settings
yourself, here’s a general overview of the settings I like to use:

• Nozzle: 0.4 mm hardened steel

• Layer height: 0.2 mm
• Infill: 15% with a gyroid pattern for efficiency (or grid for speed)
• Filament: PLA with a printing temperature of around 210°C (or around 235°C for
high-speed printing)
• Print bed: High-temp spring steel sheet at 60°C bed temperature
• Top shell: 6 layers with a minimum thickness of 0.7 mm
• Bottom shell: 4 layers with a minimum thickness of 0.5 mm
• Wall loops: 2 loops
• Brim: 5 mm width with a 0.2 mm brim gap; no skirt loops

Additional settings for models with a small contact area:

• “Z-Hop” enabled
• “Avoid crossing perimeters” enabled


Q: The parts on my print won't move. How do I fix this?

A: If the parts are not moving, it could be due to several factors. Some potential issues to
consider are:

Version: 17.06.2023
• Horizontal Expansion: Please ensure that this option is turned off in your slicer.
• Automatic Supports: Unless otherwise stated, my models do not require supports.
Leaving the automatic support interface enabled in your slicer may result in supports
getting generated within the joints and hinges, effectively fusing them shut. So
please make sure that automatic supports are disabled.
• Model Shrinkage: It is not recommended to scale the models down, as the
clearances also shrink and become harder to print (or even unprintable) at smaller
• Overextrusion: This is usually caused by excessive heat, high flow rate, or
inconsistent filament diameter. Please make sure you use high-quality, dry filament
with optimal settings for your machine.
• Insufficient Precision: Ensure that your printer has sufficient print precision (~
±0.2mm), the belts are tight and the rods are clean from debris and lubricated for
smooth motion.
• High Speed: Excessive print speed can lead to poor part cooling and increase the
chances of parts fusing together. Try reducing the print speed and see if it improves
the performance of your prints.

To troubleshoot, try printing a clearance test to determine if your printer can handle a
minimum clearance of 0.3-0.4mm, and adjust your settings accordingly.

If everything else fails, scaling the model up will increase the clearances and make the
models easier to print. Alternatively, adjusting the horizontal expansion with a low negative
value (e.g., -0.1mm) can also increase clearances, but be cautious as this may affect other
aspects of the print, such as the individual parts' strength.


Q: The parts on my print are too loose. How do I fix this?

A: If the parts are too loose on your print to hold a pose, consider the following solutions:

• Apply a small drop of glue in the joints. Be cautious not to use too much, as it may
glue the parts shut. The goal is to increase friction between the parts and improve
• Reprint with a very low positive horizontal expansion (e.g. +0.05mm). Ensure that
the clearances are still visible in the sliced preview before printing. Keep in mind that
adjusting the expansion values can affect other aspects of the print, such as its
overall dimensions and strength.


Q: Small parts come lose during printing. How do I prevent this?

A: Small parts are susceptible to being knocked over during printing due to their limited
contact with the build plate and their tendency to curl upwards. To mitigate this issue,
consider the following measures:

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• Use a brim or a raft: These provide better bed adhesion and offer a wider base for
enhanced stability.
• Activate Z-Hop: Enabling Z-Hop raises the nozzle during travel moves, reducing the
risk of collision when transitioning between parts.
• Enable "avoid crossing perimeters": This minimizes travel between parts, further
reducing the chances of knocking them over.
• Address potential curling: Increase the fan speed or decrease the printing
temperature to counteract upward curling. Keep in mind that these adjustments
may affect other aspects of the print.

If everything else fails, consider adding manual supports to critical parts to securely hold
them in place during printing.


I hope this FAQ has been helpful. As an individual creator, I appreciate your interest and
support. If you have any further inquiries or need additional assistance, please feel free to
reach out to me at . Happy printing!


Version: 17.06.2023

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