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Computer System Architecture

Unit no.: 2
Level A. Easy Questions (2 marks each)
Q39 What is register? What is register transfer in computer architecture? CO2
Q40 Write down the operation of control unit? CO2
Q41 Define the term Computer Architecture. CO2
Q42 Give the name of various memory types in computer. CO2
Q43 What is the relation between memory size and their speeds? CO2
Q44 Why RTL is preferred for describing internal organization of digital com- CO2
Q45 What is the purpose of a clock signal in register transfer? CO2
Q46 What is the role of a data bus in register transfer? CO2
Q47 What is the role of an address bus in register transfer? CO2
Q48 What is the role of a control bus in register transfer? CO2
Q49 What is RTL (Register Transfer Language)? CO2
Q50 What are some common RTL operators? CO2
Q51 How does RTL differ from traditional programming languages? CO2
Q52 What is a bus in computer architecture, and how is it used for data transfer? CO2
Q53 List common types of buses used in computer systems? CO2
Q54 What is an arithmetic micro-operation? Give an example CO2
Q55 How do logical micro-operations differ from arithmetic micro-operations? CO2
Q56 What is a shift micro-operation? CO2
Q57 What is Booth's algorithm, and how does it work? CO2
Q58 What are the advantages of using Booth’s algorithm to multiply two num- CO2
Q59 How does Booth's algorithm compare to other multiplication algorithms in
terms of speed and efficiency?
Level B. Intermediate Questions (5 marks each)
Q60 What are some common types of shift micro-operations, and how do they CO2
differ from one another?
Q61 Explain IEEE standard for Floating point numbers. CO2
Q62 How does rounding work in the IEEE standard for floating point numbers? CO2
Q63 What is the IEEE standard for floating point numbers? CO2
Q64 Explain why RTL is preferred for describing internal organization of digital CO2
Q65 Illustrate the register transfer mechanism for P: R2 R1 with necessary dia- CO2
Q66 Explain the process of storing a word into memory. CO2
Q67 Discuss the role of cache memory in computer system. CO2
Q68 Differentiate between bus transfer and memory transfer. CO2
Q69 Define system bus? Explain the different buses in computer architecture. CO2
Level C. Difficult Questions (10 marks each)
Q70 What are the different components of a floating point number, as defined by CO2
the IEEE standard?
Q71 Explain the working of Arithmetic logic shift unit in detail. CO2
Q72 Explain booth’s algorithm for multiplication. CO2
Q73 Explain IEEE standard for Floating point numbers. What is the significance CO2
of the exponent and mantissa in the IEEE standard for floating point num-
bers, and how do they affect the precision and range of floating point val-
Q74 Explain Arithmetic, logic and shift micro-operations. CO2
Q75 Define system bus? Explain the different buses in computer architecture. CO2

** Note: Students to be instructed to draw well labeled diagrams wherever necessary, to support
their answers (especially in level B and C questions)
** The format is for Unit wise question bank, kindly insert the sheets for various units

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