Does Your Rolling Stock Have ACTIVE Fire Suppression 1681282417

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Rolling Stock

Fire Suppression
When will rail authorities start addressing
active fire suppression for rolling stock?

The trains, trams, and subways have resulted in significant Controversy surrounded this
that comprise the broad term downtime to the rail service. In incident with allegations of a
“rolling stock” represent the oldest other instances, those involved in coverup and several people
form of mass land transportation rolling stock fire incidents have not receiving criminal indictments. Of
that is still in use today. Rolling been nearly so lucky. immediate interest to investigators
stock in some form has been with was the fact that the train was not
us for over 200 years and remains equipped with engines or fuel and
popular. Rail is one of the most had no driver. There was only low-
energy-efficient transport modes, voltage equipment, hydraulic fluid
responsible for 9% of global to operate the brakes, and a single
motorized passenger movement attendant charged with operating
and 7% of freight but only 3% the doors.6
of transport energy use.1 Rolling The Kaprun fire was one of those
stock conveyances are so popular “perfect storm” type of events
because they are efficient, have where circumstances conspired
less overall environmental impact to make the disaster exponentially
than other forms of transportation, more horrific. First, the fire broke
are a relatively inexpensive way out in an unoccupied cabin which
to move freight, and most of all, gave it a several-minute head
rolling stock is safe. start before it was discovered.
Kaprun Funicular Railway
In terms of safety, rolling stock Photo courtesy of Wikipedia Secondly, the spreading fire
is second only to commercial burned through the hydraulic lines
airlines.2 In the U.S. most One of the most significant, in which, in addition to feeding the
incidents involving rolling stock terms of lives lost, is the Kaprun fire, caused the train to halt in the
are the result of a collision or disaster that involved a funicular tunnel because of low hydraulic
derailment.3 In the UK, 78% of all railway in Austria on November 11, pressure. The descending
rail fatalities are due to “suicide 2000. In this incident, as the train companion train was already
by rail.”4 Fires on rolling stock are was ascending through a tunnel, stopped in the tunnel waiting for
thankfully rare events with many fire broke out in an unoccupied the ascending train to pass.7
of them being secondary to a cabin that quickly spread In this instance, the tunnel
collision or derailment. throughout the conveyance. contained the smoke and toxic fire
But fires on rolling stock do Before the event was over, the fire gases and acted as a chimney to
occur, and often with catastrophic killed 155 people: 150 in the cars direct the fire gas effluent up the
consequences. Since opening in where the fire originated, two on tunnel, past the companion train,
1994, the English Channel tunnel the descending companion train, and into the occupied rail station
or “Chunnel” has experienced and three at the rail station on at the summit. Because hydraulic
several high-profile fires that, the summit. Only twelve people pressure was lost, the train’s doors
while not resulting in fatalities, managed to survive the ordeal.5 could not be opened, and shatter-
resistant glass further hindered equipment purchases.”9 The FRA flammability standards. Therefore,
escape. Adding to the tragedy was appears to be mostly concerned the entire fire behavior modeling—
that several passengers and the with the burning characteristics based on combustion of the
attendant who managed to escape of the materials used in the as-built contents of the car—is
the car egressed up the tunnel manufacture and furnishing of incomplete.
instead of downwards and were passenger rail cars.
overcome in the smoke plume.8 In the European Union (EU), the
The ensuing investigation revealed story is almost the same. Proposed
that a faulty heater was the cause improvements to TRANSFEU
of the fire. An eruption of finger- (Transport Fire Safety Engineering
pointing followed as the public in the European Union) standards
demanded that someone be held call for better and more dynamic
responsible for this tragedy. But modeling and measurement
the real tragedy was this incident capabilities in predicting fire
being yet another example of a behavior and controlling the
fire that started out small, was production of toxic effluents from In the case of the Kaprun disaster,
undetected, and with no fire burning materials.10 It only takes a had there been any form of fire
suppression system present, grew cursory internet search to realize suppression in the car where
unchallenged. As a result, scores that materials fire testing is a huge the fire originated, the event
of people perished. business in the EU. would have made a good story
There is no shortage of fire safety Absent from all these initiatives for the train’s occupants after
standards in the rail industry. But, is the demand for better fire they enjoyed a day of skiing. But
when you examine the rail fire suppression should a fire break because the sole focus of the
safety initiatives underway in both out. While reducing the flammability EU, as with the U.S., is passive
the U.S. and Europe, the focus of materials and selecting materials fire suppression, everything is
appears to be squarely on passive that do not off-gas toxic vapors left to chance once a fire gains a
fire protection measures. is a critical task, experience has foothold.
taught us that you cannot place Rail authorities need the realization
your reliance in total on passive that passive fireproofing measures
fire protection measures. Fires are only one part of the fire
always find ways to defeat these protection triangle for rolling stock.
measures and, if these measures Of equal importance is the timely
have been taken at the expense of detection of fires. This is getting
fire suppression, the outcome will attention in the EU because of
be predictably tragic. the apparent trend of rail fires
Photos courtesy of Fire Safety | FRA occurring in tunnels. A rolling stock
The rail industry needs to
According to the Federal Railroad recognize that even if cabin fire in a tunnel is an exponentially
Administration (FRA), their most materials and cabin layout are more dangerous and damaging
pressing need is the “development designed to resist fire to the incident than a fire occurring in
of refined testing techniques and greatest degree possible, all of the open.
metrics of performance that can the personal belongings and But conspicuously missing is
be applied by car manufacturers luggage with which passengers the inclusion of an active fire
and operating authorities for new board are not subject to the same suppression system that can
rapidly control the fire and mitigate methods that appear tailored to There are many rail safety
the danger to passengers and rolling stock fire suppression. conferences scheduled around
crew. Fire suppression on rolling One such new system the globe. Let us all hope that
stock can be challenging because incorporates a potassium- the authorities having jurisdiction
it is mobile and is comprised based condensed aerosol into make the critical decision to
of individual rail cars that may a compact delivery platform. address the fire suppression
change as the rolling stock runs its These self-contained units are leg of the rolling stock fire
route. These two factors rule out perfect to cover every fire risk protection triangle. They should
legacy fire suppression systems on a rolling stock. The units can do this by mandating effective fire
such as sprinkler systems. Clean be installed directly in the hostile suppression measures throughout
agent systems are a possibility for environment of engine and motor the rolling stock, but especially in
the locomotive and other select compartments, as well as in the occupied areas such as passenger
locations but are difficult to extend passenger cars themselves. and sleeping cars.
from one car to another. And their compact nature allows Had rail officials taken this step
There are two primary them to be installed in almost any earlier, the skiers in Kaprun on
environments on a rolling stock location without being or looking November 11, 2000, would have
where fire suppression is needed. intrusive. an interesting anecdote to tell
The first area is where the known Adding to the versatility of the about a ski trip where a fire was
fire hazards exist—such as the condensed aerosol system extinguished before they barely
traction motor compartments is that the units require no even knew there was a fire. This is
in the locomotive, as well as electrical connections and can one of those rare problems where
around the fuel system and be programmed to activate at the solution is readily available
electrical cabinets. Secondly, fire pre-determined temperatures. Or and relatively inexpensive. If this
suppression is also required in the units can be linked together decision is not undertaken, it is
the passenger rail cars to quickly and connected to a fire detection only a matter of time before there
suppress a fire, allowing time for system to activate at once in is yet another tragic rolling stock
the occupants to escape. a total flooding manner. Once disaster.
Because of the perceived discharged, the agent poses no
difficulties in developing a health or environmental risks
system than can adequately and requires minimal cleanup.
cover these myriad threats, it has The versatility, ruggedness, and
largely been eschewed in favor effectiveness of the condensed
of passive measures. This was aerosol system makes it an ideal
perhaps sound reasoning until choice for the many locations
recently. Innovative changes in fire across myriad pieces of rolling
suppression systems have resulted stock where it is indicated.
in new agents and delivery

U.S. DOT Federal Railroad Administration


2 stocks-safer-than-cars-buses-passengers-experts-
Rolling stock Fatalities, Injuries, and Accidents by Type of Accident | Bureau of Transportation Statistics (

UK rail suicides: a decade of data | Rail transport | The Guardian


Fire Safety | FRA (


Transport Fire Safety Engineering in the E.U.ropean Union | TRIMIS (E.U.ropa.E.U.)

Fireaway Inc.
5852 Baker Road
Minnetonka, MN 55345
United States

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