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Roro Jonggrang and 1000 Tample’s


 Aziz Humam M. (IXC/03-0064-070-3)

 Firstazea Diaz Navril A. (IXC/03-0064-081-8)
 Nayla Azzahra A. (IXC/03-0064-085-4)
 Titis Dwi R. (IXC/03-0064-094-3)

SMP Negeri 1 Wates

Jl. Terbah No.6, Wates, Kulon Progo, DI Yogyakarta 55611. Telepon: (0274)773025, Email:, Website:
Act 1

Narator : “Once upon a time, There were two kingdoms in disagreement

with one another. There were Baka kingdom and Pengging kingdom.”

Damar Maya : ” My son, come here!”

Bandung Bandawasa : “Your Majesty, why are you calling me?”

Damar Maya : “Because I heard from the soldiers today.”

Damar Maya : “Our kingdom has been attacked by Baka’s Kingdom, we must
counterattack them”

Bandung Bandawasa : “My pleasure, Your Majesty. I will deploy our entire army.”

Bandung Bandawasa : “Hey Baka! Let's fight and show who's the strongest between us.”

Prabu Baka : “You can't win against our kingdom, Damar. Surrender your

Kingdom before you lose!”

Patih Gupala : “Right, You must abide by our kingdom.”

Bandung Bandawasa : “We will not surrender, not until our deaths!”

Patih Gupala : “If so, prepare for your death.”

(War and Prabu Baka died)

Damar Maya : “In the end, they lose and your arrogance becomes useless, Baka.”

Prabu Baka : “How dare you do this to me?”

Damar Maya : “You started this war and I will be the one who ends it, fair enough?”

Patih Gupala : “How can? How can you kill our king?”

Bandung Bandawasa : “Your Majesty, We must counterattack their kingdom!”

Patih Gupala : “No! You can’t!”

(Patih Gupala ran towards Pengging Kingdom)

Damar Maya: : “Continue the war and conquer the Baka’s Kingdom!”

Bandung Bandawasa : “Everything for you, Your Majasty.”

Patih Gupala : “I have to save Roro Jonggrang!”

Act 2

Narator : When Patih gupala arrived at Baka's kingdom and immediately


for Roro Jonggrang.

Patih Gupala : “Milady, Your Majesty has fallen in a war against The Baka’s
Kingdom. We must leave this kingdom before they arrived.”

(Patih Gupala come)

Roro Jonggrang : “Deploy our defence army. We must’nt leave this kingdom until we


Dayang : “Milady, Milady, Bandung Bandawasa has arrived!”

Roro Jonggrang : “Bandung Bandawasa? Who is he?”

Dayang : ”King Damar Mayan's son from Pengging, Milady. Maybe he came

attack us.

Bandung Bandawasa : Right, my name is Bandung Bandawasa, I will give you two choices.
Join my kingdom or give up yours!”

Dayang : “Milady, don’t be hasty. You must think about the folks.”

Roro Jonggrang : “You have killed my father, so don't expect anything, leave my
kingdom now!”

Bandung Bandawasa : “If so, I can still execute all of your folks.”.

(Roro Jonggrang pondered)

Roro Jonggrang : “I will join your kingdom in one condition, you must build me 1000
temples in one night. You must go from my kingdom if you are unable
to fulfill it.”

Bandung Bandawasa : “Everything you want, Jonggrang.”

Act 3

Narator : “As instructed by Roro Jonggrang, Bandung Bandawasa met with

spirits to enlist their assistance in constructing 1000 temples over


Bandung Bandawasa : “Come, my servants, you must construct a thousand temples.”

Spirit : “As you wish, Your Majesty. We will make it for you.”

Dayang : “Milady, Bandung Bandawasa is nearing the end of your demands.”

Roro Jonggrang : “Burn all straw and pound the rice!”

Dayang : “All right, milady.”

Spirit : “Guys, do you hear that? The sun is coming up, we must leave soon!”

(Spirit running)

Bandung Bandawasa : “Don’t go! We only have one temple left!”

Spirit : “Sorry, Your Majesty, we are unable to remain here.”


(Run towards Roro Jonggrang)

Roro Jonggrang : “You have not fulfilled my conditions. You must get out of my
kingdom, Bandung.”

Bandung Bandawasa : “What have you said? You drive my servant away, you purposefully
set fire to straw and pound rice.”

Roro Jonggrang : “Still, you didn't do what I asked of you.”

Bandung Bandawasa : “I can't take it, you're cheating. I will curse you into a stone, as the
1000th temple.”

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