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Inquiry Based Learning

1. Describe inquiry based learning.


Is something that all of us experience throughout our lives, growing up

children are continually asking question in an attempt to make sense of the world, we

want to understand the world around us or try to figure out how it works and we do

this by asking questions.

2. Give the good points of traditional teaching methods and inquiry-based learning.

What approach can be effective in science teaching?


 Traditional Teaching Methods- Teachers are acts as the sage on the stage

passing on information from a textbook to the students in step by step process

success is then measured students ability to recite the information with a focus

on reproducing one correct answer. Inquiry- Based Learning it actively

involves students in their own learning. The best approach can be effective in

science teaching is the Inquiry Based learning and its level or approach is the

Coupled Inquiry the combination of the two types or levels of inquiry based

learning the Guided inquiry phase and followed by an open inquiry phase.

3. What is constructivist theory?


Constructivist theory is that people construct their own understanding and

knowledge of the world through experiencing things and then reflecting on those

experiences and this theory is by John Dewey’s.

4. What is the teacher’s role om inquiry based learning?


 Teacher acts as the facilitator of the students learning rather than the provider

of information as well as having an excellent understanding of the content.

 Content Expert

 Carefully Planner

5. Discuss levels of inquiry based learning.


There are three levels of Inquiry based learning the Structured Approach or

Inquiry, Guided Inquiry, and Open Inquiry. The Structured Approach or Inquiry-

where the teacher mainly directs the inquiry, teacher provides the question to be

investigated and they would then provided step by step instruction. Develop students

ability to conduct more open-minded inquiries, next is the Guided Inquiry wherein

the teacher generally chooses question, students take more responsibility, teacher

plays an important role in guarding the inquiries this could be through feedback or

posing further questions that help student in the right direction. Lastly, the Open

Inquiry, students take the lead in establishing the question and method while the
teacher takes an supportive roles and requires higher order thinking. There is also the

combination of two types of inquiry it is called Coupled Inquiry, the teacher will

begin with the guided inquiry phase followed by an open inquiry phase, and this level

of inquiry requiring the customized to suit the need of the students.

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