Glossary For Alpahbet D

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Here are 20 unique glossary terms that start with the letter "E":

1. Encryption: The process of converting information into a code (cipher) to protect it from unauthorized
access or interception, ensuring its confidentiality.

2. Ethernet: A common technology used for wired local area network (LAN) connections, allowing
devices to communicate and share data within a local network.

3. E-commerce: Electronic commerce, which involves buying and selling goods or services over the
internet, often through online stores and digital payment methods.

4. EULA (End-User License Agreement): A legal contract that outlines the terms and conditions under
which software or digital products can be used by end-users.

5. Emulator: Software or hardware that mimics the behavior of a different system, allowing programs or
applications to run on platforms they were not originally designed for.

6. Encryption Key: A specific piece of information used in encryption and decryption processes to secure
and protect data.

7. Event-driven Programming: A programming paradigm where the flow of a program is determined by

events or user actions, triggering corresponding responses.

8. ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning): Integrated software systems that help organizations manage
various aspects of their operations, including finances, inventory, and human resources.

9. E-mail Spoofing: A cyberattack where the sender's email address is forged, making the email appear to
come from a legitimate source to deceive recipients.

10. Encryption Algorithm: A set of rules and procedures used to transform data into a cipher, ensuring
secure communication and storage.
11. Endpoint: A device, such as a computer or smartphone, that serves as a point of access to a network
or the internet.

12. Error Handling: The process of managing and addressing errors that occur during program execution
to prevent crashes or unintended behavior.

13. ETL (Extract, Transform, Load): A process in data warehousing where data is extracted from various
sources, transformed into a consistent format, and then loaded into a target database.

14. Extranet: A private network that allows authorized external parties, such as partners or customers, to
access certain resources or information of an organization.

15. Event Loop: A core part of event-driven programming where the program continually checks for
events and executes corresponding event handlers.

16. Edge Computing: A computing paradigm where data processing occurs closer to the data source or
"edge" of the network, reducing latency and improving response times.

17. EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory): A type of non-volatile memory
that can be rewritten and erased electrically, commonly used in devices for storing small amounts of

18. Enterprise Architecture: The practice of designing and structuring an organization's technology
systems, processes, and resources to align with its strategic goals.

19. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD): A visual representation used in database design to illustrate the
relationships between different entities (tables) in a database.

20. Error Code: A numerical or alphanumeric code that indicates the type and cause of an error
encountered during the execution of a program or system.

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