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International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET)

Volume 9, Issue 3, March 2018, pp. 698–706, Article ID: IJCIET_09_03_071

Available online at
ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316

© IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed


Arthika B
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,
Vels Institute of Science, Technology & Advanced Studies, Chennai, Tamilnadu

Sriraman M
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,
Vels Institute of Science, Technology & Advanced Studies, Chennai, Tamilnadu

Jino R
Assistant professor, Department of Civil Engineering,
Vels Institute of Science, Technology & Advanced Studies, Chennai, Tamilnadu

Maheswari K
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,
St. Joseph’s Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamilnadu

Management of municipal solid waste is a major challenge these days for the
administrators, engineers and planners. Huge volumes of solid waste are generated
and need to be collected, transported and finally disposed off. These operations have
to be carried out speedily and efficiently without incurring excessive cost or damage
to environment. The generation of solid waste in our country is being collected in
various forms and the volume of waste is minimized and finally it sent to the dumping
site. In municipal solid waste management the process involved in disposal of waste is
composting, incineration and land filling.
In the present study, the proposed design of sanitary landfill for the Avadi
Municipality has been done. The design of sanitary landfill is carried out by
forecasting the future population, estimating the total solid waste, providing the
leachate management system, liner system and final cover for the design period of 20
years. The problem that most commonly occurred in landfill was ground water
contamination, evolution of foul gases, breeding of mosquitoes, rodents etc.
The result shows that the provision of double composite liner system can reduce
the ground water contamination. Leachate generated can be collected through pipes
and then it can be treated properly. Methane gas produced in the landfill can be used
for the generation of electricity.
Keywords: Sanitary landfill, municipal solid waste, leachate. 698

Arthika B, Sriraman M, Jino R and Maheswari K

Cite this Article: Arthika B, Sriraman M, Jino R and Maheswari K, Design of

Sanitary Landfill for the Avadi Municipality, International Journal of Civil
Engineering and Technology, 9(3), 2018, pp. 698–706.

A sanitary landfill is an engineered means of disposing of municipal solid waste without
causing nuisance or hazards to the environment. In a sanitary landfill, waste is spread in layers
on a land. The objective is to spread the layers and then compact them tightly, greatly
reducing the volume of the waste. The waste is then covered by soil. Problems that most
commonly incurred due to open dumping are fly nuisance, safety hazards, and fire hazards
that can be avoided with landfilling. A landfill should not be located in areas with high
groundwater tables. Leachate migration control standards must be followed in the design,
construction, and operation of landfills during the use of the facility and during the post
closure period.
The most common types of gas produced by the decomposition of the wastes are methane
and carbon dioxide. Methane, which is produced by anaerobic decomposition of landfilled
materials, is hazardous because it is explosive. Depending on the landfill composition, gases
can be recovered and utilized in the generation of power or heat. After a landfill has reached
capacity, it is closed for waste deposition and covered. In some cases it can be used as
pasture, as cropland, or for recreational purposes. Maintenance of the closed landfill is
important to avoid soil erosion and excess runoff into desirable areas. The prime objective of
the present work is to estimate the Municipal Solid Waste generated by the Avadi
municipality and to design the Sanitary Landfill which includes liner material, leachate drain
pipes, compaction and final cover.
A sanitary landfill shall have the following five essential components. A liner system
provided at the base and sides of the landfill prevents migration of leachate or gas to the
surrounding soil. A gas collection and treatment facility which collects and extracts gas from
within and from top of the landfill and then treats it or uses it for energy recovery. A final
cover system at the top of the landfill, which enhances surface drainage, prevents infiltration
of water and supports surface vegetation. A surface water drainage system collects and
removes all surface runoff from the landfill site[1]. A landfill design will comprise of an
active period and a closure and post closure period. The active period shall comprise of the
period for which waste filling is in progress at the landfill and typically range from 10 to 25
years depending on the availability of land area. The closure and post closure period for
which a landfill can be monitored and maintained shall be 30 years after the active period is
completed. [9]
The volume of waste to be placed in a landfill will be computed for the active period of
the landfill taking into account the current generation of waste per annum and the anticipated
increase in rate of waste generation on the basis of past records. [10]A landfill will comprise
of separate units. In each unit only compatible wastes will be disposed. Incompatible wastes
will be stored in separate units. The total landfill area should be computed on the basis of the
designed height of the landfill (usually between 5 to 20 m). Approximately 15 to 20% area
more than the area required for land filling should be adapted to accommodate all
infrastructure and support facilities as well as to allow the formation of green belt around the
landfill. This additional area shall be computed separately and may be as high as 30% of the
total area in case of small to medium size landfills. The total landfill area is computed on trial
and error basis. There is no standard method for classifying landfills by their capacity. 699

Design of Sanitary Landfill for the Avadi Municipality

In the present study, the sanitary landfill was designed for the Avadi Municipality. Avadi
Municipality spreads over 65 with a population of 3,10,967 as per 2011 census. It
consists of 48 wards and having 1963 streets. The length of roads is 332.08 km. The garbage
generated is 110Mt/day and it is fully disposed without backlog. All the 48 wards are
implemented with door to door collection of garbage.18 wards are privatized for collection
and disposal of garbage. There are 54126 household generating Solid Waste daily. The design
of sanitary landfill is carried out by forecasting the future population, estimating the total
solid waste, providing the leachate management system, liner system and final cover for the
design period of 30 years. The problem that most commonly occurred in landfill was ground
water contamination, evolution of foul gases, breeding of mosquitoes, rodents etc. It
comprises of Paruthipattu, Paleripattu, Villianjiampakkam, Sekkadu, Muthapudupet,
Thandurai, Mittanamillee, Kovilpadagai & Thirumullaivoyal. In 1971 it was constituted as II
Grade Municipality. Due to rapid growth of industries, the Municipality is now classified as a
Special Grade Municipality.

3.1. Population Forecasting
To forecast the future population there are ten methods. In that we adopted “Geometric Mean
Method” since it is the precise and effective method of all. Using this method we forecasted
the future population for the Avadi for the year 2021 using the past four decade’s data.

3.2. Method of Landfill

The area method is preferred because the terrain is unsuitable for the excavation of cells to
place the solid wastes.

Figure 3.1 Area Method

3.3. Liner System

The liner system shall be designed, constructed and installed to prevent migration of waste,
leachate or gas to the adjacent subsurface soil and ground water. In regions where rainfall is
high and or subsoil is highly permeable (e.g gravel, sand, silty sand) and or the water table is
within 2 to 6m beneath the base of the landfill the liner system should be a double composite
liner. 700

Arthika B, Sriraman M, Jino R and Maheswari K


The population of the Avadi municipality for the year 2021 and 2031 can be done by
geometric increase method by the following population data

Table 4.1 Avadi population for the year (1981 – 2011)

Year Population Increase In Geometrical increased rate
Population of growth
1981 45,586 70,315
(70,315 / 45,586) = 1.54
1991 1,15,901 99,523
(99523 / 115901) = 0.858
2001 2,15,424 95,543
(95543 / 215424) = 0.44
2011 3,10,967
The future population for the Avadi in 2021 is 5, 70, 505.
The future population for the Avadi in 2031 is 10,46,658

4.1. Total Waste Generation

Generation of waste depends upon the population of that area. For the avadi municipality the
forecasted population for the next two decades from the year 2011 is listed below, for the
population range of 5 to 10 lakhs the average per capita waste generation is 500 g / capita
For the year 2011 -2021:
Forecasted population = 5, 70, 505
Average per capita waste generation (table) = 500 g / capita /day
Total waste generation = 5, 70, 505 * 500
= 285252500 g/day
The total waste generated for the year 2011 – 2021 is calculated as 290 t/day.
For the year 2021 -2031:
Forecasted population = 10, 46, 658
Average per capita waste generation (table) = 680 g/capita/day
Total waste generation = 10, 46, 658 * 680
= 711727440 g/day.
The total waste generated for the year 2021 – 2031 is calculated as 712 t/day
Land filling waste:
In total waste generated, 60% of waste is composted, 10% is recycled and remaining 30%
waste is sent to landfill.

4.2. Waste Dumping Area

Dumping area is calculated based on the total waste, compaction density, height of landfill.
For the year 2011 – 2021:
Compacted specific waste of solid in landfill = 1100 kg/m3
Average height of compacted solid waste in landfill = 8m
Total solid waste generation = 290 t/day
Total land filled waste (30% of total waste) = 87t/day
Volume of solid waste = 87000/1100 = 79 m2 / day 701

Design of Sanitary Landfill for the Avadi Municipality

Area required = 79/8= 9.886 m 2 /day

Area required annually = 9.886 * 365 = 3608.52 m 2/year
Area required for one decade = 36085.2 m2 /dec

For the year 2021 – 2031:

Compacted specific waste of solid in landfill = 1100 kg/m3
Average height of compacted solid waste in landfill = 8m
Total solid waste generation = 712 t/day
Total land filled waste (30% of total waste) = 214t/day
Volume of solid waste = 214000/1100
= 194.54 m2 / day
Area required = 194.54/8
= 24.31 m2 /day
Area required annually = 24.31 * 365
= 8876.13m2/year
Area required for one decade = 88761.3m2 /dec

4.3 Total Landfill Area

About 30% of dumping area is provided for other facilities such as treatment plant, vehicle
service station etc…
Total dumping area = (Dumping area for the year 2011-2021) +
(Dumping area for the year 2021-2031)
= 3.6 + 8.9
= 12.5 ha
= 13 ha
15% of dumping area = 12.5 * 0.15 = 1.95
= 2 ha
Total land fill area = total dump area + 15% of dump area
= 13 + 2
= 15 ha (400 * 375) m
4.3.1. Cell Area
Landfill area is designed for the closure period of 20 years. Therefore the landfill is divided
into 4 cells, each cell of area 3ha with the closure period of 3 years.
Number of cells =4
Area of cells = 3.25 (each) (175m*185m)
Closure period = 5 years (each)

4.4. Leachate Management

4.4.1. Collection System
Leachate collection system is designed to avoid accumulation of leachate in the landfills. It is
provided at the bottom of landfills but above the liner system. The system includes sloped
terrace and a pipe network of perforated pipes which includes leachate collection pipe and
leachate header pipe. 702

Arthika B, Sriraman M, Jino R and Maheswari K

Design of Leachate collection pipe: (ONE CELL)

Discharge per day = Quantity of leachate per day
Daily flow
= 10.7
24 x 60 x 60
= 1.23 x 10 -4
Pipe is designed for peak flow = 1.5 x discharge
= 1.5 x 1.23 x 10-4
Peak discharge flow = 1.845 x 10-4 cubic meter
Area of pipe required = Peak discharge flow
Assuming an average velocity of sewage as 0.1 m/sec
Area of pipe = 1.845 x 10-4
= 1.845 x 10-3 m 2
= 18.45 cm2
D =5cm
The leachate flow will increase rapidly during rainy season. As per CPCB norms leachate
collection pipe should designed for twice the estimated diameter.

Therefore diameter of leachate pipe = 2 x 5

= 10 cm or 100 mm
Number of pipes
Diameter of leachate pipe = 100 mm
Spacing between pipes = 1m
Cell dimension = (175 x 185) m
Pipe is provided along length direction. Therefore number of leachate pipes,
Number of pipes = Length
Spacing between pipes
Number of pipes = 175
Number of pipes = 175 pipes
Pipe material
Selection of pipe material should be based upon its load carrying capacity. In order to
withstand the compaction density of 1100 kg/m3 cast iron pipes are selected. The details of
pipe material are shown in figure below. 703

Design of Sanitary Landfill for the Avadi Municipality

4.5. Leachate Recirculation

Leachate pumped out of the landfill should be recirculated into the landfill sites. It has many
environmental and economic benefits. Many organic impurities of leachate are anaerobically
digested within the landfill which helps in generation of methane gas. It has been observed
that the rate of methane gas production is higher in landfills where leachate recirculation
system is provided. The figure shows the arrangement of sprinkles over the waste for

4.6. Liner System

4.6.1. Design of Double composite liner
In this system two different liners are provided one over the other with a sand layer
sandwiched in between the figure. Each liner consists of a layer of clay or amended soil and a
layer of geomembrane. The sand layer is provided with a network of pipes to collect any stray
leachate infiltrating into it from the upper liner. Double composite liners consists of three
liners namely soil/clay liner, drainage liner, HDPE liner. The specifications of the liner
system comprises of Soil/Clay liner of 40 cm, drainage liner of 30cm and HDPE liner of 60
mil. 704

Arthika B, Sriraman M, Jino R and Maheswari K

4.7. Final Cover

Final cover consists of many layers such as sand, barrier, drainage etc. Sand Layer is a gas
collection layer and is provided over the daily soil cover of the final layer of the wastes. It is
uniformly graded with a thickness of 150 mm above the gas collection layer a barrier layer is
provided. Barrier layer consists of 250 mm thick layer of clay or bentonite mix overlain by a
HDPE membrane. A surface drainage layer overlies the barrier layer. It facilitates the floe of
surface water. Surface drainage layer is a sand layer of 150 mm thick. The topmost layer is of
soil containing humus. It supports the vegetation over the landfill and helps in landscaping of
the area. The thickness of this layer is 500mm. The typical cross section of landfill cover is
shown in figure below,

The design of sanitary landfill was carried out by forecasting the future population, estimating
the total solid waste generated and by providing leachate and liner management system. The
total Solid Waste generation was estimated using the forecasted population of the Avadi area.
The landfill area and the cell provisions were estimated using the total Solid Waste generation 705

Design of Sanitary Landfill for the Avadi Municipality

details. The quantity of leachate was determined and treated properly and disposed for land
irrigation. The liner material was provided with high permeability value to withstand the
infiltration capacity. The final cover was provided with safety materials and vegetation cover
is provided at top to avoid environmental impacts. The generation of electricity was produced
with the methane gas emission.

Compost yard has been suggested for future study to produce a valuable soil amendment that
is sustainable to agriculture. It has been treated with very little capital and operating cost. It
provides an excellent opportunity to improve a city’s overall waste collection program. It can
reduce air pollution from burning waste.

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