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2nd Unit The Conservative Order

New map of Europe The Congress of Liberal and national The unification of Italy 1859 - 1870 The unification
Vienna 1815 revolutions of Germany 1864 to 1871
Based on Precedents
Held by Metternich to Principles Precedents
guarantee lasting peace
Monarchy Nations which shared same
Liberalism culture and language In the early 19th cent. The
France returned to its German Confederation was
Return to Old Regime frontiers before 1789 divided into 39 states
It was possible to end Diverse territories
royal absolutism
Principle of intervention Creation of big empires to watch each other Influenced by
Independent republics Prussia and Austria
Liberty and kingdoms
Congresses Austria
Failure of the
Equality Territories under Revolution in 1848
Russia foreign control

Brotherhood Main characters

Prussia France

Nationalism Guillermo I and

The Holy Alliance Austria
Bismarck ruled Prussia
National identities rised
Pr, Au, Fr, Ru and GB Main characters
Napoleon's invasions
King of Piedmont
The Congress of Vienna
Victor Emmanuel II
Denmark threatened
Types German lands
1st minister of Piedmont

Unifying Prussia intervened

Count Cavour

Italy 1866
Germany Austro-Prissian war
Separatist Austria was defeated
Piedmont supported by France won
two battles against Austria Prussia annexed
German States
North German
Parma, Modena and Tuscany
Belgium incorporated to Piedmont
Revolution 1860
French-Prussian war
1820 Garibaldi and his
army (red shirts) invaded The Kingdom of Naples Napoleon III didn't want a
Spain strong Germany
France was
strongly defeated
Austria lost a war
against Prussia
Treaty of Versailles 1871
Italy receive Venice
France in exchange France lost Alsace
and Lorraine
Belgium 1870
Had to pay huge
amounts of money
The Spring of Rome was occupied and
Nations 1848 became the capital of Italy
Was deposed by a
French Revolution

The 2nd Reich

From Monarchy to
was founded
Republic to 2nd Empire

Guillermo I emperor
Napoleon III

Bismarck chancellor

Unifying nationalism

The Habsburg Empire

separatist empire

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