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Passage 1: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Learning to code helps students better understand one aspect of the digital world (1) _________ we
live and, in some ways, become better prepared for it. The (2) _________ behind learning to code is no
longer restricted to becoming a skilled coder and (3) _________ the job market’s needs. It enables children
to progress in all aspects of life.
Coding for kids is a fundamentally creative process, starting with nothing and finishing with
something. Just like painting or cooking, coding encourages a child to benefit from the satisfaction
through the process. In the real world, creative acts are often limited by the materials we have at our
(4) _________ - like ingredients when we cook or the canvas when we paint. But with coding, where the
virtual world is (5) _________, the only restriction is the child’s imagination. Creativity (6) _________ the
foundation for innovation, ingenuity, and leadership because it represents the ability to connect
existing ideas with new solutions, approaches, and concepts.
The ability to code gives a new perspective to problem-solving. From beginners to professionals,
anyone will tell you that writing codes can get quite challenging. Through coding, children learn to
quickly fix and try again in different ways when something doesn’t (7) _________. Coding also equips kids
with the ability to stick with a problem and work on finding a solution. This problem-solving technique
is (8) _________ to a lot of other fields.
Most importantly, the ability to code (9) _________ kids from passive consumers into innovative
creators, with eyes that see every piece of technology as more than just a toy but as a problem to solve
and an opportunity to create. The benefits of coding come in (10) _________ for different aspects of life
and allow kids to express themselves.
Question 1: A. in which B. on which C. under which D. to which
Question 2: A. function B. objective C. hypothesis D. limitation
Question 3: A. establishing B. revolving C. satisfying D. overlooking
Question 4: A. presence B. disposal C. convenience D. proximity
Question 5: A. infinite B. definite C. ubiquitous D. irresistible
Question 6: A. leads B. lies C. lays D. rises
Question 7: A. bring out B. set out C. take out D. work out
Question 8: A. transferable B. communicable C. comparable D. agreeable
Question 9: A. transform B. nullify C. modify D. substitute
Question 10: A. useful B. practical C. handy D. helpful
Passage 2: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Alfred Wainwright came from a relatively poor family but managed to (1) _________ qualifications in
accountancy. (2) _________, it is not for his skill in accountancy that he is (3) _________ but for his pictorial
guidebooks to the English Lake District.
The Lake District is in the north-west of England and (4) _________ an area of some 2,292 square
kilometres. As its name (5) _________, it is an area of lakes and mountains. Alfred first went there on a
walking holiday in 1930 and immediately fell in love with the area.

Trang 1
He (6) _________ the Lake District into seven parts and wrote a guide for each of them. The guides (7)
_________ entirely of copies of his hand-written manuscripts. All have descriptions of walks with hand-
drawn maps and sketches of views from the summits of the different mountains. He intended the books
to be just for his own personal (8) _________ but was eventually (9) _________ to publish them. They are
beautiful books which (10) _________ as popular as ever.
Question 1: A. gather B. produce C. find D. gain
Question 2: A. However B. Therefore C. Although D. Otherwise
Question 3: A. reminded B. recollected C. referred D. remembered
Question 4: A. reaches B. extends C. ranges D. covers
Question 5: A. implies B. represents C. proves D. means
Question 6: A. distributed B. assigned C. divided D. allocated
Question 7: A. involve B. consist C. include D. contain
Question 8: A. application B. use C. employment D. practice
Question 9: A. persuaded B. impressed C. caused D. influenced
Question 10: A. bring B. keep C. continue D. remain
Passage 3: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Nowadays, the ease with which we can wash our clothes is (1) _________ for granted. All we have to do
is pop our laundry into the washing machine, put in some washing (2) _________, make sure the settings
are correct and switch on. The washing machine has become so much a part of our lives that it is difficult
to imagine (3) _________ the washing without one. (4) _________, strange as it may seem, this basic
appliance has only become a common feature of most households since the 1950s.
The first mechanical washing machines were in use as far back as the 1700s, but they never (5)
_________. Indeed, it wasn’t (6) _________ the early 1900s that they were taken seriously and developed.
Eventually, after the initial problems had been solved, the washing machine became a status (7) _________
because it was well outside the (8) _________ range of the average family.
As soon as the washing machine became affordable, Monday, or “wash day” as it was otherwise
known, changed (9) _________ the tiring job of washing clothes by hand with a bucket of hot water and a
large (10) _________ of soap disappeared forever and was transformed into the simple task it is today.
Question 1: A. taken B. accepted C. left D. kept
Question 2: A. dust B. grains C. soap D. powder
Question 3: A. turning B. making C. cleaning D. doing
Question 4: A. However B. As a result C. Otherwise D. Much as
Question 5: A. took up B. cut in C. saw through D. caught on
Question 6: A. before B. until C. prior D. ahead
Question 7: A. sign B. signal C. label D. symbol
Question 8: A. price B. cost C. expense D. value
Question 9: A. obviously B. accurately C. extremely D. completely
Question 10: A. lump B. chunk C. bar D. slice

Trang 2
Passage 1: Read the following passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D which you think
fits best according to the text.
Overpopulation, the situation of having large numbers of people with too few resources and too little
space, is closely associated with poverty. It can result from high population density, or from low
amounts of resources, or from both. Excessively high population densities put stress on available
resources. Only a certain number of people can be supported on a given area of land, and that number
depends on how much food and other resources the land can provide. In countries where people live
primarily by means of simple farming, gardening, herding, hunting, and gathering, even large areas of
land can support only small numbers of people because these labor-intensive subsistence activities
produce only small amounts of food.
In developed countries such as the United States, Japan, and the countries of Western Europe,
overpopulation generally is not considered a major cause of poverty. These countries produce large
quantities of food through mechanized farming, which depends on commercial fertilizers, large-scale
irrigation, and agricultural machinery. This form of production provides enough food to support the
high densities of people in metropolitan areas.
A country’s level of poverty can depend greatly on its mix of population density and agricultural
productivity. Bangladesh, for example, has one of the world’s highest population densities, with 1,147
persons per sq km. A large majority of the people of Bangladesh engage in low-productivity manual
farming, which contributes to the country’s extremely high level of poverty. Some of the smaller
countries in Western Europe, such as the Netherlands and Belgium, have high population densities as
well. These countries practice mechanized farming and are involved in high-tech industries, however,
and therefore have high standards of living.
At the other end of the spectrum, many countries in sub-Saharan Africa have population densities of
less than 30 persons per sq km. Many people in these countries practice manual subsistence farming;
these countries also have infertile land, and lack the economic resources and technology to boost
productivity. As a consequence, these nations are very poor. The United States has both relatively low
population density and high agricultural productivity; it is one of the world’s wealthiest nations.
High birth rates contribute to overpopulation in many developing countries. Children are assets to
many poor families because they provide labor, usually for farming. Cultural norms in traditionally rural
societies commonly sanction the value of large families. Also, the governments of developing countries
often provide little or no support, financial or political, for family planning; even people who wish to
keep their families small have difficulty doing so. For all these reasons, developing countries tend to
have high rates of population growth.
Question 1: Which of the following is given a definition in paragraph 1?
A. Overpopulation B. Population density C. Simple farming D. Poverty
Question 2: What will suffer when there are excessively high population densities?
A. Available resources B. Skilled labor
C. Farming methods D. Land area
Question 3: The phrase “that number” in paragraph 1 refers to the number of _________.
A. people B. densities C. resources D. countries
Question 4: In certain countries, large areas of land can only yield small amounts of food because _______.
A. there is lack of mechanization B. there are small numbers of laborers
C. there is an abundance of resources D. there is no shortage of skilled labor

Trang 3
Question 5: Bangladesh is a country where the level of poverty depends greatly on _________.
A. its population density only
B. both population density and agricultural productivity
C. population density in metropolitan areas
D. its high agricultural productivity
Question 6: The phrase “engage in” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _________.
A. escape from B. look into C. give up D. participate in
Question 7: The word “infertile” in paragraph 4 probably means _________.
A. disused B. impossible C. unproductive D. inaccessible
Question 8: Which of the following is TRUE, according to the passage?
A. In certain developed countries, mechanized farming is applied.
B. In sub-Saharan African countries, productivity is boosted by technology.
C. There is no connection between a country’s culture and overpopulation.
D. All small countries in Western Europe have high population densities.
Question 9: Which of the following is a contributor to overpopulation in many developing countries?
A. High-tech facilities B. Economic resources
C. Sufficient financial support D. High birth rates
Question 10: Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?
A. High Birth Rate and its Consequences B. Overpopulation: A Cause of Poverty
C. Overpopulation: A Worldwide Problem D. Poverty in Developing Countries
Passage 2: Read the following passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D which you think
fits best according to the text.
An air pollutant is defined as a compound added directly or indirectly by humans to the atmosphere
in such quantities as to affect humans, animals, vegetation, or materials adversely. Air pollution
requires a very flexible definition that permits continuous change. When the first air pollution laws
were established in England in the fourteenth century, air pollutants were limited to compounds that
could be seen or smelled - a far cry from the extensive list of harmful substances known today. As
technology has developed and knowledge of the health aspects of various chemicals has increased, the
list of air pollutants has lengthened. In the future, even water vapor might be considered an air pollutant
under certain conditions.
Many of the more important air pollutants, such as sulfur oxides, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen
oxides, are found in nature. As the Earth developed, the concentration of these pollutants was altered
by various chemical reactions; they became components in biogeochemical cycles. These serve as an air
purification scheme by allowing the compounds to move from the air to the water or soil. On a global
basis, nature’s output of these compounds dwarfs that resulting from human activities.
However, human production usually occurs in a localized area, such as a city. In such a region, human
output may be dominant and may temporarily overload the natural purification scheme of the cycles.
The result is an increased concentration of noxious chemicals in the air. The concentrations at which
the adverse effects appear will be greater than the concentrations that the pollutants would have in the
absence of human activities. The actual concentration need not be large for a substance to be a pollutant;
in fact, the numerical value tells us little until we know how much of an increase this represents over
the concentration that would occur naturally in the area. For example, sulfur dioxide
has detectable health effects at 0.08 parts per million (ppm), which is about 400 times its natural level.

Trang 4
Carbon monoxide, however, has a natural level of 0.1 ppm and is not usually a pollutant until its level
reaches about 15 ppm.
Question 1: What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The economic impact of air pollution
B. The effects of compounds added to the atmosphere
C. What constitutes an air pollutant
D. How much harm air pollutants can cause
Question 2: The word “adversely” in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to _________.
A. negatively B. quickly C. considerably D. admittedly
Question 3: It can be inferred from the first paragraph that _________.
A. most air pollutants today can be seen or smelled
B. water vapor is an air pollutant in localized areas
C. a substance becomes an air pollutant only in cities
D. the definition of air pollution will continue to change
Question 4: Why can natural pollutants play an important role in controlling air pollution?
A. They are less harmful to living beings than other pollutants.
B. They have existed since the Earth developed
C. They occur in greater quantities than other pollutants.
D. They function as part of a purification process.
Question 5: According to the passage, human-generated air pollution in localized regions _________.
A. will damage areas outside of the localized regions
B. can be dwarfed by nature’s output of pollutants
C. will react harmfully with natural pollutants
D. can overwhelm the natural system that removes pollutants
Question 6: According to the passage, the numerical value of the concentration level of a substance is
only useful if _________.
A. it is in a localized area B. it can be calculated quickly
C. the natural level is also known D. the other substances in the area are known
Question 7: The word “noxious” in the third paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _________.
A. harmful B. noticeable C. extensive D. weak
Question 8: The word “detectable” in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to_________
A. beneficial B. separable C. measurable D. special
Passage 3: Read the following passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D which you think
fits best according to the text.
As The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin describes in detail, apprenticeships in trades from
printing to blacksmithing and tailoring were a \ixture in Colonial America. Then came the Industrial
Revolution. Manufacturing adopted an assembly-line process. Tasks were divided and subdivided and
subdivided again into tiny, repetitious routines or reduced to machine watching, requiring no particular
hierarchy of skills. Except for certain construction trades, apprenticeship was largely relegated to a
historical footnote. In the United States in 1989, only 263,000 workers out of a blue-collar force of 35
million were registered apprentices. Their average age was in the mid-20s.

Trang 5
As college - any kind of liberal arts diploma - came to be seen as the only ticket to success, the country
continued to back away from apprenticeship. In high schools, so-called shop courses evolved into a
dumping ground for students who couldn’t cope with (or had little interest in) education aimed at
college. The idea that schools should prepare students to eill a niche in an industrialized society was
regarded as elitist and un-American.
But today, partly because of the shortage of skilled workers and the need to revive American industry,
partly because of the failure of American secondary school education, apprenticeship and work-based
learning are a hot-button issue. An apprenticeship program combining education and work to train
thinking workers for tomorrow is now seen as one means for the United States to regain its position in
the increasingly competitive world economy. This subject was very much on the agenda of President Bill
Clinton’s pre-inaugural economic conference in Little Rock. “The world will not long pay American line
workers ten times as much to work half as hard as the competition in the Pacieic Basin,” says Marc
Tucker of the National Center on Education and the Economy. “The choice we have is to become a nation
of high skills or low wages.”
Question 1: What is the most appropriate title for this passage?
A. The Evolution and Revival of Apprenticeship in the United States
B. The Decline of Traditional Education in the United States
C. The Influence of the Industrial Revolution on American Workforce
D. The Rise of Liberal Arts Education in America”
Question 2: What does the term “a fixture” mean in paragraph 1?
A. A type of lighting device used in interior design
B. A person or thing long established in the same place or position
C. A component used to hold or fasten something securely
D. A scheduled event, such as a game or match, in sports
Question 3: The word “relegated” in paragraph 1 could be best replaced by _________.
A. amplified B. eulogized C. conserved D. downgraded
Question 4: What was the most important factor that initiated the decline of apprenticeships in the
A. An upsurge in college presence and academic sector dominance
B. The Industrial Revolution’s simplification of tasks
C. The rise of liberal arts education and college degree
D. Unchecked growth of apprentice-reliant industries and legislative laxity
Question 5: Why did high school shop courses become perceived as “a dumping ground”?
A. A national shift towards college education as the only success ticket
B. A decline in manual labor jobs and depreciation of vocational skills value
C. They were filled with students indifferent to or struggling with college
D. It was considered elitist and un-American to prepare students for an industrial niche
Question 6: What impact could an apprenticeship program combining education and work have on the
United States?
A. Oversaturation of job market leading to graduate unemployment
B. Social disparities due to apprenticeship bias over traditional education
C. A potential fall in secondary education quality and college enrollment rates
D. Reassertion of U.S. global competitiveness through fostering a skilled workforce
Trang 6
Question 7: According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a cause-and-effect relationship?
A. The Industrial Revolution led to fewer apprenticeships.
B. The shortage of skilled workers led to new interest in apprenticeship program.
C. The Industrial Revolution led to a college degree being seen as the ticket to success.
D. Elitist ideas cause workers to work half as hard as those in the Pacific Basin.


Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 1: My mother was excited about the _________ carpet in that antique shop.
A. stunning oval beige Turkish wool B. beige stunning Turkish oval wool
C. stunning beige oval Turkish wool D. Turkish stunning oval beige wool
Question 2: Your laptop won’t arrive till Friday; _________, you can use Jude’s.
A. for the moment B. in advance C. in the meantime D. for now
Question 3: _________ only human infection that has been eradicated globally is _________ smallpox and
the reintroduction of it, especially in hard-to-reach locations, could be _________ global disaster.
A. The/ Ø/ the B. An/ the/ a C. The/ the /a D. The/ Ø/ a
Question 4: _________ , including climate, mineral content, and the permanency of surface water,
wetlands may be mossy, grassy, scrubby, or wooded.
A. Depending on many factors B. Many factors depending on
C. Factors depending on many D. On many factors depending
Question 5: I guess your father hit the ceiling when seeing your test results, _________?
A. don’t I B. doesn’t he C. didn’t you D. didn’t he
Question 6: In spite of her physical disability, she has always tried to lead _________ possible.
A. as normal a life as B. as normal life as C. her life as normal as D. such normal life as
Question 7: The players were devastated after losing the championship, but their coach encouraged
them to _________ and focus on doing better next year.
A. make their chin up B. keep their stiff upper lip
C. wear their heart on their sleeve D. stab themselves on the back
Question 8: The police have kept the nightclub _________ surveillance because of suspected illegal drug
A. over B. with C. beyond D. under
Question 9: Capital _________ for murder, treason, arson, and rape was widely employed in ancient
Greece under the laws of Draco.
A. punishment B. penalty C. demolition D. execution
Question 10: Only when they are injured _________.
A. a human being will be attacked by some animals
B. some animals will attack a human being
C. will some animals attack a human being
D. that some animals will attack a human being
Question 11: The new product has been incredibly successful, _________ about £1 million a month.
A. getting on B. putting up C. bringing in D. taking up

Trang 7
Question 12: As we walked through the dense forest, the _________ of the monkey echoed through the
A. squeaking B. bleating C. chattering D. roaring
Question 13: The robbers threatened to _________ the bank if their demands were not met, causing panic
among the customers.
A. act on B. break out C. hold up D. take in
Question 14: The meeting is scheduled for tomorrow at 10:30 _________, so please be on time.
A. exact B. accurate C. right D. sharp
Question 15: Amazon is a great place to shop online; sometimes they sell goods for a _________.
A. verse B. note C. line D. song
Question 16: Dr Johnson managed to ensure that the scientists in his research team were the _________
of the crop.
A. cream B. catch C. top D. blend
Question 17: Companies are joining forces with governments in Africa to _________ regional campaigns
against malaria.
A. fabricate B. originate C. mount D. produce
Question 18: The decline of this industry over the last decade _________ training programs to be
A. had been caused by vital B. once vitally led to some
C. has caused once vital D. has once led to vital
Question 19: _________, I had to buy a new one.
A. My dictionary losing B. My dictionary had been lost
C. My dictionary having been lost D. Because my dictionary lost
Question 20: While she _________ through her Maths exams, he struggled.
A. floated B. drifted C. sailed D. flew
Question 21: Mr. Roberto is going on a business trip. Now, he is speaking to the clerk at the check-in
- The Clerk: I regret to inform you that your flight is delayed for three hours by mechanical problems.”
- Mr. Roberto: “_________”
A. I’m very glad to hear that. B. Thanks. That’s a nice compliment.
C. You could say that again. D. What a nuisance!
Question 22: Mike decided that election to the local council would provide a _________ to a career in
national politics.
A. milestone B. springboard C. highway D. turning point
Question 23: Isabella and Tommy are in front of their office, talking about the company’s policy.
- Isabella: “I’ve got some amazing news.” - Tommy: “_________”
A. Fire away, I’m all ears. B. No way! You’re pulling my leg.
C. That’s teach you. D. Get a life!
Question 24: Sam is terribly lazy and irresponsible; he’s always trying to _________ out of his duties.
A. chicken B. weasel C. monkey D. beaver
Question 25: She takes the old-fashioned view that too much familiarity _________ contempt.
A. causes B. nurtures C. raises D. breeds
Trang 8
Question 26: . If a diamond is heated without oxygen, it will turn to graphite, a form of _________ that is
used as a lubricant.
A. carbon is so soft B. is carbon so soft C. carbon so soft D. so soft the carbon
Question 27: I am not sure I can answer that. I have only thought about it in the _________ before.
A. general B. hypothetical C. indefinite D. abstract
Question 28: My secretary left me in the _________ last month and I haven’t found a replacement yet.
A. rock B. lurch C. face D. fire
Question 29: On his desk _________, which he usually sits in front of and looks at.
A. stood the picture of us B. the picture of us stands
C. standing the picture of us D. stands the picture of us
Question 30: Google is the first major companies to _________ refuse China’s demands for control.
A. blissfully B. sorely C. steadfastly D. woefully
Question 31: He’s very whimsical; he does things on the _________ of the moment.
A. brim B. spur C. clap D. push
Question 32: Given how spontaneous Susan had always been, no one was in the least bit surprised
when she decided she was going to move to Italy on a(n) _________.
A. impulse B. wish C. whim D. flash
Question 33: he competition organizer didn’t know the winner’s telephone number, otherwise they
_________ him.
A. would have telephoned B. must have telephoned
C. had telephoned D. would telephone
Question 34: More than 5.000 people _________ in the earthquake in Indonesia last year.
A. was said to be died B. were said to die C. was said to be killed D. were said to be died
Question 35: When the team finally _________ from the cave that they had been exploring, it was late in
the evening.
A. emerged B. uncovered C. restored D. survived
Question 36: The I’m afraid I had to have _________ to a dictionary in order to complete the translation.
A. application B. avail C. resort D. recourse
Question 37: Her political future is now hanging by a _________.
A. rope B. cord C. string D. thread
Question 38: That _________ the day we went to Margate because it was raining that day, not sunny.
A. mustn’t have been B. couldn’t have been
C. shouldn’t have been D. needn’t have been
Question 39: He _________ so much harm on the nation during his regime that it has never fully
A. made B. inferred C. induced D. inflicted
Question 40: What the company needs is a _________ actor who can take on a variety of roles.
A. variable B. changeable C. diverse D. versatile
Question 41: Since the engineers at the service station failed to repair my car, I have _________ all my
hopes on my neighbour, Mr Tanner.
A. clipped B. nailed C. stuck D. pinned

Trang 9
Question 42: What’s that horrible noise downstairs?” - “Its only Sam. He always screams _________
murder when we take him to the dentist.”
A. red B. blue C. yellow D. black
Question 43: They were able to set sail when the storm _________.
A. enraged B. abated C. shrank D. permitted
Question 44: I haven’t seen Jane for nearly ten years, _________ I had got married and had two children.
A. at which time B. at that point C. during which time D. in that time
Question 45: It seems to be your boss who is _________ fault in this case.
A. under B. with C. for D. at
Question 46: Robbing an old man is _________ contempt.
A. under B. beyond C. below D. beneath
Question 47: As a poet, I think she _________ comparison with the greatest this century.
A. makes B. stands C. leads D. matches
Question 48: _________, the balcony chairs will be ruined in this weather.
A. Leaving uncovered B. Having left uncovered
C. Left uncovered D. Been left uncovered
Question 49: The draw took place last night but the competition winners __________.
A. are yet to be announced B. haven’t been yet announced
C. are as yet to have been announced D. haven’t announced yet
Question 50: _________, Condoleezza Rice became the first female national security adviser.
A. Her appointment was confirmed B. That her appointment was confirmed
C. Her appointment confirmed D. Her appointment was being confirmed
Question 51: In his _________ days, he was quite dandy.
A. salad B. green C. fruit D. vegetable
Question 53: The retirement of the legendary athlete brought down the _________ on an illustrious
A. curtain B. light C. door D. blind
Question 53: The supervisor doesn’t take _________ to employees who refuse to follow safety protocols.
A. nicely B. kindly C. neatly D. truly
Question 54: My neighbor has a(n) _________ in his bonnet about keeping his lawn perfectly manicured
and spends hours every week tending to it.
A. bug B. ant C. bull D. bee

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each
pair of sentences in the following questions.
Question 1: Seoul became famous. This was thanks to the Olympics Games.
A. Thanks to the hosting of the Olympics Games, that Seoul became famous is out of the question.
B. It was the Olympics Games the put Seoul on the map.
C. The success of the Olympics Games was attributed to Seoul.
D. That Seoul became famous after the Olympics Games is a foregone conclusion.

Trang 10
Question 2: He never overlooks the significance of reading exam instructions carefully. He knows it
helps avoid careless mistakes.
A. Under no circumstances did he overlook the significance of reading exam instructions carefully as
he knows it helps avoid careless mistakes.
B. Not for a moment does he overlook the significance of reading exam instructions carefully since
he knows it helps avoid careless mistakes.
C. By no means does he overlook the significance of reading exam instructions carefully although he
knows it helps avoid careless mistakes.
D. No sooner does he overlook the significance of reading exam instructions carefully than he knows
it helps avoid careless mistakes.
Question 3: His father was very angry with him when he heard he had damaged the car.
A. His father was black and blue when he heard that he had damaged the car.
B. When his father caught wind of the car damage, he didn’t hit the ceiling.
C. His father was walking on air when he heard about the car damage.
D. Upon learning that he had damaged the car, his father got hot under the collar.
Question 4: She was unwell. She decided to attend the party briefly to show her support for her friend.
A. Due to feeling under the weather, she made up her mind not to pop in at the party for a short while
to back her friend up.
B. She felt like a fish out of water, but she mustered the courage to support her friend by attending
her party.
C. Unwell as she was, she decided to put in an appearance at the party to show her support for her
D. In the nick of time, she decided to show her friend the support at the party, despite being under
the weather.
Question 5: Thanks for reminding me of the English mini-test. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have attended
today’s lesson.
A. Had it not been for your reminder of the English mini-test I would have played truant during
today’s lesson.
B. I am indebted to you for reminding me about the English mini-test, which I was intending to be
absent from.
C. Your reminder of the English mini-test made me realize the true meaning of attending today’s
D. If you hadn’t reminded me of the English mini-test, I wouldn’t have skipped today’s lesson.
Question 6: She is a rich lady. She leads a simple life.
A. However affluent she may seem, judging from her simple life, she is actually not.
B. Wealthy as she is, she has a very austere way of living.
C. Her affluence has no role to play in the choice of how she lives her life.
D. Her plain lifestyle can give a false impression of how wealthy she is.
Question 7: The iPhone slipped out of my hands and fell downstairs. Luckily, it is still in one piece.
A. It was of a misfortune that the iPhone stay untouched after it slid out of my hand downstairs.
B. It was by a stroke of luck that the iPhone did not disintegrate when I threw it downstairs.
C. The fact that the iPhone was not smashed when I accidentally dropped it downstairs was nothing
short of luck to me.
D. I was with luck when my iPhone fell downstairs and slid out of my hand.
Trang 11
Question 8: The new restaurant looks good, yet it seems to have few customers.
A. In order to get more business, the new restaurant should improve its appearance.
B. The new restaurant would have more customers if it looked better.
C. If it had a few more customers, the new restaurant would look better.
D. In spite of its appearance, the new restaurant does not appear to attract much business.
Question 9: Someone had told the officer about the risk of being arrested. He fled to another country.
A. The officer fled to another country before being told about the risk of being arrested.
B. Having been told about the risk of being arrested, the officer fled to another country.
C. Despite being told about the risk of being arrested, the officer fled to another country.
D. Not until he fled to another country had the officer been told about the risk of being arrested.
Question 10: They still started the plan of the hydroelectric power station. The public strongly objected
to it.
A. They still started the plan of the hydroelectric power station on account of strong objections from
the public.
B. Strong objections from the public hindered them from starting the plan of the hydroelectric power
C. They went ahead with the plan of the hydroelectric power station in the face of strong objections
from the public.
D. If the public hadn’t strongly objected to it, they would have started the plan of the hydroelectric
power station.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning
to each of the following questions.
Question 1: Unless they comply with the rules, they won’t be allowed back into the dub.
A. As long as they refuse to behave, it doesn’t seem possible for them to be accepted into the club.
B. They can go to the club once more, but only if they obey the rules.
C. They can’t enter the club because they have violated the rules.
D. They can only enter the club again if they behave in accordance with the rules.
Question 2: I’d suggest that we avoid telling any scary stories with Janet around, since she’s a bit
unstable and could get hysterical.
A. Janet has trouble keeping her emotions under control, especially when she is told frightening
B. Since Janet is somewhat unbalanced, the only way to make her laugh is by telling stories, but we
should avoid scary ones as they might cause her to panic.
C. It is no fun to tell frightening stories to Janet, who is not very stable mentally, because she only
laughs instead of getting scared.
D. Janet is somewhat mentally unbalanced and might easily become uncontrollably emotional, so
let’s not tell frightening stories in her presence.
Question 3: It was of my own free will that I decided to withdraw from the race.
A. My withdrawal from the race was a voluntary decision.
B. I was willing to compete in the race, but then I withdrew voluntarily.
C. They freely accepted my application for a withdrawal from the race.
D. I’d already decided that I wanted to withdraw from the race.

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Question 4: My son refuses to admit that he was not sufficiently prepared for his final exams; but
unfortunately, this was the case.
A. My son, regrettably, didn’t study enough to get ready for his final exams, but he won’t accept this.
B. However hard he had studied, my son was still not sufficiently prepared for his final exams.
C. My son believes that his final exams were very difficult and refuses to admit that he had studied
poorly for them.
D. Unfortunately, my son wouldn’t admit that his not doing well in his final exams was due to his
poor preparations.
Question 5: In the case of snakebite, if an antidote is given quickly enough after being bitten, the risk
to the person of dying is very much reduced.
A. After being bitten by a snake, if enough antidote is given, then the risk to that person of speedily
dying is considerably lowered.
B. When people have been bitten by a snake, their chances of survival are far higher if an antidote is
administered soon afterwards.
C. The rapidly expanding use of antidotes have made the risk of being killed through snakebites far
lower than it used to be.
D. If an antidote is given too quickly after a person has been bitten by a snake, then there is a slight
risk of that person dying from it.
Question 6: We were relieved to discover that we did not owe as much money as we had thought.
A. The revelation that we were less deeply in debt than we had believed came as a relief.
B. If only we were not so deeply in debt, we would be much more content now.
C. We owed so much money that we couldn’t even imagine how we would be able to pay it all back
D. Now that we have paid back most of our debts, we do not owe as much money as we once did.
Question 7: The professor himself does not teach the course, but leaves the job to his graduate students.
A. Graduate students learn all they need to know to teach the course from the professor himself.
B. In order to be one of the professor’s graduate students, you must teach his courses for him.
C. The professor has his graduate students teach the course rather than do it himself.
D. The professor does not teach the course that is required in order to graduate.
Question 8: Despite the fact that he was deaf, the composer Beethoven wrote some of the greatest
music the world has ever heard.
A. Even though the composer Beethoven wrote some of the best music in world history, he was
unable to listen to his own pieces.
B. Some of the best music ever listened to in the world was composed by Beethoven after he had
become deaf.
C. The world has not heard better music than that which was written by the deaf composer
D. The composer Beethoven was unable to hear, yet the music he created is among the best in world
Question 9: Reality shows on TV are extremely popular at the moment.
A. Reality shows on TV are flavour of the day at the moment.
B. Reality shows on TV are flavour of the week at the moment.
C. Reality shows on TV are flavour of the month at the moment.
D. Reality shows on TV are flavour of the year at the moment.
Trang 13
Question 10: There was supposed to be a concert here yesterday, but the group had to cancel it because
of the rain.
A. There was to be a concert here yesterday in the rain, but the group decided not to have it.
B. The group would rather have cancelled the concert here yesterday than have played in the rain.
C. The group was going to give a concert here yesterday, but the rain obliged them to call it off.
D. Since it was rainy, the group should have called off the concert that they gave here yesterday.

Trang 14

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