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Arba minch university architecture and urban planning department

A Report on Internship Work At

Chiret Consulting Architects & Engineers



Department of Architecture & Urban Planning

Arba Minch Institute of Technology, AMU

Aug 21, 2015E.C

Arba minch university architecture and urban planning department


I hereby declare that the project work entitled ‘Internship report’ submitted to the arba minch
university, department of architecture & urban planning is a record of original work done by
me that I got from my internship program period in chiret consulting architects and engineers
under the guidance of my esteemed mentor architect ermiyas tsegaye.

Arba minch university architecture and urban planning department


First and for most, I would like to thank the almighty god that helped me throughout the whole
semester and on my entire life.

Then, I would like to thank Arba Minch university, department of architecture & urban
planning for giving me the chance that I can exercise the lessons that I have learnt before
theoretically and helped me to find my own way.

At third place, I would like to give my sincere gratitude for the whole staff members of Chiret
consulting architects and engineers for showing me the way how things go and for sharing me
the knowledge that I was seeking.

The last but not the least, special thanks to company design team head Ar. Ermiyas Tsegaye.
he gave me special attention in order to build up my future academically and socially.

Eventually, I would have to express my gratitude for my family supporting and advising me to
pass any obstacles and reach up to the stage that I have right now.

Arba minch university architecture and urban planning department


As known Education is one of the basic pillars for the development of a country.
Unfortunately our country hasn’t gained much from this sector as a matter of fact that many
things are being done by the government and the society. Throughout the process of education
university is the major institution that aims on building one nations capability to produce
productive and effective man power. So, this internship period is one of the major
opportunities that a student can get in order for him/her to practice what he/she has learnt
throughout the previous years.

Architecture by itself is much of practice, it needs a lot experience and practice. The internship
program which was planned to help apparent students grasp practical knowledge of how
architectural projects can be designed, their design implementation, evaluation and
management in general. Working with and around people which have spent long time in this
field was a marvellous experience.

This report briefly explains my entire internship period and the profile of the company. the
experience I have got and included what I was doing in the regular internship time such as, site
supervision, rendering, drafting and 3D visualization and design. As well as the regular
internship time gave me different kind of skills like software skills, communication skill,
confidence, Self-motivations skill, management skill & motivating one to create new things.

In general, the objective of the internship program was to Practice with experienced
professionals and a greater depth of understanding of the matter helps us gain knowledge
with practical experience. That is the reason why those months lasting internship program is
needed as a major concern.

Arba minch university architecture and urban planning department

Table of Contents


Executive summary...........................................................................................................................

Chapter I..........................................................................................................................................

1. Introduction..............................................................................................................................

1.1. Company Background and Overviews..........................................................................1

1.2. Organizational Structure...................................................................................................

1.3. Staff profile (optional)...................................................................................................4

Chapter II.........................................................................................................................................

2. Work, Responsibilities and Assignments................................................................................

2.1. Task one (doing review our villa ).............................................................................10-12

2.2. Task Two (ato garamaw G+2 villa with final rendering).........................................12- 14

2.3. Task Three(w/ro selamwit feleke G+8 review, façade design and rendering)..........15-18

2.4. Task Four (Commissioner Admasu Awoke Villa Project (G+2)).............................18-2

2.5. Task Five (Garden(outdoor cafe) design)..................................................................22-25

2.6. Task Six (G+4 Mixed use project).............................................................................25-29

Chapter III......................................................................................................................................3

3. Technical Aspect of the Internship...................................................................................30-3

3.1. Objectives........................................................................................................................32

3.2. Methods and procedures.................................................................................................32

3.3. Technical tasks/products.................................................................................................33

3.4. Knowledge and Acquaintances Acquired.......................................................................33

3.4.1. Technical Skills Gained...........................................................................................33

Arba minch university architecture and urban planning department

3.4.2. Management Skills Gained......................................................................................33

3.4.3. Acquaintances Acquired..........................................................................................33

Chapter IV.....................................................................................................................................34

4. General Comments and Conclusions.....................................................................................34

4.1. Problems Encountered During the Internship Period.....................................................34

4.2. General Suggestions and Comments to the Company....................................................34

4.3. Summary and Conclusion...............................................................................................35

4.4. Recommendations...........................................................................................................35


Arba minch university architecture and urban planning department

Chapter I
1. Introduction

This report is a short account of my educational internship in hossana town, an architectural

firm of consulting architects and Engineers office, from april 2023- july 2023 G.C.

I worked in chiret consulting Architects and Engineers. This internship was carried out as part
of the requirements for 4th year student of Architecture program. Since architecture involves a
lot of integral knowledge, the internship covered office practice, site visits, building
regulations and architectural design and drafting.

Before I Have Started My Internship Program. I come up with some goals in mind to push
myself to learn, practice and develop specifically my practical skill despite the theoretical
knowledge that I have gained in the past four year in architecture school.

1.1. Company Background and Overviews

Established in 2009 E.C and has designed a number of large and small scale buildings.At
present, the company is registered as grade 5 consulting architects and engineers firm.

The company is registered by ministry of Urban Development, Housing and Construction to

the level of Consulting Architects & Engineers Category 5.

Currently chiret is one of the competitive design and consulting company in the construction
sector of our country.

Arba minch university architecture and urban planning department

The firm basically provides services in the following core fields:

o Building design (AR,ST,SN,MC& EL)

o Building supervision
o Bridge design and supervision
o Contract administration work
o Interior design - Landscape design

It has more than 21 staffs which comprise architects, civil engineers, structural engineers,
electrical engineers, sanitary engineers, construction management engineers, planners and
other committed employees. Chiret designers and consultants PLC is innovative, dynamic
business firm and excellence centre in building design, urban planning,


Chiret designers and consultants PLC is innovative, dynamic business firm and excellence
centre in building design, urban planning, water supply and sanitation design, contract
administration and supervision works.


Chiret consulting architects and designers PLC strives for on time delivery of quality
design by working with government, non-government, international, public and private
organizations through Strengthening and promoting the capability in quality design,
urban planning, supervision and contract administration of civil works and Ensuring
that the customers’ need is responded immediately with providing quality services.

Arba minch university architecture and urban planning department


Promote the field of engineering with full of qualitative works.

To minimize the gap between the understanding of this firm at the society and government
To maximize the number of skilled professionals in the field.


Chiret consulting architects and designers is located in hossana city in less than 1 km radius of
col. Bezabih petros square.



Main products of the company

The firm is building its capacity of designing big projects through the past five years in
different aspects of architecture realm.

These listed below are some of the products that the company provides:-

 Office building complexes

 Hotels
 Factories
 Warehouses

Arba minch university architecture and urban planning department

 Mixed use buildings

 Hospital & other health center
 College & educational centers
 Convention center

1.2. Organizational Structure


electrical structural site

engineer engieers engineers

PPSTE,GS Graduate
TE engineer

Table 1. Work flow

1.3 Sample Projects by CHIRET consulting architects and designers PLC.

Arba minch university architecture and urban planning department

Figure.1 Hotel 3D

Project: 3-star Hotel, that totally costs around 65M ETB

Client: Ato Mathewos Kebede
Location: G/meda s/city, Hossana
Year Started: 2018 GC
Status: Completed 2021 GC

Figure 2. Mixed use building

Project: Mixed use building, that totally costs around 25M ETB

Client: Ato Samuel Abate

Location: G/meda s/city, Hossana

Year: 2018 GC

Status: To be completed 2022 GC

Arba minch university architecture and urban planning department

Figure 3. Hospital

Project: Hospital, that totally costs around 85M ETB

Client: w/ro Hizbalem Shiferaw

Location: G/meda s/city, Hossana

Year: 2018 GC

Figure 4. Commercial building

Arba minch university architecture and urban planning department

Project: commercial building, that totally costs around 35M ETB

Client: Ato Abdela Shikur

Location: G/meda s/city, Hossana

Year: 2018 GC

Figure 5.Mixed use building

Project: Mixed use bulding, that totally costs around 35M ETB

Client: Ato Adila Helore

Location: G/meda s/city, Hossana

Year: 2018 GC

Status: To be completed 2022 GC

Arba minch university architecture and urban planning department

Chapter II
2. Work, Responsibilities and Assignments

In this program I get a lot of experience and knowledge in different ways, for instance taking
assignments and duties from my company supervisor and clients, then doing it properly. AS
we all know this internship program gives very essential skills and experience for students to
future career, In my intern i got a chance to spend time and share experiences with other
architecture students whom are interns working in the office while I am there, and workers
who has graduated from different universities. I was doing some duties with them. this helped
me to share knowledge and experiences. And also, Strong team work skill is one of the skills
that I get from this internship program.

When the client come to the office their first meeting will be with the manager Dawit
Addisu or Ermiyas Tegaye and they talk about overall the conditions and procedures of the
project ; then the pre-design Process starts with this.

These pre-design processes are, Most of the time the client may bring programs for the
project. Then Questionnaires to the client will be implemented about the type of design
work expected, the site status, the budget status and any other architectural desires of the
client. After that Site analysis and the first schematic step will be prepared, in this step the
Architect shows the design in his mind to the manager and the manager has full power to
change, remove or add ideas on the design mostly it is not the formal or constant way,
sometimes it is optional. Also, the client may come and see the project at this phase and has
full power to change, remove or add ideas on the design too.

There are three formal presentation schedules for big projects in the company, the first is
when the architect finished his first phase and will present the project for the companies’

Arba minch university architecture and urban planning department

design team and for companies’ manager, and the second will be presented for the client, the
client can make changes in the design until the design is satisfying, if the client is not
satisfied by the design ,the architect will make some correction and prepared for final

And the final will be for the client, the client still can make changes in the design until the
design is satisfying. After that implementing the drawings, which are plans, sections,
elevations and well finished version of the 3D modeling, the model will be rendered and
ready for the banner or some kinds of related stuffs. In this phase the architect must make
sure that the design is passed on to the structural engineer.

If the project doesn’t need presentation or small projects or design modifications the next
step is the intermediate submission. The architect shows 2d and 3d drawings of the design
progress in A3 paper for the client. Then if the design is by far satisfying to the client, then
the architect in charge will have to do the final design and drafting process. Implementing
the drawings, which are plans, sections and elevations. Meanwhile the architect develops the
well finished version of the 3D modeling, the model will be rendered.

Meanwhile the architect is expected to develop the detail working drawings of the design.
These include: window door schedules, stair details, toilet details, wall details, roof details
and so on. These working drawings are necessary in order to give the contractors a clear and
detailed working Manual for the building. After all structural engineers will prepare the
structural part, and check the stability of the building and develop the structural information
of the design. After the structural drawings are finished the architect must check the
drawings and pass it on to the sanitary and electrical professionals, and also for mechanical
engineer if there is .Then the quantity supervisor will done calculating the quantity for the
building, after that the architect collects all the drawings and the quantity data and shows to
manager the final layout of the design. After the manager has approved, the drawings will be
printed in A3 paper and demonstrated to the client, if the client is interested to see it before
the final printing. The final step for the drawings is to be plotted and blueprinted.

Arba minch university architecture and urban planning department

Generally, the work flow in the company is executive one following the other steps that
begin at the primary clients’ needs and ends when the buildings are constructed.

2.1. Task one:-

Task 1
Project type G+2 Residence villa
Location Arba minch
Plot size 300 sq.m
Firm Chiret Consulting Architects and
Engineers P.L.C
My role Full design and presentation panel, AR

 Doing review on my school villa and some software practice

2.1.1 Short summery about the project:

This is the first project that I have been executing in the internship time which takes almost
three weeks. on this three weeks I improve my last work and my self in software skills.

My supervisors give me some work that is done before as a case study. It gives me good
experience for me to improve my last works and different software skills.

Eventually, more and more things are added on it based on standards, space arrangements
different types of recommendations and others with in two weeks hard working in order to
discuss with my supervisor and head office architect erimiyas to proceed to the next
consulting, recommendations & re designing.

2.1.2 Aim of the project

 To practice different software

 To get familiar with office workers

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ground floor plan first floor plan

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Task Two : G+2 Residence

Task 1
Project type G+2 Residence villa
Location hossana
Plot size 200 sq.m
Client Ato garamaw
Firm Chiret Consulting Architects and
Engineers P.L.C
My role Full design and render then make

Short summery of this project:-

The site is in a residential area. The client want g+2 modern villa with additional service
rooms it uses as traditional kitchen and store.

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Task three:- G+8 mixed use building

Task 3
Project type G+8 mixed use building
Location hossana
Plot size 1384.250 sq.m
Client Salamawit feleke
Firm Chiret Consulting Architects and
My role Doing design on a given program and

Short summery of this project :-

This project exist on commercial area. And the client want mixed use buliding,

Comercital (shops, cafes, hotel…) and pension

Problem stetment and justification:-

The office already sujjest 3D visulazation and programs. The programs needs to be fit inside
that form they gave me

The challenge was

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Task four:-

Rendering and improving the design work of gas station and


Task 4
Project type Gas station and hotel
Location Butajira
Plot size
Client Ato hailu
Firm Chirat Consulting Architects and
Engineers P.L.C
My role Doing same improving work in revit and

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Short summery about this project

The project is exist in city center commercial area. This project is done with in two phases. In
phase one gas station and small shops then in second phase hotel. When I do this rendering I
read about the rules or the colour of the organization.

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Task five:- Apartment desgin

Task 5
Project type apartment
Location hossana
Plot size 1000 sq.m
Client Abaynash awono
Firm Chiret Consulting Architects and
My role Full design and and rendering then

Short summery about this project:-

This project is exist in between both comertial and residential area. So I use balconies on
every complex it helps to minmize the noice and makes good view for the building

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Task 6:- villa G+2

Task 5
Project type Villa G+2
Location Hosanna
Plot size 153.7 m2
Client Abaynash awono
Firm Chiret Consulting Architects and
My role Full design and and rendering then

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Short summery about this project

this project exist in between residential area. My client want G+2 villa in this small

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Chapter III
3. Technical Aspect of the Internship

In the past four months of the internship beside the theoretical world activity which is
directly related to my profession. In case of our field of study even if we learn both the
theoretical and practical aspects but there is some theoretical parts which are difficult to
understand if not exercised practically. So, this internship period benefited me to upgrade
my theoretical knowledge with practice, leadership skill, communication skills and other
related issue with my profession. To see the real situation and react in such professional
manner rather than a student.

This internship has thought me some problem solving capability, Problem is something hard
to understand or accomplish or deal with. It can be a task, a situation, or even a person.
Problem solving involves skills to find the best solutions to problems. This skill is necessary
for everyday activity. In this internship program I learned some problem-solving skills.

The main thing that I gained is in order to be a good problem solver is don’t have to be super
smart or be very intelligent to be a problem solver, just it need practice. Those practice that I
gained is,

▪ Simplify Things, we have a tendency to make things more complicated than they need
to be! Try simplifying our problem by generalizing it Remove all the details. Try
looking for a really easy, we might be surprised at the results.

▪ Focusing on the Solution, Not the Problem because our brain cannot find solutions if
we focus on the problem. This is because when we focus on the problem, we are
effectively feeding negativity, these emotions block potential solutions. Not ignoring
the problem just try to remain calm. First acknowledge the problem and then move
our focus to a solution.

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Working with a team or group of people helps to achieve a shared goal or outcome in an
effective way. The better i work with others, the more successful. Having teamwork skills and
experience will make me a much better.

I was doing some duties with my friends through the designing process we share our
knowledge and experience and it gives me really good team playing skill. And also, I was
working closely with other workers in office.

Generally, there are some requirements to create a good team playing skill:

Show a positive attitude instead of seeing the negative side of the task involved

Treats others in a respectful and supportive manner

Support any team members who are struggling with something you can help with

If there is a problem with the project, try to use communication skills in a friendly and
diplomatic way.

During group meetings listen to other people’s ideas and try to avoid talking over them

If problems come up or something that i don’t know, share that with the team so that i can
learn something new Functions as an active participant o Shows commitment to the team

Based on these teamwork helped me to get the following main benefits

• Improve my confidence in contributing ideas to a project

• Improved my communication skills, e.g. Listening,

• Improved problem solving skill

• I got different solutions and took ideas, which means i Learned from each other
• Improve my Time usage
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Every profession has its own rule and regulations related to work ethics the workers must be
respect the rule and regulation after office live Being out in the office, in the real world, in
order to make great change, one has to work hard, by being punctual and fully engaged in
his/her own work. It is a must thing that one should get to work on time and use his time
wisely. at the office all of my colleagues are punctual and hard workers. They engage
themselves with their work fully whenever they are in the office. I learned the basic pillars of
work ethics those are being:-

▪ Punctual
▪ Honest

▪ Confidential
▪ Transparent

▪ Good interpersonal communication

▪ Construction tolerance( how to accept & communicate different ideas with different
stake holder.

▪ Every time be ready to answer different question from different bodies.

3.2.Methods and procedures

In general, there is common procedure for all work tasks

▪ First my supervisor briefs about the project.

▪ I take a note carefully on my sketch book.

▪ I try to explore ideas, thoughts and researches about the things that I wrote on.

▪ Incorporate all the positive experiences which I knew before.

▪ Follow the appropriate design principles and standards.

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▪ Then I perform my tasks with a high initiation and understanding

▪ Eventually, give the final output for myself through evaluation.

Technical Skills Gained

Technical knowledge:- Lack of technical knowledge in site especially on the first weeks &
lack of knowledge about legal construction code.

Solution:- To make myself familiar with site behaviour and ask professionals about those legal

-being late in some projects. Solution:- by Scheduling my

works properly.

- At the beginning of my internship I feel like I can’t

face the things out there.
Solution:- I tried to develop my confidence gradually and I practice every day in home
and office.

3.2.1. Management Skills Gained

I developed my ability of getting and giving information for good leadership. First and for
most I was able to exchange information effectively and accurately for good leader ship to

Leadership skill is a critical management skill, is the ability to motivate a group of people
toward a common goal I was able to learn about everyone else their need, their character what
excited people they are, what motivate s them, what they need to succeed and how to support
and grow the group’s learn about how a group comes together and commit to achieve through
goals. The important thing is understanding of the need and characteristic of the group.
Everyone has the same advantage and opportunity to be the best person they can be.
Regarding leadership skills,

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Acquaintances Acquired
This internship allows me to think of new ideas about how and what to work when I finish my
university lesson. The tried to figure out the linkages of the market on the city and the
demands of the market. Using the technological advancements and the wide scope of the field
there is a lot to be done from the designer on the current status of the country. By modernizing
the current systems in to a newer one we can create a better working environment.

Chapter IV
4. General Comments and Conclusions

4.1.Problems Encountered During the Internship Period

The main problems were the understanding of the layman about the profession; the things that
matter on the practical world cost a lot on the spatial design.

The other challenge that I faced is the gap between what I imagined about things and what
actually things are on the real part of them.

The other challenge was, the computer that I had been working with lacks the appropriate
capacity to run software and efficient processor up to change it.

4.2.General Suggestions and Comments to the Company

Working in chiret consulting architects and engineers has been very educating. I really
enjoyed working in such a renowned office I would highly recommend the experience to any
dedicated architectural student who is curious about high profile competition firms.

4.3.Summary and Conclusion

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Construction is becoming vast investment in Ethiopia. There are a lot of companies which
work on this sector. Those companies may be consultants in which they design the structural,
architectural, sanitary, electrical and mechanical and contractors which change the designs on
the paper into something tangible. The basic design procedure usually starts when a client
recognizes the need for and economic feasibility of a building and engages an architect, a
professional with a broad background in building design. The architect in turn, engages
consulting engineers and other consultants for most building structural, mechanical and
electrical consulting engineers are required.

The internship program helped me a lot in developing my software skill, communication skill,
it also helped me to get lots of knowledge about architecture in the real world think it really is
a benefit for us and for hosting company. I am sure every stakeholder will benefit from it.
During this period I have been given a tremendous opportunity to apply the fundamentals and
theoretical aspect of architectural works in real situation. I hope this would help me to find the
way to the long line of career that awaits me in the near future.


I recommend our university to keep giving this chance for the students but the teaching system
only focuses on the theoretical aspects of the subject that must be corrected soon with equal of

I highly recommend the universities and concerned bodies to make strict follow up on students
by working in close relationship with hosting organizations. So I recommend our university to
keep giving this great chance for the students. I suggest that, the company should host more
intern students in the future for the common good of both the student and the company.


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The office company profile

Recent researches

Arba minch university internship report writing guidelines.

Wikipedia the free online encyclopedia.


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