N G Das Chap5&6 Question

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6. Calculate the arithmetic mean from the following data :

(9) interval 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-99 100-109 110-119
Frequency 14 38 4 54 45 30 25
(ii) Height in inches 57.5— 60.0— 62.5— 65.0— 67.5— 70.0— 72.5—
Number of men 6 26 190 281 412 127 38
(iii) Weight in lbs. 137.5-147.5 147.5-157.5 157.5-167.5
Number of men 2 5 4
167.5-177.5 177.5-187.5 187.5-197.5 197.5-217.5 217.5-247.5
5 7 5 3 1

(iv) X 20-30 30-50 50-100 100-200 200-350 350-550

req. 2 9 1 52 10 3
7. \From the data in the following table calculate the average
/of the M.Com. examinees in Statistics at a class test :
Marks 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-99
No. of
examinees 2 3 it 20 32 25 7
[C.U., M.Com. 72]
8. The following table gives the rise in price of 300 commodities
between two dates. Calculate the mean rise in price :
9, increase 0— 5— 10— 15— 25— 35— 45— 60-80
Frequency 12 30 51 84 66 35 15 7
[ Dip. Soc. Welfare, 71]
9. The following are the monthly salaries (in Rs) of 30
employees in 2 firm :
140 139 126 114 100 8 62 77 99 103
108 129 144 148 134 63 69 148 132 118
142 116 123 104 95 80 85 106 123 133
The firm gave bonus of Rs. 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 for individuals
in the respective salary groups : ‘exceeding Rs. 60 but not exceeding
Rs. 75’ ; ‘exceeding Rs. 75 but not exceeding Rs. 90" ; and so on upto
‘exceeding Rs. 135 but not exceeding Rs. 150°, Find the average
bonus paid per worker. [I.C.W.A., Dec. ‘76-0ld]
10. For the variable x, taking the values 0, 1, 2, ..., k, the cumu-
lative frequencies of more-than type are Fy, Fy, Fy, ---, Fy. Show that
% = Z F,In, where m is the total frequency. [B.U., B.A.(Econ) 73]



11, The arithmetic mean calculated from the following
uency distribution is known to be 67.45 inches. Find the value
of fs.
Height (inches) 60-62 63-65 66-68 69-71 72-74
Frequency 15 54 Sr 81 24
[1.C.W.A., July '71]
(b) The expenditure of 1000 families is given below :
Expenditure (Rs.) : 40-59 60-79 80-99 100-119 120-139
No. of families : 50 ? 500 ? 50
The median and mean for the distribution are both Rs. 87.50 P.
Calculate the missing frequencies. [1.C.W.A., June '78]
12. Find out the mi uenties of the following data, given
that A M. is 67.45 cme freq
“Height (inches) 60-62 63-65 66-68 69-71 72-74 Total
- No, of students $s 8 5. fi :-8 100
[ Dip. Management, 72]
13. (i)/ The average marks obtained in an examination by two
groupsof students was found to be 75 and 85 respectively. Deter-
mine the ratio of students in the two groups, if the average mark
for all students was 80. [B.U., B.A(Econ) 69]
_ (i) On a certain examination, the average grade of all students
in class A is 63.4 and all students in class Bis 71.2. If the average
of both classes combined is 70.0, what is the ratio of the number of
students in class 4 to the number in class 8 ? [C.U., M.Com. '62]
(iii) The mean dge of a combined group of men and women is
30 years. If the mean age of the group of men is 32 and that of the
group of women is 27, find out the percentage of men and women
in the group. [C.A., Nov. '65)

Ja, Out of the total population in a certain town in South Africa,

60% belonged to the Black Race and the rest belonged to the White
It was estimated that their mean incomes were respectively
2,000 and 5,000 pounds. Find the average income of the entire
town. [C.A., May 68]
I5. (i) A factory has five sections employing 105, 184, 130, 93 & 125
Raker. The mean earnings in a certain week per worker are
- 13.80, Rs. 15.00, Rs. 15.20, Rs. 18.20 & Rs. 14.20 for the $
Seog Determine the mean earning per worker of the whole
ory, [ Dip. Management, '70]

In a survey of locality t he following figures regarding the

(ii) o ccupations were received. Find
income of the people in different :
out theaverage per capita income
Average income Number of people
Occupation (in Rs.)
500 700
300 300
200 200
Craftmanship 100
Other 400
[D.S.W., Nov. 70]

16. The following shows some data collected for three regions
of a country :
Region No. of inhabitants Percentage of ~~ Average annual
(million) literates income per person (Rs.)
52 850
A 10
68 620
B 5
39 730
& 18
three re gions taken together.
Obtain the over-all figures for the
[C.U., B.A.(Econ) 77]
of India in 1951 and in 196 1 were 361 and
17. The population percentage
million respectively. (1) What was the average
the period ? the average rate of
(ii) If
increase per year during same, what would be the
remains the
increase from 1961 to 1971 (I.C.W.A., July 71]
population in 1971 ?
_in salary
A ma n g ets thre e suc cessive annual increments his salary
18. on
30 % an d 25 %, eac h percentage being reckoned uld
of 20 %,
of the pre vio us yea r. Ho w much better or worse off woeach,
at the end of 25%
bee n if he had bee n given 3 annual increments
he hav e
? [I.C.W.A., Dec. '74-01d]
reckoned in the same way
is as su me d to dep rec iat e 40% ; in value in the first
19. A machine 10% per annum for the next 3 y
the sec ond yea r and
year, 25% in the diminishing value.
each percentage being calculated on inishing
e pe rc en ta ge dep rec iat ion, reckoned on the dim
is the averag [B. U., B.A.(Econ) 66 » C.U.,
M.Com. 73)
val ue, for the 5 yea rs ?
G. M. of 4 obs erv ati ons is 47, and the G.M. of 6
20. The
is 40. Fin d the G.M. of all the 10 obs
nu mbers is 75. If the geo metri¢
geom etri c me an of six
21. The the other
n of fou r of the m is 67, what is the geometric mean of(Econ) 71]
mea [B.U., B.A
two ?


22. You fly to a place X in a Boeing at a speed of 500 miles per

hour and come back from X, following the same route, at a speed of
160 m.p.h. What is your average speed for the to-and-fro journey ?
[C.U., M.Com. 72]

23. An aeroplane flies around a square the sides of which

measure 100 Kms. each, The aeroplane covers at a speed of 100
Kms. per hour the first side, at 200 Kms. per hour the second side,
at 300 Kms. per hour the third side, and at 400 Kms. per hour the
fourth side. Use the correct mean to find the average speed round
the square. [1.C.W.A., June '’78]
24. If two grades of oranges sell at 10 for Re. 1 and 20 for Re.1
respectively, calculate the average price per orange, stating your
assumptions explicitly. [B.U., B.A.(Econ) "69]
25. (a) The weights (in 1b.) of 8 persons are : 138, 143, 141, 139,
152, 148, 160 and 267. Find the average weight using
a suitable
form of average. Give reasons for your choice.
(b) What is the suitable form of average in each of the following
cases ? (i) The length of a rod is measured by a tape 10 times. You
are to estimate the length of the rod by averaging these 10 determi-
nations. (ii) A person purchases 5 rupees worth of eggs from 10
different markets. You are to find the average number of eggs per
rupee for all the markets taken together. (iii) You are given the
population of India for the censuses of 1961 and 1971. You are to
find the population of India at the middle of the period by averaging
these population figures, assuming a constant rate of increase of
population. [B.U., B.A.(Econ) 72]
26, - Find the mean and the median for the following data, and
comment on the shape of the distribution :
Weight in Kg. 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70
No. of persons 14 26 40 53 50 37 25
[1.C.W.A., June '75-0Old]
27. The G.M., HM. and A.M. of three observations are 3.63,
3.27 and 4 respectively. Find the observations. [C.U., M.Com. '75]
28. Using a suitable formula calculate the median value from
the following data :
Midvalue 115 125 135 145 155 165 175 185 195 Total
Frequency 6 25 48 72 116 60 38 22 3 3%
[C.A., Nov. 66)
29. Ina group of 1000 wage earners the monthly wages of 49
are below Rs. 60 and those of 15% are under Rs. 62.50. 159% ecarmed


Rs. 95 and over, and 5% got Rs. 100 and over. Find the median
wage. [B.U., B.A.(Econ) 70]
30. The table below gives the frequency distribution of weights
of 80 apples :
Weight (gms.) 110-119 120-129 130-139 140-149 150-159 160-169
Frequency 5 1 12 20 16 10

170-179 180-189
7 3

Draw the cumulative frequency diagram and hence determine the

median weight of an apple. [1.C,W.A., Dec. '76]
31. Draw the less-than Ogive and estimate the value of median
on the basis of the data given below :
Mid-Point 18 25 32 39 46 53 60
Frequency 10 15 32 42 26 12 9 N = 146
Verify the above result by calculation. [C.A., May '74]

32. An incomplete frequency distribution is given below :

(inches) 5.1-6.0 6.1-7.0 7.1-8.0 8.1-9.0 9.1-10.0 10.1-11.0. 11.1-12.0
No. of plants 3 8 27 7 17 11 9

It is known that the median height of the plant is 8.53 inches.

Calculate the missing frequency. [1.CW.A., Jan. '72]
33. In the following data two class frequencies are missing : -
ec. L 100-110 110-120 120-130 130-140 140-150 150-160"
Frequency 4 7 15 fs 40 ?
160-170 170-180 180-190 190-200
16 10 6 3
However it was possible to ascertain that the total number of
frequencies was 150 and that the median has been correctly found
out as 146.25. Find the two missing frequencies. [C.4., May '73]
34. In each of the following cases, explain whether the descxip-
tion applies to the mean, median or og
Pty (i) can be calculated from a fi requency distribution
i i with
i open .

i) the values of all items are taken into consideration in the

ile rang
3. (i) If the first quartile is 142 and the semi-interquart
is 18, what is the third quartile ?
is 30 ; | find
(ii) The coefficient of variation is 40 and the mean 69)
the adit deviation. [C.U., M.Com.
4. Find out the range of the following data :
60-62 63-65 66-68 69-71 72-74
Height (inches)
8 27 42 18 5
No. of students
[D.S.W., Nov.’73]

5. Calculate the quartile deviation and its coefficient from the

following :—
Cl. interval 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-40 40-30 50-60 60-70 Total
Frequency. 4 12 16 22 10 8 6 4 8
Ba [C.A., Nov. 76)
6. The following table shows the distribution of the maximum
ioads supported by certain cables produced by a company :—
Maximum load
(Short tons) 9.3-97 9.8-10.2 10.3-10.7 10.8-11.2 11.3-11.7
No. of cables 2 5 12 17 14
11.8122 12.3-12.7 128-13.2
6 3 1
Find the semi-interquartile range. [D.S.W., 68]
7. Define Mean Deviation. Find the mean deviation about the
arithmetic mean of the numbers 31, 35, 29, 63, 55, 72, 37.
: I'B.U., B.Com. 76]
8. Calculate the mean deviation of the following : 13, 84. 68,
24, 96, 139, 84, 27, about the median. [B.U., B.Com."77]
9. Find the mean deviation about median from the following
data: 46, 79, 26. 85, 39, 65, 99, 29, 56, 72. [C.U., B.Com. 77]
10. Find mean deviation fpr the following frequency distribution :
Variable 3 5 1:9 11 13
Frequency 2 7 10 9 5 1 [D.M.(Suppl.) '77]
11. Calculate the mean deviation from the following data, relat-
ing to heights (to the nearest inch) of 100 children :
Height (inches) 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68
No. of children 2 0 15 29 25 12 10 4 3
(IC.W.A., Jan. 13]
12. Calculate mean deviation from median from the following :
Class intervals: 2-4 4-6 6-8 8-10 .
Frequencies :@ 3 4 2 1 [ICW.A, Dec. '77]

13. In a certain distribution of N = 25 measurements it was

found that 2 = 56 inches and 5.D. = 2 inches. After these results
were computed it was discovered that a mistake had been . Find
one of the measurements which was recorded as 64 inches t is
the mean and standard deviation, if the incorrect measuremen
omitted. [C.U., M.Com. 62]
14. The mean and S.D. of a group of 25 observations were found
to be 30 and 3 respectively. After the calculations were made, it was
found that two of the observations were incorrect, which were
recorded as 29 and 31. Find the mean and S.D. if the incorrect
observations are excluded. [C.U., B.Com.(Hons) 68]

15. The mean and standard deviation of a group of 100 observa-

tions were found to be 20 and 3 respectively. After the calculations
were made it was found that three of the observations were incorrect
which were recorded as 21, 21 and 18. Find the mean and s.d.
if the incorrect observations are omitted. [C.U., B.A(Econ) 65]

16. The mean and the standard deviation of a sample of size

10 were found to be 9.5 and 2.5 respectively. Later on, an additional
observation became available. This was 15.0 and was included in
the original sample. Find the mean and the standard deviation of
the 11 observations. [ICW.A.. June ’75]
17. The mean and the s.d. of a sample of 100 observations were
calculated as 40 and 5.1 respectively, by a student who by mistake
took one observation as 50 insteadof 40. Calculate the correct s.d.
[I.C.W.A., Dec. ’76-0ld]
18. For a distribution of 280 observations mean and standard
deviation were found to be 54 and 3 respectively. On checking it
was discovered that two observations, which should correctly read as
62 and 82, had been wrongly recorded as 64 and 80 respectively.
Calculate the correct values of mean and s.d. [C.U., B.A.(Econ) ’75]
19. Xis the mean of X;, Xa and X;. If x,, xs, x, are the devia-
tions of Xj, Xs, X; from X respectively, prove that
x2 Fx = XP
+ X®+ X;2—3X2. [C.U., B.A (Econ) 69]
20. Let xj. xg, ..., X, be a sct of observations. Suppose we
compute y, = a-+bx; (i == 1,2, --- n), where a und b are constants.
Express the s.d. of the y’s in terms of the s.d. of the x’s and comment
on the relation between the two. IC.U., B.A.(Eccn) '78)

21. ‘If the mean and the standard deviation of n observations

x), xy, ..., X, be ¥ and o respectively, then the mean and the standard
tviation of —x;, —Xs, ..., —X, willbe —% and —e respectively’
—Comment. [1.C.W.A., June ’75]
A, ¢ = standard devia-
If d* = mean square deviation about a’.
A—% = a, then show that d® = o*+
[D.SW., 71]
tion, and
m the following series :
23. Calculate the standard deviation fro
20, 85, 120, 60, 40. [B.U., B.Com. 71]
Fin d the sta nda rd dev iat ion of weights (to the nearest pound)
en bel ow : 138, 156, 147, 115, 145, 132, 163, 158,
of 15 students giv [B.U., B.A.(Econ)’72]
130, 123, 103 , 109 , 100 , 105 , 106 .
observations :
25. Calculate the s.d. of the following
, 240.17,
240.12, 240.13, 240.15, 240.12
240.15, 240.17, 240.16, 240.22, [L. C.W.A., June 76]
distribution given below :
~426. Find the standard deviation for the 7
1 2 3 4 5 6
x 14 10 2
10 20 30 35
Frequency [ Dip. Management, "67 ]
s.d. fro m the fol low ing tab le giving the age distribu-
27. Find the
tion of 540 members of a Parliainent :
30 40 50 60 70
Age in years 153 140 51
No. of members ~~ 63 132
[C.U., B.Com. '78)
Fin d the s.d. fro m the fol lowing frequency distribution
5-1 29 130 -13 4 135 -13 9 140 -144 145-149 Total
Wr. (Ibs.) : 120-124 "12 28 15 12 8 100
No. of boys : 12 [B.U., B.Com. 74]
e wei ght s of a cer tai n pr od uct produced in a factory
29. Th 121 articles :
given below from a sample of
3.233 33:34 3.4-3.5 3.5-3.6
Weight (oz.) 3.0-3.1 3.1-32 12 20 25 18
Frequency 5 10
363.7 37-38 38-39 3.940
10 8 8 5
eti c mea n and sta nda rd dev iation. /C.4., May 72]
Calculate the arithm
e the sta nda rd dev iat ion of the following data :
30. Comput
Weekly wages in Rs. Number of Men
30 and under 40
, i» 30 12
490 6
60 E
50 »" 1)
10 4
60 ,, . B.Com. 73]
10 [B.U.,
”" 80 f
70 ”

31. Find the standard deviation of the following distribution :

Turnover 50-100 100-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-350 350-400
’ .
(Rs. "000 p.a.)
No. of firms 5 8 ‘9 12 18 [CU 3 B.Com. 74]

“32, Compute the arithmetic mean, standard deviation and mean

deviation about the mean for the following data :
Scores 4-5 6-7 89 10-11 12-13 14-15 Total
f 4 10 2 15 8 3 60
[1.C.W.A., Dec. '78]
33.Compute the s.d. of income from the following :
Income (Rs.):Below 200 200-399 400-599 600-799 800-999 1000-1199
No. arners : 25 72 47 22 13 7
fn [C.U., B.A.(Econ '78]
34. Find the mean and the s.d. from the following frequency
distribution :
Weight (1b.) : 131-140 - 141-150 151-160 161-170 171-180
No. of persons: 2 5 4 9 7
181-190 191-210 211-240
5 3 1 [I.C.W.A.. Jan 71]
35. Calculate the proportion of farms in which costs of produc-
tion are within the range A.M.4S.D. in the following distribution :
Costsof production 4-6 6-8 8-10 10-12 12-14 14-16 ‘fotal
(Rs. per 5 litres)
No. of dairy farms 13 111 182 105 19 7 437
[L.C.W.A., Dec.’73]
¥ 36. Out of 400 observations, 100 observatioas have the value
one and the rest of the observations are zero. Find the mean and
s.d. of 400 observations together. [B.U., B.A.(Econ) '66]
#31. Two samples of sizes 60 and 90 have 52 and 48 as the res-
pective arithmetic mzans, and 9 and 12 as the respective standard
deviations. Find the arithmetic mean and the standard deviation of
the combined sample of size 150. [{C.W.A. July '70]
38. The means of two samples of sizes 50 and 100 respectively
are 54.4 & 50.3 and the standard deviatlons are 8 & 7. Obtain the
mean and standard deviation of the sample of size 150 obtained by
combining the two samples. (Give answers correct to one decimal
place.) [D.M.’72 ; L.C.W.A., Dec.'77 & June ‘78

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