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 What is the age(s) of your child(ren)?

 What are/were your child’s major worries/concerns about coronavirus?

 How do you help your child relax when they feel scared about the virus?

 What new habits has your child developed since the onset of the pandemic, if any?

 What does your child miss the most during quarantine?

 Does your child know of a family member/friend with coronavirus? Yes or No.

 If yes, how did they react to it?

 Do you usually avoid or facilitate difficult conversations about coronavirus? For

example: when will it end? why do people die from it? can I go out?

 Is there any aspect of this ‘new normal’ your child is enjoying?

 What has helped/helping your child get through quarantine? Check all that applies.

1. A routine
2. Screen time
3. Virtual meet-ups with friends
4. Spending time outside
5. Journalling, Crafting
6. Reading
7. Other. Please elaborate.

 What kind of activities have you started doing together as a family during quarantine
which you didn’t used to before?

 How has the pandemic affected you as a parent? In one line, describe how you feel
on most days.

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