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The New York Stock Exchange

The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is the world’s largest stock exchange by market

capitalization. Like all other stock exchanges it trades in securities, providing a platform for

stockbrokers and traders to buy and sell these financial assets. The securities that are

available for trading include stocks, bonds and derivatives. In this discussion we’ll have a

look at some of the securities that the NYSE has to offer.

Stock (also called Equity): a form of corporate ownership, wherein the owner of this security

owns a portion/share of a company and thus gets paid dividends (profit that is distributed to


Bond (a debt instrument): a form of loan whereby the issuer (borrower) effectively borrows

money from the holder (lender) and issues a promissory note to pay back the loan with

interest after a definite amount of time. The issuing of bonds provides the borrower with

funds to finance long term investments.

Derivative (contract type): gets its value from the performance of an underlying entity, which

can be an asset, index or interest rate. Types of derivatives include forwards, futures, options

and swaps.

Some of the largest companies in the world are listed for stock trading at the NYSE


Bank of America (listed as NYSE: BAC)

A bank holding and financial holding company that provides financial services to clients in

the USA and abroad. The company currently has a market cap of 161 Billion USD.

Chesapeake Energy Corporation (listed as NYSE: CHK)

A natural gas and oil company that mines and produces these natural resources for the global

market. The company currently has a market cap of 5 Billion USD.

Yamana Gold Inc. (listed as NYSE: AUY)

A Canadian gold mining company with sites in Brazil, Mexico and Canada to name a few.

The company currently has a market cap of 4.6 Billion USD.

Twitter (listed as NYSE: TWTR)

An internet services company that provides a social platform for self-expression and

conversation. The company currently has a market cap of 14 Billion USD.

General Electric Company (Listed as NYSE: GE)

A company with a diverse product and services portfolio including: power generation,

household appliances, consumer financing, etc. The company currently has a market cap of

278 Billion USD.

Word count: 373

The NYSE website. (2016). Home page.
Retrieved from:
Wikipedia. (2016). New York Stock Exchange.
Retrieved from:

Wikipedia. (2016). Stock Exchange.

Retrieved from:

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