Discuss The Assertion That Management Is Both A Science and An Art - Edited

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Discuss the assertion that management is both a science and an art

Management can be viewed as both a science and an art. The scientific part is because

management contains a set of facts that is universally true. Several universally acknowledged

principles have a cause-and-effect relationship. It creates art at the same time since it requires

excellence through practice, practical knowledge, and personal talents that include creativity.

Again, management is a science because it combines the characteristics of science in that it uses

scientific concepts to make decisions that have an impact on management operations, such as the

use of matrices in the processes of evaluating business performance and making decisions based

on the same. The scientific aspect is concerned with information, while the artistic aspect is

concerned with the talents required to keep the activities running well.

To be successful in management, a manager must have a scientific understanding and the

ability to apply it in art. That makes management a well-balanced mix of science and art because

it strives to prove concepts, and how these ideas are applied is a work of art. Art teaches both

how to know and how to do something. Knowing the theory but not putting it into practice is not

excellent management, but knowing and putting it into practice is. They don't have to be

mutually exclusive, but they do help each other out.


Gallos, J. V. (2020). The Arts and the Art and Science of Management Teaching. In Oxford

Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management.

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