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Nama : Amelia Putri Patricia

NIM : P27226023061

Kelas : 1 B

Exercise 1

1. Siswati is my younger sister.

2. He was 10 years old.

3. She studied at SD Cemara Dua Solo.

4. She and her friends are going to Tawangmangu tomorrow Sunday.

5. They're going there by bus.

6. They'll be there for two days.

7. They'll be living in a lovely cottage.

8. They had prepared equipment for the activity there.

9. Siswati has bought a lot of fruit.

10. She has also made many cookies.

11. She would leave my house at 7.00 a.m.

12. He will have arrived at school at 7.30 a.m.

13. I'm sure they'll be happy there.

Exercise 2

1. Is

2. Is

3. Have

4. Hunting

5. With

6. Have

7. Is

8. Happy

9. He

10. Have

11. Invitations for

12. Suprise

13. Do

14. To attend

15. Go

16. Party

17. Very

Exercise 3

1. + Susi love Yudy

- Susi does not love Yudy

2. + Sinta will lazy

- Sinta will not lazy

3. + Tini was happy yesterday

- Tini was not happy yesterday

4. + You can go home this morning

- You can not go home this morning

5. + Adita was homework yesterday

- Adita was not homework yesterday

6. + Linda go to office every Saturday

- Linda does not go to office every Saturday

7. + Dina was left yesterday

- Dina was not left yesterday

8. + Deni can make kites

- Deni can not make kites

9. + They were sick yesterday

- They were not sick yesterday

10. + Siswanti forget you

- Siswanti does not forget you

Exercise 4

1. Does Rini work here?

2. Did Tina attend the meeting?

3. Have they arrived at this campus?

4. Was Susi sick yesterday?

5. Have Tono and Antok here last night?

6. Do they accompany you every day?

7. Can Tina play soccer?

8. Can i leave this class?

9. Are you Susi?

10. Dewi has finished the job?

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