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Dear All,

Please advice as this is not expert opinion and filled with spelling mistakes and
grammar errors. You people may need to use some imagination. Thanks.

Yours in Christ,

Obscure memories of all

This memory belonged to all people, please find a suitable person (a literature writer)
gather the newspaper, radio record and log. I would suggest the fund raised go toward
social development funding. This could well use as studying material for future
We own the copyright. It is not mine. It is people. It is always people. Please make
good use of the opportunity of our international poetry series for the job.
Thanks. And all the best.
PS. I just figure out the (Office Assistant) cat would go to bed once every 15 minutes
and made a noise on the computer. Thanks Microsoft. I am having that sore neck
again ~_~

NewstalkZB archive
22/2/08 The spook from space
You are pretty straight with me tonight. It doesn’t mean you are gay either. So are you
a homo? I don’t think so! But u never knows. 5:06am
So u like I now pronounce you Larry & chuck. Professor Larry saved me from this
publicity once. A squire? So are you straight? Of course you are. Keep It Simple Silly.
I do have a penname I use in HK media called “pursuing circle”. It’s a name for
people became a monk. Simplify reproduction & sound like the “central source”.
The Singapore communist journalist penname way of flight. Sound forever love. Are
released as political prisoner before New Year. Things have two sides. Don’t judge.

22/2/08 Sorry Caracas Sorry

Sorry Bruce. I’ve created this grief again. May be its better if I got isolated for awhile.
I mean it. Something good something bad resulted from my bad temper! 9:33pm
Pat is right. I am abusing my privilege. I am overusing this power. Sometime without
plan selfishly doing things without consider the consequence. I am sorry. 9:45pm
Sorry 4 the missing plane again. I would try and control my temper. And respect my
parent as they are only care of my well being! I don’t mean it. Sorry! 9:47pm
I would try becoming a better man. Who would think a self destructive act would
bring a plane down? That's the 2nd times. Please give me a chance! It wasn’t planned.
I would solve these domestic flights 2nite. I mean these upcoming events. Sorry 4 the
inconvenience. Best wishes. U guys consider it ads. 9:59pm
Bruce. U people are still angry on my act? Who deserve being assaulted and remain
calm and preach to all? Who could really love their enemies? 11:37pm
I should never left no comrade down. But I really have enough of this. Are you really
expecting me to put the ear back for those who smashed my eye? I don’t even know…
What are you going 2 feel when your best friend left u outside her circle of friends?
Safety, personal interest what do you think? I am crazy enough. 11:52pm

23/2/08 Restlessness
Pat what would u do if your beloved students smash a classmate eye just to tell you
your computer status. Or other way around? Would u be as crazy as I do?! 1:23am
Either way the blood is shed for me and the church. Just to prove the righteousness of
the bible? What would u feel if u is me? Lay a hand and heal the ear? 1:26am
The world isn’t as we seen. I m lucky I am here. I really thanks 4 all these support. I
am really feeling sick. I would never harm myself because someone would get harm.

23/2/08 Unifriend ~ The Realignment – part ?

I am mean to help Rhema the vine, unifriend and all agencies 2 line up. It is not in my
will 2 coordinate it all without their own effort. I proud of their work. 1:44am
It is not in my will power to make this entire people come 2gether and get it settled.
Young people did what young people do. That’s the 2nd time I said that. Bye~ 1:48am

23/2/08 a broken mirror & a mosaic pot, The Satellite

Pat can u guide me to a fine guideline on how I should use this Pr materials? I am
really losing the pot. My website wasn’t destroyed but I feel confuse of human
behaviour. 3:24am
On the one hand I need this 2 gather people. On the other hand I am worry about this
toxic leaked in2 bad hands God please guide me through this time! 3:26am
I had done this ethic 4 pr practise. I try minimising collateral damages. I tried made
stuff less confuse. I tried made it more effective and efficient 4 every events. 3:30am
But it is just not coming out on my way. Who would go thru all this troubles listing
every details of a single piece of devotion? Like I posted last night. 3:34am
U could write a thesis on the whole topic of self control and fear. But who would
really read it? Don’t mention people don’t like sermon & academic stuff. 3:37am
All they care is the political view. And financial reward 4 studying the meaning. I am
wandering into James kitchen show like a zombie & saw that’s Keys & CRAP. What
young people really capable of changing the world? What m I a living corpse. 3:41am
I am not a saint, I 2 use all this method trying 2 catch my audience heart. I tried 2
inspire them just like that mosaic art. I tried interpreting it 4 them. 4:03am
Some1 drawed the line & I added a few more lines 2 made it complete. I feel I have
found my soul mate. From craziness 2 a better format. Ur lines inspired me. 4:07am
We all give our compliments to others. I don’t wanna c them suffered. I feel I am
responsible 4 them 4 their well being. I c them as my friends. Don’t judge pls. 4:11am

23/2/08 The civil right Cycle

Yes the post war boomer are trying 2 bring back their memories & train new era
successors. That what they can do best. It’s the retired best contribution. 4:17am
The Bond is in the 50-60s so is the Apollo program. They just don’t care. They want
to build USA in China the history is repeating itself I guess. 4:23am

23/2/08 a host at Graveyard (please contribute your feeling Pat)

U & I are in the 80-90s a-team is my favourite TV-show. It s a luxury 2 have it on big
screen now. Wait till we are retired & tell stories 2 grandkids. 4:32am
Of course no one is like u. u are unique as u are. There are no common memories? I
have friend dying 4 blood cancers & my parent called him a liar. 4:40am
Be careful of what u said on air. They may make u stab ur own friends or make ur
friends stab u. I have learned this lesson. Human are born equal. 4:43am
Job has done nothing wrong but God have put his life on Satan to test his faith. If we
could stay positive we would never get ourselves into troubles. Good luck. 4:49am

23/02/08 follows the footstep

I would lead the example by stop txting u while u are on air 4 u serenity. I am sure u r
in great distress while u made this comment as u don’t know the accused. 5:02am
Be positive. Lower the defence. Relax. Stay focus. Think of something else! Do what
u want if that’s ur style. Don’t get trapped the mind! Good luck! 5:12am
U r the host of the show. Noone wanna attack u. even if ur family & friends ask u 2
die, they did it 4 a reason. I knew u r gay! Show u humour. It catches hearts. 5:25am

24/02/08 An encounter with Helen

Hi Helen. Are unitarist who consume newborn unionists/dinosaurs considered 2 being
evil? What’s wrong w/ people stand on both sides during arguments? Advice taken.
I would make sure I am going to behave myself if I am going to this union meeting
and not pollute this endanger animals mind with my unitarism approach. 8:38pm
Good night PM. Those candidates’ votes are still going to the local labour MP. Some
teething problem 4 the party vote. Something noisy gone silent 4 the Green. 9:17pm
(sorry I missed the Challenge weekly November 26 issue I am just being a idiot, we
all do, how a person catch up with everything all the time?) 9:17pm
Don’t worry Pm. National MPs are no match to urs. I guess they have their own
problems. We all knew u r working on family issues. 9:26pm
Sorry if I have offended u PM. It is all about regeneration. That work on both sides if
I am a unitarist. I am only trying to tell the truth. I behave myself. 9:37pm

25/2/08 Proteus
Hey. Kerre. Are u people now accuse the endangered hare eating newly grow fruit
plants in China? Fuss pots making puzzle 4 me daily. 10:52pm
What’s it regarding 2? Since when we worship Proteus? Funny enough people
shouldn’t even react to this publication. It’s all about teamwork with scientist.

28/2/08 Being Sensitive

Bruce. U just can’t openly post this back stage stuff on the internet. People get
crazy/misunderstood very easily. And u just can’t control how they are going 2
respond. 12:57am (please add the professional judgement)
Hey Bruce. Why are u not talking China 2nite. That what u usually do. Hillary
accused China for 5 main crimes yesterday. It is weird u aren’t mention it on ur show.
(did you talk and I miss, I am not 24/7 drunk day and night animal ^_^”) 2:30am

28/2/08 The horse, the cone, the wall, and the web by Alison Thomas & ELAM
Where’s charlotte from the central leader? And where is our coach Pat Lam?! 4:58pm
1/3/08 The Good News (ref HK & China news)
Hi Jim. Chinese claim they have more than 3000 year’s history. Do you know when
Jesus Born. Han Dynasty overthrown and “New” dynasty form till 23AC. 11:27pm
And believe it or not, at that time the New dynasty collect one tenth as the tax rate
“Tithe”. And all land belongs to the state. They run SOE. It remains chaos. 11:35pm
In the new dynasty when Jesus Born. They tried 2 abort slavery in China. (Amazing
grace before Christ) It is like social democracy failed. They proclaim a new saint is
going 2 raise and rule. 12:07am

5/3/08 The work on the shaft NZP 821.91 B35A

Mosaic, Opus, Wells, Shaft, usually lined w/ brick or stone, for obtaining water from
an underground source. Bruce, anything in ur mind i.e. u & the team want?! 12:09am
What’s the chance i.e. Helen is going 2 leave her job gracefully? It doesn’t look like
she is going 2 serve more than 3 terms. The poll said it all. 12:16am
It has precedent i.e. the changing of a leader suit better 4 the party? I am not saying
i.e. Helen is a bad PM. Could she appoint a successor like Putin? Look at Putin
Putin look pale. May be Helen should go & do a full “body” check. His duties put him
quite outside the pale. We haven’t heard much about her personal life. That sad!
Put her. Not him. It wasn’t any conspiracy. Look at Bush! The only leaders looking
alright are those Chinese multi-heads dragons. What she need is a Healthy image.
Hey Bruce. I missed the first Dean’s series. I can c nothing as I wasn’t there. I
presume it’s nothing important as its Harvard professor. Cya on Thursday! (What I
mean is he should be knowing what he is doing and would use it to promote itself to
other potential candidates) 12:48am
I am more interested on social work than Harvard mentor. As I already got a mentor 4
business w/ Union/Maori network. I would catch up there w/ my mentor. Decoy?!
I am w/ the twoa!(reporting status) first come first serve. Free tuition. A better
environment 4 networking & team growth. I am sure we are going 2 shares some
Harvard stuff there. (It is all the same but difference on the basic stuff) 1:03am
I guess if u r a union member’s u got priority 4 that course! We were first 2 notify as
we pay union member fee. It is not something gang could steal. 1:10am
It’s a lot 2 offer if u a union members. I would guess National would have similar
spin. I am just a low income worker. I.e. what I m belong 2. U never knows. 1:18am
Classes are subject to approval and sufficient numbers. I do hope we could have this
wonderful opportunity. Come if u has spare time. “First Step 2 Business” (FSB).
Bruce. What does u think about me maintain a public blog on the cert. Most info
available on BIZ I guess. Is it good if I post it on facebook? The mail drop is on.
I am neither a member of Labour nor a member of Maori party. Its just 2 complicated.
Especially on election year. I only care young people got something 2 hold on.
“Framework’s poster” 1:36am
If key want he could attack Helen on EFA. Helen could attack he is using the media
(promote a Nat’s & rest columnists- delegate) Free publication for all parties (Maori
originally, you people could figure out the rest) vote on their side. Win win situation. I
am as I am a Unitarian. We have nothing 2 hide. 1:54am
I am sure Jim want that push as well. For it is BIZ, “Business mentor” ads. Econ
development, ACT on legal issues, It might clear Maori uni bad name as well. What
are we say? A GO sign?! (Yes the road work at my church… sure a GO sign and you
people want as much people as you want. Knowledge base economy?!) 1:59am
I.e. the best I could come up w/ I saw u draw i.e. line. Would u mind if I do a little
tagging on it to make it look nicer? I only told them what they need 2 know. 2:03am
How about going thru i.e. mgmt101 again. Dedicated to 2008 class. Frame of
reference. Pluralist vs. unitarist as their assignment. This timetable just fit (thanks
Bruce for the 4 Seasons music) u know it better. 2:09am
Helen is the very best. May be I should consider joining labour party. But it is too PR,
is it?! U guys could go as crazy as u can on superficial report. Doesn’t u love it?! ^_^”

5/3/08 Exodus
Yeah 2moro injection is on left side? How can u people drive people 2 Australia like
this? Did they have a labour shortage? Sigh. No comments. 28K emigrants?! 2:20am
U sends all this graduate overseas 4 their OE. The research facilities all over? Wasn’t
it under agreement between govt? Fear of losing low income workers? 2:30am

5/3/08 Bureaucrats and Interest holders/Capitalists (contributor of country

development, please don’t get me wrong)
Did Banks want to sell the AKL Int port again? He promises not 2 sell the airport if I
didn’t have it wrong. Why is this happening again? No comments no Intel. 2:42am
C Dick & Banks are the same. We should never trust this bureaucracy. They could
always have a shareholder meeting if they want to issue warrant to gain
C that’s the difference in Chinese & Kiwi. Even the share market shape differently.
Both are bureaucracy. I would never step into nzx. Singrapore airline/airnz?! 3:00am
Sound like either way the airport normal share price might go down. The overall
equity might go up. I still have no idea how a telecom 50% net worth stake of the nzx
could go below $4. 3:06am
505 net worth of the whole 10yrs ago. & the nz index up up & away? I need 2 redo
my finance course. Foreign investment it is. Contribution to the GDP Growth. Pitfall
4 small shareholders? 3:17am
Burke an issue. Drought? I haven’t heard about export fx problem! I am not temped 2
dig deep 4 treasure. May be I should. I have no Intel @ all. Read 2moro HK. 3:52am
How many NZers actually buying into this share after all this bad publicity over
decade?! NZ security guards rely on foreign intake?! I.e. pretty much truth! 3:57am
Warrant. Not interest, not willing 2 take risk. Fear no payoff. Selling it 2 foreigners.
The pie gets bigger. Pass the rule. It is just a lack of trust in NZers I guess or is it lack
of fund?! Nah. Lvl4?! I only want to take my first step 4:16am

5/3/08 The Noah Song

U people been tracing every move I have in internet. So what next? These magnetic
toys are 2 dangerous. So we replace it w/ computer;-p grows up boys! ^_^” 5:03am
Mercury is in liquid form. U guys made it into pellets and test fire it? U boys are more
dangerous than I thought. Does it turn into gas w/ massive mass?! 5:08am (I would
talk to the bone craver next time)
If there is a werewolf in a tank or fighter jet. This AIR is sure going to penetrate the
armour. And I am sure that silver bullet is going to arm the battleship. 5:22am
I am not sure why Chinese still want to build a aircraft carrier (morale, Moral, global
security, training, meditation, mediation, economic growth, improve technology in
ship building, foreign affair training, OE for foreign student, spy conspiracy theory,
tension in relationship giving the new nutrition ground, you could show me the rest
^_^” do I pass this test) I would sing the China armament expansion song if u would
like it. No comment at all. 5:26am
What goes up may come down. I’ve became a monster myself ten years ago. And now
I involved in this lies & betrayal. What bring me into my doom? I sung my PR song

6/3/08 The Redemption

I am not saying what u people doing are wrong. I m only enjoying a quiet life
(MYOB – mind my own business) we both knew what this publicity going 2 lead me
into. Thanks team. I am no coward. 9:25pm
They are not evil. And I am not refusing 2 obey the elders. That really a hit u got there
2day Don. I am not into politic but happy 2 c growth in our community. 9:30pm

7/3/08 Ending:
6:59am Hey Paul did u people installed a wireless network on my computer? Or is it
just my delusion again? I guess I am only tired.

Breaking news:
The coward whoever did this we will put him into justice?
Please don’t explain any of this to our kids. That made them more analyse but bad
memory! As they are thinking about stuff while you are teaching them basic stuff. I
strongly against you let you son watching TV while he is little and explain some
complex context. Please follow the education protocol. I do believe you people are
recording every time I made a chat.

3,220 words

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