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Fr%ction%l distill%tion
The m#jority of our fuels #nd pl#stics #re derived from
oil. Crude oil c#n be sep#r#ted into different fr#ctions
using fr#ction#l distill#tion.
P#rt of Chemistry (Single Science) Crude oil %nd fuels

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Fr#ction#l distill#tion

Products %nd effects of

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Fr%ction%l distill%tion of crude oil
Fr#ction#l distill#tion sep#r#tes # mixture into # number
of different p#rts, c#lled fr%ctions.

A t#ll fr#ction#ting column is fitted #bove the mixture,

with sever#l condensers coming off #t different heights.
The column is hot #t the bottom #nd cool #t the top.
Subst#nces with high boiling points condense #t the
bottom #nd subst#nces with lower boiling points
condense on the w#y to the top.
2022 ex%m ch%nges
Crude oil is # mixture of hydroc%rbons . The crude oil is
All the #dv#nce inform#tion #nd
ev%por%ted #nd its v#pours condense #t different revision support for this ye#r’s
temper#tures in the fr#ction#ting column. E#ch fr#ction ex#min#tions.
cont#ins hydroc#rbon molecules with # simil#r number
of c#rbon %toms #nd # simil#r r#nge of boiling points. Le%rn more

Oil fr%ctions

The di#gr#m below summ#rises the m#in fr#ctions from Links

crude oil #nd their uses, #nd the trends in properties.
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Note th#t the g%ses le%ve %t the top of the column, the
liquids condense in the middle #nd the solids st%y %t the
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BBC: Science %nd Environment

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Roy%l Society of Chemistry


Science Museum

The fr#ction#ting column

As you go up the fr#ction#ting column, the hydroc#rbons


1. lower boiling points

2. lower viscosity (they flow more e#sily)
3. higher fl#mm#bility (they ignite more e#sily).

Other fossil fuels

Crude oil is not the only fossil fuel .

N%tur%l g%s m#inly consists of meth#ne. It is used in

domestic boilers, cookers #nd Bunsen burners, #s well #s
in some power st#tions.

Co%l w#s formed from the rem#ins of #ncient forests. It

c#n be burned in power st#tions. Co#l is m#inly c#rbon
but it m#y #lso cont#in sulfur compounds, which produce
sulfur dioxide when the co#l is burned. This g#s is # c#use
of %cid r%in . Also, #s #ll fossil fuels cont#in c#rbon, the
burning of #ny fossil fuel will contribute to
glob%l w%rming due to the production of c#rbon dioxide.

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