GIS Applications Presentation

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Idua Edward Olunwa

MS, Geosciences (GIS & Geophysics)

Geosciences and GIS Specialist
 Urban Planning
 3D Modelling
 Environmental Analysis
 Hydrocarbon Exploration
 Asset and Security Management
. . . . . . . . the application of GIS is limited only by the imagination of those who use it. – Jack Dangermond
Urban Planning

 The Physical aspects (Spatial)

–includes environmental – vegetation, land ownership,
mosques/churches, recreation, public transport, boundary/county
lines, surface water; physical infrastructure – roads, pipelines,
hospitals, schools; and topographic data – elevation, scale);

 Demographic (Attribute)

 The population and their characteristics such as include sex, race,

age, income, disabilities, mobility (in terms of travel time to work
or number of vehicles available), educational attainment, home
ownership, employment status, and even location .
 Services and Facilities data (education, health, child care,
emergency services, mosques/churches, recreation, public transport);

 Land Use data (current land use, open space, industrial

locations, retail locations);

 Population data (demographic characteristics, population


 Land and Housing data (# of dwellings, age and type of

dwellings, available allotments, broad area land, forecast allotment
 Analysis of development trends;
 Population growth;
 Analysis and monitoring of land and housing
 Development of regional strategic plans;
 Development of community plans;
 Analysis of school bus transport systems;
 Modelling of accessibility to public transport.

Three software applied in the processing, analysis and presentation of the data include
the RIEGL RiSCAN software which was used to bring in the point clouds and form the
Mesh, the Polyworks 10.1 software which was used to smoothen the data and the 3D
photorealistic model which was used to drape the images on the mesh to create the
Digital Surface Model.
Though further analysis has not been applied to our results, it is clear however that terrestrial scanning combined with digital
mapping allow rapid capture of large datasets and is very efficient to generate realistic, high resolution digital models of 3D
geologic outcrops or models. The picking of geological surfaces such as bedding, faults and fractures in virtual reality permits
the generation of entire 3-D geological models that are compared to those generated through the interpretation of 3-D seismic
Topography and Geologic Mapping
Educational Purposes
Architectural As-Builts
Historic preservation/Archive
Structural Steel mapping/Catalog
Fabrication and Construction inspection and engineering
Manufacturing and reverse engineering
Volume quantity Analysis
Utility Planning and civil traffic
in Archealogy, Civil Engineering, Education, Exploration
Environmental Analysis
Maps Showing Demographic data of schools and toxic site in the Dallas County

This project brings to light a strong
application of GIS in Environmental
justice which tries to analyze the
proximity of minority races and
economically challenged as been
susceptible to Toxic site location.

I generated buffers around the toxic

sites to select block groups that best
define at risk and not-at-risk
populations (Mohai, 1995). Point
distance was used to calculate the
distance between each school and the
toxic sites within 1 mile buffer. The
toxic score divides by distance and a
new table is made and summarized the
Exposure Index.

Ten top schools were identified and

their demographic data analyzed with a
graph image by Arcmap showing that
as propagated in past reports there is a
relationship between toxic sites and
economically challenged/minority
A case of Romania

Geospatial information, including maps and images and their attributes, are
vital to support decision making at various level and implementation of action
plans .

Image from
 Izvoru field is mainly underlaid by clastic reservoirs with stratigraphic traps, The field is a monocline
structure that does not appear to have a time or depth closure. There were 34 wells drilled in the field, 16
were abandoned either during drilling or after testing, and 18 wells were productive. . Several wells on
the southern flank (up dip side) of the field were non-productive, even though the log response is similar
to successful wells in the field. The interpretation is that some of the wells were drilled (drilling problems
or overbalanced) or tested improperly (bad casing and / or cement problems) and that there is some type
of porosity limit to the south.

 Below the Sarmatian there are two additional targets: the Upper Cretaceous Senonian carbonates, and
the Albian carbonates. The Senonian is directly beneath the Sarmatian and has a similar geometry. Based
on third party engineering studies, the combined Sarmatian and Albian formations contained original
resources in place of approximately 22 million barrels of oil (2.8 million tons). Completion difficulties and
water production resulted in limited flow rates and recoveries leading to field abandonment in 1998.

•First country registered in world statistics with a commercial production of 275
metric tones of crude oil in 1857 (Ionescu, 1994).

• The first place Crude oil was exploited from wells dug manually drilled as early as
the 17th and 18th centuries (Dinu et al, 1996). first well was drilled mechanically was
done in Moldavia down to 150m depth in 1861, while in 1862, oil was discovered in
Ploiesti district.

•The first gas field was discovered in 1909 at Sarmasel in the Transylvania Basin
and the first European gas piping system was built in Transylvania in 1913.

•Since then, more than 23,600 geological wells have been drilled onshore and 50
offshore Romania and they have discovered 19.2 billion barrels of oil-in-place and
23.7 trillion ft3 of gas-in-place, and located 473 oil and 201 gas reservoirs. More than
400 of the wells are deeper than 3500m

•According to well classification used in Romania, ‘geological wells’ are understood

to be wells which have contributed to the discovery and the delineation of oil and gas
fields (Ionescu, 1994).
Data Acquisition (Seismic, las and literature)

Literature Review- Digitization Seismic Well log

Geologic summary of aerial interpretation Interpretation

Identify horizons, faults.

Overlay roads, railways and buildings
Tie log to seismic

Create grids in time and depth, Isopach

Buffer layers near to well
Generate/interpret seismogram in Synpak

Create 3-D model in Vupak

Add culture from ArcGIS to model
Conclusion and Decision making
 GIS- it’s ability to integrate and analyze the several kinds of data
(spatial and attribute) at the same time to see patterns or changes.

 GPS – Gives specific location of surface elevation, location (x,y/ lat

long or decimals in reference to a datum and projection) and/or
depth( feet or meters) mainly in point/ well features.

 RS – Data acquisition mainly in reconnaissance, planning and to

even completion . Data can be aerial photo( Landsat) to
multispectral or hyperspectral data if necessary. Oil slicks and
spills are monitored.
 The expenses involved in the Oil and gas sector require a careful
assessment and evaluation from the Business and technical heads.
A proper presentation of these facts and figures would bridge this
differences and expedient the job.

 The ability to provide and visualize and analyze all that

encompasses exploration and exploitation such as finding
prospects, economic considerations, environmental management,
asset management as well as the demographic/Social
implications. The value added increases our prospect leads and
inventory and provides better information to carry the engineers
and management along while minimizing our risks and saving
man hours
 Seismic data (seg-y)- TransAtlantic Petroleum

 Well logs (.las files) )- TransAtlantic Petroleum

 Aerial photos over Izvoru

 Shapefiles (roads, wells, buildings, farmland etc.) were

derived from Aerial photo while Shapefiles for Europe
and Romania are downloaded and unzipped from
grids and

Choices in the use of remote sensed data depends on: cost, sensor type, image footprint size, image
resolution, band frequency. It is useful in reconnaissance for logistics, knowledge of land-use for permits,
royalties, analysis of topography for surveys( flood or swamp areas for bridging) and evaluation of
exploration activity. Landsat TM (passive-optical-sensor) images which are rectified to GPS Datum are also

 Aerial photo interpretation with such image made smaller features like
electrical poles difficult to identify, however, some major features of interest
were covered. Commercial areas were identified from residential areas with
paved floors and large parking lot and cars while forest areas differed from
farmland due to uneven arrangements while rivers ere differentiated from
canals based on paths and proximity to farmlands

 Roads, Homes, canals forests were digitized in ArcView. Well points were
converting from lat/long to x,y coordinates. Surface well locations were
picked over bottom well locations from SMT Kingdom, these were in X,Y
coordinates and were input into Notepad and imported as a table into the file
geodatabase. Tables and attributes follow.

This work seeks to employ GIS to aid exploration and optimize production by mapping oil and field
boundaries, well locations with respect to producing formation, TDD, estimated reserves, well
classification, spud and completion date, cumulative production and initial potential. Techniques 35
applicable is th geostatistical analysis like kriging, trend surface analysis, gridding and modelling
The next phase is the subsurface seismic interpretation, mapping and evaluation of Izvoru field
using the SMT Kingdom Suite to reveal structural and stratigraphic trends, fault systems, define fluid
contacts, show reservoir facies mapping i.e. reservoir distribution through lithology and isopach
maps to aid prospect evaluation simply put the survey was carried out to identify specific areas
where hydrocarbons can be found, determine the formation serving as reservoirs, identify the best
location to drill an exploratory well and measure the area/thickness of the reservoir .
Horizon Picking: Amplitude change applies in identifying changes in rocks and fluids and also
commonly used as indicators through bright spots (associated with strong amplitude, dim spots and
flat spots). The external geometry also reveals slope angles slightly above 10 degrees while the
reflection characteristics are faster than most rocks.
• The number of horizons required can be between the shallowest, middle and
deepest points of the seismic section but for areas of stratigraphic and structural
complexities, four or more horizons is required the define the regional framework.
These framework horizons as much as possible; result from higher amplitude events
and stretch laterally under the surface area.

• Horizons were picked from troughs and peaks and labeled differently, sine peaks are
the required standard in the US and troughs in the UK. Both were used to create time
and depth grids, amplitude maps and isopach maps. The time slices was picked at
several depths to view for channels and other stratigraphic influences on the reservoir.
Grid of Horizon 1 in time contoured at 0.10 sec
The horizon shoes a slow gradient from the SW to the NE direction in depth without any fault
Grid of Horizon 1(Trough) in Depth contoured at 15m
Grid of Horizon 2 in time contoured at 0.10 sec
Grid of Horizon 2 at depth contoured at 15m
Grid of Horizon 3 in time contoured at 0.10 sec
Grid of Horizon 3 in depth contoured at 15m
Grid of Horizon Tr4 in time contoured in 0.10 sec
Grid of Horizon Tr4 in depth contoured at 15m
Grid of Horizon Tr5 in time contoured at 0.10sec
Grid of Horizon Tr5 in depth contoured at 15m
Amplitude map of Horizon Tr4. Despite possible reservoirs, the reservoir
characteristics pose a challenge during production without deep study
Amplitude map of Horizon Tr5 with possible hydrocarbon indicators
The timeslice was taken at various intervals to aid mapping, get a clearer picture of the sub-surface
by depicting features revealed like channels and faults.

Time Slice at 1.099sec showing channel

Time slice at 1.599 sec showing horizons through channel and faults
Time slice at 1.699 sec showing horizons through
channel and faults, this should reflect the spatial
distribution in the time structure map

Time slice at 1.999 sec showing channels and

the mapped horizons
Grid of Horizon Pk2 in time contoured at 10sec
Grid of Horizon Pk2 in depth contoured at 20m
Grid of Horizon Pk3 in time contoured at 0.10sec
Grid of Horizon Pk3 in depth contoured at 20m
Grid of Horizon Pk4 in time contoured at 0.10sec
Grid of Horizon Pk4 in depth contoured at 20m
Grid of Horizon Pk5 in time contoured at 0.25sec
Grid of Horizon Pk5 in depth contoured at 20m
Thickness map for Sequence in trough from Horizon 3-1
Thickness map of Sequence from Horizon 5-3 at 10m contour
Isopach of Peak 3-1 Horizons
Production Rate of wells
• The initial stage in mapping is to delineate faults reflecting by a break
and displacement in continuity of horizons. These displacements give
insight on the type of fault as normal faults which create downlaps are
mainly categorized in the Izvoru Field.

• Though the reservoirs are mainly stratigraphic, the location of these

horizon cut-offs, the attendant fault widths and possible overlap/downlap
in these prospective and potential fault traps are significant to the
economics from the well and its technical design in exploitation
Image from

• The las files provide SP, porosity, gamma ray, neutron, resistivity, density and sonic logs;
however, most of my study is focused on the porosity, resistivity and the Sp logs. The
resistivity and SP log detects permeable beds, their boundaries, formation resistivity (Rw)
while its suppression can be used to detect hydrocarbons, (Asquith and Krygowsji, 2004).
• The SP and GR was useful in mapping shaly or non-shaly carbonates or sandstones as
shale are more radioactive than clean sandstones or carbonates, so as the shale
percentage increases, FR increases too. The neutron, sonic and density give porosity
measurements are a primary reconnaissance, also applied for hydrocarbon density though
permeability cannot be predicted from porosity data alone .
• Using Synpak, the synthetic is tied to the seismic data and stretched and
squeezed as necessary to reduce dispersion between seismic velocities and sonic
log velocities.

• The synthetic seismogram gives a valid model which reflects the earth’s layers
response to the energy wave, a one-dimensional presentation of the acoustic
energy that went through the layers. The reflection coefficient is the ratio of the
reflected wave to incident wave at point of reflection; it is computed by an equation
stirred by a contrast in boundaries due to acoustic impedance where

RC= Amplitude reflected = V1P1- V2P2

Amplitude incident V1P1+V2P2

• The acoustic log is generated by calibrated with the check-shot or vertical

seismic profile (VSP) first arrival information as we have in from Well Sa-D, then
combined with a density log to give the acoustic impedance where

Z=PV, The acoustic impedance (Z)

of a material as defined by the product of its density and acoustic/seismic velocity.

This factor reflects in the reflection coefficient. The synthetic is derived by
convoluting the reflectivity derived from the density and velocity logs with a zero-
phase or minimum phase derived from the seismic data.
• An impedance log and reflection coefficient is generated from the velocity and
density profiles. Where there is no density log, conversion is done with the resistivity
log. The reflection coefficients are convolved with a seismic wavelet to produce a
synthetic seismic trace. The seismic wavelet is obtained using a wavelet extraction
from seismic data in each well study; the synthetic seismogram is then compared
with the actual seismic trace from 200m around the well and aligned to match the
reflection coefficient and GR or SP logs with a perfect correlation to be 1.
Using Faust’s resistivity to velocity technique, I was able to generate density data by
also converting the velocity to density logs. Some of the old logs were strictly for the
reservoir and gave little insight and resolution to the upper strata. Lithology is derived
and confirmed from the literature both from the seismogram interpretation and cross-
plots of SP and porosity and density and sonic logs below:

For well 903 which had resistivity logs without the needed porosity logs conversion
was made to velocity log using

Faust’s conversion from resistivity to velocity is:

Velocity = C1 * Depth ^C2 * Resistivity^C3
where C1 = 2374 (for Metric Z units), C2 = 0.1667, and C3 = 0.1667

and from velocity to density using the formula

Density = 108.2812*[Velocity (l)*4.0] where (l) = each log sample
Well 1750, the GR reveals a presence of high radioactive in the formation, which ties with the Sa-Shale
formation. Like the SP, it is used for Lithologic identification, correlation and shale volume calculation.
The layer thus is clearly porous, non-shaly while the resistivity data of the next strata suggests porosity
and hydrocarbon presence.
For Well SaB, the availability of sonic and density logs makes it ideal for the
synthetic seismogram and provides more information through this
Well Sa-B Values
Marl, sand and clay Levantin

40 at 450 m

Sand, marl and clay


66 at 740 m

Marl, sand and clay

73 at 820 m

Marl, clay and sand Meotian


94 at 1050 m

Limestone, marl limestone

with calcareous sandstone Sarmatia
interbeded * n

125 at m

Hard, compact limestone

and friable chalky limestone Senonia
147 at 1650 m

Compact limestone and

micro – fissured limestone Albian

152 at 1700 m


Well Sa-B Values
 The wells encountered at least three reservoirs: the Sarmatian, the Senonian, and the Albian.
The first reservoir encountered should be the Sarmatian; which is the main reservoir of the
Izvoru field. Regionally the Sarmatian is a very prolific reservoir throughout the Moesian
platform. It is Middle Miocene in age and it developed uncomfortably on the Upper
Cretaceous. The lithology is not clearly established, but is interpreted as oolitic sandstone. The
average effective porosity (derived from resistivity logs) of the sands is 13%. It is easier in the
long term that core of the reservoir be analyzed to effective establish its properties.

 Senonian-The second reservoir encountered will be the Upper Cretaceous Senonian age
carbonate units that lie directly beneath the Sarmatian sands. SP log response indicates that it
is a permeable unit. The limited resistivity logs have a significant kick to the right.

 Albian- The third reservoir encountered will be the Albian carbonates. The lithology varies
from calcareous sandstone to sandy limestone. The reservoir study by TRACS indicated that
the Albian could be subdivided into a cleaner upper unit and into to a more argillaceous
(shaly) lower unit.
 Engineering Departments required these data for road
construction, piping, and electricity projects (keeping
environmental conservation in mind).

 Safety, Health and Environment Department required

these data for monitoring the possibility of oil spill in the
surface water and river.

 The Community Department required these data for

land reclamation for farming, conservation area control
and deforestation.

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