Final Exams 2023 Language Test

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Subject: English Language Grade:VIII Allotted Time: 2hours

Name: ________________ Section: _____________ Date: _______________


● Write your name and section.
● Attempt all questions.
● Read the questions thoroughly before attempting them.
● Write in dark blue or black pen.
● You may use an HB pencil for mind maps.
● This paper comprises----- printed pages.

For teacher’s use only:

*Section A- (20 Marks) *Section B- (00 Marks)

Q.1 # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4

3 3 2
Total 1 1.5 2 1.5 2 2 1 1 3


HSS- Unified Final Term Examination/ May-2023/Grade __/ subject

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Section A –Comprehension

Q1. Read the passage thoroughly and answer the following questions:
Two fish lived in a pond. Their names were Satabuddhi (having the understanding
of a hundred) and Sahasrabuddhi (having the understanding of a thousand). The
two of them had a frog for a friend, whose name was Ekabuddhi (having the
understanding of one). For a time they would enjoy friendly conversation on the
bank, and then they would return to the water. One day when they had gathered
for conversation, some fishermen came by just as the sun was setting. They were
carrying nets in their hands and baskets of dead fish on their heads. When the
fishermen saw the pond, they said to one another, “There seem to be a lot of fish
in this pond, and the water is very low. Let us come back here tomorrow
morning!” After saying this, they went home. These words struck the three
friends like a thunderbolt, and they took counsel with one another.
The frog said, “Oh, my dear Satabuddhi and Sahasrabuddhi, what shall we do?
Should we flee, or stay here?”
Hearing this, Sahasrabuddhi laughed and said, “Oh, my friend, don’t be afraid of
words alone! They probably will not come back. But even if they do come back, I
will be able to protect myself and you as well, through the power of my
understanding, for I know many pathways through the water.”
After hearing this, Satabuddhi said, “Yes, what Sahasrabuddhi says is correct, for
one rightly says: Where neither the wind nor the sun’s rays have found a way,
intelligent understanding will quickly make a path. And also: Everything on earth
is subject to the understanding of those with intelligence. Why should one
abandon the place of one’s birth that has been passed down from generation to
generation, just because of words? We must not retreat a single step! I will
protect you through the power of my understanding.” The frog said, “I have but
one wit, and it is advising me to flee. This very day I shall go with my wife to
another pond.” After saying this, as soon as it was night, the frog went to another
pond. Early the next day the fishermen came and spread their nets over the pond.
All the fish, turtles, frogs, crabs, and other water creatures were caught in the
nets and captured, also Satabuddhi and Sahasrabuddhi. Although they fled, and

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through their knowledge of the various paths escaped for a while by swimming to
and fro, they too, together with their wives, fell into a net and were captured.
That afternoon the fishermen happily set forth towards home. Because of his
weight, one of them carried Satabuddhi on his head. They tied Sahasrabuddhi
onto a string and dragged him along behind.
The frog Ekabuddhi, who had climbed onto the bank of his pond, said to his wife,
“Look, dear! Mr. Hundred-Wit lies on someone’s head, and Mr. Thousand-Wit is
hanging from a string. But Mr. Single-Wit, my dear, is playing here in the clear

i. Identify two examples of figurative language from the extract and write
its type.[ /1]

ii. According to the text, what words struck the three friends like a
thunderbolt? [ /1.5]


iii. What two justifications did the intelligent fish give for their witty verdict?
[ /2]



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iv. What fate did the frog meet?
[ /1.5]



v. This is a moral story. Write the specific moral you understand out of the
story. [ /2]



vi. The frog in the end is sarcastic rather than sorry for his friends. Reason
with evidence. [ /2]


vii. Give a proverb that fits as the modal of this tale:
[ /1]

viii. Identify one example of each:

[ /1]
 Adverb _________________________
 Adjective _________________________
 Noun _________________________
 Coordinating conjunction: __________________________

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ix. Write what you would have done if you were in the place of the following
characters from the story. Remember you have the same wit as the
characters: [ /3]
 Satabuddhi

 Sahasrabuddhi
 Ekabuddhi



Q2. Change the narration: [ /3]

a. “My head is aching,” said Lee.
b. Dan told me he liked his new car
c. Michael said, “You can borrow my book”.
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Q.3. Choose the correct verb which agrees with the subject: [ /3]

. Annie and her brothers (is, are) at school.

2. Either my mother or my father (is, are) coming to the meeting.

3. The dog or the cats (is, are) outside.

4. Either my shoes or your coat (is, are) always on the floor.

5. George and Tamara (doesn’t, don’t) want to see that movie.

6. Benito (doesn’t, don’t) know the answer.

Q4. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verb tense given in the
brackets: [ /2]

Earlier today, we __________ (ride) in the car for two hours. Six inches snow
__________ (fall) last night. I never _________ (know) snow was so beautiful.
The wind had __________ (blow) some of it into high drifts.

Q5. Fill in the suitable form of the modal ‘should’ or ‘shouldn’t’: [ /2]
i. My best friend lied to me, ___________ I forgive her?
ii. We ___________ be late for school.
iii. In a big city you ___________ be careful with your money.
iv. When someone does not speak your language, you _______ speak
slowly with them.

Q.6. Fill in the given conditionals with correct verbs: [ /5]

Anne: I’m quite restless lately and I can’t sleep.

June: If I _________ (be) you, I _________________ (try) to relax.

Anne: I can’t relax. If I ______________ (sleep) better, I ___________________ (be) fresher in the
morning and I ________________ (concentrate) better in the exams.

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June: If you _________________ (not/eat) so little, you _______________ (feel) much more active and
you __________________ (be able to) cope with all the work we have this term.

Anne: Anyway, if I _________________ (have) more free time to study, I _________________ (pass) my
exams, but with the part-time job and all…

Section C-Composition
Write a composition on any one of the following:
 Write a letter to your brother/sister urging him/her to adopt a
healthier lifestyle. Advise him/her to lay off junk food, exercise
regularly and adopt healthier routine like sleeping and rising early.
Date and salutation 2
Body: Relevant content 3
Capitalization and punctuation 2
Grammar and spellings 2
Closing signature 1

 If you were to design a city, how would it look like?
Write a descriptive account.
Relevant content 2
Use of figurative language 2
Use of sensory details 2
Paragraphing 1
Correct grammar and sentence structure 2
Spellings and punctuation 1


 Word limit: 250-300 words

 Plan is mandatory

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