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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION III-CENTRAL LUZON REGIONAL MEMORANDUM No. 443 _, s. 2023 2023 NATIONAL CRIME PREVENTION WEEK CELEBRATION To: Schools Division Superintendents Public Secondary School Heads All Others Concerned 1, _ Inline with the celebration of the National Crime Prevention Week (NCPW on the first week of September, the National Police Commission Region III shall be conducting the Crime Prevention Information Education Campaign Program for students. 2. For Region 3, the National Police Commission will be providing/sharing selected short video clips showing tips or guidance on how to prevent crimes from happening and for these students not to be victims of such crimes. 3. __ Relative to this, these video clips may be integrated in Homeroom Guidance sessions for Junior and Senior High School students during the first week of September 2023. 4. The nine (9) selected video clips may be accessed thru the following link: https:/ / 5. Attached is the letter request from National Police Commission Regional Director Julieta P. Rafeses, MNSA, CESO V for additional details regarding this request. 6. For information and guidance. ay LAR, PhD, CESO Ill egional Director Enel. As stated To be indicated in the Perpetual Index “under the following subjects: NAPOLCOM —NCPW ADVOCACY oRD2 fait 'RO3_ORD_PAU-MEMO-2023-00014/August 25, 2023 latalino St., D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 * Email Address: rogion3 Republic of the Philiopines Department of the Interior and Local Government NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION Regional Office No. Ill Diosdado Macapagal Government Center Maimpis, City of San Femando, Pampanga ere gare Tel. No. (045) 455-0253 August 23, 2023 DIR. MAY B. ECLAR, Ph.D Regional Director Department of Education, Region 3 DMGC, CSFP Dear Dir. Eclar: Greetings! Presidential Proclamation No. 461, dated August 31, 1994, deciared the first week of ‘September of every year as the National Crime Prevention Week (NCPW). The theme of this year's celebration is “Addressing Crime and Advancing Crime Prevention at the Local, National and Global Levels.” ‘One of the major activities to be conducted nationwide is the Crime Prevention Information Education Campaign Program for the students. For Region 3, the National Police Commission will be providing/sharing selected short video clips on Crime Prevention Tips to possibly safeguard our students from being victimized. In view of this, may we respectfully request your support in this undertaking by sharing the short video clips to the school authorities in our region and for each school to let the students of Junior and Senior High Schools to watch these videos, especially during the first week of September 2023. The nine (9) selected video clips have a time slot of just one (1) minute to eight (8) minutes, which you can access thru the following link: httlos://drive google comidrive/folders!1JipBckXNMogAmz47DIPFIS5P9ZdVDKn7usp: haring| In addition, may we also request the displaylhanging of the NCPW tarpaulin/streamer in front of your Office from September 1 to 7, 2023. We have enclosed the soft copy of the tarpaulin design (size- 4x6 ft) and Calendar of activities for your reference. ‘We are looking forward to your usual cooperation towards the success of this endeavor since the safety of our students inside and outside the school premises is our priority. ‘We are fervently hoping to receive positive feedback on this matter. Thank you very much, Very truly yours, AN P. RANESES, MINSA, CESO IV Regional Director x

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