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Rizal's Life Research

El Filibusterismo Synopsis

Borja, Verna Khrzl

Buhi, Marinelle
Gaviola, Joshua
Mercado, James
Radez, Cledioley

Paluga, Albert
Chapter 1 On The Upper Deck

One December morning, the steamer tabo makes its way up to the Pasig river. Most of
the workers are Filipinos, and among the upperclassmen sat the only woman on the upper
deck Doña Victoriana, she then complained about the route that the tabo is taking, the
particular reason for this is that every time there's a deck the workers would use bamboo
sticks together with their strength to stir the tabo causing it to slow down. Soon enough the
group falls into discussing the winding path of the river. Simoun a jeweller present on deck,
suggested the destruction of towns, using prisoners as workers to avoid the cost. Don
Custodio and Padre Sibyla contradict and bring up the possibility of uprisings, this leads
Simoun to sharply dismiss and head towards below the deck.

Chapter 2 On The Lower Deck

Meanwhile below the deck, a medical student Basilio and a young poet Isagani are
having a chat with Kapitan Basilio about the lack of improvement in regards to Capitan
Tiago's health condition, then the subject changed to the the Spanish language Academythey
are planning to go, Capitan Basilio is doubtful of their success; to their defense they revealed
that they are expecting a permit soon, the Capitan accepts their explanation and heads off.
Then the young men moved on to their topic including Paulita, Doña Victoria's niece and
Isagani's love interest. Doña Victoria is hiring of Isagani to look for Don Tiborcio, who was
actually hiding into the house of Isagani's uncle. Simoun joins the conversation while on the
rear is Padre Florentino, Isagani's uncle who was a priest.

Chapter 3 Legends
Padre Florentino sees the guest laughing, friars complaining about the increasing
social awareness of the Filipinos and about the investigation the finances of the church;above
the deck. Simoun then arrives and was feeling unfortunate to miss the places the ship had
passed, he also added that places are worthless unless there are legends associated with them.
The Kapitan of the ship told them a bunch of legends about certain places until they reached
the lake. Ben Zayb asked the Kapitan if there was a certain Ibarra that was killed there, the
Kapitan showed the spot then Padre Sibyla adds that the father is now with the corpse of the
son; that's the cheapest burial Ben Zayb quipped as people laughed, the Kapitan noticed
Simoun who was looking pale, he thinks that Simoun was just seasick.

Chapter 4 Cabesang Tales

Selo, was the one who adopted Basilio when he found him at the forest. Old Selo had
a son named Cabesang Tales he is the father of Lucia, Juli and Tano. Cabesang tales is the
head of the baranggay, he grew rich through hard work and perseverance, then he partnered
with an investor. When he saved enough money, Cabecang Tales inquired for a place in the
woods, when he confirmed that there was no owner, he planted sugar cane and cultivated the
land in order for him to send Juli to college because he want her to same the same educational
attachments Basilio her lover. When the land was developed, the Friars wanted to take the
land so they taxed Cabesang Tales, it kept raising until he cannot pay anymore. He brought
the Friars to the court and asked for proof of land ownership, there was no proof but the court
is still in favor to the Friars.
When his son Tano was about to be drafted in one of the Guardia Civil he refused to fund him
and used the money to the court trials instead. Because he feels that when he lost the land he
also lost his children to, when he can no longer afford the court trials, he built a fence around
the land and guarded it himself with a riffle but soon enough it ran out of bullets, so he
carried bolo, but then it was banned so carried an axe instead. That's when the armed bandits
abducted Cabesang Tales and asked for random. Upon knowing this Juli sold all of her
jewelries but it was not enough so she borrowed money from Hermana Penchang and
promised to work as a maid in order to pay the money.

Chapter 5 A Cochero's Christmas Eve

While a Cochero is making his way to the town of San Diego he was maltreated by
the Guardia Civil when they found out that he was not able to bring his cedula with him. The
Cochero was detained and was beaten until he lost consciousness. Basilio arrives at San
Diegoand was greeted with a bad news that Cabesang Tales was abducted by the bandits.
Chapter 6 Basilio

Basilio made his way to the forest, he wandered into the woods until he was
able to locate the place where he buried his mother Sisa thirteen years ago. A painful memory
crossed his mind, from burrying his mother, to losing his brother Crispin, though he was able
to study because he served Capitan Tiago's home in Manila in exchange to pay for his tuition.
His journey as a student is rough, he was discriminated by students and teachers as well, still
he was able to graduate having good grades and medals. When he reached college he took
medicine, while Capitan Tiago wanted him to take law but he agreed to Basilio's choice
instead. When Basilio started to cure people he was able to afford new and descent clothes,
one time when he was able to heal a leper, he paid Basilio with a locket. Now the locket was
given by Maria Clara when he saw the leper begging in the streets. That locket was in the
hands of Juli when Basilio gave it to her as a gift. Basilio is now in the last year's of his
studies and was selected to deliver a valedectory address.

Chapter 7 Simoun

Basilio was about to leave the forest when he noticed a shadow approaching
towards him, turns out it was Simoun but his real identity is Crisostomo Ibarra. He then tried
to convince Basilio to take revenge on what had happen to his mother and brother. Basilio is
not in favor of his plan, as he believed that revenge will not bring back his family.

Chapter 8 Merry Christmas

Christmas day arrived and they was still not enough money gathered so Juli
accepted her fate and goes on to become Hermana Penchang's servant girl. On the other hand
Selo, Juli's grandfather is in deep misery knowing that his young granddaughter is cruelly
punished by fate, because of this he became mute.


On the previouschapters, it showed how the Spaniards treats the Filipinos. It T also
showed the aspects of the Filipinos and these are: resilient, hardworking and religious well.

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