Experimental Investigation and Thermodynamic Calculation of The Co-Cr-Mo System

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JPEDAV (2014) 35:544–554

DOI: 10.1007/s11669-014-0317-7
1547-7037 ASM International

Experimental Investigation and Thermodynamic

Calculation of the Co-Cr-Mo System
Weilin Wang, Fucheng Yin, Minghua Zhang, Manxiu Zhao, and Zhi Li

(Submitted September 23, 2013; in revised form March 19, 2014; published online May 28, 2014)

The isothermal section of the Co-Cr-Mo system at 1200 K has been investigated experimentally
using scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy and x-ray
diffraction. Six three-phase regions exist in the 1200 K isothermal section. The experimental
results indicated that the maximum solubility of Cr in Co-Mo binary compounds Co3Mo and l
at 1200 K is 5.2 and 23.6 at.%, respectively, and that of Mo in Co-Cr binary compound r
is 39.6 at.%. Based on the literature data of the thermodynamic assessment of Co-Mo, Co-Cr,
Cr-Mo binary systems and experimental results of the ternary system, the thermodynamic
calculation for Co-Cr-Mo system was carried out by means of CALPHAD technique. The
computational results and the experimental data are self-consistent reasonably.

systems using the CALPHAD approach has been shown to

Keywords CALPHAD technique, Co-Cr-Mo system, phase dia-
gram be a highly efficient tool in this regard.[7,8] In the present
work, the 1200 K isothermal section of the Co-Cr-Mo
ternary system has been determined experimentally using
scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with energy
dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and x-ray diffraction
1. Introduction (XRD). Based on the literature data of the thermodynamic
assessment of Co-Mo, Co-Cr, Cr-Mo binary systems and
experimental results of the ternary system, the thermody-
It is well known that Co-based superalloys exhibit higher
namic calculation for Co-Cr-Mo system was carried out by
melting temperature, superior hot-corrosion and thermal
means of CALPHAD technique.
fatigue resistance than Ni-based and Fe-based superal-
loys.[1,2] Both Chromium (Cr) and Molybdenum (Mo) are
main constituent elements of Co-based high-temperature
alloys, Cr can improve the resistance against high temper-
ature oxidation and corrosion,[3] while Mo serves to provide 2. Literature Data for the Co-Cr-Mo System
additional strength to the matrix owing to its large atomic
size.[4] The alloys show potential application in the field of Experimental data on constituent binary phase diagrams of
aircraft turbines and combustor section.[5] The other appli- the Co-Cr-Mo system, i.e. Co-Mo,[9,10] Co-Cr,[11] and Cr-Mo[12]
cation is for surgical implants, such as hip and knee have been reported in the literature.
replacements, bone recovery and dental implants due to its The phase relations of Co-Cr-Mo system have been
good biocompatibility.[6] So the Co-Cr-Mo system can be investigated by many researchers.[8,13–20]
regarded as an important subsystem for cobalt-based Fletcher and Elsea[13] investigated the effects of molyb-
superalloys. In order to design the new materials and denum (Mo) on the fcc-hcp transformation temperature
understand the relationship between microstructures and range and formation of the r (Co7Cr8) phase in the Co-Cr
properties, the accurate knowledge of phase equilibria in the binary system using some Co-Cr-Mo alloys. Rideout
Co-based alloy system is necessary. Obtaining such knowl- et al.[14] determined a part of Co-Cr-Mo ternary isothermal
edge exclusively from experiments is cumbersome and section at 1473 K experimentally. A ternary intermetallic
expensive. Thermodynamic modeling of multi-component R (Co49Cr21Mo30) phase, which is hard and brittle, was
found. The partial liquidus and solidus surfaces were
determined by using some alloys containing more than 50
pct Co and above 1273 K by Metcalfe.[15] Darby et al.[16]
determined the isothermal section at 1573 K and found that
the r (Co7Cr8) phase had a wide composition range and
extended from the Co-Cr side to the Co-Mo side. A new
Weilin Wang, Fucheng Yin, Minghua Zhang, Manxiu Zhao, and ternary phase D was found, which had an unknown complex
Zhi Li, School of Mechanical Engineering, Xiangtan University,
Xiangtan 411105 Hunan, People’s Republic of China and Key
crystal structure and showed some similarities with that of
Laboratory of Materials Design and Preparation Technology of the R phase. Darby et al.[17] confirmed that the D phase is
Hunan Province, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan 411105 Hunan, the same as the R phase later. The Co-Cr-Mo system was
People’s Republic of China. Contact e-mail: fuchengyin@xtu.edu.cn. first extrapolated based on the results of the thermodynamic

544 Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion Vol. 35 No. 5 2014

assessment of the binary systems for the purpose on the heat by a D/max-rA x-ray diffractometer, operating at 40 kV and
treatments of cobalt-based surgical implant by Rajan.[18] 100 mA with Cu Ka radiation.
Gupta[19] made a critical review of the phase equilibria and
pointed out that partially known phase boundaries should be
reinvestigated in the Co-Cr-Mo ternary system. Zhao[8,20]
4. Thermodynamic Models
determined the phase relations at 1373 K using the diffu-
sion-multiple technique. In his work, the r (Co2Mo3) phase
was not reported, which occurs between 1273 and 1893 K In the present work, the thermodynamic models of the
in the Co-Mo binary system. The binary and ternary phases phases in the Co-Cr-Mo system are chosen based on the
of the Co-Cr-Mo system and their structure data are shown experimental information of the phase equilibria and the
in Table 1. crystal structures. The used models of phases in the Co-Cr-
Mo ternary system are listed in Table 1.

4.1 Solution Phases

3. Experimental Procedures The Gibbs free energies of the liquid, fcc, bcc, and hcp
phases in the Co-Cr-Mo system are described by the
The phase relationship of the Co-Cr-Mo ternary system subregular solution model. According to this model, the
at 1200 K was determined using equilibrated alloys. They molar Gibbs free energy of solution phase in the Co-Cr-Mo
were prepared using Co, Mo chunks and Cr particles system is given by:
(Particle size = 1 to 5 mm). The purity of the raw materials X X
is 99.99 wt.%. The three elements were mixed and melted GUm ¼ x0i GU
i þ RT xi lnxU ex U
i þ G þ
mg U
in an arc furnace under high purity argon atmosphere i¼Co;Cr;Mo i¼Co;Cr;Mo
using a non-consumable tungsten electrode. The buttons ðEq 1Þ
were re-melted five times to improve their homogeneities.
The sample weight was 5 g and the weight loss during where GU i is the molar Gibbs free energy of pure element i
melting was generally less than 1% of the sample weight. in the structure U (liquid, fcc, bcc, and hcp) phase, and the
The alloys were sealed in an evacuated quartz tube and then term ex GU is the excess free energy, which is expressed by
annealed at 1200 K for 50 days. At the end of the treatment, the Redlich–Kister polynomials[21] as:
the alloys were quenched into water to preserve the
equilibrium state at annealing temperature. The quenched
GU ¼ xCo xMo LU U U
Co;Mo þ xCo xCr LCo;Cr þ xCr xMo LCr;Mo
samples were cut into two parts. One piece was prepared for þ xCo xMo xCr LU
metallographic examination and the other for x-ray diffrac-
tion analyses. Two kinds of chemical etchant, which consist
of (60 ml HCl, 15 ml HNO3, 15 ml CH3COOH, 15 ml X
i;j ¼
m U
Li;j ðxi  xj Þ m
H2O) and (4 g KMnO4, 4 g NaOH 100 ml H2O), respec-
tively, were used for metallographic examination of all
specimens. Detailed metallographic examinations and com-
position analyses of various phases in the samples were LU 0 U 1 U 2 U
Co;Cr;Mo ¼ xCo LCo;Cr;Mo þ xMo LCo;Cr;Mo þ xCr LCo;Cr;Mo
performed using a JSM-6360LV scanning electron micro- ðEq 2Þ
scope coupled with energy-dispersive spectrometry (SEM-
EDS). The constituent phases of the alloys were further where LUi;j is the interaction parameter in the i-j binary
determined by analyzing x-ray diffraction patterns generated system, and the LU Co;Cr;Mo corresponds to the interaction

Table 1 The structures and the used model of phases in the Co-Cr-Mo ternary system
Phase Composition Pearson symbol Space group Structure type Prototype Thermodynamic model

Liquid … … … … … (Co,Cr,Mo)
eCo Co hP2 P63/mmc hcp_A3 Mg (Co,Cr,Mo)
aCo Co cF4 Fm-3 m fcc_A1 Cu (Co,Cr,Mo)
r Co7Cr8 tP30 P42/mm D83 r CrFe (Co,Cr,Mo)8(Cr,Mo)4(Co,Cr,Mo)18
Co2Mo3 tP30 P42/mm D83 r CrFe
(Mo) Mo cI2 Im-3 m bcc_A2 W (Co,Cr,Mo)
(Cr) Cr cI2 Im-3 m bcc_A2 W (Co,Cr,Mo)
l Co7Mo6 hR13 R-3 m D85 Fe7W6 (Co,Cr,Mo)7(Cr,Mo)2(Co,Cr,Mo)4
e Co3Mo hP8 P63/mmc D019 Ni3Sn Co3(Cr,Mo)1
R Co49Cr21Mo30 hR53 R3 … R(Co,Cr,Mo) (Co,Cr,Mo)27(Cr,Mo)14(Co,Cr,Mo)12

Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion Vol. 35 No. 5 2014 545

parameters in the Co-Cr-Mo ternary system. The coefficient the same structure as that in the Fe-Mo binary system,[32]
of n LU
Co;Cr;Mo was evaluated in the present work. which has been modeled as (Fe)27(Mo)14(Fe,Mo)12.
In the Co-Cr-Mo ternary system, the magnetic contribu- The crystal structure R phase was investigated by
tion to Gibbs free energy for the fcc and hcp phases is Komura et al.[33] and suggested that Co could occupy the
considered because magnetic transformation occurs in these sublattices of Fe. Meanwhile, the Cr occupied the second
phases. The termmg GU is expressed as follows: and third sublattices of Mo, which is similar with the
l phase, and the occupied of Cr and Mo in the first
GU ¼ RT lnðbU þ 1Þf ðsU Þ; sU ¼ T=TU
c; ðEq 3Þ site were deduced by the present and previous experi-
mental work. Therefore, the ternary R phase is described
where TcU is the critical Curie or Neel temperature and bU
by a three-sublattice model of (Co,Cr,Mo)27(Cr,Mo)14
the magnetic moment per mole of atoms. The term f(s)
represents a polynomial obtained by Hillert and Jarl.[22]
The intermetallic of the Co3Mo phase in the Co-Mo
binary systems was treated as stoichiometric phase and
4.2 Intermetallic Phase Model
modeled with the sublattice model, e.g. (Co)3(Mo). Accord-
The r (Co7Cr8), l (Co7Mo6) and R (Co49Cr21Mo30) ing to the experimental phase diagram data in the Co-Cr-Mo
phases are the intermetallic phases which have compli- ternary system, the compounds of the Co3Mo is modeled
cated crystalline structures and larger solubility range. The with the sublattice model, e.g. (Co)3(Cr,Mo)1.
r (Co7Cr8, Co2Mo3) phase is D83 structure as the CrFe All the three three-sublattice models for the phases of r,
type.[23] In the assessed Co-Mo and Co-Cr binary l, R and Co3Mo are described as a general formula
systems, the r (Co7Cr8, Co2Mo3) phases were modeled (A,B,C)x(A,B,C)y(A,B,C)z. The Gibbs energy of the phase
with (Co)8(Mo)4(Co,Mo)18 and (Co)8(Cr)4(Co,Cr)18 / (/ = r, l, R and Co3Mo) can be described by the
sublattices respectively.[24–28] Based on the description following expression:

GU ¼ yi I yIIj yIII
Gi:j:k þ xRT yIi ln yIi þ yRT yIIj ln yIIj þ zRT yIII III
k ln yk
i j k i j k
" # " #
þ yIi1 yIi2 yIIj yIII
Li1 ;i2 :j:k ðyIi1  yIi2 Þn þ yIi yIIj1 yIIj2 yIII
Li:j1 ;j2 :k ðyIIj1  yIIj2 Þn ðEq 4Þ
i1 ;i2 j k n i j1 ;j2 k n

þ ½yIi yIIj yIII y
k1 k2
Li:j:k1 ;k2 ðyIII
k1  yk2 Þ 
i j k1 ;k2 n

of the r phase in the Co-Mo and Co-Cr binary systems where 0Gi:j:k is the Gibbs free energy of the / phase when
and four ternary experimental isothermal sections, a large the first sublattice is occupied by the element i (i = Co, Cr
amount of Mo can be dissolved in the r (Co7Cr8) phase or Mo), the second by the element j (j = Co, Cr or Mo), and
and the Cr and Mo occupied in the first site were the third by the element k (k = Co, Cr or Mo); n Li1 ;i2 :j:k is the
deduced. In the present work the r phase is formulated as interaction parameter between element i1 and i2 (i1, i2 = Co,
(Co,Cr,Mo)8 (Cr,Mo)4(Co,Cr,Mo)18. Cr or Mo and i1 „ i2) when the second sublattice is
The l (Co7Mo6) phase is D85 structure with the Fe7W6 occupied by the element j (j = Co, Mo or Cr), and the third
type.[29] In the Co-Mo binary system, the l phase was modeled by the element k (k = Co, Mo or Cr); The parameters
by a three-sublattice model of (Co,Mo)7(Mo)2(Co,Mo)4.[24–26] n
Li:j1 ;j2 :k and n Li:j:k1 ;k2 are described in the same way.
From the experimentally determined single-phase field in the
previous work on the Fe-Cr-Mo system by Andersson and
Lange[30] and Co-Cr-W system by Yang et al.,[31] it is obvious
that molybdenum and tungsten atoms can be replaced by 5. Results and Discussion
chromium atoms by keeping the cobalt or iron content
relatively constant. In this work, the model to the ternary sys-
5.1 Experimental Determination
tem is thus suggested and applied as (Co,Cr,Mo)7(Cr,Mo)2
(Co,Cr,Mo)4. A total of 19 alloys were prepared to determine the
The ternary intermetallic compound R (R = D) has been isothermal section at 1200 K of the Co-Cr-Mo system. The
reported in the Co-Cr-Mo system around the composition of design compositions of the alloys are listed in Table 2. All
Co49Cr21Mo30.[14,16,17] It has been known that the R phase has phases in the alloys, together with the chemical

546 Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion Vol. 35 No. 5 2014

Table 2 The designed alloys and corresponding phase compositions of the Co-Cr-Mo ternary system
at 1200 K (at.%)*
EDS result (at.%)

Phase1 Phase2 Phase3

Equilibrated phase
Simple Design composition Phase1 / Phase2 / Phase3 Mo Cr Mo Cr Mo Cr

A1 55Co-44Cr-1Mo fcc / hcp / r 2.4 36.3 0.5 62.2 1.9 53.4

A2 60Co-35Cr-5Mo fcc / r 3.7 31.9 9.8 43.7
A3 60Co-30Cr-10Mo fcc / r / R 5.9 28.8 14.2 38.4 28.0 27.1
A4 55Co-20Cr-25Mo fcc / l / R 8.1 24.9 37.8 16.8 30.7 22.4
A5 60Co-15Cr-25Mo fcc / l 9.7 18.6 36.5 13.0
A6 77Co-9Cr-14Mo fcc / l / Co3Mo 12.6 10.3 37.3 9.1 20.9 5.2
A7 81Co-2Cr-17Mo fcc / Co3Mo 10.1 3.1 24.9 1.2
A8 69Co-1Cr-30Mo l / Co3Mo 42.3 1.7 26.1 0.9
A9 43Co-39Cr-18Mo r/R 17.6 41.0 31.3 27.7
A10 37Co-40Cr-23Mo r/R 22.6 41.4 31.7 29.4
A11 20Co-50Cr-30Mo bcc / r 38.7 56.1 30.0 48.1
A12 20Co-40Cr40Mo bcc / r 60.6 34.6 37.3 40.6
A13 15Co-70Cr-15Mo bcc / r 10.8 84.3 16.3 63.0
A14 20Co-35Cr-45Mo bcc / r / R 77.9 17.5 39.6 38.4 37.7 33.0
A15 20Co-20Cr-60Mo bcc / R /l 83.3 14.9 39.4 29.9 40.2 23.6
A16 20Co-10Cr-70Mo bcc / l 89.3 6.3 50.0 11.5
A17 35Co-6Cr-59Mo bcc / l 88.8 4.1 48.3 7.8
A18 30Co-15Cr-55Mo bcc / l 82.8 10.6 45.4 17.5
A19 24Co-2Cr-74Mo bcc / l 92.6 1.0 51.1 2.2

*The uncertainty of the phase compositions is less than ± 0.5 at.%

chemical constitution analyzed by SEM-EDS. However, the

true identities of the phases were determined by the x-ray
diffraction patterns.
Based on the SEM-EDS analyses results, combined with
the information of the binary and ternary systems in
relevant literature, the 1200 K isothermal section of the
Co-Cr-Mo ternary system is constructed as Fig. 1. Six
three-phase regions have been identified. i.e., fcc + hcp +
r, fcc + r + R, fcc + l + R, fcc + l + Co3Mo, bcc + r + R
and bcc + l + R. Figure 2 is typical microstructures corre-
sponding to different three-phase fields. The tie lines
shown are from the EDS results and because of the
associated uncertainties may diverge from the point with
the nominal alloy composition.
Figure 2a is the microstructure of alloy A1. SEM-EDS
analyses indicated that it consists of three phases, hcp, fcc and
r. The large raised block hcp phase and the dark block fcc
phase were buried in the r matrix. The microstructure of alloy
A3 is shown in Fig. 2b, in which the fcc, R and r phases
coexist. The large gray block is r phase, the light block is R
phase and the dark matrix is fcc phase. Figure 2c shows the
Fig. 1 Experimentally determined isothermal section at 1200 K
microstructure of the alloy A4, which indicates alloy A4
of Co-Cr-Mo system
belongs to (fcc + l + R) three-phase region, The microstruc-
ture of alloy A6 is shown in Fig. 2d, where there exists a three-
compositions determined by SEM-EDS, are also listed in phase equilibrirm (fcc + l + Co3Mo), in which the l phase is
the same table. The tabulated composition values represent white and relatively small, and the EDS analyses suggest that
the average of at least five measurements. The phases in the Cr solubility in the Co3Mo phase is 5.2 at.%. Alloy A14
alloys can be easily differentiated by their topography and locates in the bcc, R and r three-phase region. Figure 2e is the

Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion Vol. 35 No. 5 2014 547

Fig. 2 The typical microstructures corresponding to different three-phase fields. (a) alloy A1, fcc + hcp + r, (b) alloy A3, fcc + r + R,
(c) alloy A4, fcc + l + R, (d) alloy A6, fcc + l + Co3Mo, (e) alloy A14, bcc + r + R and (f) alloy A15,bcc + l + R

microstructure of this alloy, the experiment results indicate the Cr in Co-Mo binary compound l phase at 1200 K is about
solubility of Mo in the r (Co7Cr8) phase is 39.6 at.%. The 23.6 at.%.
three-phase microstructure of the alloy A15 is shown in The x-ray diffraction patterns of alloys A1, A3, A4, A6,
Fig. 2f. The EDS analyses suggest the maximum solubility of A14 and A15 are shown in Fig. 3 which clearly indicates

548 Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion Vol. 35 No. 5 2014

Fig. 3 The XRD patterns produced by alloy A1, A3, A4, A6,A14 and A15, which further confirmed the results obtained by SEM-EDS

the three-phase equilibrium states described above expect The calculated Cr-Mo binary phase diagram is shown in
alloy A1 and A6. For alloy A1, it is difficult to identify the Fig. 4c.
fcc and hcp structure in effect, because the fcc phase is not Based on the present and previous experimental data, the
possible to maintain the high temperature form due to the thermodynamic parameters of each phase in the Co-Cr-Mo
solid state transformation of fcc to hcp during cooling. For ternary system were evaluated using Thermo-Calc soft-
Alloy A6, as can be seen in Fig. 2d, the amount of the ware.[34] The complete set of thermodynamic parameters
l phase is limited, so the diffraction peaks cannot be found describing all phase equilibria in the ternary Co-Cr-Mo
in the x-ray pattern. system is given in Table 3. A series of phase diagrams,
including isothermal sections, vertical sections, and the
projection of the liquidus surface were calculated, which
were compared with the experimental data, to test the
5.2 Thermodynamic Calculation
rationality of this thermodynamic description.
The phase diagram of the Co-Mo binary system was Figure 5a-d are the calculated isothermal sections at
thermodynamically assessed by Davydov[24,25] and Oikawa 1200, 1373, 1473 and 1573 K, in which the calculated
et al.[26] This system consists of three terminal solid results are compared with the present and the previous
solutions, hcp (cCo), fcc (aCo) and bcc (Mo) and three experimental data. All the phase relationships can be
intermetallic compounds e (Co3Mo), l (Co7Mo6) and reproduced by the calculations. The maximum solubilities
r (Co2Mo3). Recently, Oikawa et al.[26] used the order/ of Cr in binary compound l at 1200, 1373, 1473 and
disorder formalism of Compound Energy Formalism (CEF) 1573 K calculated from the present thermodynamic descrip-
to describe the fcc phase. The benefit from Oikawa’s tion are about 22.3, 20.4, 18.7 and 17.5 at.%, respectively.
approach is that this description can be directly incorpo- Mo can also dissolve in the r (Co7Cr8) phase and form a
rated into a thermodynamic database for c/c’ superalloys continuous solid solution with the Co2Mo3 phase. The
without the need of having to develop parameters for presently calculated results are in reasonable agreement with
describing the c’ (L12 structure) phase. In the present the experimental data. However, it is noteworthy that the r
work, in order to reduce the number of thermodynamic phase is not stable above 1556 K in the Co-Cr binary
modeling parameters during calculating, the results of system. Gupta[19] predicted that the r phase should have
Davydov[25] are applied. The calculated Co-Mo phase three-phase equilibrium with fcc and bcc phases at 1573 K
diagram is shown as Fig. 4a. The Co-Cr phase diagram in the region of the Co-Cr binary system, which is
had been optimized by Kusoffsky and Jansson[27] and confirmed by present calculated results. It is inferred that
Oikawa et al.[28] It showed four phases in Co-Cr system, the addition of Mo raised the stable existing temperature of
i.e., hcp (cCo) fcc (aCo) r (Co7Cr8) and bcc (Cr), the the r phase as discussed above.
present thermodynamic descriptions of the Co-Cr binary Figure 6 presents two vertical sections with the Co-Cr
system was reported by Oikawa et al.[28] as shown in ratios fixed as 80:20 and 68:32 compared with the experi-
Fig. 4b. In comparison with Co-Mo and Co-Cr binary mental data due to Fletcher and Elsea.[13] According to the
systems mentioned above, the Cr-Mo binary system is very present Co-Cr binary system, there is no sigma phase at the
simple, which consists of a liquid (L) and a bcc (Cr, Mo) above proportionable composition. Hence the experimental
solid solution. A thermodynamic analysis of this system data was compared with the calculation as reference. It is
had already been carried out by Frisk.[12] In this study, worthwhile note that the phase boundaries between fcc and
Frisk’s assessed thermodynamic parameters were adopted. hcp are mostly agree with the experiment.

Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion Vol. 35 No. 5 2014 549

Fig. 4 The calculated phase diagrams of Co-Mo (a), Co-Cr (b) and Cr-Mo (c) binary systems according to the works of Davydov,[25]
Oikawa et al.[28] and Frisk et al.,[12] respectively

Figure 7 presents the calculated liquidus projection, in at the composition of 14 at.% Cr and 24 at.% Mo, the
which we compare the results of calculation with the calculated results are reasonable. The second one is
experimental data obtained by Metcalfe.[15] In the similar peritectic reaction L + r + l M R which occurs at 1454 C
composition range, there are two four-phase reactions. at the composition surrounding 19 at.% Cr and 31 at.%
One is the ternary eutectic reaction L M fcc + l + R Mo, but the temperature of the second reaction is higher
occurring at 1324 C at the composition of 15 at.% Cr than the experimental data of the Metcalfe,[15] the
and 21 at.% Mo. Compared with the experimental results obtaining of the accurate reaction temperature needs
of the Metcalfe[15] where the reaction occurs at 1325 C further experiment.

550 Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion Vol. 35 No. 5 2014

Table 3 The optimized parameters describing the phase relations of the Co-Cr-Mo system
Liquid Model ðCo; Cr; MoÞ
0 liquid
LCo;Cr;Mo ¼ 26400
bcc A2; Model ðCo; Cr; MoÞðVAÞ
0 bcc
LCo;Cr;Mo ¼0
1 bcc
LCo;Cr;Mo ¼ 155341:04þ114:45T
2 bcc
LCo;Cr;Mo ¼ 231681:64þ157:99T
hcp A3; Model ðCo; Cr; MoÞðVAÞ
0 hcp
LCo;Cr;Mo ¼ 3800 þ 18T
1 hcp
LCo;Cr;Mo ¼ 13T
fcc A1; Model ðCo; Cr; MoÞðVAÞ
0 fcc
LCo;Cr;Mo ¼ 106000  82T
1 fcc
LCo;Cr;Mo ¼ 50000
R ðCo49 Cr21 Mo30 Þ; Model ðCo; Cr; MoÞ27 ðCr; MOÞ14 ðCo; Cr; MoÞ12
GRCo:Mo:Cr ¼ 270 Gfcc 0 bcc 0 bcc
Co þ14 GMo þ12 GCr  440959:79  37:53T
GRCo:Mo:Mo ¼ 270 Gfcc 0 bcc 0 bcc
Co þ14 GMo þ12 GMo  129054
GRCr:Mo:Mo ¼ 270 Gfcc 0 bcc 0 bcc
Cr þ14 GMo þ12 GCo  200000
GRCr:Mo:Cr ¼ 270 Gfcc 0 bcc 0 bcc
Cr þ14 GMo þ12 GCr  116000
GRCr:Mo:Mo ¼ 270 Gfcc 0 bcc 0 bcc
Cr þ14 GMo þ12 GMo þ15730
GRMo:Mo:Cr ¼ 270 Gfcc 0 bcc 0 bcc
Mo þ14 GMo þ12 GCr  335174:50þ286:68T
GRMo:Mo:Mo ¼ 270 Gfcc 0 bcc 0 bcc
Mo þ14 GMo þ12 GMo þ120000
GRCo:Mo:Co ¼ 270 Gfcc 0 bcc 0 bcc
Co þ14 GMo þ12 GCo þ796473:78  351:40T
r ðCo2 Mo3 ; Co7 Cr8 Þ; Model ðCo; Cr; MoÞ8 ðCr; MoÞ4 ðCo; Cr; MoÞ18
GrCo:Mo:Cr ¼ 80 Ghcp 0 bcc 0 bcc
Co þ4 GMo þ18 GCr  86898
GrCo:Cr:Mo ¼ 80 Ghcp 0 bcc 0 bcc
Co þ4 GCr þ18 GMo  35000 + 82T
GrCr:Mo:Mo ¼ 80 Gbcc 0 bcc 0 bcc
Cr þ4 GMo þ18 GMo þ100000
GrMo:Mo:Cr ¼ 80 Gbcc 0 bcc 0 bcc
Mo þ4 GMo þ18 GCr þ200000
GrMo:Cr:Mo ¼ 80 Gbcc 0 bcc 0 bcc
Mo þ4 GCr þ18 GMo þ187000
GrMo:Mo:Mo ¼ 80 Gbcc 0 bcc 0 bcc
Mo þ4 GMo þ18 GMo þ 252000
0 r
LCo:Mo:Co;Mo ¼ 143792:37
0 r
LCo:Cr;Mo:Cr ¼ 121530
0 r
LCo:Mo:Cr;Mo ¼ 505512:71  370:24T
0 r
LCo:Cr:Cr;Mo ¼  71300
0 r
LCo:Cr:Co;Mo ¼  280530
l ðCo7 Mo6 Þ; Model ðCo; Cr; MoÞ7 ðCr; MoÞ2 ðCo; Cr; MoÞ4
GlCr:Mo:Cr ¼ 70 Gbcc 0 bcc 0 bcc
Cr þ2 GMo þ4 GCr þ 53000
GlCo:Mo:Cr ¼ 70 Ghcp 0 bcc 0 bcc
Co þ2 GMo þ4 GCr  115739:25þ33:55T
GlCr:Mo:Mo ¼ 70 Gbcc 0 bcc 0 bcc
Cr þ2 GMo þ4 GMo þ150000
GlCr:Mo:Co ¼ 70 Gbcc 0 bcc 0 bcc
Cr þ2 GMo þ4 GCo þ140000
0 l
LCo:Cr;Mo:Mo ¼ 257271:60
eðCo3 MoÞ; Model ðCoÞ3 ðCr; MoÞ1
GCo 3 Mo 0 bcc 0 bcc
Co:Cr ¼ 3 GCo þ GCr þ5000
0 Co3 Mo
LCo:Mo;Cr ¼ 10100

In J/(mol of atom); temperature (T) in Kelvin. The Gibbs energies for the pure elements are from the SGTE compilation.[35] The thermodynamic parameters in
the Co-Mo, Co-Cr and Cr-Mo systems are taken from Ref 12,25,28, respectively. The ternary parameters not listed in the table are assumed to be zero

Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion Vol. 35 No. 5 2014 551

Fig. 5 The calculated isothermal sections of the Co-Cr-Mo system at 1200 K (a), 1373 K (b), 1473 K (c) and 1573 K (d) compared
with the experiment data

552 Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion Vol. 35 No. 5 2014

Fig. 6 Calculated vertical sections at 80 and 68 wt.% of the Co-Cr-Mo system, compared with the experimental data as reported by
Fletcher and Elsea.[13]

Fig. 7 The liquidus projection of the Co-Cr-Mo system; the calculation (a) and the experiment data (b) as reported by Metcalfe.[15]

6. Conclusions 23.6 at.%, respectively, and that of Mo in Co-Cr binary

compound r is 39.6 at.%. Based on the literature data of the
Based on SEM-EDS analyses and x-ray diffraction thermodynamic assessment of the related binary systems
results, the 1200 K isothermal section of the Co-Cr-Mo and the experimental results of the ternary system, the phase
ternary system has been determined in the present work. The relations of the Co-Cr-Mo system are calculated by
results showed that the maximum solubility of Cr in Co-Mo CALPHAD technique. A set of self-consistent reasonably
binary compound Co3Mo and l at 1200 K is about 5.2 and thermodynamic modeling for this system is obtained.

Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion Vol. 35 No. 5 2014 553

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Hunan Provincial Educational Department (No. 12A128). a Co-Cr-Mo Alloy, J. Mater. Sci., 1983, 18, p 257-264
19. K.P. Gupta, The Co-Cr-Mo (Cobalt-Chromium-Molybdenum)
System, J. Phase Equilib., 2005, 26(1), p 87-92
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