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Degree in Law - Collective Labour Law

Free translation of Royal Decree-Law 1/1995 of 24 March. Approves the

Consolidated Law establishing the Worker’s Code


On Workers’ Rights to Collective Representation and Meeting in the


CHAPTER I. On the Right to Collective

Representation Workers’ delegates shall observe the rules on
professional secrecy applicable to members of works
councils as established in Article 65 of this Law.
Article 61. Participation.
Article 63. Works Councils.
In keeping with the provisions contained in Article 4 of
this Law, and without restriction to other forms of 1. The works council is the professional representative
participation, workers have the right to participate in the body of all the workers in the company or work centre,
company through the organs of representation established for the defence of their interests, and shall
be formed in every work centre with a census of fifty or
governed by this Heading.
more workers.
2. Companies with two or more work centres in the
same province or in neighbouring municipalities, the
Section 1. Organs of Representation censuses of which do not individually come up to fifty
workers but jointly do, shall form a joint works council.
Where some centres may have fifty workers and others
from the same province do not, the former shall
constitute a works council of their own, and all the latter
Article 62. Workers’ Delegates.
shall form another.
1. The representation of workers in companies or work
3. The formation and operation of an Inter-centre
centres with less than fifty and more than ten workers
Council with a maximum of thirteen members
corresponds to workers’ delegates. There may likewise
designated from among the components of the works
be a workers' delegate in those companies or centres
councils of the different centres may only be agreed by
with between six and ten workers, if these so decide by
collective bargaining.
In forming the inter-centre council, the proportional
representation of unions shall be maintained in
The workers shall elect workers’ delegates by direct,
accordance with overall electoral results.
free, personal and secret election in the following
numbers: up to thirty workers, one; from thirty-one to Such inter-centre councils may not attribute themselves
forty-nine workers, three. functions other than those expressly granted to them by
the collective agreement containing their creation.
2. Workers’ delegates shall jointly exercise the
representation to which they were elected with respect
to the employer and shall have the same competences
as those established for works councils.
Article 64. Rights to Information and Consultation and rates, periodic or special studies on the
Competences. working environment and hte
prevention mechanisms in use.
1. The works council shall have the right to be informed
and consulted by the employer concerning those 3. It shall also have the right to be informed at least once
questions which might affect the workers, as well as a year regarding the application of the right to equal
concerning the situation of the company and the treatment and opportunities between men and women
evolution of employment within the company, according in the company, which shall include data on the
to the provisions of this article. proportion of men and women on the different
occupational levels, along with information, as the case
By information is meant the transmission of data by the warrants, on measures that may have been adopted to
employer to the works council, so as to allow the latter promote equality between men and women in the
to have knowledge of a certain matter and to proceed to company, and, if an equality plan has been projected, on
its examination. By consultation is meant the exchange the application thereof.
of opinions and the opening of a dialogue between the
employer and the works council concerning a certain 4. The works council shall have the right, with the
matter, including, if necessary, the drafting by the latter applicable periodicity:
of a preliminary report.
a) To know the balance, profit and loss
In defining or applying procedures of information and accounts, management report and – should
consultation, the employer and the works council shall the company take the form of a stock or
act within a spirit of cooperation, in accordance with share company – the other documents
their reciprocal rights and obligations, taking into made available to the shareholders, under
account the interests of the company as well as those of the same conditions as these.
the workers.
b) To know the models of written
2. The works council shall have the right to be informed employment contracts in use in the
every quarter: company as well as the documents related
to the termination of the employment
a) About the general evolution of the relations.
economic sector to which the company
belongs. c) To be informed about all the sanctions
imposed in case of very serious offences.
b) About the economic situation of the
company and the recent and possible The works council shall also have the right to receive the
evolution of its activities, including those basic copy of the contracts and the notification of their
for the protection of the environment extensions and terminations within a term of ten days
which might have an direct impact on following the date on which these take place.
employment, as well as about
production and sales, including the
5. The works council shall have the right to be informed
production program.
and consulted about the situation and the structure of
employment in the company or the work centre, as well
c) About the employer’s previsions
as to be informed quarterly about its likely evolution,
regarding the signing of new contracts,
including consultation when changes related to it are
indicating the number of these and the
modalities and types of contract to be
used, including part-time contracts, the
It will also have the right to be informed and consulted
performance of additional hours by
about all the decisions of the company which might
part-time workers, and the cases of
provoke relevant changes concerning the organization of
work and the employment contracts in the company. It
will likewise have the right to be informed and consulted
d) About the statistics concerning absence
about the adoption of possible preventive measures,
rates and their cause, industrial
especially when employment is at risk.
accidents and professional illnesses and
their consequences, occupational hazard
The works council shall have the right to issue a report,
prior to the enforcement by the employer of the
decision s/he adopts on the following matters: 7. The works council shall also have the following
a) Work force restructuring and total or partial,
permanent or temporary cessations within
a) To exercise the tasks of:
b) Reductions in working time 1º Vigilance in the fulfilment of the labour,
c) Total or partial transfer of installations Social Security and employment regulations in
d) Process of merger, absorption or force, as well as all other standing pacts,
modification of the company’s legal status conditions and practices of the company,
which involve any effect liable to affect the formulating, as the case warrants, the
volume of employment. appropriate legal action with respect to the
employer and the competent agencies or Courts.
e) Professional training plans within the
company. 2º Vigilance and control over the safety and
f) The implantation or revision of hygiene conditions in the company’s work
organizational and work control systems, procedures, with the specific emphases
time studies, creation of systems of bonuses provided for in this regard by Article 19 of this
and incentives and assessment of work Law.
3º Vigilance over the respect and application of
the principles of equal treatment and equal
6. The information shall have to be communicated by
opportunities between men and women.
the employer to the works council, without prejudice to
what is specifically provided in each case, at a time, in a b) To participate in the management of the
way and with a content which are appropriate, which social works established in the company for the
allow the workers’ representatives to proceed to its benefit of the workers or their family members,
adequate assessment and prepare, if applicable, the as set forth by collective bargaining agreement.
consultation and the report.
c) To collaborate with the company
management towards the establishment of
Except explicitly provided otherwise, consultation shall
whatever measures may procure the
have to be fulfilled at an appropriated time and in an
maintenance and increase of productivity, as
appropriated way, at the corresponding level of well as the environmental sustainability of the
management and representation of the company, and in company, if likewise agreed upon in collective
such a way that allows the workers’ representatives, on bargaining agreements.
the basis of the received information, to have a meeting
d) To collaborate with the company
with the employer, to receive a motivated answer to
management in the establishment and launching
their report, to contrast their point of views or opinions of work-life balance measures.
with the purpose, if applicable, of being able to come to
an agreement on the matters detailed in point 4, d) To inform its constituents on all the subjects
without prejudice to the rights related thereto and questions set forth in this Article in what
directly or indirectly may affect labour relations.
recognized to the employer in relation with each of
those matters. In any case, the consultation shall have to 8. The provisions of this Article shall not affect specific
allow that the position of the council could be known by provisions set forth in other Articles of this Law or in
the employer when the latter adopts or enforces its other legal or executive regulations.
9. Within the limits of the respect of the laws and
regulations, specific provisions related to the content
The reports that the works council has to issue shall and the modalities of the exercise of the rights of
have to be drawn up within a maximum period of 15 information and consultation set forth in this Article, as
days starting from the moment the corresponding well as the most adequate level of representation for
information has been requested and communicated. their exercise can be established in collective bargaining
agreements. Article 66. Composition.

Article 65. Legal Capacity and Confidentiality. 1. The number of members making up the works council
shall be determined in accordance with the following
1. The capacity to exercise administrative or legal scale:
actions by majority decision of its members in a) From fifty to one hundred workers, five.
everything involving the scope of its competences is
recognized to the works council, as a collegiate b) From one hundred and one to two hundred and fifty
workers, nine.
2. The members of the works council, and the council
as a whole, as well as the experts who might assist c) From two hundred and fifty-one to five hundred
them, shall observe professional secrecy with workers, thirteen.
regards to the information which will have be
communicated explicitly with reserved character in d) From five hundred and one to seven hundred and fifty
the legitimate and objective interest of the workers, seventeen.
e) From seven hundred and fifty-one to one thousand
3. In any case, no type of document given by the workers, twenty-one.
company to the council may be used outside the
strict scope of the former for purposes other than f) From one thousand workers onward, two for every
those that motivated their communication thousand or fraction thereof, to the maximum of
4. The company will exceptionally not be obliged to
communicate the specific information related to 2. The works councils or work centre shall elect a
industrial, financial or commercial secrets the chairman and a committee secretary from among its
disclosure of which could, according to objective members and shall draw up their own rules on
criteria, hamper the functioning of the company or procedure, which may not contravene the law, providing
the work centre or provoke serious damage to its copy thereof to the labour authorities for registration
economic stability. purposes, and to the company.

This exception does not apply to the data related to The councils shall meet every two months, or whenever
the volume of employment in the company. one-third of their members or one-third of the workers
they represents so request.
5. The challenge to the decision of the company to
attribute a reserved character or not to communicate Article 67. Promotion of Elections and Electoral
information to the workers representatives shall be Mandate.
processed in accordance with the procedure for
collective conflicts regulated in Chapter VIII of Title II of
1. The most representative unions, those having at least
Book II of the Employment Tribunals Procedure Act,
ten percent among the representatives in the company,
Consolidated Text approved by Royal Decree 2/1995 of 7
or the workers of the work centre by majority
agreement, may promote elections for workers’
delegates and members of the works council. Unions
Likewise, the conflicts related to the respect of their
obligation of confidentiality by the workers with the right to promote elections shall have right of
representatives and the experts who assist them shall be access to the registers of the Public Administration
processed according to the same provisions. containing data on the registration of companies and the
enlistment of workers, to the extent necessary to carry
The provisions of this point shall not affect the provision out the promotion in their respective areas.
of the Consolidated Text of the Law on Offences and
Sanctions within the Social Order, approved by Royal The promoters shall notify the company and the public
Decree 5/2000 of 4 August, in case of ungrounded office depending from the labour authority of their
refusal of the information which the workers’ proposal to hold elections with a minimum advance
representative have a right to obtain. notice of at least one month prior to the start of the
electoral process. In the said notification, the
proponents must exactly identify the company and the
work centre in which the electoral process is intended to which the union majority in the company or work centre
be held, as well as the date it is to start, which shall be with a works council has presented a different date, in
that of the constitution of the Voting Committee, and which case this latter shall prevail, provided that such
which, in any case, cannot begin before one month or calls comply with the requirements established. In this
after three months counted from the registration of the latter case, the promotion must be accompanied by a
notice in the public office depending from the labour certified communiqué on the said promotion of
authority. Within the following working day, this public elections sent to those who may have coursed another
office shall display the prior notifications presented on or other previous petitions.
its bulletin board, furnishing copy thereof to the unions
that may request it.
Only subject to majority agreement between the most 3. The duration of the mandate for workers’ delegates
representative unions or the unions considered and works council members shall be four years, with the
representative in accordance with Organic Law 11/1985 understanding that they shall remain in office exercising
of 2 August, on Freedom of Association, may the holding their competences and guarantees until new elections
have been advocated and held.
of general elections in one or several functional areas or
territories be promoted. Said agreements must be Workers’ delegates and works council members may
communicated to the public office depending from the only be revoked during their mandate by the decision of
labour authority for their deposit and publication. the workers who elected them, through a meeting called
to that purpose, on request of at least one-third of their
Where elections are promoted to renew representation voters, and by the absolute majority of these, through
owing to the end of a mandate, such promotion may direct free personal secret suffrage. This
only be initiated from the date three months prior to the notwithstanding, such revocation cannot be carried out
expiry of such mandate. during collective bargaining proceedings, nor may it be
reformulated until after at least six months.
Partial elections may be promoted due to resignations,
revocations or adjustments in representation due to an 4. Should a vacancy in the works council of the company
increased work force. Collective bargaining agreements or the work centre come to exist for any reason, it shall
may establish provisions concerning the need to automatically be filled by the next worker on the list to
accommodate workers’ representation to any significant which the substituted member belongs. Where the
decreases in work force that may take place in the vacancy refers to workers’ delegates, it shall
company. By default, the said accommodation may be automatically be filled by the worker who, in the
carried out by virtue of an agreement between the election, obtained the number of votes immediately
following the last person elected. The substitute shall
company and the workers' representatives.
hold office for the remaining time of the mandate.
2. The breach of any of the requirements set forth in this
5. Notice of substitutions, revocations, resignations and
article for the promotion of elections shall invalidate the extinctions of mandate shall be sent to the public office
electoral process in question; this notwithstanding, the depending from the labour authority, to the employer,
omission of notification to the company may be and also published on the bulletin board.
substituted by a copy of the notification presented to
the public office depending from the labour authority, Article 68. Guarantees.
provided that this is done at least twenty days before
the starting date of the electoral process set forth in the Except for what is provided for in the collective
written proposal. bargaining agreements, works council members and
workers’ delegates, as the legal representatives of the
The waiver of the promotion after the notification of the workers, shall have the following guarantees:
promotion to the public office depending from the a) Opening of an inter partes case in the event of
labour authority shall not impede the electoral process sanctions for serious or very serious offences, where,
from taking place, provided that all the requirements for apart from the interested parties, the works council or
its validity are complied with. other workers’ delegates shall be heard.

In the event of coincidence of various promoters of b) Priority of permanence in the company or work
elections in a company or work centre, the first call to be centre with respect to the other workers in cases of
registered shall be considered valid for the purposes of suspension or extinction for technological or economic
initiating the electoral process, except in those cases in reasons.
c) Not being dismissed or sanctioned during the exercise implementing this Law.
of his/her functions or during the year following the
expiry of his/her mandate, unless the latter is caused by 2. All the workers of the company or work centre older
revocation or resignation, provided that the dismissal or than sixteen years of age and having a seniority of at
sanction is based on the acts of the worker in the least one month in the company shall be voters, and
exercise of his/her mandate of representation, and thus, workers aged eighteen with a seniority in the company
without prejudice to what is set forth in Article 54. of at least six months shall be eligible for office, except
Likewise, s/he may not be discriminated in his/her in those activities where, due to personnel mobility, a
economic or professional promotion precisely by reason shorter period is agreed on in a collective bargaining
of the exercise of such representation. agreement, to the minimum limit of three months of
d) Freely expressing – jointly, if the committee is
Foreign workers may be voters and eligible for office
concerned – his/her opinions on matters concerning the
where they meet the conditions referred to in the
sphere of his/her representation, having the right to
preceding paragraph.
publish and distribute publications of labour or social
interest without disrupting the normal progress of work, 3. The legally constituted labour unions or coalitions
communicating this to the company. composed of two or more of these, which must have a
specific denomination to which the results of the
e) Each committee member or workers’ delegate shall coalition shall be attributed, may present candidates for
avail of a credit of paid monthly hours for the exercise of the elections of workers’ delegates and works council
their representative functions, in accordance with the members. Workers which have their candidacy backed
following scale: workers’ delegates or works council with a number of signatures from voters of their same
members: centre and professional group, as applicable, equivalent
to at least three times the number of posts to be
1. Up to one hundred workers, fifteen hours. covered, may likewise be candidates.

2. From one hundred and one to two hundred and Article 70. Vote for Delegates.
fifty workers, twenty hours.
When electing workers’ delegates, each voter may give
3. From two hundred and fifty-one to five hundred his vote to a maximum number of candidates from
workers, thirty hours.
among those proclaimed equivalent to the number of
4. From five hundred and one to seven hundred and candidate posts to be covered. Those obtaining the
fifty workers, thirty-five hours. greatest number of votes shall be elected. In the event
of a tie, the more senior worker in the company shall be
5. From seven hundred and fifty-one workers onward, elected.
forty hours.
Article 71. Election of the Works Council.
The accumulation of hours on the part of the different
works council members and, if applicable, of the 1. In companies composed of more than fifty workers,
workers’ delegates, by one or several members, may be the census of voters and eligible candidates shall be
negotiated in collective bargaining, by which these may distributed between two professional groups, one
be relieved from work, without prejudice to their salary. composed of technicians and administrative staff and
another composed of the specialized and non-qualified
workers. By collective bargaining agreement, and
Section 2. Electoral Procedures depending on the professional composition of the sector
of productive activity or of the company, a new
professional group adapted to the latter composition
may be established. In such a case, the electoral
Article 69. Elections. regulations of the present Heading shall be adapted to
the corresponding number of professional groups. The
1. Workers’ delegates and works council members shall posts on the committee shall be proportionally
be elected by all the workers through direct, free, distributed in each company in accordance with the
personal and secret suffrage, which may be cast by post number of workers forming the professional electoral
in the manner established by the provisions groups mentioned. Should the division result in
fractioned quotients, the fractioned unit shall be a) Those rendering services in fixed-discontinuous jobs
awarded to the group obtaining the higher fraction, and and workers bound by fixed-term contracts in excess of
if these are equal, the awarding shall be done by lots. one year shall count as permanent workers.
2. As regards works council members, elections shall
adjust to the following rules: b) Workers contracted for a term of up to one year shall
be computed in accordance with the number of days
a) Each voter can give his vote to a single one among the worked during the one-year period before the elections
lists presented for committee members corresponding were called. Every two hundred days worked or fraction
to his professional group. These lists shall contain at thereof shall be computed as one worker.
least as many names as there are posts to be covered.
This notwithstanding, the waiver of any candidate Article 73. Voting Committees.
presented in some of the election lists before the date of
the elections shall not imply the suspension of the
electoral process nor the annulment of the said 1. A Voting Committee for every professional group of
candidacy, even though it is incomplete, provided that 250 voting workers or fraction thereof shall be set up in
the affected list reflects a number of candidates the company or work centre.
equivalent to at least sixty percent of the posts to be
covered. Each list shall reflect the acronym of the union 2. The Voting Committee supervisors shall take charge of
or group of workers presenting it. watching over the entire electoral process, presiding
over the balloting, scrutinizing the ballots, drawing up
b) Those lists that have not obtained a minimum of 5 the pertinent certificate and resolving any complaints
that arise.
percent of the votes for each professional group shall
not have a right to the allocation of representatives in 3. The Voting Committee shall be composed of its
the works council. chairman, who shall be the most senior worker in the
company, and two members, who shall be the oldest
Each list shall be attributed the number of posts that and youngest voter. The latter shall act as secretary.
correspond to it through the system of proportional Substitutes shall be designated for those workers, who
representation, according to the quotient resulting from shall succeed the members of the station in the order
dividing the number of valid votes by the number of indicated according to seniority or age.
posts to be covered. Should there be an excess post or
posts, these shall be allocated to the list or lists having a None of the members of the station may be a
greater remainder of votes. candidate. If this is the case, s/he shall be replaced by
his/her substitute.
c) The candidates within each list shall be elected in
accordance with the order in which they appear in the Each candidate or candidacy, as applicable, may
appoint one inspector per station. Likewise, the
employer may appoint one employer’s representative to
watch over the voting and the scrutiny.
3. In the event of failure to observe any one of the
aforementioned rules, the election of the affected
Article 74. Functions of the Committee.
candidate/s may be subject to annulment.
1. Once notice of the intention to hold elections is given
Article 72. Representatives of Workers rendering
to the company, within a period of seven days, it shall
Services in Fixed-discontinuous Jobs and inform the workers who have to constitute the station as
Non-permanent Workers. well as the workers’ representatives, simultaneously
notifying the promoters of the election.
1. Those rendering services in fixed-discontinuous jobs
and workers bound by fixed-term contracts shall be The Voting Committee shall be formally constituted by
represented by the organs established under this way of the minutes drawn up to that purpose on the
Heading together with the permanent workers on the date set by the promoters in the notification of their
work force. intention to hold elections, which shall be the start date
of the electoral process.
2. Thus, for the purpose of determining number of
2. For the elections of workers’ delegates, the employer,
representatives, the following shall be considered:
within the same period, shall send the workforce census
to the members of the Voting Committee which, for
these purposes, shall be presented on a standard form. following the publication of the final list of voters. The
proclamation shall be made within the two working days
The Voting Committee shall fulfil the following functions: following the end of the said timeline, and published on
the bulletin boards referred to.
a) It shall publish the work force census among the
workers, indicating who the voters are. Complaints against the resolution of proclamation may
be raised in the course of the following working day,
b) It shall determine number of representative s and the with the station resolving the case on the following
deadline for the presentation of candidacies. working day.
There shall be at least five days between the
c) It shall receive and proclaim the candidacies proclamation of candidates and the elections.
Article 75. Election of Delegates and Works councils.
d) It shall indicate the election date.
1. The election shall be held in the work centre or work
e) It shall draw up the certificate of scrutiny within a place during the working day, taking into account the
period not to exceed three calendar days. rules governing voting by post. The employer shall
provide the means necessary for the normal conduct of
The timelines for each phase shall be set forth by the elections and of the entire electoral process.
Voting Committee according to reasonable criteria, as 2. The vote shall be free, secret, personal and direct,
circumstances allow; however, in any case, there shall with ballots of equal characteristics, size, colour, printing
be no more than ten days between its constitution and and paper quality deposited in sealed boxes.
the date of the elections.
3. Immediately after the voting has been held, the
In the case of elections in work centres composed of up Voting Committee shall publicly proceed to the counting
to thirty workers in which a single workers’ delegate is of votes, with the Chairman reading the ballots aloud.
elected, twenty-four hours must elapse between the
4. A certificate of the results of the scrutiny shall be
constitution of the station and the acts of voting and
drawn up in accordance with a standard form, where
proclaiming the candidates-elect, whereby in any case
incidents and protests produced shall be reflected, if
the station must publicly announce the time of the
applicable. Once the certificate has been drawn up, it
elections with sufficient time in advance. Should any shall be signed by the members of the station, the
complaint be filed, this shall be reflected in the inspectors, and the employer’s representative, if there is
certificate, along with the resolution taken by the any. Immediately afterwards, the Voting Committees of
station. one and the same company or centre shall issue the
certificate of the overall election results in a joint
3. Where elections for works council members are session.
involved, once the Voting Committee is formed, the
employer shall be asked for the workforce census and 5. The chairman of the station shall send copies of the
the station shall draw up the list of voters with the certificate of scrutiny to the employer and to the
means that the employer shall have to provide. The list candidates’ inspectors as well as to the
of voters shall be made public on the bulletin boards, representatives-elect.
where it shall be exhibited for a period of not less than The election results shall be published on the bulletin
seventy-two hours. boards.

The Voting Committee shall resolve any incident or 6. The original copy of the certificate, along with the
complaint presented regarding inclusions, exclusions or annulled votes, the ballots challenged by the inspectors,
corrections up to twenty-four hours after the end of the and the minutes of constitution of the station, shall be
exhibition of the list. It shall publish the final list within presented to the public office depending from the
the following twenty-four hours. Thereafter, the station labour authority within an interval of three days by the
or group of stations shall determine the number of Chairman of the station, who may delegate this task in
writing to another member thereof. The public office
committee members to be elected, applying the
depending from the labour authority, on the first
provisions contained in Article 66.
following working day, shall proceed to publish a copy of
the certificate on the bulletin boards, furnishing copy
Candidacies shall be presented during the nine days
thereof to the unions which so request it, and shall
inform the company of the presentation of the registration, and notifying its refusal to the Voting
certificate corresponding to the electoral process that Committee Chairman, the unions that may have
has taken place in the company to the said public office, obtained representation and the rest of the candidacies.
indicating therein the date of the deadline to challenge
it, keeping the ballots in deposit until the deadlines for The resolution refusing registration may be challenged
challenges elapse. Ten working days after the before the labour courts.
publication, the public office depending from the labour
authority shall proceed or not to register the electoral Article 76. Complaints on Electoral Matters.
1. Challenges on electoral matters shall be processed in
7. It falls upon the public office depending from the accordance with the arbitration proceedings regulated
labour authority to register the certificates as well as to by this article, except for refusals of registration,
issue true copies thereof and, upon the petition of the complaints which may be directly formulated before the
union concerned, copies of the certificates accrediting competent jurisdiction.
its representative capacity for the purposes of Articles 6 2. All those having legitimate interest, including the
and 7 of Organic Law 11/1985 of 2 August, on Freedom company when it may also have such interest, may,
of Association. The said certificates shall reflect whether throughout the electoral process, challenge the
or not the union holds the status of most representative elections, the decisions adopted by the Voting
or representative union, unless the exercise of the Committee and any other action thereof, having to base
pertinent functions or authority requires the their charges for on the existence of serious defects that
specification of the particular representative power. may affect the guarantees of the electoral process and
alter its results, on the lack of capacity or legitimation of
Likewise, the public office depending from the labour the candidates elected, discrepancy between the
authority may issue certificates of the election results to certificate and the reality of the electoral process and on
the unions that request them for the pertinent the lack of correlation between the number of workers
purposes. figuring in the election certificate and the number of
The public office depending from the labour authority elected representatives. Challenges to the acts of the
may only refuse to register certificates when the Voting Committees shall require the filing of a complaint
certificates are not issued on the standardized official during the working day following the act, and must be
form, in case of absence of notification of the promotion resolved by the Voting Committee on the next working
of elections to the public office or of the signature of the day, except for what is set forth in the last paragraph of
Voting Committee Chairman, or in case of omission or Article 74.2 of this Law.
illegibility of any data in the certificates impeding
electoral calculations. 3. The arbitrators shall be those designated in
accordance with the procedures regulated in this
In these cases, the public office depending from the section, except if the parties to the arbitration
labour authority, within the following working day, shall proceedings agree on the designation of another
require the Voting Committee Chairman to proceed to arbitrator.
the pertinent remedy within ten working days. Notice of
the said requirement shall be given to the unions that The arbitrator or arbitrators shall be appointed from
have obtained representation and to the rest of the amongst Law graduates, Labour Relations graduates or
candidacies. Once remedy is made, this public office equivalent degree-holders, in accordance with the
shall proceed to register the electoral certificate principles of neutrality and professionalism, by the
concerned. Should the said interval transpire without unanimous agreement of the most representative
remedy having been made, or should this not be made unions on the national or regional levels, as proceeding,
in due form, the public office depending from the labour and those having ten percent or more of the delegates
and works council members in the pertinent provincial,
authority shall proceed, within an interval of ten working
functional or company area. Should there be no
days, to refuse registration, notifying the unions that ma
unanimous agreement among the unions previously set
y have obtained representation and the station
forth, the competent labour authorities shall establish
chairman thereof. Should the refusal of registration be
the manner of appointment, bearing in mind the
due to the absence of notification to the public office principles of impartiality of the arbitrators, the
depending from the labour authority of the promotion possibility of their being challenged, and the
of elections, no requirement to remedy shall be participation of the unions in their appointment.
proceeding, such that once the defect is verified by the The duration of the mandate of arbitrators shall be five
said public office, it shall immediately proceed to refuse
years, subject to renovation. prescription.

The Labour Administration shall facilitate the use of its 6. The public office depending from the labour authority
human and material resources by the arbitrators, to the shall send the writ to the arbitrator on the working day
extent necessary for them to perform their functions. following its receipt, along with a copy of the
administrative electoral file. If any electoral certificates
4. Arbitrators shall abstain in the following cases, being were presented for registration, their processing shall be
subject to challenge should they fail to do so: suspended.

a) Holding personal interests in the case concerned. Twenty-four hours afterwards, the arbitrator shall call
the interested parties to appear before him/her, which
b) Being the administrator of an interested company or shall take place during the next three working days.
entity, or having a dispute with any of the parties. Should the parties come to an agreement prior to
appearing before the arbitrator appointed as set forth in
c) Being a blood relative to the fourth degree or being section three of this article, designating a different
related by marriage to the second with respect to any of arbitrator, they shall notify the public office depending
the interested parties, the administrators of interested from the labour authority thereof so that it may convey
entities or companies and the consultants, legal the administrative electoral case to this arbitrator,
representatives or attorneys intervening in the continuing the rest of the procedures with him.
arbitration, as well as sharing a professional office or
being associated to these for consultancy, for Within the three working days after the proceedings and
representation or as an attorney. subject to the previous investigation of the admissible
evidence in accordance with law, which may include a
d) Having an intimate friendship or manifest enmity with visit to the work centre and a request for the needed
any of the persons mentioned in the preceding section. collaboration of the employer and the Public
Administration, the arbitrator shall pronounce his/her
e) Having a relation of service provision to a physical or award. The award shall be in writing and motivated, and
legal person directly interested in the case, or having shall rule by law on the challenge to the electoral
rendered professional services of any kind in any process and, as applicable, the registration of the
circumstances or place during the last two years. certificate, and notice thereof shall be given to the
interested parties and to the public office depending
5. The arbitration proceedings shall begin by means of a from the labour authority. If the voting has been
writ addressed to the public office depending from the challenged, the office shall proceed to register or refuse
labour authority where elections were promoted and, as to register the certificate, in accordance with the
applicable, to whoever may have presented candidates contents of the award.
to the elections being challenged. This instrument,
which shall reflect the facts being challenged, shall be The arbitration award may be challenged before the
presented within a period of three working days counted Labour Courts through the pertinent procedural
from the day after that on which the facts occurred or modality.
the complaint was resolved by the Voting Committee. In
the case of challenge initiated by unions who have not
presented candidacies in the work centre where the
election was held, the three days shall be computed
from the day on which the item subject to challenge CHAPTER II On the Right to Assembly
becomes known. If acts occurring on the day of the
election or afterwards are challenged, the interval shall
be ten working days counted from the admission of the
certificates into the public office depending from the Article 77. Workers’ Assemblies.
labour authority.
1. In compliance with what is set forth in Article 4 of this
Until the end of the arbitration proceedings and, as Law, the workers of one and the same company or work
applicable, the subsequent challenge before the Courts, centre have the right to meet in assembly.
the processing of any new arbitration proceedings shall The assembly may be called by the workers’ delegates,
be paralyzed. The proposal of arbitration shall interrupt the works council, or by a number of workers not less
than 33 percent of the work force. The assembly shall be
d) Legal closure of the company.
jointly chaired, in any event, by the works council or by
the workers’ delegates, who shall be responsible for the
Meetings to inform about collective bargaining
normal progress thereof, as well as for the presence of
persons not belonging to the company in the assembly. agreements applicable shall not be affected by
It may only deal with matters that have been previously
paragraph b).
included in the agenda. The chairmanship shall inform
the employer of the call and the names of the persons
Article 79. Assembly Call
not belonging to the company who are going to attend
the meeting, and shall agree with it on the appropriate
The assembly call, setting forth the agenda proposed by
measures to prevent harm to the normal activity of the
the proponents, shall be sent to the employer at least
forty-eight hours in advance, whereby receipt thereof
must be confirmed.
2. If, owing to work in shifts, insufficiency of the
premises or any other circumstance, the entire work
Article 80. Voting.
force cannot meet simultaneously without damaging or
altering the normal progress of production, the various
Where the adoption of resolutions affecting the entire
partial meetings that it may be necessary to hold shall
group of workers is submitted to the assembly by the
be considered as a single meeting and bear the date of
proponents, the personal, free, direct and secret
the first meeting.
favourable vote of half plus one of all the workers in the
company or work centre, including votes sent by post,
Article 78. Meeting place.
shall be required for their validity.
1. The meeting place shall be the work centre, if its
conditions so allow, and the meeting shall take place
Article 81. Premises and Bulletin Board.
outside of working hours, unless otherwise agreed with
the employer.
Appropriate premises where workers’ delegates or the
2. The employer shall put the work centre at disposal for
the holding of the meeting, except in the following works council can conduct their activities and
cases: communicate with the workers shall be put at their
disposal, along with one or more bulletin boards, in
a) If the provisions of this Law are not fulfilled. companies or work centres, providing that their
characteristics so permit. The legal representatives of
b) If less than two months have elapsed since the last the workers of contracting and subcontracting
meeting. companies continuously sharing a common work centre
may make use of the said premises under the terms that
c) If damages produced in incidents that have occurred they agree on with the company. Possible discrepancies
shall be resolved by the labour authorities, subject to
in some previous meeting are still outstanding or the prior report of Work Inspection.
compensation for them has still not been guaranteed.


On Collective Bargaining and Collective Bargaining Agreements

CHAPTER I General Provisions Security

Economic grounds are understood to exist when a

Section 1. Nature and Effects of the Agreements negative economic situation can be deduced from
the results of the company, in cases like the existence of
current or foreseen losses, or a persistent decrease of its
normal sales or income. In any case, the decrease will be
Article 82. Concept and Effectiveness. considered as persistent if during two consecutive
trimesters the level of normal income or sales of each
1. Collective bargaining agreements, as the result of the trimester is inferior to the level registered in the same
negotiations undertaken by representatives of works trimester of the previous year.
and employers, embody the expression of the
agreement freely adopted by these by virtue of their Technical grounds are understood to exist when changes
collective autonomy. apply, amongst others, in the sphere of the means or
2. Through collective bargaining agreements, and in instruments of production; organizational grounds when
their corresponding scopes, workers and employers changes apply, amongst others, in the sphere of the
regulate their working and productivity conditions. systems and methods of work or to the way production
Likewise, they may regulate social peace through the is organized, and production grounds in case of change,
obligations agreed upon. amongst others, in the demand of the products or
services the company tries to sell in the market.
3. The collective bargaining agreements regulated by
this Law are binding upon all employers and workers
In absence of legal representation of the workers in the
included within their scope of application, throughout
company, those will have the right to assign their
the entire time of their validity.
representation to a committee appointed pursuant to
article 41.4.
Without prejudice to the above, where economic,
technical, organizational or production grounds exist, by
If the period of consultation ends with an agreement,
agreement between the company and the
the grounds of justifications referred to in the second
representatives of the workers having legitimation to
paragraph will be deemed to exist, and the agreement
negotiate a collective agreement pursuant to Article
can only be challenged before the Labour Courts on
87.1, the working conditions provided in the applicable
grounds of fraud, deceit, duress or abuse of right in its
collective agreement, whether being a sector or
conclusion. The agreement shall define with precision
company agreement, and affecting the following topics,
the new working conditions applicable in the company
can be suspended, pending the realization of a period of
as well as its duration, which cannot be extended further
consultation pursuant to Article 41.4:
than the moment where a new collective bargain
agreement start being applicable in the company. The
a) working time
agreement on the suspension cannot result in the
noncompliance of the obligations laid down in collective
b) schedule and distribution of working time
agreements related to the elimination of discrimination
on grounds of gender or those provided for, if
c) shift work regime
applicable, in the Equality Plan applicable to the
d) remuneration system and amount company. Additionally, the agreement shall be notified
to the Joint Committee of the collective agreement.
e) working system and performance
In case of disagreement during the period of
f) functions, when they exceed the limits provided by consultation, each party has the right to submit the
Article 39 to functional mobility disagreement to the Committee of the collective
agreement, which shall have a maximum period of seven
g) voluntary improvement to protective action by Social days to give its decision, starting on the moment the
disagreement is submitted. In absence of request of the agreements from different scopes.
intervention of the Committee, or if the latter could not
reach an agreement, the parties shall have recourse to Those provisions may also be agreed upon in sector
the procedures provided in Article 83, so as to solve agreements of national or regional character, by those
effectively the disagreements that appeared during unions and employers’ associations with the necessary
the negotiation of the agreements referred to in this legitimation, pursuant to what is provided in this Law.
paragraph, including the prior commitment to submit 3. The said workers’ and employers’ organizations may
disagreements to binding arbitration, in which case the likewise draw up agreements on specific matters. These
arbitration award shall have the same effectiveness as agreements, as well as the inter-professional
the agreement reached during the period of agreements referred to in Section 2 of this Article, shall
consultation and can only be challenged on the grounds enjoy the treatment accorded by this Law to collective
provided in Article 91. bargaining agreements.

If the period of consultations ends without agreement Article 84. Concurrence.

and the procedures referred to in the previous
paragraph do not apply or do not resolve the 1. During its validity, a collective bargaining agreement
disagreement, each party shall have the right to submit may not be affected by what is set forth in agreements
the resolution to the National Collective Bargaining of a different scope, except agreement to the contrary
Agreement Consultation Committee if the suspension of as provided for in Section 2 of Article 83 or what is set
the working conditions affects work centres of the forth in the following section.
company situated within the territory of more than one 2. Regulation of conditions established in a company
Autonomous Community, or to the corresponding agreement, which can be negotiated at any moment
organs of the Autonomous Communities in the other during the validity of collective agreements of a superior
cases. The decision of those organs, which can be scope, shall have priority of application with respect to
adopted within their midst as well as by an arbitrator the sector agreement at state, autonomous community
appointed by them to that purpose with the necessary or inferior level, concerning the following topics:
guarantees to ensure its impartiality, shall have to be
adopted in a maximum period of twenty-five days a) The amount of base salary and of the salary
starting on the date of presentation of the conflict to complements, including those linked to the situation and
those organs. The decision shall have the effectiveness results of the company.
of the agreements reached during the period of
consultation and can only be challenged on the grounds b) Payment or compensation of extra hours and specific
provided in Article 91. retribution of shift work.

The result of the procedures referred to in the previous c) Schedule and distribution of working time, shift work
paragraphs which have ended in the in the suspension of regime, and yearly planning of holidays;
working conditions shall have to be notified to the
labour authority for the purposes of its deposit. d) Adaptation of the system of professional classification
of the workers to the company level;
4. Collective bargaining agreements replacing a previous
agreement may affect the rights acknowledged in that e) Adaptation of the aspects of contract modalities
other. In such a case, the ruling contained in the new attributed by this Law to the company agreements;
agreement shall be completely applicable.
f) Measures to favour work-life balance
Article 83. Bargaining Units.
g) Other topics provided in the agreements and
1. Collective bargaining agreements shall have the scope collective bargaining agreements referred to in Article
of application agreed upon by the parties. 83.2
2. The most representative labour unions and
employers’ associations of national or regional character Collective agreements for a company group or a plurality
may lay down by way of inter-professional agreements of companies linked for organizational or production
provisions on the structure of collective bargaining, reasons and nominally identified, referred to in Article
establishing, if applicable, the rules to resolve the 87.1, shall have the same priority of application for the
conflicts of concurrence between collective bargaining same topics.
The resolutions and agreements referred to in Article 2. Through collective bargaining, it shall be possible to
83.2 may not regulate the priority of application set articulate procedures for the information and
forth in this Article. monitoring of objective dismissals within the
corresponding scope.
3. Except agreement to the contrary pursuant to Article
83.2, those unions and employers’ associations meeting Likewise, without prejudice to the freedom of contract
the requirements of legitimation contained in Articles 87 recognized to the parties, the duty to negotiate equality
and 88 of this Law may, at the level of the Autonomous plans in companies having more than two hundred and
Community, negotiate resolutions or agreements fifty workers shall be given expression through collective
affecting what is set forth in agreements at national negotiation, as follows:
level, provided that said decision obtains the support of
the majorities required to constitute the negotiating a) In collective bargaining agreements on the company
committee in the pertinent bargaining unit. level, the duty to negotiate shall be formalized within
the framework of the negotiation of the said
4. In the case set forth in the preceding paragraph, and agreements.
unless a different regime is applicable pursuant to a
resolution or collective agreement at national level b) In collective bargaining agreements of a level superio
negotiated pursuant to Article 83.2, the probationary r to that of the company, the duty to negotiate shall be
period, contract modalities, professional classification, formalized through the collective bargaining undertaken
maximum yearly working time, disciplinary regime and in the company, under the terms and conditions
minimum standards on health and safety at work and established in the agreements referred to, aimed at
geographical mobility, shall be considered complementing the said duty to negotiate through the
non-negotiable items at the level of the Autonomous pertinent rules on such complementary nature.
3. Without prejudice to the freedom of contract referred
Article 85. Content. to in the preceding paragraph, collective bargaining
agreements shall reflect the following minimal content:
1. Within the respect of the Law, collective bargaining
agreements may regulate matters of an economic, a) Determination of the concluding parties.
labour and union character and, in general any other
matters that may affect working conditions and the area b) Personal, functional, territorial and temporal scope.
of the relations between workers and their
representative organizations and the employer and c) Procedures for the effective solving of discrepancies
employers’ associations, including procedures for that may arise for the suspension of the working
resolving the discrepancies arising during the conditions referred to in Article 83.2, adapting, if
consultation periods provided for in Articles 40, 41, 47 applicable, the procedures established for that purpose
and 51 of this Law. The arbitration awards that may be in inter-professional agreements at national or
dictated for these purposes shall have the same effect Autonomous Community level according to said Article.
and treatment as the agreements emerging from the
consultation periods, being subject to challenge in the d) Form and conditions for the termination of the
same terms as the awards dictated to resolve agreement, as well as period of prior notice for said
controversies deriving from the application of the termination before the end of the period of validity.
e) Appointment of a joint committee of the
Without prejudice to the freedom of the parties to representation of the negotiating parties so as to deal
determine the content of collective bargaining with the matters attributed by this Law and whatever
agreements, in negotiating these, the duty shall exist, in other matter is referred to them, as well as the
any case, to negotiate measures aimed at promoting procedures and due dates of actuation of said
equality in treatment and opportunities between men Committee, including the submission of discrepancies
and women at work or, if applicable, equality plans happening in its midst to non judicial conflict solving
having the scope and content projected in Chapter III of systems established by interprofessional agreements of
Heading IV of the Organic Law for the Effective Equality national or autonomous community level referred to in
between Men and Women. Article 83.

Article 86. Temporal Validity. agreements shall be extended from one year to another
in the absence of express termination by the parties.
1. It is up to the negotiating parties to establish the
duration of the agreements, with the possibility to agree 4. An agreement that succeeds another previous
upon different periods of validity for each topic or agreement supersedes this latter completely, except for
homogenous group of topics within the same the aspects expressly maintained.

2. The validity of a collective agreement, once it has Section 2. Legitimation

been terminated and at the end of the agreed duration,
shall be submitted to the conditions established in the Article 87. Legitimation.
collective agreement itself.
1. In the case of company agreements or agreements of
During negotiations for the renewal of a collective a lesser scope shall have the legitimation to negotiate:
agreement, in absence of a pact, its validity shall be the works council, the workers’ delegates, if applicable,
maintained, even though the provisions in the or the union sections, if present, which jointly have a
agreement containing renunciation to strikes during the majority of the members of the works council.
validity of an agreement shall decay from the moment of
the notification of the termination. The parties may
The intervention of the negotiation shall correspond to
conclude partial agreements for the modification of
the union sections when these agree thereto, provided
some of the extended contents so as to adapt them to
they have a majority of the members of the works
the conditions in which the activity in the sector or the
council or workers’ delegates.
company is developing after the end of the agreed
validity. These agreements shall have the validity agreed
upon by the parties. In case of collective agreements for a company group, as
well as those collective agreements affecting a plurality
Procedures of general and direct application shall have of companies linked for organizational or production
to be established by means of inter-professional grounds and nominally identified in their scope of
agreements at national or autonomous community level, application, legitimation to negotiate in name of the
referred to in Article 83, so as to effectively solve workers shall be established pursuant to section 2 of this
discrepancies existing at the end of the negotiation Article, regulating sector agreements.
procedure without an agreement having been reached,
including the prior compromise to submit discrepancies 2. In the case of sector agreements shall have
to arbitration, in which case the arbitration award shall legitimation to negotiate in representation of the
have the same legal effects as a collective bargaining workers:
agreement and may only be challenged according to the
procedure and based on the grounds referred to in a) The unions considered most representative
Article 91. Those inter-professional agreements shall nationwide as well as the union organizations affiliated,
specify the arbitration criteria and procedure, expressing federated or confederated to them in their respective
in particular the voluntary or compulsory character of scopes.
the submission to arbitration by the parties in case of
impossibility of agreement in the negotiating b) The unions considered as most representative at the
committee; in absence of specific agreement about the level of the Autonomous Community with respect to
voluntary or compulsory character of the submission to agreements that do not transcend the said territorial
arbitration, the latter shall be presumed to have a scope as well as the union organizations affiliated,
compulsory character. federated or confederated to them in their respective
One year after the notification of the termination of the
collective agreement, without a new collective
c) Unions having a minimum of 10 percent of the
agreement having been agreed upon or an arbitration
members of the works council or workers’ delegates in
award having been pronounced, the collective
the geographic and functional scope concerned in the
bargaining agreement shall lose its validity, except
agreement to the contrary, and the applicable collective
agreement of a superior level, if any, shall apply.
3. Shall have legitimation to negotiate in representation
Except agreement to the contrary, collective bargaining of the employers:
and workers’ delegates, if applicable, and to employers
a) For company collective agreements or inferior level, who occupy the majority of workers affected by the
the employer him/herself. collective agreement.

b) For collective agreements for a company group, as In those sectors without organs of worker
well as those collective agreements affecting a plurality representation, the negotiating committee shall be
of companies linked for organizational or production deemed to be validly constituted when it is composed of
grounds and nominally identified in their scope of union organizations which have the condition of most
application, the representation of said companies. representative at national or Autonomous Community
c) For sector-level agreements, the employers’
In those sectors without employers’ associations having
associations which have, in the geographic and
sufficient representativeness, the negotiating committee
functional scope of the collective agreement, 10 percent
shall be deemed validly constituted when it is composed
of the employers, in the sense of Article 1.2 of this Law,
of the national or autonomous community employers’
provided they occupy the same percentage of the
associations referred to in paragraph 2 Article 87.3 c).
affected workers, as well as those employers’
associations which in the same scope occupy 15 per cent 3. The designation of the members of the committee
of the affected workers. shall correspond to the negotiating parties, who, by
mutual agreement, may designate a chairman, and avail
In those sectores without employers’ associations having of the assistance of consultants in the deliberations, who
sufficient representativeness according to the preceding shall intervene with a voice, but without the right to
paragraph, legitimation to negotiate the corresponding vote.
sector collective agreements the employers’ associations
at national level which have at least 10 per cent of the 4. In the case of sector agreements, the number of
companies or workers at national level, as well as the members in representation of each party cannot exceed
employers’ association of the autonomous Community fifteen. For the other collective agreements it cannot
which have a t least 15 per cent of the companies or exceed thirteen.
5. If the negotiating committee opts for the non-election
4. The following shall likewise be legitimized in the of a chairman, the parties shall reflect the procedures to
agreements of national scope: the unions of the be employed for moderating the sessions in the minutes
Autonomous Communities considered as most of the constituting session of the committee, and one
representative in fulfilment of the provisions of Article representative from each group shall sign the minutes
7.1 of the Organic Law on Freedom of Association and corresponding to these, jointly with the secretary.
the employers’ associations of the Autonomous
Community meeting the requirements set forth in
Additional Provision Six of this Law. CHAPTER II Procedures

5. Any union or union federation or confederation, as Section 1. Proceedings, Application and Interpretation
well as any employers’ association which meets the
legitimation requirement, shall have the right to form
part of the negotiating committee.
Article 89. Proceedings.
Article 88. The Negotiating Committee.
1. The workers’ or employers’ representatives
1. The repartition of members with voice and vote promoting the negotiation shall give notice thereof to
within the negotiating committee shall occur in the other party, setting forth in detail, in writing, the
accordance with the right of all those having legitimation legitimation they exercise in accordance with the
pursuant to the preceding Article and in proportion of preceding articles, the scopes of the agreement, and the
their representativeness. matters subject to negotiation. If the promotion is the
2. The negotiating committee shall be validly constituted result of the notification of the termination of a
when the unions or union federations or confederations collective agreement in force, the notice shall take place
and the employers’ associations referred to in the at the same time as the notice of the termination. A
preceding Article represent at least, respectively, the copy of this communication shall be sent to the
absolute majority of the members of the works councils
corresponding labour authority for registration 5. If the labour authority considers that an agreement
purposes, as per the territorial scope of the agreement. violates the law or seriously harms the interest of third
The party receiving the notification may only refuse to parties, it shall address ex officio the competent courts,
initiate negotiations for legally or conventionally which shall adopt the necessary measures so as to
established reasons, or where this does not involve remedy the alleged anomalies, after having heard the
revising an agreement already expired, without parties.
prejudice to what is set forth in Articles 83 and 84. In any
6. Without prejudice to what is set forth in the preceding
event, the response must be motivated and set forth in
section, the labour authority shall see to the observance
of the principle of equality in collective bargaining
agreements that may contain direct or indirect gender
Both parties are obliged to negotiate under the principle
of good faith.
For such purposes, it may obtain assessment from the
In case of violence to persons as well as property and Women’s Institute or from the regional government
both parties verify its existence, the negotiation in agencies on equality, in keeping with territorial scope.
course shall immediately be suspended until such Where the labour authority may have addressed the
incidents disappear. competent jurisdiction on considering that the collective
bargaining agreement possibly contains discriminatory
2. The negotiating committee shall be constituted within clauses, it shall make the matter known to the Instituto
a maximum period of one month from the receipt of the de la Mujer or to the government agencies on equality of
notice. The party receiving it shall respond to the the Autonomous Communities, in function of the
proposal of negotiation, whereupon both parties may territorial scope, without prejudice to what is set forth in
establish a calendar or negotiation plan. Article 95, Section 3 of the Law on Labour Procedure.
3. The resolutions of the commission shall, in any case,
Article 91. Application and Interpretation of the
require the favourable vote of the majority of each
collective bargaining agreement.
representative delegation.

4. At any moment of the deliberations, the parties may 1. Regardless of the competence legally attributed to the
agree upon the intervention of a mediator designated by competent courts, the joint committee shall know and
them. resolve upon conflicts arising from the general
application and interpretation of collective bargaining
Article 90. Formal Validity. agreements.
2. Notwithstanding what is set forth in the preceding
1. The collective bargaining agreements to which this paragraph, in collective bargaining agreements and in
Law refers have to be consigned in writing, under the agreements referred to by Article 83.2 and 83.3 of
sanction of nullity. this Law, procedures such as mediation and arbitration
may be established to solve the collective disputes
2. The agreements must be presented to the competent arising from the application and interpretation of
labour authority for the sole purpose of registration collective bargaining agreements. The agreements
within a period of fifteen days from their having been achieved through mediation and the arbitration awards
signed by the negotiating parties. Once they are shall have the legal effects and be processed as the
registered, they shall be sent to the competent public collective bargaining agreements regulated by the
agency for mediation, arbitration and conciliation for present Law, provided that those who adopted the
deposit. agreement or endorsed the arbitration compromise
enjoy the legitimation enabling them to conclude a
3. Within a maximum period of twenty days from the
presentation of the agreement to the register, the collective bargaining agreement, within the scope of the
labour authority shall see to its mandatory, free of conflict, as provided for by Articles 87, 88 and 89 of this
charge publication in the “Boletín Ofical del Estado” Law.
[Official Gazette] or, depending on its territorial scope,
in the Official Gazette of the corresponding Autonomous These agreements and awards may be challenged based
Community Government or province. on the grounds and in accordance with the procedures
provided for collective bargaining agreements. In
4. The agreement shall come into force on the date particular, arbitration awards may be appealed in the
agreed on by the parties. event that the requirements and formalities stipulated
for arbitration proceedings have not been observed in agreement in force, provided that they are not affected
their conduct, or where the award rules on points which by another, informing the competent labour authority
were not subjected to its decision. thereof for registration purposes.

3. In case of industrial dispute related to the 2. The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs or the
interpretation or application of the collective bargaining Autonomous Community government agency
agreement, the Joint Committee of the same shall competent on the matter may extend the provisions of a
intervene prior to the formal presentation of the dispute collective bargaining agreement in force to a group of
companies and workers, or to an activity sector or
in the context of the non judicial procedures referred to
subsector, with the effects provided for in Article 82.3 of
in the preceding paragraph or before the competent
this Law, owing to the damages that may be caused to
these by the impossibility of subscribing a collective
bargaining agreement in the said area of the type
4. The resolutions of the Joint Committee on
contemplated in this Heading III, due to the absence of
interpretation and application of the collective
parties legitimized for the purpose.
bargaining agreement shall have the same legal effects
and be submitted to the same proceedings as the The decision to extend such coverage shall be adopted
collective bargaining agreements regulated by this Law. subject to the petition of a party, through the
procedures that the regulations may determine, the
5. These procedures may likewise be used in individual
duration of which may not exceed three months,
disputes where the parties expressly submit to them. whereby the absence of express resolution within the
interval established shall have the effect of refusal of the
Section 2. Adhesion and Extension
Article 92. Adhesion and Extension.
Those who are legitimized to advocate collective
bargaining in the pertinent area in accordance with the
1. In their respective bargaining units, the parties
provisions contained in Articles 87.2 and 87.3 of this Law
legitimized to negotiate, may, by mutual agreement,
shall have the capacity to initiate the procedure of
adhere to the totality of a collective bargaining


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