1.6 Technical Condition Load Bearing Towers

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6 Technical Condition Load Bearing Towers

Function, assembly condition

Security spring (Staxo, Staxo 100, Aluxo),

latch bolt resp. pawl plug with latch bolt:
Must exist and must be fully functional.
Must exist and must be fully functional, that
means that they must lock in both endposi-
tions. Plastic filler must be intact

e.g. bent latch bolts not allowed.

Connecting sleeves (Staxo, Staxo 100,

Must be movable, pulled out, straight and
secured in the right position.

e.g. Connecting sleeve secured by security

spring in the right and in the wrong position.

Type label:
Must exist at least once, so that the type of the
frame is identified.

At a glance I 50
1.6 Technical Condition Load Bearing Towers
Hinge at diagonal cross:
Must have ease of movement, colour clip must

At a glance I 51
1.6 Technical Condition Load Bearing Towers

Deformations and bendings

Deformations (dents, contractions)

Staxo 100-frame 1.80m:

The function of screw jack head, screw jack
foot und heavy duty screw jack as well as
connecting sleeves resp. couplers must still be

Staxo 100-frame 1.20m and 0.90m:

At a glance I 52
1.6 Technical Condition Load Bearing Towers
Staxo 100-frame 1.20m and 0.90m:
Protection against slipping must be assured.

Distance between axles = minimum 1497mm,

maximum 1503mm

Staxo 40-frame 1.20m and 0.90m:

Bending up to 4mm allowed at vertical profile

of the 1.80m large frames.

At a glance I 53
1.6 Technical Condition Load Bearing Towers
Bending up to 8mm allowed at the diagonal
and cross profile of the frame, except the Staxo
40-frame and the Staxo 100-frame.
Allowed at the Staxo 100 ladder beam.

e.g. cross profile

e.g. too strong deformation on the diagonal


Dents and contractions up to 2mm generally

Connecting sleeve and heavy duty screw jack
must nevertheless have ease of movement.

e.g. too strong deformation of Staxo frame.

At a glance I 54
1.6 Technical Condition Load Bearing Towers
Deformations up to 6mm allowed at the cross
profile. Edge must be straight (punctual
deformation <1mm).
Connecting sleeve and heavy duty screw jack
must nevertheless have ease of movement.

e.g. too strong deformation at frame cross

profile of Staxo frame.

Deformations larger than 6mm on the climbing

rungs or rather on the rungs of the integrated
climbing aid allowed.
The remaining frame-geometry must not be
affected and no welding seam cracks exist.

e.g. deformation of the rungs

Bending up to 3mm:
Allowed at diagonal and horizontal struts as
well as diagonal crosses with a length <2m.
However the squeezed end must be straight.

e.g. too much deformed diagonal cross

At a glance I 55
1.6 Technical Condition Load Bearing Towers

Bending up to 5mm:
Allowed at diagonal and horizontal struts as
well as diagonal crosses with a length > 2m.
However the squeezed end must be straight.

z.B: squeezed end

Not allowed.

At a glance I 56

At a glance I 57

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